Adding binaries to other peoples conan recipes - c++

I'm using given conan packages
and clang (version at least 6.0).
While first two packages has binaries for clang 6.0, log4cplus doesn't (last is clang 3.9). I don't like the idea that on each workstation I would need to build this package by hand.
How can I upload localy build binary with clang 6.0?
conan upload looks promising, however it suggest that it will be NEW package. Second question - wouldn't I interfere with package author in any way?

I do recommend open an issue for Bincrafters, requesting clang 3.9 support:
Include a new package configuration is just one line in the Travis recipe.
How can I upload localy build binary with clang 6.0?
You could use JFrog Artifactory, there is a Community Edition with Conan support. Also, you could create a "mirror" for your packages locally with Artifactory, instead to download from Bintray:
However, Conan respects your remote list by it order, if your Conan client finds log4cplus first in Bincrafters' remote but the correct binary is only available in your local repository, Conan will ignore your local remote and will show a message error about missed binary package for log4cplus. Thus, in your case, you will need to copy ALL binaries to your local repository.

You will find the conan packages installed on your Linux system at .conan/data/package_name/version/repo_name/tag. There will be a package folder inside it. If you want to manually add binaries to existing packages then you can add the binary in /bin folder in packages.
Or else you can look into the conan recipe in exports folder and look for the package, that from where it is getting its binaries from and add that binary in that path.


vcpkg setup errors on command line

I am trying to compile dlib 19.4 using the vcpkg tool
since I am having trouble compiling CMAKE and working with Boost.Python
to fix compiler issues for dlib.
Though I am having problems even running the basic steps
to get the vcpkg package to work:
(I also downloaded Visual Studio 2017 for this tool)
Looking at executed command (git init), you initialized empty git repository for vcpkg - that is likely wrong. This bootstrap.ps1 script fails internally when trying to fetch existing revisions. vcpkg doesn't want to reside in just any git repository, it wants "its" git repository. vcpkg uses git as a distribution platform and later to perform updates.
So instead, you should clone vcpkg repository to some directory, e.g.:
C:\test>git clone vcpkg_test
Cloning into 'vcpkg_test'...
Checking out files: 100% (876/876), done.
C:\test>cd vcpkg_test
C:\test\vcpkg_test>powershell -exec bypass scripts\bootstrap.ps1
Additionally I see errors regarding VS2017 C++ support. VS2017 is an IDE with multiple optionally supported languages (i.e. you could have only C# support installed). Please make sure you have "Desktop development with C++" workload installed - as vcpkg is for C++. You can update the installation at any time by running installer again (Modify).

Qt - How to deploy application dynamically on Linux?

I have an application that I built using Qt Creator on Linux and want to deploy it now. However, I don't want to statically build it as I don't want it to be open-sourced. I tried the ldd ./YourExecutable command, however that only lists (and not add) the additional dependencies the application needs in order for it to run. My question is, how do I gather the necessary dependencies without having to individually look for these files? Is there a tool, such as windeployqt.exe on Windows, that I can use on Linux for the same purpose? Or is there a better approach than the one I'm thinking of?
Get Cygwin setup.exe:
1.1. Run setup.exe and continue to package selection list.
1.2. Under Devel catagory select tools you need for compiling your source. For
example 'GNU make'.
1.3. Finish installing.
Get linux crosscompilers for cygwin:
"cygwin-gcc-linux.tar.bz2" (68.2 Mb).
md5sum: 340e91a346f5bb17e660db10e43005b8
These compilers are made with crosstool 0.28-rc37. This package contains:
gcc-3.3.4 and gcc-2.95.3 for i386 (glibc 2.1.3) and gcc-3.3.3 for amd64
(glibc 2.3.2).
Note! There is now newer version of GCC avaible with glibc 2.3.2:
"cygwin-gcc-3.3.6-glibc-2.3.2-linux.tar.bz2 (i386, x86_64)".
2.1. Copy 'cygwin-gcc-linux.tar.bz2' to 'c:\cygwin' or install directory which
you selected in setup.exe.
2.2. Open Cygwin shell and change directory to root with 'cd /'.
2.3. Uncompress to Cygwin root with command:
'tar -jxvf cygwin-gcc-linux.tar.bz2'.
Cross-compilers are installed under '/opt/crosstool'. You can use theim
directly or with commands: gcc-linux, g++-linux, gcc-linux-2.95,
g++-linux-2.95, gcc-linux-x86_64 and g++-linux-x86_64.
From: Cross-compiling on Windows for Linux
More info here.
It sounds like you want to use the shared library deployment option:
Then if you wanted to go further than that, you could look into making a .rpm or a .deb .
There are lots of examples of qt projects that are now available on GitHub and have packages made. Usually for prebuilt binaries you need to make one for x86 and a separate one for x64.
Hope that helps.

