Calling C# programs from D - d

How can I call C# functions (a DLL) from D?
I have tried or am looking at the following:
Using the Derelict Mono package
Using Unmanaged Exports (See
Calling C# from C), D
to C to C#, eventually maybe eliminating the C.
The Derelict Mono approach works well for Hello World programs, however a larger DLL (with references to lots of other assemblies, each of which may or may not use genuine Windows API calls) fails as the DLL is not properly loaded.
Initial experiments with Unmanaged Exports result in errors with MSBUILD.

Try the following. First the D code:
module main;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
extern (C++) ulong receiveMe(ulong i);
extern (C++) ulong freeMe(ulong i);
void main() {
ulong l = receiveMe(0);
char* p = cast(char*)l;
char[] s = to!(char[])(p);
byte[] b = cast(byte[])(s.dup);
writeln("The answer is " ~ to!string(s));
ulong m = freeMe(0);
Then a C++/CLI shim:
#include "stdafx.h"
#using "...\CS-Interop\bin\x64\Debug\netstandard2.0\CS-Interop.dll"
using namespace System;
UInt64 sendMe(UInt64 arg) {
return CS_Interop::Test::receiveMe(42);
UInt64 freeMe(UInt64 arg) {
return CS_Interop::Test::freeMe(42);
Lastly the C#:
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace CS_Interop {
public class Test {
public static byte[] buffer;
public static GCHandle gcbuf;
public static ulong receiveMe(ulong arg) {
string s = "I was a string " + arg;
s = (s.Length + 2) + s;
buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s);
gcbuf = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
ulong l = (ulong)gcbuf.AddrOfPinnedObject();
return l;
public static ulong freeMe(ulong arg) {
return 42;
I'm still looking at ways to get rid of that C++/CLI shim.
This code is written in such a way that you can poke around with the VS debugger.
This is very simple to set up and test in Visual Studio. With Visual D installed, first set up a C++/CLI project (NOT a Visual D project) and park the D and C++ code there. Then setup a C# DLL project under the D project.
It is one thing to call C# code from D, but another thing to get data back unless you are using only simple scalar types like int. The key lines of C# are
gcbuf = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
ulong l = (ulong)gcbuf.AddrOfPinnedObject();
where you first need to pin the thing you are sending back then send the address back to D. There is no tedious mucking about with marshaling in the C++ part, your D code just needs to be able to deal with whatever sits behind the pointer.
Be sure also to free the pinned pointer once you're done with it. Comment out the freeMe line in the D code and watch the memory usage grow (and grow) in VS.
Personally, I find the pin process a bit fickle as GCHandle.Alloc will only work when its first argument, be it a byte array or structure, contains blittable items.
See also

I have a preliminary string passing solution from D to (a small amount of) C++ to C# based on the following articles: (I gave up on unmanaged exports from Robert Giesecke)
C# "Unmanaged Exports" (tutorial from Hans Passant)
Calling C# function from C++/CLI - Convert Return C# string to C String
The D to C++ integration with Visual D just works. (See Visual C/C++ Project Integration)

You can use Unmanaged Exports to call C# from D. I've done it without problems.
However, when I tried Unmanaged Exports with Visual Studio 2017, I also could not get it to work. Unmanaged Exports worked well with VS2015. Considering the link is from July 2009, other aspects could have become stale.
Be sure to read the instructions carefully, and most importantly make sure you are building for x86 or x64, and not "any CPU". Marshalling the data will be another challenge.


