How to install GDB in windows when building shogun from source? - shogun

I tried compiling shogun from source in windows but after writing
cmake [options] ..
command i get this error:
-- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.17134.0 to target Windows 10.0.15063.
-- Could NOT find GDB (missing: GDB_COMMAND GDB_VERSION)
CMake Error at src/shogun/CMakeLists.txt:57 (MESSAGE):
Shogun can only be built with GPL codes if the source files are in
C:/Users/user/Desktop/shogun/src/gpl. Please download or disable with
I tried installing GDB from MinGW but it didn't worked
how to proceed further ?

That's one of the first results when googling for the error so I'll post an answer here and link to relevant websites.
Shogun uses submodules to separate the main BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) licensed library from the GPL (GNU General Public Licence) licensed files (for the difference between those see an example article here). After cloning the repository you'll need to invoke git submodule update --init comand as specified in the documentation which will pull shogun-gpl repository (among others) into shogun-gpl directory. See also this GitHub issue.


Cmake doesn't find boost windows

I'm trying to run this code:
I've installed boost and got the following messages:
The Boost C++ Libraries were successfully built!
The following directory should be added to compiler include paths:
C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_67_0
The following directory should be added to linker library paths:
C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_67_0\stage\lib
By the comment of #kenba I've added the following environment variables:
Try 1
When I try to run the following cmd:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
I get:
-- Could NOT find Boost (missing: timer iostreams filesystem system chrono) (found version "1.67.0")
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:290 (message):
Cannot find Boost libraries. Terminating.
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "D:/ThesisResources/previous_works/news-translit-nmt-master/tools/marian-dev/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
Try 2
When I try to give a custom boost by this ref
I run the following cmd:
cmake .. -DBOOST_ROOT="C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_67_0"
I get the same error.
I've also tried working with Linux WSL (But problems with CUDA installation overthere, their team is working on it), Linux VirtualBox (Not enough resources), and Ubuntu 17.10 I have installed (But Cuda requires Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04)
What am I missing here? I'm trying any suggestion, stuck on it for a few days. Thanks!
I reinstalled Ubuntu 16.04 and the problem was solved. Still don't know how to solve it in windows, but i'll continue use Ubuntu 16.04.
I had this problem earlier while trying to build the Windows version of Marian NMT (the same component that you're having trouble with). I can't remember the exact steps to solve the problem, but the root cause is that the Marian NMT build for Windows does not work with newer versions of Boost, since the source code uses some deprecated calling conventions for timer and chrono libraries (maybe some others as well).
The error message kind of confirms this: it can't find Boost, but on the other hand it says it finds your version 1.67.0. The solution is to use an older version of boost, I've confirmed that it works with 1.60.0.
If you just require a Marian NMT decoder that works in Windows, a project I work on has released a plugin for the Trados Studio translation tool, which contains a compiled marian-decoder executable for Windows: You can access the executable by unzipping the sdlplugin file, the StartMtPipe.bat shows how to use the decoder.

vcpkg setup errors on command line

I am trying to compile dlib 19.4 using the vcpkg tool
since I am having trouble compiling CMAKE and working with Boost.Python
to fix compiler issues for dlib.
Though I am having problems even running the basic steps
to get the vcpkg package to work:
(I also downloaded Visual Studio 2017 for this tool)
Looking at executed command (git init), you initialized empty git repository for vcpkg - that is likely wrong. This bootstrap.ps1 script fails internally when trying to fetch existing revisions. vcpkg doesn't want to reside in just any git repository, it wants "its" git repository. vcpkg uses git as a distribution platform and later to perform updates.
So instead, you should clone vcpkg repository to some directory, e.g.:
C:\test>git clone vcpkg_test
Cloning into 'vcpkg_test'...
Checking out files: 100% (876/876), done.
C:\test>cd vcpkg_test
C:\test\vcpkg_test>powershell -exec bypass scripts\bootstrap.ps1
Additionally I see errors regarding VS2017 C++ support. VS2017 is an IDE with multiple optionally supported languages (i.e. you could have only C# support installed). Please make sure you have "Desktop development with C++" workload installed - as vcpkg is for C++. You can update the installation at any time by running installer again (Modify).

