how to include a header file in another header file - include-path

I have 2 header files with their path being defined as below.
Now I want to include headerfile2 in headerfile1, so included the following code in headerfile1.
#include “subfolder3/subfolder4/headerfile2.h”
But I am getting error as directory/file not found.
I am not understanding where I am going wrong.

You have irregular quotes in your #include directive; use standard " quotes.
You may have to specify to your compiler where it should look for the include path, e. g. many compilers have an option -I for this, so it would be -Ifolder1, provided the current directory contains folder1, or folder1 is an absolute path.


How to include header files without quotation marks?

I'm kind of new to programming so please go easy on me. Anyways, I know about including header files that you, yourself, have defined. For example:
#include "yourHeader.h"
I'm trying to use FLTK for its GUI options, however, many of its header files include other header files using an include like this:
#include <FL/Blah.h>
instead of this:
#include "FL/Blah.h"
I would have to go every header file that has the include in angle brackets and change them to quotation marks for them to work. I am currently working in CodeBlocks right now, if that matters. Is there any way to include the header files using angle brackets instead of quotation marks, or am I stuck with having to go into the header files themselves and manually swapping them all out?
Generally, the header file from
#include "headerfile"
will searched in the current source path. If the search fails, it is reprocessed as if
#include <header file>
Your FLTK library is using include like the following?
#include <FL/Blah.h>
The FL's parent path should be in the predefined INCLUDE path. You may edit you Makefile or project settings.
You can add the folder which contains all your headers to your include path while compiling.
How to add a default include path for GCC in Linux?
Some background
Ok there are two set of include search path.
The user include path:
This is usually only the current directory (also known as ".").
Note: It may be others but for simplicity lets just use "." in the examples below.
Then there is the system include path:
This is usually a few places in your machines (could be /usr/include and /usr/local/include).
Note: It may be others but for simplicity lets just assume these in the examples below.
How it usually works.
There are caveats and not all compilers work exactly the same. But the following are a good rules of thumb.
When you include a file using quotes "".
#include "yourHeader.h"
It will search for this file in all the directories specified in the "user include path". If it fails to find them there it will then look in all the directories specified by the "system include path". So your compiler will search for the following files:
It will use the first one it finds.
When you use the <> in the include:
#include <FL/Blah.h>
It will search for the files in the "system include path" first. Then depending on your compiler may optionally search the "user include path" (but lets assume not for now).
So in this case it will search for the files:
It will use the first one it finds.
Modifying the Default
So these are the default paths that will be searched for a file. But your compiler will allow you to add extra paths to both of these search paths (usually). It depends on your compiler how to add search paths.
For gcc (and probably clang) it uses -I and -isystem (and probably more)
When you see <> in the include header it usually means this is an already installed library that you are looking for. So your code assumes that the FLTK library has already been installed on your machine.
When you see "" in the include header you should assume that it is a local file that belongs to the project.

Compiler cannot find .h files (code blocks)

I am trying to include a few libraries in code blocks, however when I add the path of the .h files to the search directory (example C:\Qt\5.1.1\mingw48_32\include\QtNetwork), it only seems to identify the ones in the main file and I think that is due to the fact that in the main file they are included as such (for example) #include "qtcpsocket.h", whereas in the .h file they are included as (for example) #include <QtNetwork/qabstractsocket.h>.
Apart from the fact that one includes the folder in which it is located, what is the major difference? Why it may not work? and what do it need to do to change it?
one more thing I'm sure the files are in the folder.
Here are a few code snippets if this helps
location of file
If your source code contains, e.g.
#include <QtNetwork/qabstractsocket.h>
then you are requesting the preprocessor to find and include a file called
(or, QtNetwork\qabstractsocket.h, if you're on Windows, as you are)
in one of its search directories.
And if you have specified compiler search directories:
then the preprocessor will search the first directory for:
which does not exist. And it will search the second directory for:
which does not exist either.
The usual way would be to specify the compiler search directory:
and in your code write your #include <...> directives like:
#include <QtNetwork/...>
#include <QtCore/...>

g++ can't seem to find .h file with or without the -I command line switch [duplicate]