Calling C# code from Windows Flutter desktop app

I am trying to call a function from a c# dll in a flutter desktop app,
In the C# dll I have,
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace MathLibrary
// NOTE: I have set set [assembly: ComVisible(true)] in AssemblyInfo.cs
public interface IMathLibrary
string multiply(int a, int b);
public class MathCalc : IMathLibrary
public string multiply(int a, int b)
return "Product is " + (a * b).ToString();
I used this repo as the base flutter app.
In the app I have used platform channel to communicate between dart and c++ code. In c++ code I am trying to call the c# function (in file windows/runner/custom_channel.cpp).
After some googling, I came up with the following
First I added an import to the tlb file (had to add import to generated tlh file for IntelliSense to work)
#import "bin/MathLibrary.tlb"
using namespace MathLibrary;
And the following function is supposed to call the c# function
MathLibrary::IMathLibraryPtr IcalcPtr;
HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MathLibrary::MathCalc), NULL,
_bstr_t calcVal;
if (FAILED(hr) || IcalcPtr == nullptr) {
// CoCreateInstance failed
(*resPointer)->Error("Cannot Create COM Object");
//IcalcPtr->multiply(a, b, &calcVal);
calcVal = IcalcPtr->multiply(a, b);
// not sure how to convert bstr to std::string
const char* calcStr((const char*) calcVal.GetBSTR());
The CoCreateInstance fails.
Since I have no experience with c++, I am confused,
what is IMathLibraryPtr(I didn't define in c#)
Intellisense showed that a and b in IcalcPtr->multiply(a, b) are long but I thought it would be int
When I make a release build do I need to include the tlb or dll
what is tlh file, it got generated during build and I got Intellisense support only if I add an import to that file
I would like to understand in general how to interact with c# com-interface from c++ and also how to make it work in my case. Sample code and document links would be helpful
The problem was with the way the c# dll was built and not with the way it was called from c++. I had built the dll for "Any CPU" once I built it for x64 it worked.

C++ XE 5 Application and C++ Builder 5 dll compatibility

I have BCB5 dll with method:
extern "C" void __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall SM(TDataSource *DS) {
TForm *form = new TForm(Application);
form->Width = 300;
form->Height = 300;
form->Name = "frm";
TDBGrid *grd = new TDBGrid(form);
grd->Parent = form;
grd->Name = "grd";
grd->Align = alClient;
grd->DataSource = DS;
When I call this method from C++ builder 5 application, it's working fine.
try {
typedef void __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall SM(TDataSource *DS);
SM *Upload;
HINSTANCE hDll = LoadLibrary("main.dll");
Upload = (SM*) GetProcAddress(hDll,"SM");
catch (Exception *ex) {
But, if I'm trying to call this method from C++ XE 5 application, I get Access Violation.
Is there a way to solve the problem of data transmission from XE 5 application to BCB 5 dll without recompile dll in XE5?
It is not safe to pass/use RTL/VCL objects over the DLL boundary like you are doing, unless both EXE and DLL are compiled with Runtime Packages enabled so that they share a common instance of the same RTL and VCL frameworks (but then you have to deploy the RTL/VCL BPL binaries with your app).
Your DLL doesn't work in XE5 because the DLL is expecting the BCB5 version of the TDataSource component, not the XE5 version. No, they are not compatible, as they have different memory layouts and dependancies.
So your choices are to either:
recompile the DLL in XE5, and live with the risk that passing TDataSource over the DLL boundary is not safe in general, unless you enable Runtime Packages.
re-write the DLL to be a Runtime Package (BPL) instead. Then passing TDataSource between EXE and DLL is safe. However, Runtime Packages are version-specific, so you will need to compile separate BPLs if you need to continue using the code in both BCB5 and XE5.
re-write the DLL to not pass a TDataSource over the DLL boundary to begin with. Figure out another interop-safe way to exchange data between EXE and DLL.

