Clojure inclusive range? prime-seq print-top-primes - clojure

Prime-seq function not printing the largest number in a range between 2 inputs when it is prime and should be printed. Also, effecting print-top-primes as this too will not print the biggest number in a range if it is prime. Unsure how to include this number I think that the issue is in the prime-seq function and print-top-primes is experiencing the same issue because it makes a call to prime-seq. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ive changing the values in the :let of prime-seq, tried adding inclusive syntax the I found online but that either did nothing or returned an error so I removed it.
(defn prime-seq [from to]
(for [i (range from to)
:let [y (+ i 0)]
:when (is-prime? i)]
(defn print-top-primes [from to]
(doseq [i (take 10 (reverse (prime-seq from to)))]
(println i))
(printf "Total = %d\n" (reduce + (prime-seq from to))))
With the input (prime-seq 7 11) the expected output should be "7 11" but what I am getting is "7".
With the input: (print-top-primes 50 103) I would expect the output to be "103, 101, 97, 89, 83, 79, 73, 71, 67" but the output I am getting is "101, 97, 89, 83, 79, 73, 71, 67, 61".

Since range is not inclusive on its end argument. From the docs:
Returns a lazy seq of nums from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive)
You could simply increment end before use, using inc :
(defn prime-seq [from to]
(for [i (range from (inc to))
:let [y (+ i 0)]
:when (is-prime? i)]


