How to fetch string from a JSON array stored in Amazon Redshift column? - amazon-web-services

I have a database stored in Amazon Redshift and an array is stored in table column in JSON format.
How to fetch a string from array?

Using json_extract_path_text you can retrieve values from a column
In Redshift database I have JSON in one column
This query performs join and to get seperate column results.
SELECT json_extract_path_text(O._doc,'domain') AS Domain,
json_extract_path_text(P._doc,'email') AS Email
FROM intelligense_mongo.organisations AS O
INNER JOIN intelligense_mongo.people AS P
ON json_extract_path_text(O._doc,'_id') =
json_extract_path_text(O._doc,'tools_name') = '%"WordPress"%'

select json_extract_path_text('{"f2":{"f3":1},"f4":{"f5":99,"f6":"star"}}','f4', 'f6');


Athena insert data into new added column

Trying to insert data into a new column I added. Athena does not have an update table command. Is there anyway to do this without reloading the whole table?
I created a test table and then added the column doing this:
ALTER TABLE MikeTest ADD COLUMNS (monthNum int);
I want to update the column with this SQL statement:
month(date_parse("date", '%m/%d/%Y'))
Amazon Athena reads its data from Amazon S3. It is not possible to 'update' a table because this would require re-writing the files in S3.
You could create a new table with the additional column:
CREATE TABLE new_table
external_location = 's3://my_athena_results/folder/',
format = 'Parquet',
write_compression = 'SNAPPY'
month(date_parse("date", '%m/%d/%Y')) as month
from old_table
This will copy the data to a new location in S3, while populating the new column

Reading Json data from Athena

i have created a table by mapping the json data, unfortunately i am not able to read the nested array within the json.
```athena table
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE source_master_data(
total bigint,
count bigint,
values struct<source: array<struct<sourceid: string>>>
LOCATION 's3://sourcemaster/'
I am trying to read the sourceid and source but no luck.. can anyone help me out
select t1.source.sourceid
from source_master_data
cross join UNNEST(source_master_data.Values) AS t1
The unnest need to be placed on the array type. In your query, you are trying to unnest the struct which is not possible in Athena.
The second issue is the use of values without quotes. This also fails, because values is a reserved word in Athena.
The overall query would look something like this.
select t1.source.sourceid
from source_master_data
cross join UNNEST(source_master_data."values".source) AS t1 (source)

Amazon Athena : How to store results after querying with skipping column headers?

I ran a simple query using Athena dashboard on data of format csv.The result was a csv with column headers.
When storing the results,Athena stores with the column headers in s3.How can i skip storing header column names,as i have to make new table from the results and it is repetitive
Try "skip.header.line.count"="1", This feature has been available on AWS Athena since 2018-01-19, here's a sample:
`field1` string,
`field2` string,
`field3` string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'
'separatorChar' = ',',
'quoteChar' = '\"',
'escapeChar' = '\\'
LOCATION 's3://fileLocation/'
TBLPROPERTIES ('skip.header.line.count'='1')
You can refer to this question:
Aws Athena - Create external table skipping first row
From an Eric Hammond post on AWS Forums:
date NOT LIKE '#%'
I found this works! The steps I took:
Run an Athena query, with the output going to Amazon S3
Created a new table pointing to this output based on How do I use the results of my Amazon Athena query in another query?, changing the path to the correct S3 location
Ran a query on the new table with the above WHERE <datefield> NOT LIKE '#%'
However, subsequent queries store even more data in that S3 directory, so it confuses any subsequent executions.

How can I check the partition list from Athena in AWS?

I want to check the partition lists in Athena.
I used query like this.
show partitions table_name
But I want to search specific table existed.
So I used query like below but there was no results returned.
show partitions table_name partition(dt='2010-03-03')
Because dt contains hour data also.
dt='2010-03-03-01', dt='2010-03-03-02', ...........
So is there any way to search when I input '2010-03-03' then it search '2010-03-03-01', '2010-03-03-02'?
Do I have to separate partition like this?
dt='2010-03-03', dh='01'
And show partitions table_name returned only 500 rows in Hive. Is the same in Athena also?
In Athena v2:
Use this SQL:
FROM db_name."table_name$partitions"
WHERE dt LIKE '2010-03-03-%'
(see the official aws docs)
In Athena v1:
There is a way to return the partition list as a resultset, so this can be filtered using LIKE. But you need to use the internal information_schema database like this:
SELECT partition_value
FROM information_schema.__internal_partitions__
WHERE table_schema = '<DB_NAME>'
AND table_name = '<TABLE_NAME>'
AND partition_value LIKE '2010-03-03-%'

AWS Athena flattened data from nested JSON source

I'd like to create a table from a nested JSON in Athena. The solutions described here using tools like hive Openx-JsonSerDe attempt to mirror the JSON data in the SQL statement. I just want to get a few fields from the JSON file and create the table. I can't seem to find any resources on how to do that.
JSON file {"records": [{"a": "data1", "b": "data2", "c": "data3"}]}
The table I'd like to create just only has columns a and b
I think what you are trying to achieve is unnesting the array to transform one array entry into one row.
This is possible through the correct querying of your data structure.
table definition:
CREATE external TABLE complex (
records array<struct<a:string,b:string>>
LOCATION 's3://bucket/test1/';
select record.a,record.b from complex
cross join UNNEST(complex.records) as t1(record);