Zurb Foundation's Accordion is not WAI compatible - zurb-foundation

Since it's not possible to register for the Foundation Forum I hope somebody here can help.
It looks like the Zurb Accordion is not compliant with WAI. The accordion renders an element with the role tablist (ul.accordion. Inside this lis are created. Every of this lis consist of a link with the role tab and a div with the role tabpanel.
As far as I understand the tablist should only contain tabs and the tabpanels should be outside of the tablist.


GCP Cloud Console - how to make sidebar fully scrollable?

Currently only half of my sidebar is scrollable - only the items below "MORE PRODUCTS". How to make it fully scrollable, so everything above "MORE PRODUCTS" also scrolls with the rest of the sidebar?
I know it's possible because it's default behaviour for new accounts.
The solution is to pin more items to the navigation sidebar (at least 6). It's not default behaviour.

iOS Custom Tab Bar

I am looking to implement a custom Tab Bar in iOS where selected item is bigger size than the rest of the tabs and peeks out over the content similar to this screenshot.
Could someone point to a tutorial of how to accomplish this preferably in Swift?
I faced with this task several times. I found a lot of tutorials but I've never found one that gives the ability to create a center button that part of it is out of the tab bar.
At the end, I created an approach to have it done correctly. I implemented a simple example project with instructions how to do that. Please check my Custom Tabbar Center Button repo as an example.
One more benefit of it it's center button hides correctly with the tab bar when you use Hide Button Bar on Push property.
A UITabBar contains an array of UITabBarItems, which inherit from
UIBarItem. But unlike UIBarButtonItem that also inherits from
UIBarItem, there is no API to create a UITabBarItem with a customView.
So instead of trying to create a custom UITabBarItem, we’ll just
create a regular one and then put the custom UIButton on top of the
Not swift, but should be easily translated.
This one is Swift:
Source code for a similar question, using Swift 3:

Ionic2 navigate like in slides

Is there a way in Ionic 2 to be able to transition between pages as if we were in a Slides component? Meaning that as soon as I start swiping a little left or right I start seeing a piece of the next or previous page? If I continue swiping then I transition to the next/previous page, else I go back to seeing only my current page.
It's like having a dynamic slides component, where ion-slide are automatically added. A little bit like the way the infinite scroll works, we could have 2 to 3 ion-slide in the DOM and they'd be reused as we move forward/backward.
This feature will be available in beta 7 (we are in beta 6) for tabs in material design. The option to swipe back in the pages stack is already available but you must be running on a device to see it in action. Check out the Ionic2 road map to see whats up and coming: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qlc5X2eJyOB0izkFlH7KJ5BmMi0MeXUZRHJHt3hS6Wo/edit

Foundation 5 - Navbar Centralizing

I wanted to find out if its possible to make a change to the current foundation 5 navbar without breaking it for mobile and desktop views.
basically the current one sits the left text/image to the far left and the nav menu to the far right, which is great when the design is across the entire page, but if the content is centralized in the middle sort of like the normal 960 web layouts, it looks a bit weird at times.
is it possible to have the left image/text and nav menu links centralized in the center like it would be seen if it was in a 960px wrapper.
this all ofc without stopping the responsiveness of it.
It sounds like what your are trying to accomplish is to center a top-bar navigation within a row.
If that's the case then you can use <div class="contain-to-grid"> to keep your top-bar within your grid layout and something like <div class="small-9 small-centered columns"> to center the row that the top-bar is in. I created a codepen example for you to look at here: http://cdpn.io/jJhyn.
The classes mentioned above are all part of Foundation so you will not be affecting the responsiveness of your design.
For a complete list of the options available to customize the top-bar see the Zurb Foundation Top Bar documentation.
If I have misunderstood your question let me know, and code is always appreciated.
I hope that helps.
EDIT: 02/13/2014
I was looking into another issue when I stumbled upon this, How to center top-bar nav?. It center's the buttons/links within the top-bar, not the top bar itself. They page they used as an example is Mister Dutch. I updated the codepen above to reflect what I found on the Foundation Forum.
Again, if I have misunderstood your question let me know.

Sharepoint 2010

I need help.
How do I programatically create a list of external links where you can choose if you want to open the link in a new window or not?
If i have understood what you are asking then I did something similar for SP2003:
Add a column to the Link list called 'New Window' of type 'Yes/No'
Using FrontPage (it was a while ago) I modifed the XSLT for the view (it was the only view and accessed via a listview webpart on the homepage): if New Window = Yes then render the link with target="_blank"
I think the theory for SP2010 should be the same.
Or you could just let the users decide.