Move project into a solution (sub)folder (using premake5/VisualStudio2017) - visual-studio-2017

I'm using Visual Studio 2017 and the premake 5 programs.
To generate my projects I have my workspace in my premake5.lua file.
Becose my project is referencing other projects from older solutions, I can just include those basicaly with there own premake5.lua file to generate that specific project, for example shown here. As you can see, the whole source code and premake5.lua is in included as a github submodule into my current solution, so I cannot change that premake5.lua file.
The solutions premake5.lua file looks like:
workspace WorkSpaceName
-- glfw project
include "git submodule premake5.lua filename"
-- main project
project MainProjectName
As of now, inside VisualStudio I got a file structure like
- Main project (with premake5.lua file)
- glfw project (github submodule, with own premake5.lua)
- ... (other projects in solution)
My question: Can I move the project glfw inside a solution subfolder from inside the premake5.lua file in the main project without touching the file from the git submodule? Then my file structure would look like:
- Main project (with premake5.lua file)
- <FolderName>
- glfw project (github submodule, with own premake5.lua)
- ... (other projects in solution/<FolderName>)
- ... (other projects in solution)
Kind regards

I found my own solution afther 2 long hours of searching:
By adding the projects to a group, they appear in a virtual folder.
group "Dependecies"
include "git submodule premake5.lua filename"
group "" -- end of "Dependensies"


correspondence between muti cmakelists.txt file and vs project structure that created by cmake vs geneator?

I'm trying to build a visual studio c++ project under windows by cmake, there are two cmakelists.txt file in my source, and they are't parent-child relationship, main cmakelists.txt link library and add executable, the other one is only responsible for collating the dependent path to the global variable and passing to main cmakelists.txt file use.
At the beginning of executing cmake script, i pass the build dir path by command line parameter "-B".
Final i got the output file, but the structure of result direcotry puzzled me.Main-cmakelists.txt generate configuration file to build folder that was specified by earlier. But the other one cmakelists.txt, which generate configuration file outside, and one level heigher than specified build folder, and the folder with same name as the folder where sub-cmakelists.txt located.
I tried to find answer in offical documents and book like cmakecookbook, currently, no relevant entry found.
How can i specify the path for the generator ouput of sub-cmakelists.txt? I want to unify same build root folder for all cmakelists.
Is there have some professional tutorial introduction about correspondence between cmake file and vs project file?
enter image description here
The second parameter of add_subdirectory() command, can specify the binary_dir path to place the output file for sub-cmakelist.

Project Linking and Compiling files

I want to start building a project and I have the following folder structure:
I have the MinGW compiler and I don't know how to compile all .cpp files. I know the command g++ *.cpp -o main for compiling all the files, but works only for files in the same folder.
Should I move all my files to the src folder? Should I change the project structure?
Also, I'm really doubtful if I should use CMake or not.
I decided to go with CMake which made my life easier.
For a barebones project, your structure is fine. Just add the following CMakeLists.txt file to the root of your directory:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
# Given your project a descriptive name
# CHoose whatever standard you want here... 11, 14, 17, ...
# The first entry is the name of the target (a.k.a. the executable that will be built)
# every entry after that should be the path to the cpp files that need to be built
add_executable(cool_exe src/main.cpp lib/class1.cpp)
# Tell the compiler where the header files are
target_link_libraries(cool_exe PRIVATE lib)
Your directory should now look like
Then to build the project, you will typically
Make a folder where you build everything (often called build, but it's up to you). Now the directory looks like
Go into the build folder and on the command like, configure your project with the command cmake .. (just to reiterate... this needs to be done from inside the build folder).
Build your project with the make command (again from inside the build folder).
After that, you should have an executable called cool_exe in the build folder.

Qt : Unit Test with Visual Studio

I have a Visual Studio Project and want to write some Unit Test for it.
I tried doing that by using a "Native Unit Test Project".
The Problem is, that when I use a QString in the Test, the Test fails with following message:
Message: Failed to set up the execution context to run the test
Any suggestions how I can write Unit Test using Qt?
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CppUnitTest.h"
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
using namespace Microsoft::VisualStudio::CppUnitTestFramework;
namespace Test
QString a = "Test";
I have tried with the above example of yours and i am able to compile the unit test. These are the following changes I've done apart from copying your code.
Check if your QT is built with 32 bit or 64 bit compiler.
You need to set the same in Solution Platforms.
You need to add include directory path and the lib file path(Qt5Cored.lib(for
debug)/Qt5Core.lib(for release)) in the Project properties.
To run the unit test you need to copy the
Qt5Cored.dll/Qt5Core.dll file in the folder where your unit test dll file is generated(After compilation).
PS:- I am using VS 2015 but this doesn't matter.
I have also ran into this issue with Qt6 with a project created using the Qt Visual Studio Tools extension for Visual Studio 2019.
QString was one of the things popping up as an error during the build process, but there was various more errors. My solution was as follows:
Gone to the Microsoft Unit Testing Framework for C++ project's Properties (right-click on solution, bottom option of the menu "Properties")
As mentioned in #sonulohani's response, I had it running in x64 by default.
Under Configuration Properties > Linker > General Additional Library Directories I added the path to my QT installation location libs folder (for me this was C:\Qt\6.1.2\msvc2019_64\lib) at the top of the list.
Under Configuration Properties > Linker > Input Additional Dependencies I added a link to all the "*.lib" files from that very same QT installation (for me, this was C:\Qt\6.1.2\msvc2019_64\lib\*.lib) AND a link to the build output .obj files for the Qt project ($(SolutionDir)<MY PROJECT NAME>\$(IntDir)*.obj where <MY PROJECT NAME> was my project name). This second part may not necessarily be needed.
Copying just the Qt6Core.dll/Qt6Cored.dll as suggested by #sonulohani did not work. It was still missing stuff. So in the properties, under Configuration Properties > Build Events > Post-Build Event Command Line I added this script to copy all the Qt6 dll files to the test project .dll output directory:
for %%f in (C:\Qt\6.1.2\msvc2019_64\bin\Qt6*.dll) do #copy /y %%f $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\Tests\
Now at that point I had another issue, since both my test project and my actual Qt project was dumping its files into the same output directory, and the Qt project did not like having all those dlls in there and did not run anymore. So I created the $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\Tests\ directory within the regular output directory, and also made this \Tests\ subdirectory the output directory for the test project (Configuration Properties > General Output Directory).