How to schedule a list of functions `n` seconds apart with Clojure Core Async

In my Clojure project I'm trying to make a list of http calls to an API that has a rate limiter that only allows n calls per minute. I want each of the responses to be returned once all the http calls are finished for further processing. I am new to Clojure's Core Async, but thought it would be a good fit, but because I need to run each call n seconds apart I am also trying to use the Chime library. In Chime's library it has examples using Core Async, but the examples all call the same function at each time interval which won't work for this use case.
While there is probably a way to use chime-async that better serves this use case, all of my attempts at that have failed so I've tried simply wrapping Chime calls with core async, but I am probably more baffled by Core Async than Chime.
This is an example of my name space.
(ns mp.util.schedule
(:require [chime.core :as chime]
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[tick.alpha.api :as tick]))
(defn schedule-fns
"Takes a list of functions and a duration in seconds then runs each function in the list `sec` seconds apart
optionally provide an inst to start from"
[fs sec & [{:keys [inst] :or {inst (tick/now)}}]]
(let [ch (a/chan (count fs))
chime-times (map-indexed
(fn mapped-fn [i f]
(a/put! ch (chime/chime-at [(.plusSeconds inst (* i sec))]
(fn wrapped-fn [_] (f)))))
(doseq [chi chime-times]
(a/<!! chi))))
; === Test Code ===
; simple test function
(defn sim-fn
"simple function that prints a message and value, then returns the value"
[v m]
(println m :at (tick/now))
; list of test functions
(def fns [#(sim-fn 1 :one)
#(sim-fn 2 :two)
#(sim-fn 3 :three)])
What I want to happen when calling (schedule-fns fns 2) is for each function in fns to run n seconds from each other and for schedule-fns to return (1 2 3) (the return values of the functions), but this isn't what it is doing. It is calling each of the functions at the correct times (which I can see from the log statements) but it isn't returning anything and there's an error I don't understand. I'm getting:
(schedule-fns fns 2)
:one :at #time/instant "2021-03-05T23:31:52.565Z"
Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at clojure.core.async.impl.protocols/eval11496$fn$G (protocols.clj:15).
No implementation of method: :take! of protocol: #'clojure.core.async.impl.protocols/ReadPort found for class: java.lang.Boolean
:two :at #time/instant "2021-03-05T23:31:54.568Z"
:three :at #time/instant "2021-03-05T23:31:56.569Z"
If I could get help getting my code to use Core Async properly (with or without Chime) I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
Try this:
(defn sim-fn
"simple function that prints a message and value, then returns the value"
[v m]
(println m)
; list of test functions
(def fns [#(sim-fn 1 :one)
#(sim-fn 2 :two)
#(sim-fn 3 :three)])
(defn schedule-fns [fns sec]
(let [program (interpose #(Thread/sleep (* sec 1000))
(remove #(= % nil)
(for [p program]
Then call:
> (schedule-fns fns 2)
=> (1 2 3)
I came up with a way to get what I want...with some caveats.
(def results (atom []))
(defn schedule-fns
"Takes a list of functions and a duration in seconds then runs each function in the list `sec` seconds apart
optionally provide an inst to start from"
[fs sec]
(let [ch (chan (count fs))]
(go-loop []
(swap! results conj (<! ch))
(map-indexed (fn [i f]
(println :waiting (* i sec) :seconds)
(go (<! (timeout (* i sec 1000)))
(>! ch (f))))
This code has the timing and behavior that I want, but I have to use an atom to store the responses. While I can add a watcher to determine when all the results are in, I still feel like I shouldn't have to do that.
I guess I'll use this for now, but at some point I'll keep working on this and if anyone has something better than this approach I'd love to see it.
I had a couple friends look at this and they each came up with different answers. These are certainly better than what I was doing.
(defn schedule-fns [fs secs]
(let [ret (atom {})
sink (a/chan)]
(doseq [[n f] (map-indexed vector fs)]
(a/thread (a/<!! (a/timeout (* 1000 n secs)))
(let [val (f)
this-ret (swap! ret assoc n val)]
(when (= (count fs) (count this-ret))
(a/>!! sink (mapv (fn [i] (get this-ret i)) (range (count fs))))))))
(a/<!! sink)))
(defn schedule-fns
[fns sec]
(let [concurrent (count fns)
output-chan (a/chan)
timedout-coll (map-indexed (fn [i f]
#(do (println "Waiting")
(a/<!! (a/timeout (* 1000 i sec)))
(f))) fns)]
(a/pipeline-blocking concurrent
(map (fn [f] (f)))
(a/to-chan timedout-coll))
(a/<!! (a/into [] output-chan))))
If your objective is to work around the rate limiter, you can consider implementing it in the async channel. Below is one sample implementation - the function takes a channel, throttled its input with a token based limiter and pipe it to an output channel.
(require '[clojure.core.async :as async])
(defn rate-limiting-ch [input xf rate]
(let [tokens (numerator rate)
period (denominator rate)
ans (async/chan tokens xf)
next (fn [] (+ period (System/currentTimeMillis)))]
(async/go-loop [c tokens
t (next)]
(if (zero? c)
(async/<! (async/timeout (- t (System/currentTimeMillis))))
(recur tokens (next)))
(when-let [x (async/<! input)]
(async/>! ans x)
(recur (dec c) t))))
And here is a sample usage:
(let [start (System/currentTimeMillis)
input (async/to-chan (range 10))
output (rate-limiting-ch input
;; simulate an api call with roundtrip time of ~300ms
(map #(let [wait (rand-int 300)
ans {:time (- (System/currentTimeMillis) start)
:wait wait
:input %}]
(Thread/sleep wait)
;; rate limited to 2 calls per 1000ms
;; consume the output
(async/go-loop []
(when-let [x (async/<! output)]
(println x)
{:time 4, :wait 63, :input 0}
{:time 68, :wait 160, :input 1}
{:time 1003, :wait 74, :input 2}
{:time 1079, :wait 151, :input 3}
{:time 2003, :wait 165, :input 4}
{:time 2169, :wait 182, :input 5}
{:time 3003, :wait 5, :input 6}
{:time 3009, :wait 18, :input 7}
{:time 4007, :wait 138, :input 8}
{:time 4149, :wait 229, :input 9}

