How To Write Unit Test For CustomActionFilter In DotNet Core - unit-testing

I have custom action filter and i want to write unit test for that in dotnet core weabpi.
please help.
public class ApplicationIdValidationAttribute: IActionFilter
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
var param = context.ActionArguments["Id"];
var modelState = context.ModelState;
if (param!=null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.ToString()))
modelState.AddModelError("id", "Application id is required");
context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(new ModelStateRequestValidationAdaptor(modelState));
if (!Guid.TryParse(param?.ToString(), out Guid applicationGuid))
modelState.AddModelError("id", "Application id is not a valid Guid");
context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(new ModelStateRequestValidationAdaptor(modelState));
public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)


Unit Test with Nsubstitute allways return null with Lambda expression on Repository pattern

inside of the method which I'm evaluating in my Unit Test I want to return a mocked value which call my repository pattern, but always return null.
I've tried with both options below but the behavior is the same (return null):
Repository.FindAsync<User>(Arg.Is<Expression<Func<User, bool>>>(x => x.Email == "Test")).Returns(new User() { FirstName = "Test"});
Repository.FindAsync<User>(x => x.Email == "Test").Returns(new User() { FirstName = "Test"});
I paste the whole code of my unit test
public class WhenTestingUser : WhenTesting<Customer>
private IRepository Repository { get; set; }
protected override void Given()
Repository = Fixture.Freeze<IRepository>();
Repository.Find<User>(Arg.Any<Expression<Func<User, bool>>>()).ReturnsNull();
Repository.FindAsync<User>(Arg.Is<Expression<Func<User, bool>>>(x => x.Email == "Test")).Returns(new User() { FirstName = "Test"});
protected override void When()
public void WhenCalled()
throw new NotImplementedException();
I'm working with AutoFixture.AutoNSubstitute, NSubstite and NUnit
The solution is:
public void TestUnprocessedInvoicesByCatchingExpression()
Expression<Func<InvoiceDTO, bool>> queryUsed = null;
IList<InvoiceDTO> expectedResults = new List<InvoiceDTO>();
.Find(i => true)
.ReturnsForAnyArgs(x =>
queryUsed = (Expression<Func<InvoiceDTO, bool>>)x[0];
return expectedResults;
Assert.That(_sut.GetUnprocessedInvoices(), Is.SameAs(expectedResults));
AssertQueryPassesFor(queryUsed, new InvoiceDTO { IsProcessed = false, IsConfirmed = true });
AssertQueryFailsFor(queryUsed, new InvoiceDTO { IsProcessed = true, IsConfirmed = true });
NSubstitute - Testing for a specific linq expression