CMake Error: "add_subdirectory not given a binary directory"

I am trying to integrate Google Test into the subproject of bigger project and I cannot find the solution that would be satisfying for me.
I have two constraints:
the source code of Google Test is already somewhere in the project structure (thus using URL to download it from git repository is not an option)
the source code of Google Test is not a subdirectory of my subproject (and never will)
So when I tried to do something like this:
I received:
CMake Error at unit_tests/CMakeLists.txt:10 (add_subdirectory):
add_subdirectory not given a binary directory but the given source
directory "${GOOGLETEST_PROJECT_LOCATION}" is not a subdirectory of
specifying an out-of-tree source a binary directory must be explicitly
On the other hand maybe ExternalProject_Add could be a solution but I do not know how shall I use it when I do not want to download sources at all and use sources from specific location in the project.
Project structure looks more or like like this:
The error message is clear - you should also specify build directory for googletest.
# This will build googletest under build/ subdirectory in the project's build tree
add_subdirectory( ${GOOGLETEST_PROJECT_LOCATION} build)
When you give relative path (as a source directory) to add_subdirectory call, CMake automatically uses the same relative path for the build directory.
But in case of absolute source path (and when this path isn't in your source tree), CMake cannot guess build directory, and you need to provide it explicitly:
See also documentation for add_subdirectory command.
I feel obligated to comment on this because this was the top search result when I was googling this error.
For me, I'm apparently an idiot: I had modified the CMakeLists.txt file in the src directory of my project, but I didn't realize the file was locked and VS Code wasn't actually saving even when I hit Ctrl+S. Check the file tab in VS Code and see if there's a white dot there, indicating the file isn't saved. Hit Ctrl+S and see if you get a pop-up in the lower-right corner prompting you to try again as superuser.
I've still got errors, but they're new errors that make sense for my project.

Visual Studio 2010 project file filters

I have a complex C/C++ bunch of applications that I'm working on which is supposed to also be platform independent. So far, is UNIX/Windows compatible and it runs fine. However, maintaing this monster on VS2010 is a nightmare. I have the following file structure:
As we can see, because everything is platform independent, I had to completely separate the builders from sources. IMHO, that itself is a very good practice and it should be enforced by everyone :)
Here is the problem now... VS2010 is completely unusable when it comes to organize the include/sources files in filters. You have to do that manually by repeatedly doing "Add -> New Filter" followed by "Add -> Exiting Item". I have a VERY complex folder structure and files in each and every include folder. The task for creating the filters becomes a full day job. On the other hand, I could just drag the whole folder from Explorer onto the project inside VS2010 but it will put all header/source files in there without any filters, rendering it worthless: you can't possible search within 100 files for the right one without having some sort of hierarchy..
Question is:
Is VS2010 having some obscure way of importing a folder AND preserving the folder structure as filters? Looks to me that M$FT people who created VS2010 think that M$FT is the only animal in the jungle and you MUST pollute the sources folder with builders projects so you can leverage "show hiden files" to include them in the project along with the folder structure. That is absurd IMHO...
You are using CMake, so I advise you stick with only this. You can generate makefiles and VS2010 project files with it (at least). For VS, the generated files are a sln and a bunch of vxproj (one for each project in the CMake script).
In CMake file you can group files, using the command source_group. The filters will be automatically generated for vs according to the source groups. I don't know for other IDE like Code::Blocks or NetBeans.
If you want automatic grouping based on file path [Comment request]:
# Glob all sources file inside directory ${DIRECTORY}
foreach(f ${TMP_FILES})
# Get the path of the file relative to ${DIRECTORY},
# then alter it (not compulsory)
set(SRCGR "Something/${SRCGR}")
# Extract the folder, ie remove the filename part
string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)(/[^/]*)$" "\\1" SRCGR ${SRCGR})
# Source_group expects \\ (double antislash), not / (slash)
string(REPLACE / \\ SRCGR ${SRCGR})
source_group("${SRCGR}" FILES ${f})