Decrease list values by ratio in Clojure

I have a little programming issue that I'm trying to resolve in Clojure.
Say, I have a list with Integer values (they also include zeros). These values have a sum, which I want to decrease by a certain value. To get to this lower sum, I want to decrease the values in the list by ratio.
Say, I have the following list: [0, 10, 30, 40, 20, 0]. The sum is 100, and I want to decrease the sum to 90. I want to decrease the values by ratio, so the new list will be [0, 9, 27, 36, 18, 0].
However, this gets problematic when the numbers turn into fractions. When you round numbers (either with round, floor or ceil), you can end up with a sum that's off by 1 or 2. I can't seem to find an elegant solution. Everything I get consists of going through all the values once, and then going back to repair the offset. Any ideas?
To clarify the behaviour I want to see, the way it rounds doesn't really matter to me, as long as the sum is correct and the ratios of the numbers are approximately the same. I don't care care whether the total error is the smallest or that most are rounded down.
Additional requirements are that numbers are only allowed to stay equal or get lower, numbers should be >= 0, and the resulting list of numbers should be integers.
We can specify the function's requirements with clojure.spec. If we want the function to support integers w/arbitrary precision, sequences that sum to zero, empty sequences, etc., we could write this function spec:
(s/def ::natural-integer (s/and integer? (comp not neg?)))
(s/fdef dec-sum-int
:args (s/and (s/cat :new-sum ::natural-integer
:nums (s/coll-of ::natural-integer))
#(<= (:new-sum %) (apply +' (:nums %))))
:ret (s/coll-of ::natural-integer)
:fn (fn [{:keys [args ret]}]
(and (= (count (:nums args)) (count ret))
;; each output <= corresponding input
(every? true? (map <= ret (:nums args)))
(or (empty? ret)
(= (:new-sum args) (apply + ret))))))
Then st/check the original answer below to see failing examples, or see example invocations with s/exercise-fn.
Here's a version that satisfies the spec for your updated requirements. Most of the complexity is to ensure each output <= input when adjusting for rounding error:
(defn dec-sum-int [new-sum nums]
(let [sum (apply +' nums)
ratio (if (zero? sum) 1 (/ new-sum sum))
nums' (map #(bigint (*' % ratio)) nums)
err (- new-sum (apply + nums'))]
(loop [nums nums
nums' nums'
out []
err err]
(zero? err)
(into out nums')
(seq nums')
(let [[num & more] nums
[num' & more'] nums']
(if (pos? num)
(let [num'' (min num (+ num' err))]
(recur more more'
(conj out num'')
(- err (- num'' num'))))
(recur more more' (conj out num') err)))
:else out))))
(st/summarize-results (st/check `dec-sum-int))
=> {:total 1, :check-passed 1}
Original Answer
Here's a function to multiply each number in a collection by a ratio to reach some desired sum:
(defn adjust-sum [new-sum nums]
(let [sum (apply + nums)]
(map #(* % (/ new-sum sum))
(adjust-sum 90 [0 10 30 40 20 0])
=> (0N 9N 27N 36N 18N 0N)
(map int *1)
=> (0 9 27 36 18 0)
For your example the results naturally come out as big integers. This is the only given example, but this problem lends itself well to property-based, generative testing. We can define properties that should hold for all examples and use test.check to test the function against many random examples we may not have imagined:
(tc/quick-check 10000
(prop/for-all [new-sum gen/int
nums (->> (gen/vector gen/int)
;; current approach fails for inputs that sum to zero
(gen/such-that #(not (zero? (apply + %)))))]
(= new-sum (apply + (adjust-sum new-sum nums)))))
=> {:result true, :num-tests 10000, :seed 1552170880184}
See updates above for handling examples with rounding error, or prior edits for handling negative numbers.
I don't think there is way to solve it without going through the list a second time to fix the rounding. Here is one solution using Largest Remainder Method:
(defn adj-seq
[input ratio rounding]
(let [;;
;; function to apply ratio to a number
mul-ratio (partial * ratio)
;; function to apply ratio and rounding to a number
mul-ratio-r (comp rounding mul-ratio)
;; sort oirignal input with largest remainder first
;; then applies ratio and rounding to each number
rounded-list (->> input
(sort-by #(- (mul-ratio-r %)
(mul-ratio %)))
(map mul-ratio-r))
;; sum of original numbers
sum-input (reduce + input)
;; calculate the delta between the expected sum and sum of all rounded numbers
delta (- (mul-ratio-r sum-input) (reduce + rounded-list))]
;; distribute delta to the rounded numbers in largest remainder order
(->> rounded-list
(reductions (fn [[remain _] e]
;; increment number by 1 if remaining delta is >1
(if (pos? remain)
[(dec remain) (inc e)]
;; otherwise returns the rounded number as is
[0 e]))
;; delta is the initial value to feed to the reducing function
;; ignore the first output from the reducing function - which is the original delta
;; get the adjusted number: ratio + rounding + delta-adj
(map last))))
And a sample run:
(def input [0 10 30 40 20 0])
(def ratio 0.83)
(def rounding int)
(reduce + input)
;; => 100
(* ratio *1)
;; => 83.0
(adj-seq input ratio rounding)
;; => (25 17 8 33 0 0)
(reduce + *1)
;; => 83
Is this what you need?
(defn scale-vector
"Given `s`, a sequence of numbers, and `t`, a target value for the sum of
the sequence, return a sequence like `s` but with each number scaled
[s t]
(let [ratio (/ (reduce + (filter number? s)) t)]
(map #(if (number? %) (/ % ratio) %) s)))
(scale-vector [10 20 :foo 30 45.3 0 27/3] 21)
=> (1.837270341207349 3.674540682414698 :foo 5.511811023622047 8.32283464566929 0.0 1.6535433070866141)
(reduce + (filter number? (scale-vector [10 20 :foo 30 45.3 0 27/3] 21)))
=> 21.0
What's going on here:
We're assuming that s is a sequence of numbers; but it isn't necessarily an error if some element is not a number. Filtering for numbers allows us to cope gracefully is some elements are non-numeric; I've chosen to preserve non-numeric elements, but you could equally drop them.
I've done nothing special to exclude rational numbers from the output, and I can't see why you'd need to; but if you wanted to do that you could use (map double [1 1/2 22/7]) => (1.0 0.5 3.142857142857143).
But idiomatically, in Clojure, a number is just a number. Any function that accepts numbers should accept numbers. Rational numbers - what you are referring to as 'fractions' - are just numbers like any other numbers. Don't worry about them.

