Minimize, Maximize button disappear without any reason - c++

It's a dialog based MFC application. I didn't intentionally add any code about the Minimize, Maximize and Restore button. It can show those button at the first. But it just disappear after long time running. Or maybe sleep of the computer causes this?
I have no idea about this, do you have any clue?
Thanks #xMRi's remind, I checked its style, seems still to be right.

Listed below few possible reason & resolution may impact you application look. More specifically, your device manager plays important role in application appearance. I would say its environment or certain unnecessary application(Virus)installation issue rather than your MFC application issue.
Full Fix: Minimize, Maximize and Close Buttons Disappear

At least I know a way to restore the disappared system buttons.
ModifyStyle(0, WS_MINIMIZEBOX);
GetSystemMenu(FALSE)->InsertMenu(-1, MF_BYPOSITION, SC_MINIMIZE, _T("Minimize"));

Press F11 for Windows 10, or right-click on the application which you can't see windows button then choose view finally uncheck the full screen


How to Set Desktop shortcut icon different and task bar icon different for a QT Windows application?

I need to set title.ico as my application icon and shortcut.ico as my desktop shortcut. Is there any way to do it in a Qt application itself while building?
Whenever the user right-clicks on my application and clicks on sendto->desktop(create shortcut), the shortcut should have shortcut.ico. But now it's always displaying title.ico.
I checked WinApi IShell_link but it didn't help.
I am also a beginner, but turns out this is possible. See this thread:
Hope I understood you right. Enjoy!
Edit 2018-03-13:
Create your icon in diffrent sizes (e.g. 16px, 32px, ...) as an .ico (while on Windows), for further information visit:
Call QWindow::setIcon() (
Profit. The icon should now be visible in the greater resolution in the taskbar, while the smaller one is choosen for the app window.

Qt Creator debugger layout

Is it possible to alter the layout of the tool-bar icons?
The 'Continue' icon is right next to the 'Stop Debugger' icon, which is a really bad design and I've lost count of the number of times I meant to click continue but have accidentally clicked on the 'Stop Debugger' icon.
To my knowledge it is not possible to rearrange the buttons in the current build.
You have two options:
Build Qt-Creator (or at least the "Debugger Plugin") from Source, and change the UI to your liking.
Open a feature request on and convince enough people to vote it up.
Consider using the keyboard short cuts. If you can't use a keyboard, consider using the fat "Run" button on the left bar which becomes a Continue button when stopped. This is ~300 pixels away from anything that could Stop debugging.

MFC application with dynamically created controls suddenly stops responding

I have a MFC application (Visual Studio 2010) which dynamically creates and destroys lots of editboxes, drop-down boxes, and buttons, based on the user's consequent input.
I used "Create" function to dynamically create controls, and when deleting controls the system first calls "DestoryWindow" function for each control, and then delete each control pointer.
After iterating certain amount of creating/deleting controls, if I try to "open" the dropdown menu, the system fails to open it and stops responding to my input - but I can add more controls, if I do not try to open the dropdown menu.
Could somebody please let me know how to workaround this strange issue? This one nearly drives me crazy...
Workaround is simple - don't try to "open" that menu :)
Now I assume that you want to FIX the issue. Then you need to figure out what is going on. The system may be non-responsive for multiple reasons, most likely one of these two:
You are in a busy loop in your main UI thread.
You are waiting for an event that never happens. Deadlock, for example.
When your application is frozen, try to attach debugger to it and do Debug -> Break All. Then see what code is executing. If the reason for this "freeze" will not be obvious, please post relevant code.

button keyboard focus issues

How would one prevent the little dotted square that appears on a button when it has the keyboard focus in a dialog. (w/ apologies for the technical jargon). At one point I hacked together a solution by subclassing a button WindowProc and subverting some windows messages, but wanted to know the correct way.
There's actually a problem with another control in the dialog also involving the keyboard. This other control is actually also a button, but being used as a group box or panel, not as a functioning button. But when I hit the tab key in the dialog, this group box "button" comes to the foreground obscuring the static controls on top of it, so I wanted to prevent that.
For both of the above, I tried turning off WS_TABSTOP - didn't help.)
Both of my problems mentioned above were solved by subclassing the WndProcs and returning 0 in response to message 0x128 and discarding it. Even Spy++ could not identify this message 0x128, and I don't have it in any header. But its sent to every control in the dialog the first time tab is hit in the dialog.
(I did try BN_SETFOCUS as described above and also WM_SETFOCUS but it didn't help.)
So if anyone knows where to find what windows message 0x128 is...
The correct way is to write your own button control instead of using the default Windows one.
Alternatively, you can prevent if from ever getting keyboard focus.

Always-in-front dialogs

Is there a way to create a modeless dialog box in C++ MFC which always stays on top of the other windows in the application? I'm thinking sort of like the Find dialog in Visual Studio 2005 - where it stays on top, but you can still edit the underlying text.
(If it makes any difference, it's not MDI; it's a dialog-based app)
Note: This does not work under Windows 10, and may not work under Windows 7 and 8 (Reports vary).
From Nish:
###Making your dialog stay on top
Haven't you seen programs which have
an "always-stay-on-top" option? Well
the unbelievable thing is that you can
make your dialog stay on top with just
one line of code. Simply put the
following line in your dialog class's
OnInitDialog() function.
Basically what we are doing is to use
the SetWindowPos function to change
the Z-order of our dialog window. We
make our dialog stay on top of all
other windows by moving it to the top
of the Z-order. Now even when you
activate some other window, our window
will stay on top. But I'd advise you
to make sure you know exactly what you
are doing when you do this, for it
might annoy people if they can't get
your window out of the way when they
want to do that.
As you mentioned in the comments, the above line makes the window sit on top of every application. You'll need to do
To make a window sit on top of only your application.
The accepted answer fails for Windows 7 or above. (Or perhaps its me)
But making the modeless dialog as popup instead of child solves it.
It now gets positioned wrt main dialog window but you can write code to constrain anywhere.
Using the no border or top bar makes it a simple window.
It worked for me in Microsoft Windows Version 10.0.18362.476. Had to put SetWindowPos(&this->wndTopMost,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE); in OnInitDialog and make the dialog as a PopUp.