CMake Cant Find Some Image Libs

Im Trying To Compile Blender 2.7
I was Trying to Generate The Visual Studio 12 ( 2013 ) Project Files
using CMake But The Problem is That I Get An Error
CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:1089 (message):
Using HARDCODED libpng locations
Found Freetype: C:/Users/Alfrek/Desktop/Blender 2.7/blender-2.71/../lib/win64_vc12/freetype/lib/freetype2ST.lib
Could NOT find OpenEXR (missing: _openexr_LIBRARIES OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR)
CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:1172 (message):
Using HARDCODED OpenEXR locations
CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:1191 (message):
Using HARDCODED libtiff locations
Could NOT find Boost
CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:1230 (message):
USING HARDCODED boost locations
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1928 (message):
Apple and Windows require pre-compiled libs at:
'C:/Users/Alfrek/Desktop/Blender 2.7/blender-2.71/../lib/win64_vc12'
I got No idea what am I suppose to do
I Have a Windows 7 64 Bit Computer
and Im Using Visual Studio Professional 2013
You downloaded the source files but forgot its dependencies. For each platform blender provides its dependencies in its SVN repo.
This is what you need to do:
Outside of the blender directory create the folder structure "lib/win64_vc12"
cd inside that directory, open your command prompt (assuming you have SVN installed) and type
svn checkout
bear in mind its a huge repo of about 6.5Gb.
When that is done run configure again in cmake and it should work.
It sounds like you are missing a step before trying to run make full...
You will need to run the script or print the list of all main dependencies needed to build Blender (--show-deps option) and install them manually.
Please see the official blender wiki for updated development environment requirements -->
Automatic dependencies installation The preferred way to install dependencies under Linux is now to use the script
featured with Blender sources. It currently supports Debian (and
derived), Fedora, Suse and Arch distributions. When using the script, you are only required to install the following
git, build-essential
Then, get the sources and run
cd ~/blender-git

CMake error when compiling out of tree model in gnu radio

I have a problem and I can't seem to find a solution to it. I am building a project using gnuradio and in the process of building an OOT module i always get the following error after $cmake ../ (I followed the instruction from the GNU site though)
$ cmake ../
-- Build type not specified: defaulting to release.
-- Could NOT find Boost
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:63 (message):
Boost required to compile trial
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
Please any help will be deeply appreciated (And please I am a noob so kindly have it easy on me).
Enable the debug output for the FindBoost module when invoking cmake, it'll help you pinpoint which packages are missing:
$ cmake -DBoost_DEBUG=ON ../
Here's a similar problem on kubuntu 14.04:
The solution was to install the missing libboost-filesystem-dev and libboost-system-dev packages.
The basic issue is that 1 or more Boost components (e.g., system, threads, filesystem) is/are not being found, so you need to get it/them installed. How you do the install depends on your OS. So ... what OS are you trying to do this on?
Also, how did you install GNU Radio in the first place? Any package manager with its salt will make sure dependencies are installed correctly along with the actual package. If you used MacPorts or apt-get or yum to install GNU Radio, Boost should have been installed.
Related: Have you considered signing up for the GNU Radio discussion email list? This question would be quickly answered there.

Needed environment for building gstreamer plugins in Windows

I've been strugling for two weeks to create an environment for building a gstreamer plugin on windows (needed for a songbird addon).
I've installed MSYS, MinGW and Cygwin, then installed GStreamer OSSBuild, and I also downloaded the sources for Songbird, which come with their own precompiled version of gstreamer.
I was unable to run gst-inspect (or any other gstreamer applications) from the songbird sources and I figured I will settle for OSSBuild (as I was able to run gst-inspect from the compiled OSSBuild).
When following the instructions for building a GST plugin (found here) through, cygwin will not recognize the OSSBuild and the build fails when running autogen, with the following error:
checking for GST... no
configure: error:
You need to install or upgrade the GStreamer development
packages on your system. On debian-based systems these are
libgstreamer0.10-dev and libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev.
on RPM-based systems gstreamer0.10-devel, libgstreamer0.10-devel
or similar. The minimum version required is 0.10.16.
configure failed
I could also not use MSYS or MinGW as they are unable to run autogen at all.
I understand that cygwin should have it's own gstreamer development packages but I couldn't find how to install them.
My question: How do I install the gstreamer packages in cygwin or how do I build using cygwin with the OSSBuild dependencies?
In short, how do I get an environment where I can build a gstreamer plugin under windows?
you can install precompiled gstreamer packages for cygwin at cygwinports. there you will find installation instructions and a list of available packages. you should not need to build them from source.
Configure's most likely going to look for libtool (.la) or pkg-config (.pc) files. Since OSSBuild is built using MSVC, you're not likely to get those files so configure can pick them up. However, you can manually create them and set them in a location to be picked up by the script. I do know that OSSBuild does have as its goal to eventually provide Visual Studio-compatible C/C++ project templates for GStreamer plugins as well as libtool and pkg-config files, but they're not available just yet.
If you checkout the OSSBuild source and can follow MSVC property files, you can see how the plugins are setup and configured.