How to use a library ported for Native Client(NaCl)?

I was looking at the list of naclports for ported libraries and I want to use openssl for my native client extention. I can't find a proper instruction set to install these ported libraries, I downloaded the openssl compressed file and followed the instructions given in INSTALL file but that encountered some errors which I can't resolve.
To install a library ported to Native Client as part of naclports you'll need to:
Download and install the NaCl SDK:
Set NACL_SDK_ROOT in your environment to point at the pepper_* version under the location you install it at.
You may want to explicitly install the very latest version: pepper_canary, with: ./naclsdk install pepper_canary
Sync the naclports repository: Checkout guide
Check out a branch that matches you SDK, or master for pepper_canary
To build openssl, do something like this:
./bin/naclports --force --from-source install openssl
If you have no local modifications you can drop the --force and --from-source flags
This will build the newlib NaCl version by default.
You can set TOOLCHAIN in the environment to: glibc / pnacl / newlib to select an explicit version.
The library will then be installed into your SDK.

G++/GCC: how to make your app tell OS to download libs it needs into system?

So for example I am creating some app that uses boost or openCV and on my developer machine all that is installed so app compiles without any problem. But I wonder how to make app tell OS to download libs I use on first run? Is it possible? (sorry - I am linux noob)
This is what package managers are for. What you do is you compile your project, and then you build a package (e.g. .deb or .rpm), using the appropriate tools. While doing so, you can specify where the various files in your package should go, but also which other packages your package relies on. These are known as "dependencies", and package managers like apt and rpm are pretty good at resolving them.
Here's the official debian guide to making packages to give you an idea:
Alternatively, you can just distribute your program as-is and list the dependencies in the install instructions; users will then have to manually install them through their package manager before running your program.

Needed environment for building gstreamer plugins in Windows

I've been strugling for two weeks to create an environment for building a gstreamer plugin on windows (needed for a songbird addon).
I've installed MSYS, MinGW and Cygwin, then installed GStreamer OSSBuild, and I also downloaded the sources for Songbird, which come with their own precompiled version of gstreamer.
I was unable to run gst-inspect (or any other gstreamer applications) from the songbird sources and I figured I will settle for OSSBuild (as I was able to run gst-inspect from the compiled OSSBuild).
When following the instructions for building a GST plugin (found here) through, cygwin will not recognize the OSSBuild and the build fails when running autogen, with the following error:
checking for GST... no
configure: error:
You need to install or upgrade the GStreamer development
packages on your system. On debian-based systems these are
libgstreamer0.10-dev and libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev.
on RPM-based systems gstreamer0.10-devel, libgstreamer0.10-devel
or similar. The minimum version required is 0.10.16.
configure failed
I could also not use MSYS or MinGW as they are unable to run autogen at all.
I understand that cygwin should have it's own gstreamer development packages but I couldn't find how to install them.
My question: How do I install the gstreamer packages in cygwin or how do I build using cygwin with the OSSBuild dependencies?
In short, how do I get an environment where I can build a gstreamer plugin under windows?
you can install precompiled gstreamer packages for cygwin at cygwinports. there you will find installation instructions and a list of available packages. you should not need to build them from source.
Configure's most likely going to look for libtool (.la) or pkg-config (.pc) files. Since OSSBuild is built using MSVC, you're not likely to get those files so configure can pick them up. However, you can manually create them and set them in a location to be picked up by the script. I do know that OSSBuild does have as its goal to eventually provide Visual Studio-compatible C/C++ project templates for GStreamer plugins as well as libtool and pkg-config files, but they're not available just yet.
If you checkout the OSSBuild source and can follow MSVC property files, you can see how the plugins are setup and configured.