python multiprocessing Pool in Cluster - python-2.7

I am using the following code (example) to do parallel processing in a cluster.
It runs perfectly in the cluster using all available cores in a Node just by typing:
from multiprocessing import Pool
import glob
from import fits
def read(files):
if __name__ == '__main__':
files= glob.glob("*.fits*")
nfiles = len(files)
pool = Pool(), files)
However, when I submit the batch job using
srun -N 1 python
It seems to use only 1 core not all the available cores in that node.
What should I change to distribute nfiles in a node among all the cores such that each core will get nfiles/ncores.

That is because you are specifying -N 1 which means 1 node is assigned to the call python Also, the default value for another flag -n is 1. Change it to -N nnodes where nnodes equals the number of nodes that you intend to run your script on and specify -n ncores where ncores is equal to the number of cores on each node. If your nodes are heterogenous, then you may run the risk of setting up more tasks than cores on each node or idle cores on nodes.
For more documentation on the above flags see here.


Why celery not executing parallelly in Django?

I am having a issue with the celery , I will explain with the code
def samplefunction(request):
print("This is a samplefunction")
return Response({msg:" process execution started"}
#celery_app.task(name="sample celery", base=something)
def myceleryfunction(a,b):
c = a+b
my_obj = MyModel()
my_obj.value = c
In my case one person calling the celery it will work perfectly
If many peoples passing the request it will process one by one
So imagine that my celery function "myceleryfunction" take 3 Min to complete the background task .
So if 10 request are coming at the same time, last one take 30 Min delay to complete the output
How to solve this issue or any other alternative .
Thank you
I'm assuming you are running a single worker with default settings for the worker.
This will have the worker running with worker_pool=prefork and worker_concurrency=<nr of CPUs>
If the machine it runs on only has a single CPU, you won't get any parallel running tasks.
To get parallelisation you can:
set worker_concurrency to something > 1, this will use multiple processes in the same worker.
start additional workers
use celery multi to start multiple workers
when running the worker in a docker container, add replica's of the container
See Concurrency for more info.

