How to write Parquet files on HDFS using C++? - c++

I need to write in-memory data records to HDFS file in Parquet format using C++ language. I know there is a parquet-cpp library on github but i can't find example code.
Could anybody share copy or link to example code if you have any? Thanks.

There are examples for parquet-cpp in the github repo in the examples directory. They just deal with Parquet though, and do not involve HDFS access.
For HDFS access from C++, you will need libhdfs from Apache Hadoop. Or you may use Apache Arrow, which has HDFS integration, as desribed here.


How to write to ORC files using BucketingSink in Apache Flink?

I'm working on a Flink streaming program that reads kafka messages and dump the messages to ORC files on AWS s3. I found there is no document about the integration of Flink's BucketingSink and ORC file writer. and there is no such an ORC file writer implementation can be used in BucketingSink.
I'm stuck here, any ideas?
I agree, a BucketingSink writer for ORC files would be a great feature. However, it hasn't been contributed to Flink yet. You would have to implement such a writer yourself.
I'm sure the Flink community would help designing and reviewing the writer, if you would consider contributing it to Flink.

Copying data from a server to HDFS

My requirement is to check a distant server for files. If I receive the required files, I need to transfer them to my HDFS.
What can be the solution for same? Can I use oozie to do this or I need some other tool for same?

How to pull data from API and store it in HDFS

I am aware of flume and Kafka but these are event driven tools. I don't need it to be event driven or real time but may be just schedule the import once in a day.
What are the data ingestion tools available for importing data from API's in HDFS?
I am not using HBase either but HDFS and Hive.
I have used R language for that for quite a time but I am looking for a more robust,may be native solution to Hadoop environment.
Look into using Scala or Python for this. There are a couple ways to approach pulling from an API into HDFS. The first approach would be to write a script which runs on your edge node(essentially just a linux server) and pulls data from the API and lands it in a directory on the linux file system. Then your script can use HDFS file system commands to put the data into HDFS.
The second approach would be to use Scala or Python with Spark to call the API and directly load the data into HDFS using a Spark submit job. Again this script would be run from an edge node it is just utilizing Spark to bypass having to land the data in the LFS.
The first option is easier to implement. The second option is worth looking into if you have huge data volumes or an API that could be parallelized by making calls to muliple IDs/accounts at once.

jar containing org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb

I was trying to programmatically Load a dynamodb table into HDFS (via java, and not hive), I couldnt find examples online on how to do it, so thought I'd download the jar containing org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb and reverse engineer the process.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the file as well :(.
Could someone answer the following questions for me (listed in order of priority).
Java example that loads a dynamodb table into HDFS (that can be passed to a mapper as a table input format).
the jar containing org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb.
It's in hive-bigbird-handler.jar. Unfortunately AWS doesn't provide any source or at least Java Doc about it. But you can find the jar on any node of an EMR Cluster:
You might want to checkout this Article:
Amazon DynamoDB Part III: MapReducin’ Logs
Unfortunately, Amazon haven’t released the sources for
hive-bigbird-handler.jar, which is a shame considering its usefulness.
Of particular note, it seems it also includes built-in support for
Hadoop’s Input and Output formats, so one can write straight on
MapReduce Jobs, writing directly into DynamoDB.
Tip: search for hive-bigbird-handler.jar to get to the interesting parts... ;-)
1- I am not aware of any such example, but you might find this library useful. It provides InputFormats, OutputFormats, and Writable classes for reading and writing data to Amazon DynamoDB tables.
2- I don't think they have made it available publically.

How to put input file automatically in hdfs?

In Hadoop we always putting input file manually through -put command. Is there any way we can automate this process ?
There is no automated process of inputing a file into the Hadoop filesystem. However, it is possible to -put or -get multiple files with one command.
Here is the website for the Hadoop shell commands
I am not sure how many files you are dropping into HDFS, but one solution for watching for files and then dropping them in is Apache Flume. These slides provide a decent intro.
You can thing of automatic this process with Fabric library and python. Write hdfs put command in a function and you can call it for multiple file and perform same operations of multiple hosts in network. Fabric should be really helpful to automate in your scenario.