How to calibrate realsense D435 camera to use ORBSLAM2 - computer-vision

I need help for camera calibration for ORB-SLAM2. I have Intel RealSense D435 camera. I have calibrated it by using Intel dynamic calibrator. But, when I am running ORBSLAM2 algorithms, I can not map anything. ORBSLAM2 algorithm is running properly but I cannot see anything in camera window. Do I need to calibrate my camera separately to use ORB-SLAM?


Camera Calibration in Video Frames (mp4) without Chessboard or any marker

I am new in the field of computer vision and try to get the extrinsic camera parameters from video frames.
I have the intrinsic paremeters of my camera (focal length etc.). However, to analyse my video stream I would like to get the exttrinsic camera paremeters.
Is this possible via e.g SURF/ORB? anyone has experience with it? and can recommend some tutorials, preferably in Pyhton.

opencv starts capture with a big zoom

I am building a stereo vision system, but when I start my videoCapture with opencv, the frame is zoomed. Instead of showing the whole face with background for example, it only shows a big zoom to the chin.
It is USB camera bought on Amazon, just a PCB with lens and USB cable. I can only set the focus with a screw on the lens.
Any ideas how I can solve this?

What is the equivalent sensor for Intel Realsense

I'm working as an intern.They gave me a code (C++) which is on a camera of Kinect. So they want me to convert it to equivalent code for the camera Intel realsense. So basically I'm getting an error.
Cam1(IKinectSensor *t_KinectSensor, WishLog *t_Log);
What is the equivalent sensor for Intel Realsense?
You have to use a completely different API to work with the realsense camera. The kinect and realsense are not at all compartible. You will need to write it from scratch.

How to create camera calibration opencv dll for Labview

How can I create camera calibration dll for Labview? I'm using Visual Studio. I want to perform calibration that is explaned here:
Soo when dll will be caled from Labview it will take imput image for calibration and calibrate itself and return calibrated image.
Problem discovered so far:
1. My Labview is 32-bit, OpenCV is 64-bit.
2. Don't know much about camera calibration and how to use reference link, so need help here.

Can OpenCV capture image from Microsoft Surface Pro camera?

Basically, I have a prototype ready with OpenCV that captures images from connected webcams. We need to ship it to customers and they include Surface Pro users, which has an integrated rear camera.
I am not sure whether it would work on that device or not i.e. whether my code would detect the integrated Surface Pro camera or not. We currently do not have access to such a machine.
So, is there a way validate this? I can think of two options:
Is there any emulator available for Surface Pro camera?
Does OpenCV provide a list of cameras which it supports?
Would really appreciate any form of assistance here!
OpenCV works via the OS camera drivers. If the Surface Pro camera appears as a normal camera to Windows OpenCV should see it as just another camera.
For record's sake - This Stack Overflow answer gives the code for iterating available devices.
And personally I can verify that OpenCV works with the Surface Pro cameras (front and rear). We are using the EMGU port of it.