Storing fibonacci values

I did a very simple solution to fibonacci:
(defn fib [n]
(if (or (zero? n) (= n 1))
(+ (fib (dec n)) (fib (- n 2)))))
but instead of returning the value, for example
(fib 6) ; 13
I would return the sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... I was thinking about store the values in a sequence, but where should I return the sequence? I mean, verifying if I'm at the last call of fib does not sound much nice.
ps: I'm trying to solve this exercise:
Clojure functions return the result of the last evaluated form. You could accumulate your Fibonacci numbers in a vector.
A nice lazy version of fibonacci is:
(def lazy-fib
"Lazy sequence of fibonacci numbers"
((fn rfib [a b]
(lazy-seq (cons a (rfib b (+' a b)))))
0 1))
Then you can use it with:
(fn [n] (take n lazy-fib))
Which gives, after some formatting for this problem:
(drop 1 (take (inc n) ((fn rfib [a b]
(lazy-seq (cons a (rfib b (+' a b)))))
0 1))))

Convert a list with to distinct regions into a Map

Convert a list of this form:
( arg1 arg2 ... :first_keyword val_1 :key2 val_2 ... )
Into this map:
{ 1 arg1, 2 arg2, ..., :first_keyword val_1, :key2 val_2, ... }
I can see very ugly ways to do this. But what is the Clojure way to do this?
(P.S. My early reaction to Clojure is that it feels a little like it is
optimized for more "toy-like" tasks. if the logic connecting your inputs
and outputs has any hair on it, then it feels to me I am spending more
effort fighting the language rather than the problem. specifically,
keeping track of the fifth argument in your 'recurs' statement feels
like I am doing something the compiler should be doing...
but perhaps my Clojure vision is still too weak...)
Here's one solution:
(let [[vals keyvals]
(split-with (complement keyword?)
[100 101 102 :a 103 :b 104 :c 105])]
(merge (zipmap (range) vals)
(apply hash-map keyvals)))
=> {:a 103, :b 104, :c 105, 2 102, 1 101, 0 100}
That makes 0 the key of the first element. If you want 1-based keys, you could wrap (range) in (map inc _).
Other notes:
(split-with (complement keyword?) ...) splits the sequence into two parts: a sequence with no keywords, and the rest.
(zipmap (range) vals) "zips" the two sequences together into a map, using as many integers from range as there are vals.
(loop [inputs ["arg1" "arg2" :key1 1 :key2 2] index 1 output {}]
(if (empty? inputs) output
(let [input (first inputs) rest-inputs (rest inputs)]
(if (keyword? input)
(recur (rest rest-inputs) index (assoc output input (second inputs)))
(recur rest-inputs (inc index) (assoc output index input))))))
You could maybe use a for comprehension or reduce with some pre-processing but a loop may be cleanest in this case.

Proper way to obtain side effects while using the in Clojure?

I'm reading lines from a very large text file. The file contains a set of data that I'd like to select specific line numbers from. What I'd like to do is read in a line from the file, if the line is one that I want, conj it to my result, and if it's not, then check the next line. I don't want to store all the lines I've seen in memory so I'd like a way to drop them from the reader line-seq as I read them.
I have a function like this:
;; evaluates but doesn't modify the line sequence so continuously adds
;; the same first line to the result. I would like this exact function
;; but somehow have it drop the first line of lines at each iteration.
(defn get-training-data [batch-size batch-num]
(let [line-numbers (fn that returns vector of random numbers)]
(with-open [rdr ( "resources/sample.txt")]
(let [lines (line-seq rdr) res []]
(for [i (range (apply max line-numbers))
:let [res (conj res (json/read-str (first lines)))]
:when (some #{i} line-numbers)]
I also have a function like this:
;;this works as I want it to, but only with a small file and produces a
;;stack overflow with a large file
(defn get-training-data1 [batch-size batch-num]
(let [line-numbers (fn that returns a vector of random numbers)]
(with-open [rdr ( "resources/sample.txt")]
(let [lines (line-seq rdr)]
(loop [i 0 f (apply max line-numbers) res [] lines lines]
(if (> i f)
(if (some #{i} line-numbers)
(inc i)
(conj res (json/read-str (first lines)))
(drop 1 lines))
(inc i)
(drop 1 lines)))))))))
As I tried to test this, I developed the following simpler cases:
(let [res []]
(for [i (range 10)
:let [res (conj res i)]
:when (odd? i)]
res)) ;;([1] [3] [5] [7] [9])
;;now an attempt to get the same result but have a side effect each time,
;;produces null pointer exception.
(let [res []]
(for [i (range 10)
:let [res (conj res i)]
:when (odd? i)]
(println i)
I believe if I could figure out how to produce a side effect within a for, then the first problem about would be resolved because I could just make the side effect to drop the first line of the reader's line sequence.
Do you guys have any thoughts?
map and filter will do this nicely and keep it lazy so you don't store any more in memory than you have to.
user> (->> (line-seq ( "project.clj")) ;; lazy sequence of lines
(map vector (range)) ;; add an index
(filter #(#{1 3 7 9} (first %))) ;; filter by index
(map second )) ;; drop the index
(" :description \"API server for Yummly mobile app(s)\""
"[com.project/example \"1.4.8-SNAPSHOT\"]"
" [org.clojure/tools.cli \"0.2\.4\"]"
" [clojurewerkz/mailer \"1.0.0-alpha3\"]")