How to Mock QueryMultiple using Moq.Dapper

I am writing unit test cases and I am successful in writing unit test case for Query. But I am failing to write unit test case for QueryMultiple.
For Query I am writing like this:
IEnumerable<ClientTestPurpose> fakeTestPurposes = new
new ClientTestPurpose { PurposeID = 1, PurposeName = "Test Purpose name1"},
new ClientTestPurpose { PurposeID = 1, PurposeName = "Test Purpose name2"},
new ClientTestPurpose { PurposeID = 1, PurposeName = "Test Purpose name3"}
_mock.SetupDapper(x => x.Query<ClientTestPurpose>(It.IsAny<string>(), null, null, true, null, null)).Returns(fakeTestPurposes);
var result = _libraryRepository.TestPurposes(clientModal.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(result.Count(), fakeTestPurposes.Count());
How to write for QueryMultiple:
using (var multi = _db.QueryMultiple(spName, spParams, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure))
var totals = multi.Read<dynamic>().FirstOrDefault();
var aggregates = multi.Read<StatusModel>();
var scripts = multi.Read<LibraryItemModel>();
var runs = multi.Read<RunSummaryModel>();
var filteredTotals = multi.Read<dynamic>().FirstOrDefault();
Apparently you use Moq.Dapper extenstions. Here is the code of SetupDapper and SetupDapperAsync method:
public static ISetup<IDbConnection, TResult> SetupDapper<TResult>(this Mock<IDbConnection> mock, Expression<Func<IDbConnection, TResult>> expression)
MethodCallExpression body = expression.Body as MethodCallExpression;
if ((body != null ? body.Method.DeclaringType : (Type) null) != typeof (SqlMapper))
throw new ArgumentException("Not a Dapper method.");
string name = body.Method.Name;
if (name == "Execute")
return (ISetup<IDbConnection, TResult>) DbConnectionInterfaceMockExtensions.SetupExecute(mock);
if (name == "ExecuteScalar")
return DbConnectionInterfaceMockExtensions.SetupExecuteScalar<TResult>(mock);
if (name == "Query" || name == "QueryFirstOrDefault")
return DbConnectionInterfaceMockExtensions.SetupQuery<TResult>(mock);
throw new NotSupportedException();
public static ISetup<IDbConnection, Task<TResult>> SetupDapperAsync<TResult>(this Mock<IDbConnection> mock, Expression<Func<IDbConnection, Task<TResult>>> expression)
MethodCallExpression body = expression.Body as MethodCallExpression;
if ((body != null ? body.Method.DeclaringType : (Type) null) != typeof (SqlMapper))
throw new ArgumentException("Not a Dapper method.");
if (body.Method.Name == "QueryAsync")
return DbConnectionInterfaceMockExtensions.SetupQueryAsync<TResult>(mock);
throw new NotSupportedException();
As you can see Moq.Dapper supports mocking only for Execute, ExecuteScalar, Query and QueryAsync methods. Therefore you probably get NotSupportedException on trying to mock QueryMultiple. To mock DB behavior you probably need introduce another level of abstraction first, as #TrueWill said in a comments. Here is just an example of idea how it can be in your case:
public void DoSomethingWithQueryTest()
// Arrange
IEnumerable<ClientTestPurpose> fakeTestPurposes = new
new ClientTestPurpose { PurposeID = 1, PurposeName = "Test Purpose name1" },
new ClientTestPurpose { PurposeID = 1, PurposeName = "Test Purpose name2" },
new ClientTestPurpose { PurposeID = 1, PurposeName = "Test Purpose name3" }
var mock = new Mock<ILibraryRepository>();
mock.Setup(x => x.TestPurposes(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(fakeTestPurposes);
var logicService = new SomeLogicService(mock.Object);
// Act
var result = logicService.DoSomethingWithQuery(1);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(result.Count(), fakeTestPurposes.Count());
public void DoSomethingWithQueryMultipleTest()
// Arrange
SomeAggregate fakeTestPurposes = new SomeAggregate();
var mock = new Mock<ILibraryRepository>();
mock.Setup(x => x.TestQueryMultiple()).Returns(fakeTestPurposes);
var logicService = new SomeLogicService(mock.Object);
// Act
var result = logicService.DoSomethingWithQueryMultiple();
// Assert
public interface ILibraryRepository
IEnumerable<ClientTestPurpose> TestPurposes(int id);
SomeAggregate TestQueryMultiple();
public class LibraryRepository : ILibraryRepository
private readonly IDbConnection _db;
public LibraryRepository(IDbConnection db)
_db = db ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(db));
public IEnumerable<ClientTestPurpose> TestPurposes(int id)
return _db.Query<ClientTestPurpose>("SQL here", new { id }, null, true, null, null);
public SomeAggregate TestQueryMultiple()
string spName = "SQL here";
var spParams = new { Id = 1 };
using (var multi = _db.QueryMultiple(spName, spParams, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure))
return new SomeAggregate
totals = multi.Read<dynamic>().FirstOrDefault(),
aggregates = multi.Read<StatusModel>(),
scripts = multi.Read<LibraryItemModel>(),
runs = multi.Read<RunSummaryModel>(),
filteredTotals = multi.Read<dynamic>().FirstOrDefault()
public class SomeAggregate
public IEnumerable<dynamic> totals { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<StatusModel> aggregates { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<LibraryItemModel> scripts { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<RunSummaryModel> runs { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<dynamic> filteredTotals { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Example logic server, that just returns results from repository
/// </summary>
public class SomeLogicService
private readonly ILibraryRepository _repo;
public SomeLogicService(ILibraryRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
public IEnumerable<ClientTestPurpose> DoSomethingWithQuery(int id)
return _repo.TestPurposes(id);
public SomeAggregate DoSomethingWithQueryMultiple()
return _repo.TestQueryMultiple();
The main idea is to hide all DB specific thing behind the ILibraryRepository and move all logic that you need to test to some logic server, that will receive repository as dependency. In order code in repository should be simple, obvious, contains all DB specific logic: connection, transaction, command, object-relation mapping, etc. And you don't need to cover this code with unt tests. However you do cover code of SomeLogicService with unit tests, because this is what you really need to test. You see Dapper extension method are rather low-level abstraction, that doesn't hide details of working with DB, they are just helpers. Hope it helps.

Request.GetOwinContext().getManager<ApplicationUserManager> returns null when unit testing Account controller web api

I am trying to write some unit tests for my account controller web apis which make use of UserManager but I keep receiving null on the line in the title in the following section:
public ApplicationUserManager UserManager
return _userManager ?? Request.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();
private set
_userManager = value;
I have tried so many different ways to fix this as I have read that I need to Mock some of the parts of ApplicationUser but have not managed to get any of them to fix my problem. Below is some of the code I have implemented following a tutorial to unit test:
public interface IStoreAppContext : IDisposable
//IDbSet<User> Users { get; }
DbSet<User> u { get; }
DbSet<SportProgram> SportContext { get; set; }
int SaveChanges();
void MarkAsModified(User item);
The api I am trying to unit test in my account controller is:
(This line below "var user..." is where the problem starts. it calls the line in the title of this question)
public IHttpActionResult getUserProfile(String username)
var user = UserManager.FindByName(username);
if (user != null)
return Ok(user);
return NotFound();
Then in my TestProject I have the following context class:
class TestStoreAppContext : IStoreAppContext
public TestStoreAppContext()
this.u = new TestProductDbSet();
public DbSet<User> u { get; set; }
public DbSet<SportProgram> SportContext { get; set; }
public int SaveChanges()
return 0;
public void MarkAsModified(User item) { }
public void Dispose() { }
Finally in my test controller where i test the api:
public void getUserProfileTest()
var context = new TestStoreAppContext();
var controller = new AccountController(context);
var result = controller.getUserProfile("john") as OkNegotiatedContentResult<User>;
Assert.AreEqual("john", result.Content.UserName);
The GetDemoProduct called above:
User GetDemoProduct()
return new User()
Id = "3",
UserName = "john",
Password = "Password-1",
Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