In a "working directory" I have a lot of *.cpp and *.h files that #include each other and files from subdirectories.
For example:
#include "first.h"
#include "second.h"
#include "dir1/third.h"
#include "dir2/fourth.h"
In my own directory (that is different from the "working" directory) I would like to create a new *.cpp and *.h file that includes one of the files from the "working" directory. For example:
#include "/root/workingdirectory/first.h"
However, it does not work. Because "first.h" might include "second.h" and "second.h" is not located in my directory. Is there a way to tell the compiler that it needs to search included files not in the current but in the working directory: /root/workingdirectory/?
To make it even more complex, dir1 and dir2 are not located in my working directory. They are located in /root/workingdirectory2/. So, my second question is if it is possible to resolve this problem by letting compiler know that subdirectories are located somewhere else?
I also need to add, that I do not use any environment for development and compile from the command line (using g++).
As you've already been told, it's useful to read the manual - specifically this chapter - and even more specifically right here.
Specifically, you want
g++ -I/root/workingdirectory -I/root/workingdirectory2
Note also the documentation on #include directive syntax, described here as:
2.1 Include Syntax
Both user and system header files are included using the preprocessing
directive #include. It has two variants:
#include <file>
This variant is used for system header files. It searches for a file named file in a standard list of system directories. You can prepend directories to this list with the -I
option (see Invocation).
#include "file"
This variant is used for header files of your own program. It searches for a file named file first in the directory
containing the current file, then in the quote directories and then
the same directories used for <file>. You can prepend directories to
the list of quote directories with the -iquote option. The argument of
#include, whether delimited with quote marks or angle brackets,
behaves like a string constant in that comments are not recognized,
and macro names are not expanded. Thus,#include <x/*y> specifies
inclusion of a system header file named x/*y.
However, if backslashes occur within file, they are considered
ordinary text characters, not escape characters. None of the character
escape sequences appropriate to string constants in C are processed.
Thus, #include "x\n\\y" specifies a filename containing three
backslashes. (Some systems interpret \ as a pathname separator. All
of these also interpret / the same way. It is most portable to use
only /.)
It is an error if there is anything (other than comments) on the line
after the file name.
So for example
#include "first.h"
will start looking in the same directory as the .cpp file containing this directive (or take a relative path as relative to this directory).
If you want to use the include path (specified by -I) you should use
#include <dir1/third.h>
Usual practice is to use the #include "local.h" form for headers inside a library/package/module (however you've chosen to organize that), and the #include <external.h> form for headers from external/3rd-party or system libraries.
Read The Fine Manual
It's there for everyone to read. You even have a choice of what to use (I'd go with the first):
Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be searched for header files. This can be used to override a system header file, substituting your own version, since these directories are searched before the system header file directories. However, you should not use this option to add directories that contain vendor-supplied system header files (use -isystem for that). If you use more than one -I option, the directories are scanned in left-to-right order; the standard system directories come after.
If a standard system include directory, or a directory specified with -isystem, is also specified with -I, the -I option is ignored. The directory is still searched but as a system directory at its normal position in the system include chain. This is to ensure that GCC's procedure to fix buggy system headers and the ordering for the include_next directive are not inadvertently changed. If you really need to change the search order for system directories, use the -nostdinc and/or -isystem options.
Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be searched for header files only for the case of #include "file"; they are not searched for #include <file>, otherwise just like -I.
For gcc it is the -I option for header includes. For the .cpp files you just need those to appear as an argument to the gcc command.
Every C/C++ compiler (g++, gcc, MinGW, clang, e.t.c.) has a folder called "include" in it's root path where it automatically looks for header files. If you use MinGW, it would be in, for example: "C:\MinGW\include". Just save your header to the include folder like this: C:\MinGW\include\header1.h or C:\MinGW\include\LibGUI\Window.h

Referencing a cpp/h file in different location

I have a pretty basic question. If I have a .cpp and .h file in a different location than my project, how can I reference it by saying #include " ".
I am trying to use wxMathPlot.cpp/.h and it references wxWidget cpp files.
mathplot.cpp(19): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wx/window.h': No such file or directory
So say my wxMathPlot.cpp is located in C:\Users\Owner\Desktop and my wx/window.h is in C:\Users\Owner\Documents
#include "../Documents/wxMathPlot.h"
Should work. To elaborate:
When you use an include such as #include "header.h" the same directory as the file is searched.
When you use an include such as #include <header.h> a specific directory is searched, chosen by your compiler, which is where you will find most standard library header files.
You can reference it by using its full path or by referencing through one or more ..'s in your path (that means "go up one level"), or you can specify the directory in which the header file resides in the 'header file search path' (the 'include path') and then just use the filename.
However, using the full path is not recommended because if you move the header file relative to the file it is being referenced from, then it will not work anymore.
Look at this SO question for a nice answer as well.
For CPP files you need add those files in your project. If you are using Visual Studio you can add the cpp file by right clicking on your working project and selecting add existing item. If you want to refer a .h file you need include this, e.g
#include "../Documents/wx/Windows.h"
It is always good to use relative path rather than using absolute path.