OpenMP code is using only 4 threads instead of the specified 72

I have a program written by someone else that uses OpenMP. I am running it on a cluster that uses Slurm as its job manager. Despite setting OMP_NUM_THREADS=72 and properly requesting 72 cores for the job, the job is only using four cores.
I have already used scontrol show job <job_id> --details to verify that there are 72 cores assigned to the job. I have also remoted into the node that the job is running on and used htop to inspect it. It was running 72 threads, all on four cores. It is worth noting that this is on an SMT4 power9 cpu, meaning that each physical core executes 4 simultaneous threads. Ultimately, it looks like openMP is putting all threads on one physical core. This is further complicated by the fact that this is an IBM system. I can't seem to find any useful documentation on more fine control of the openMP environment. Everything I find is for Intel.
I have also tried using taskset to manually change the affinity. This worked as intended and moved one of the threads to an unused core. The program continued to work as intended after this.
I could theoretically write a script to find all of the threads and call taskset to assign them to cores in a logical way, but I am afraid to do this. It seems like a bad idea to me. It would also take a while.
I guess my main question would be, is this a Slurm problem, an openMP problem, an IBM problem or a user error? Is there some environment variable I don't know about that I need to set? Will it break Slurm if I manually call taskset using a script? I would use scontrol to figure out which cpus are assigned to the job if I did that. I don't want to anger the people who run the cluster by messing things up though.
Here is the submission script. I can't include any of the actual running code due to license issues though. I'm hoping this will just be a simple matter of fixing an environment variable. The MPI_OPTIONS variables were recommended by the guy who administers the system. If by some chance someone here has worked with the ENKI cluster before, that's where this is running.
cat > <<!
#SBATCH --partition=general
#SBATCH --time 2:00:00
#SBATCH -o log
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-socket=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=72
#SBATCH -c 72
#SBATCH -D $wrk_path
cd $wrk_path
module load openmpi/3.1.3/2019
module load pgi/2019
MPI_OPTIONS="--mca btl_openib_if_include mlx5_0"
MPI_OPTIONS="$MPI_OPTIONS --bind-to socket --map-by socket --report-bindings"
time mpirun $MPI_OPTIONS ~/bin/pgmc-enki > out.dat
Edit: Fix resulted in a 7x speedup when using 72 cores, vs. just running on 4 cores. Considering the nature of the calculations being run, this is pretty good.
Edit 2: Fix resulted in a 17x speedup when using 160 vs. just running on 4 cores.
This might not work for everyone, but I have a really hacky solution. I wrote a python script that uses psutil to find all threads that are children of the running process and set their affinity manually. This script uses scontrol to figure out which cpus are assigned to the job and uses taskset to force the threads to distribute across those cpus.
So far the process is running a lot faster. I'm sure that forcing CPU affinity isn't the best way to do it, but its a lot better than not using the available resources at all.
Here is the basic idea behind the code. The program I am running is called pgmc, hence the variable names. You will need to create an anaconda environment with psutil installed if you are running on a system like mine.
import psutil
import subprocess
import os
import sys
import time
# Gets the id for the current job.
def get_job_id():
return os.environ["SLURM_JOB_ID"]
# Returns a list of processors assigned to the job and the total number of cpus
# assigned to the job.
def get_proc_info():
run_str = 'scontrol show job %s --details'%get_job_id()
stdout = subprocess.getoutput(run_str)
id_spec = None
num_cpus = None
chunks = stdout.split(' ')
for chunk in chunks:
if chunk.lower().startswith("cpu_ids"):
id_spec = chunk.split('=')[1]
start, stop = id_spec.split('-')
id_spec = list(range(int(start), int(stop) + 1))
if chunk.lower().startswith('numcpus'):
num_cpus = int(chunk.split('=')[1])
if id_spec is not None and num_cpus is not None:
return id_spec, num_cpus
raise Exception("Couldn't find information about the allocated cpus.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Before we do anything, make sure that we can get the list of cpus
# assigned to the job. Once we have that, run the command line supplied.
cpus, cpu_count = get_proc_info()
if len(cpus) != cpu_count:
raise Exception("CPU list didn't match CPU count.")
# If we successefully got to here, run the command line.
program_name = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])
pgmc = subprocess.Popen(sys.argv[1:])
pid = [proc for proc in psutil.process_iter() if == "your program name here"][0].pid
# Now that we have the pid of the pgmc process, we need to get all
# child threads of the process.
pgmc_proc = psutil.Process(pid)
pgmc_threads = list(pgmc_proc.threads())
# Now that we have a list of threads, we loop over available cores and
# assign threads to them. Once this is done, we wait for the process
# to complete.
while len(pgmc_threads) != 0:
for core_id in cpus:
if len(pgmc_threads) != 0:
thread_id = pgmc_threads[-1].id
taskset_string = 'taskset -cp %i %i'%(core_id, thread_id)
# All of the threads should now be assigned to a core.
# Wait for the process to exit.
print("program terminated, exiting . . . ")
Here is the submission script used.
cat > <<!
#SBATCH --partition=general
#SBATCH --time 2:00:00
#SBATCH -o log
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-socket=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=72
#SBATCH -c 72
#SBATCH -D $wrk_path
cd $wrk_path
module purge
module load openmpi/3.1.3/2019
module load pgi/2019
module load anaconda3
# This is the anaconda environment I created with psutil installed.
conda activate psutil-node
# The two MPI_OPTIONS lines are specific to this cluster if I'm not mistaken.
# You probably won't need them.
MPI_OPTIONS="--mca btl_openib_if_include mlx5_0"
MPI_OPTIONS="$MPI_OPTIONS --bind-to socket --map-by socket --report-bindings"
time python3 mpirun $MPI_OPTIONS ~/bin/pgmc-enki > out.dat
My main reason for including the submission script is to demonstrate how the python script is used. More specifically, you call it, with your real job as an argument.