Tcl Extension Calling a VB.NET DLL

I have a need to create a Tcl extension that calls a managed .NET DLL/Class Library. Currently, the structure of my application is Tcl > DLL Wrapper (C++ CLR) > .NET Class Library (VB.NET), where ">" represents a function call.
My VB.NET DLL just takes a value and returns it back, keeping it simple for now. In the end, this will do some more advanced stuff that makes use of some .NET functionality.
Public Class TestClass
Public Function TestFunction(ByVal param As Integer) As Integer
Return param
End Function
End Class
My Tcl Extension (C++ CLR) creates an object of the type above
int TestCmd(ClientData data, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
// Check the number of arguments
if (objc != 2) {
Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 0, objv, "arg");
return TCL_ERROR;
int param, result;
if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[1], &param) != TCL_OK)
return TCL_ERROR;
SimpleLibrary::TestClass^ myclass = gcnew SimpleLibrary::TestClass(); //System.IO.FileNotFoundException
result = myclass->TestFunction(param);
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(result));
return TCL_OK;
And finally, my Tcl script loads the extension and calls the function.
load SimpleTclExtension.dll
TestCmd 2
If my VB.NET DLL is in the same directory as my extension DLL, the extension crashes when it instantiates a TestClass object. I've noticed if the VB.NET DLL is relocated to C:\Tcl\bin, the extension will find it, and TestCmd can be called just fine. The problem is that this will eventually need to be deployed across a number of PCs, and it's preferred not to mingle my application's files with another application's.
It seems like there should be some configuration settings that will fix this problem, but I'm not sure where. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Firstly, depending on just what kind of Tcl application you are using you may want to look at Eagle which is a implementation of Tcl in CLR.
I think you are bumping into .Net's desire to only load assemblies from your application's directory or its immediate subdirectories. The application here is the tclsh/wish executable which is why moving the .Net assembly makes it load. This is something you can fix with suitable manifests or calls to the API to permit assembly loading from alternate locations. In this case I think you will need to run some initialization code in your Tcl extension when it gets loaded into the Tcl interpreter to init the CLR and add the extensions location as a suitable place to load assemblies from. It has been a while since I was looking at this so I forgot the details but I think you want to look at the AppDomain object and check the assembly loading path properties associated with that or its child objects. Try AppDomain.RelativeSearchPath
To be more specific, Eagle includes Garuda which is a Tcl extension built specifically to allow calling .Net from Tcl

Managed C++ Wrapper for Unmanaged Static Library with static variables hangs

The explanation of the problem is a little long-winded, please bear with me.
I have an unmanaged C++ static library that is used for financial application. It has business day conventions, swap conventions, bond conventions, etc. Most of the conventions rely on static global variables, which are initialized on first use. The library also initializes the holiday calendars on startup by running some queries against a SQL Server database using ODBC.
I have to interact with third-party software using web services. The only way to do this realistically is through C#. That isn't an issue, and I was making good progress. However, I hit a stumbling block when it became necessary to do some date calculations in C#. Since I didn't want to port all my C++ code to C#, I figured the most efficient way to achieve this would be by writing a Managed C++ Class Library DLL that is a wrapper around my unmanaged static library. Everything seems to work fine, I get no compile-time or link-time errors, and I can add the reference to the wrapper and see all the proper object definitions. However, when I try to run my application, it just hangs. I have tried playing around with a bunch of compiler setting for the wrapper DLL, to no avail. If I remove the project dependency on my unmanaged library, everything works fine. I have a strong suspicion that my liberal use of global static variables is causing issues. Is there are way to solve this problem, are at least figure out where the issue is? Example code is below.
// FSAManaged.h
#pragma once
using namespace System;
//class XLDate;
namespace FSAManaged {
public ref class Futures
static DateTime Expiry(String ^ code, DateTime date);
The implementation does not even rely on a dependency to the unmanaged static library:
// This is the main DLL file.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "FSAManaged.h"
namespace FSAManaged
DateTime Futures::Expiry(String ^ code, DateTime date) {
return DateTime::Today;
For completeness' sake, here is AssemblyInfo.cpp:
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Runtime::CompilerServices;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
// associated with an assembly.
// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
// Major Version
// Minor Version
// Build Number
// Revision
// You can specify all the value or you can default the Revision and Build Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:
[assembly:SecurityPermission(SecurityAction::RequestMinimum, UnmanagedCode = true)];
Use the debugger. If you test this from C# then Project + Properties, Debug, tick "Enabled unmanaged code debugging". Setting up the symbol server in Tools + Options, Debugging, Symbols is strongly recommended. Run.
When it hangs use Debug + Break All. Debug + Windows + Threads and double-click the thread that is supposed to be doing the job. Debug + Windows + Call stack to see what is going on. Post the stack trace in your question if you can't figure it out. Anything you see in the Output window and the Visual Studio status bar is relevant too.
Static C++ variables are initialized from DllMain. There are lot's of things you should not do in DllMain; triggering the load of yet another Dll being the most important one. This is easy to break if you call into other peoples libraries in from DllMain.
I suggest you make an Init function on your Dll, which you call after the dll is up and running.