Difference between <include.hpp> and "include.hpp" [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the difference between #include <filename> and #include "filename"?
(30 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am new to C++.
What is the difference between including the c++ header files using "" and <>
I am trying to use some of the header files form an open source library. All header files in that library are included using <>. Now when I do the same in my header file, its failing at compile time.
<> looks firstly in the header path for the header file whereas "" looks firstly in the current directory of the file for the header.
The distinction is very largely implementation defined; the "..." form
should look first in the place where the file which includes it is
situated; the <...> no. Beyond that, both look in an implementation
defined list of places, with the additional requirement that if the
compiler doesn't find a "..." form in any of the expected places, it
reprocesses the include as if it were a <...> form.
In practice, all of the compilers I know build a list of places using
the -I or /I options, followed by a number of "standard" and
compiler defined places. This list is for <...>; "..." is searched
in the same directory as the including file, then treated as a <...>.
(Some compilers, at least, also have options to add to the list for
I'm not sure what's happening with regards to the library. Normally,
when using a third party library, you have to add one or more -I or
/I options to tell the compiler where to find its headers. Once
you've done that, both your code and the library code should find all of
the necessary headers. The one case I can think of where an include
might work in a library header, and not in your own headers, is a
"..." style include in a library header which was included from
another library header, using a path specifier, e.g.:
#include "Subdir/LibraryFile2.hpp"
#include "LibraryFile3.hpp"
You will have told the compiler to look for the headers (using a -I
option) in something like LibraryRoot/include, which is where
LibraryFile1.hpp is located; LibraryFile2.hpp is relative to this
location, and in LibraryFile2.hpp, the compiler finds
LibraryFile3.hpp because it is in the same directory as the file which
includes it. If you try to include LibraryFile3.hpp directly,
however, the compiler won't find it.
File includes between <> are looked for in your compiler's path, whereas "" is looking relatively to your current directory (or absolute if you specify a path that starts with / or c:\ but this is not recommended)
On Unix systems, by default the path contains /usr/include. This path may be completed by adding -Isome_directory for it to search in it.
For example, if you have your file test.c and you want to include include/test.h, you have different choices:
Write #include "include/test.h", which will look relatively from the directory of the compiled file.
Write #include <test.h>, but this time you will need to specify -Iinclude to the compiler to add the ./include directory to the compiler's path.
Note, however, that some compilers accept the "" notation for lookups in the path, but that always confused me and is a bad thing to do.
The quotes mean include from local folder and the <> mean to include from another directory specified using a flag to g++ or MSVC or whatever compiler you are using or system headers.
<> looks in the default directory for include files, "" looks in the current directory and than in the default directory
This question is a duplicate of Question 21593. None of the above answers above are totally correct. Like many programmers, I have used the informal convention of using the "myApp.hpp" form for application specific files, and the form for library and compiler system files, i.e. files specified in /I and the INCLUDE environment variable. However, the C standard states that the search order is implementation specific.
Here's the msdn explanation copied here for your convenience).
Quoted form
The preprocessor searches for include files in this order:
1. In the same directory as the file that contains the #include statement.
2. In the directories of the currently opened include files, in the reverse order in which
they were opened. The search begins in the directory of the parent include file and
continues upward through the directories of any grandparent include files.
3. Along the path that's specified by each /I compiler option.
4. Along the paths that are specified by the INCLUDE environment variable.
Angle-bracket form
The preprocessor searches for include files in this order:
1. Along the path that's specified by each /I compiler option.
2. When compiling occurs on the command line, along the paths that are specified by the INCLUDE
environment variable.
Including a file using <> will tell the compiler to look for those files in environment-defined inclusion folders. Those folders can be standard system folders, or defined by your Makefile if you use one, etc. Using "", the compiler will look for inclusion files only in the source file's path.
So you can use "" and use absolute paths or the path which is relative to the source file you try to include in, or you can use <> after defining your inclusion folders, and just specify the name of the header file to include.
IMHO, the second option is better, especially if you use a lot of headers, or multiple libraries, etc...
To define inclusion folders at compilation time : gcc -I ... (man gcc!)