How to run 10 processes at a time from a list of 1000 processes in python 2.7

def get_url(url):
# conditions
import multiprocessing
threads = []
thread = multiprocessing.Process(target=get_url,args=(url))
for st in threads:
Now i want to execute 10 requests at a time, once those 10 are completed. Pick other 10 and so on. I was going through the documentation but i haven't found any use case. I am using this module for the first time. Any help would be appreciated.

Limit total CPU usage in python multiprocessing

I am using multiprocessing.Pool.imap to run many independent jobs in parallel using Python 2.7 on Windows 7. With the default settings, my total CPU usage is pegged at 100%, as measured by Windows Task Manager. This makes it impossible to do any other work while my code runs in the background.
I've tried limiting the number of processes to be the number of CPUs minus 1, as described in How to limit the number of processors that Python uses:
pool = Pool(processes=max(multiprocessing.cpu_count()-1, 1)
for p in pool.imap(func, iterable):
This does reduce the total number of running processes. However, each process just takes up more cycles to make up for it. So my total CPU usage is still pegged at 100%.
Is there a way to directly limit the total CPU usage - NOT just the number of processes - or failing that, is there any workaround?
The solution depends on what you want to do. Here are a few options:
Lower priorities of processes
You can nice the subprocesses. This way, though they will still eat 100% of the CPU, when you start other applications, the OS gives preference to the other applications. If you want to leave a work intensive computation run on the background of your laptop and don't care about the CPU fan running all the time, then setting the nice value with psutils is your solution. This script is a test script which runs on all cores for enough time so you can see how it behaves.
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
import math
import psutil
import os
def f(i):
return math.sqrt(i)
def limit_cpu():
"is called at every process start"
p = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
# set to lowest priority, this is windows only, on Unix use ps.nice(19)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# start "number of cores" processes
pool = Pool(None, limit_cpu)
for p in pool.imap(f, range(10**8)):
The trick is that limit_cpu is run at the beginning of every process (see initializer argment in the doc). Whereas Unix has levels -19 (highest prio) to 19 (lowest prio), Windows has a few distinct levels for giving priority. BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS probably fits your requirements best, there is also IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS which says Windows to run your process only when the system is idle.
You can view the priority if you switch to detail mode in Task Manager and right click on the process:
Lower number of processes
Although you have rejected this option it still might be a good option: Say you limit the number of subprocesses to half the cpu cores using pool = Pool(max(cpu_count()//2, 1)) then the OS initially runs those processes on half the cpu cores, while the others stay idle or just run the other applications currently running. After a short time, the OS reschedules the processes and might move them to other cpu cores etc. Both Windows as Unix based systems behave this way.
Windows: Running 2 processes on 4 cores:
OSX: Running 4 processes on 8 cores:
You see that both OS balance the process between the cores, although not evenly so you still see a few cores with higher percentages than others.
If you absolutely want to go sure, that your processes never eat 100% of a certain core (e.g. if you want to prevent that the cpu fan goes up), then you can run sleep in your processing function:
from time import sleep
def f(i):
return math.sqrt(i)
This makes the OS "schedule out" your process for 0.01 seconds for each computation and makes room for other applications. If there are no other applications, then the cpu core is idle, thus it will never go to 100%. You'll need to play around with different sleep durations, it will also vary from computer to computer you run it on. If you want to make it very sophisticated you could adapt the sleep depending on what cpu_times() reports.
On the OS level
you can use nice to set a priority to a single command. You could also start a python script with nice. (Below from:
The nice command tweaks the priority level of a process so that it runs less frequently. This is useful when you need to run a
CPU intensive task as a background or batch job. The niceness level
ranges from -20 (most favorable scheduling) to 19 (least favorable).
Processes on Linux are started with a niceness of 0 by default. The
nice command (without any additional parameters) will start a process