C++\IronPython integration example code?

I'm looking for a simple example code for C++\IronPython integration, i.e. embedding python code inside a C++, or better yet, Visual C++ program.
The example code should include: how to share objects between the languages, how to call functions\methods back and forth etc...
Also, an explicit setup procedure would help too. (How to include the Python runtime dll in Visual Studio etc...)
I've found a nice example for C#\IronPython here, but couldn't find C++\IronPython example code.
UPDATE - I've written a more generic example (plus a link to a zip file containing the entire VS2008 project) as entry on my blog here.
Sorry, I am so late to the game, but here is how I have integrated IronPython into a C++/cli app in Visual Studio 2008 - .net 3.5. (actually mixed mode app with C/C++)
I write add-ons for a map making applicaiton written in Assembly. The API is exposed so that C/C++ add-ons can be written. I mix C/C++ with C++/cli. Some of the elements from this example are from the API (such as XPCALL and CmdEnd() - please just ignore them)
void XPCALL PythonCmd2(int Result, int Result1, int Result2)
String^ filename = gcnew String(txtFileName);
String^ path = Assembly::GetExecutingAssembly()->Location;
ScriptEngine^ engine = Python::CreateEngine();
ScriptScope^ scope = engine->CreateScope();
ScriptSource^ source = engine->CreateScriptSourceFromFile(String::Concat(Path::GetDirectoryName(path), "\\scripts\\", filename + ".py"));
scope->SetVariable("DrawingList", DynamicHelpers::GetPythonTypeFromType(AddIn::DrawingList::typeid));
scope->SetVariable("DrawingElement", DynamicHelpers::GetPythonTypeFromType(AddIn::DrawingElement::typeid));
scope->SetVariable("DrawingPath", DynamicHelpers::GetPythonTypeFromType(AddIn::DrawingPath::typeid));
scope->SetVariable("Node", DynamicHelpers::GetPythonTypeFromType(AddIn::Node::typeid));
catch(Exception ^e)
As you can see, I expose to IronPython some objects (DrawingList, DrawingElement, DrawingPath & Node). These objects are C++/cli objects that I created to expose "things" to IronPython.
When the C++/cli source->Execute(scope) line is called, the only python line
to run is the DrawingList.RequestData.
RequestData takes a delegate and a data type.
When the C++/cli code is done, it calls the delegate pointing to the
function "diamond"
In the function diamond it retrieves the requested data with the call to
DrawingList.RequestedValue() The call to DrawingList.AddElement(dp) adds the
new element to the Applications visual Database.
And lastly the call to DrawingList.EndCommand() tells the FastCAD engine to
clean up and end the running of the plugin.
import clr
def diamond(Result1, Result2, Result3):
if(Result1 == 0):
dp = DrawingPath()
dp.drawingStuff.EntityColor = 2
dp.drawingStuff.SecondEntityColor = 2
n = DrawingList.RequestedValue()
DrawingList.RequestData(diamond, DrawingList.RequestType.PointType)
I hope this is what you were looking for.
If you don't need .NET functionality, you could rely on embedding Python instead of IronPython. See Python's documentation on Embedding Python in Another Application for more info and an example. If you don't mind being dependent on BOOST, you could try out its Python integration library.