with a niceness of 10. At that level the scheduler will see it as a
lower priority task and give it less CPU resources.Start two
matho-primes tasks, one with nice and one without:
nice matho-primes 0 9999999999 > /dev/null &matho-primes 0 9999999999 > /dev/null &
matho-primes 0 9999999999 > /dev/null &
Now run top.
As a function in Python
Another approach is to use psutils to check your CPU load average for the past minute and then have your threads check the CPU load average and spool up another thread if you are below the specified CPU load target, and sleep or kill the thread if you are above the CPU load target. This will get out of your way when you are using your computer, but will maintain a constant CPU load.
# Import Python modules
import time
import os
import multiprocessing
import psutil
import math
from random import randint
# Main task function
def main_process(item_queue, args_array):
# Go through each link in the array passed in.
while not item_queue.empty():
# Get the next item in the queue
item = item_queue.get()
# Create a random number to simulate threads that
# are not all going to be the same
randomizer = randint(100, 100000)
for i in range(randomizer):
algo_seed = math.sqrt(math.sqrt(i * randomizer) % randomizer)
# Check if the thread should continue based on current load balance
if spool_down_load_balance():
print "Process " + str(os.getpid()) + " saying goodnight..."
# This function will build a queue and
def start_thread_process(queue_pile, args_array):
# Create a Queue to hold link pile and share between threads
item_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
# Put all the initial items into the queue
for item in queue_pile:
# Append the load balancer thread to the loop
load_balance_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=spool_up_load_balance, args=(item_queue, args_array))
# Loop through and start all processes
# This .join() function prevents the script from progressing further.
# Spool down the thread balance when load is too high
def spool_down_load_balance():
# Get the count of CPU cores
core_count = psutil.cpu_count()
# Calulate the short term load average of past minute
one_minute_load_average = os.getloadavg()[0] / core_count
# If load balance above the max return True to kill the process
if one_minute_load_average > args_array['cpu_target']:
print "-Unacceptable load balance detected. Killing process " + str(os.getpid()) + "..."
return True
# Load balancer thread function
def spool_up_load_balance(item_queue, args_array):
print "[Starting load balancer...]"
# Get the count of CPU cores
core_count = psutil.cpu_count()
# While there is still links in queue
while not item_queue.empty():
print "[Calculating load balance...]"
# Check the 1 minute average CPU load balance
# returns 1,5,15 minute load averages
one_minute_load_average = os.getloadavg()[0] / core_count
# If the load average much less than target, start a group of new threads
if one_minute_load_average < args_array['cpu_target'] / 2:
# Print message and log that load balancer is starting another thread
print "Starting another thread group due to low CPU load balance of: " + str(one_minute_load_average * 100) + "%"
# Start another group of threads
for i in range(3):
start_new_thread = multiprocessing.Process(target=main_process,args=(item_queue, args_array))
# Allow the added threads to have an impact on the CPU balance
# before checking the one minute average again
# If load average less than target start single thread
elif one_minute_load_average < args_array['cpu_target']:
# Print message and log that load balancer is starting another thread
print "Starting another single thread due to low CPU load balance of: " + str(one_minute_load_average * 100) + "%"
# Start another thread
start_new_thread = multiprocessing.Process(target=main_process,args=(item_queue, args_array))
# Allow the added threads to have an impact on the CPU balance
# before checking the one minute average again
# Print CPU load balance
print "Reporting stable CPU load balance: " + str(one_minute_load_average * 100) + "%"
# Sleep for another minute while
if __name__=="__main__":
# Set the queue size
queue_size = 10000
# Define an arguments array to pass around all the values
args_array = {
# Set some initial CPU load values as a CPU usage goal
"cpu_target" : 0.60,
# When CPU load is significantly low, start this number
# of threads
"thread_group_size" : 3
# Create an array of fixed length to act as queue
queue_pile = list(range(queue_size))
# Set main process start time
start_time = time.time()
# Start the main process
start_thread_process(queue_pile, args_array)
print '[Finished processing the entire queue! Time consuming:{0} Time Finished: {1}]'.format(time.time() - start_time, time.strftime("%c"))
In Linux:
Use nice() with a numerical value:
#on Unix use ps.nice(10) for very low priority

Celery - run different workers on one server

I have 2 kind of tasks :
Type1 - A few of high priority small tasks.
Type2 - Lot of heavy tasks with lower priority.
Initially i had simple configuration with default routing, no routing keys were used. It was not sufficient - sometimes all workers were busy with Type2 Tasks, so Task1 were delayed.
I've added routing keys:
"default": {
"binding_key": "task.#",
"highs": {
"binding_key": "starter.#",
"search.starter.start": {
"queue": "highs",
"routing_key": "starter.starter",
So now i have 2 queues - with high and low priority tasks.
Problem is - how to start 2 celeryd's with different concurrency settings?
Previously celery was used in daemon mode(according to this), so only start of /etc/init.d/celeryd start was required, but now i have to run 2 different celeryds with different queues and concurrency. How can i do it?
Based on the above answer, I formulated the following /etc/default/celeryd file (originally based on the configuration described in the docs here: which works for running two celery workers on the same machine, each worker servicing a different queue (in this case the queue names are "default" and "important").
Basically this answer is just an extension of the previous answer in that it simply shows how to do the same thing, but for celery in daemon mode. Please note that we are using django-celery here:
# Where to chdir at start.
# Python interpreter from environment.
# How to call " celeryd_multi"
# How to call " celeryctl"
# Extra arguments to celeryd
# Longest task: 10 hrs (as of writing this, the UpdateQuanitites task takes 5.5 hrs)
CELERYD_OPTS="-Q:w1 default -c:w1 2 -Q:w2 important -c:w2 2 --time-limit=36000 -E"
# Name of the celery config module.
# %n will be replaced with the nodename.
# Name of the projects settings module.
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="settings"
# celerycam configuration
# Where to chdir at start.
# Path to celerybeat
# Extra arguments to celerybeat. This is a file that will get
# created for scheduled tasks. It's generated automatically
# when Celerybeat starts.
# Log level. Can be one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL.
# Log file locations
It seems answer - celery-multi - is currently not documented well.
What I needed can be done by the following command:
celeryd-multi start 2 -Q:1 default -Q:2 starters -c:1 5 -c:2 3 --loglevel=INFO --pidfile=/var/run/celery/${USER} --logfile=/var/log/celeryd.${USER}%n.log
What we do is starting 2 workers, which are listening to different queues (-Q:1 is default, Q:2 is starters ) with different concurrencies -c:1 5 -c:2 3
Another alternative is to give the worker process a unique name -- using the -n argument.
I have two Pyramid apps running on the same physical hardware, each with its own celery instance(within their own virtualenvs).
They both have Supervisor controlling both of them, both with a unique supervisord.conf file.
command=%(here)s/../bin/celery worker -n ${HOST}.app1--app=app1.queue -l debug
[2013-12-27 10:36:24,084: WARNING/MainProcess] celery#maz.local.app1 ready.
command=%(here)s/../bin/celery worker -n ${HOST}.app2 --app=app2.queue -l debug
[2013-12-27 10:35:20,037: WARNING/MainProcess] celery#maz.local.app2 ready.
An update:
In Celery 4.x, below would work properly:
celery multi start 2 -Q:1 celery -Q:2 starters -A $proj_name
Or if you want to designate instance's name, you could:
celery multi start name1 name2 -Q:name1 celery -Q:name2 queue_name -A $proj_name
However, I find it would not print details logs on screen then if we use celery multi since it seems only a script shortcut to boot up these instances.
I guess it would also work if we start these instances one by one manually by giving them different node names but -A the same $proj_name though it's a bit of a wasting of time.
Btw, according to the official document, you could kill all celery workers simply by:
ps auxww | grep 'celery worker' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9