Upgrading Spock unit tests from Grails 1.3.9 to Grails 2.3.9. But edit() test is failing

I am updating unit tests in a Grails project. We were originally using version 1.3.9 and now we are updating to version 2.3.9. I am using Spock.
I keep getting this error:
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Condition not satisfied:
controller.edit() == [filterCategoryInstance: filterCategoryInstance]
| | | |
| null false John
Here is the controller code:
def edit() {
def filterCategoryInstance = FilterCategory.get(
if (!filterCategoryInstance) {
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: 'dpFilterCategory.label', default: 'FilterCategory'),])}"
redirect(action: "list")
else {
return [filterCategoryInstance: filterCategoryInstance]
and here is the test code:
#Mock([FilterCategory, FilterCategoryTag])
class FilterCategoryControllerSpec extends ExtendedControllerSpec {
def 'edit action: existing FilterCategory'() {
mockI18N(FilterCategoryController) =
controller.edit() == [filterCategoryInstance: filterCategoryInstance]
tag = new FilterCategoryTag(name: 'tag1')
filterCategoryInstance = new FilterCategory(name: "John",
submissionText:"John", sortOrder:0, 'filterCategoryTags': [tag])
And here is the ExtendedControllerSpec code. I hope I have included enough code:
I have looked at the following web pages for guidance:
class ExtendedControllerSpec extends Specification {
def props
protected void setup() {
props = new Properties()
File file = new File("grails-app/i18n/")
if (file.exists()) {
def stream = new FileInputStream(file)
props.load stream
def mockI18N = { controller ->
controller.metaClass.message = { Map map ->
if (!map.code)
return ""
if (map.args) {
def formatter = new MessageFormat("")
if (props.getProperty(map.code)) {
formatter.applyPattern props.getProperty(map.code)
return formatter.format(map.args.toArray())
} else {
if (props && props.hasProperty(map.code)) {
return props.getProperty(map.code)
} else {
return map.code
* add dynamic methods in test setup.
protected void addDynamicMethods() {
String.metaClass.mixin StringUtils
protected GrailsUser mockGrailsUser() {
return Mock(GrailsUser)
* must call AFTER mockDpSercurityService
protected void setHasRoleTrue() {
if (controller?.dpSecurityService?.metaClass) {
controller.dpSecurityService.metaClass.hasRole = {return true}
protected void setHasRoleFalse() {
if (controller?.dpSecurityService?.metaClass) {
controller.dpSecurityService.metaClass.hasRole = {return false}
protected void mockUserService() {
controller.dpUserService = new MockFor(UserService)
Looks like the if branch gets executed in edit() instead of the else branch because FilterCategory does not get saved and therfore does not get a proper id.

Is it possible to unit test BundleConfig in MVC4?

As far as I can tell, the answer is no. The issue I'm seeing comes from the Include(params string[]) method in the System.Web.Optimization.Bundle class. Internally this invokes System.Web.Optimization.IncludeDirectory(string, string, bool), which in turn uses this code:
DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(
While it is possible to set HttpContext.Current during a unit test, I can't figure out how to make its .Server.MapPath(string directoryVirtualPath) return a non-null string. Since the DirectoryInfo(string) constructor throws an exception when passed a null argument, such a test will always fail.
What is the .NET team's recommendation for this? Do we have to unit test bundling configurations as part of integration tests or user acceptance tests?
I have some good news for you, for RTM we added a new static property on BundleTable to enable more unit tests:
public static Func<string, string> MapPathMethod;
Edit Updated with a test virtual path provider:
So you can do something like this:
public class TestVirtualPathProvider : VirtualPathProvider {
private string NormalizeVirtualPath(string virtualPath, bool isDirectory = false) {
if (!virtualPath.StartsWith("~")) {
virtualPath = "~" + virtualPath;
virtualPath = virtualPath.Replace('\\', '/');
// Normalize directories to always have an ending "/"
if (isDirectory && !virtualPath.EndsWith("/")) {
return virtualPath + "/";
return virtualPath;
// Files on disk (virtualPath -> file)
private Dictionary<string, VirtualFile> _fileMap = new Dictionary<string, VirtualFile>();
private Dictionary<string, VirtualFile> FileMap {
get { return _fileMap; }
public void AddFile(VirtualFile file) {
FileMap[NormalizeVirtualPath(file.VirtualPath)] = file;
private Dictionary<string, VirtualDirectory> _directoryMap = new Dictionary<string, VirtualDirectory>();
private Dictionary<string, VirtualDirectory> DirectoryMap {
get { return _directoryMap; }
public void AddDirectory(VirtualDirectory dir) {
DirectoryMap[NormalizeVirtualPath(dir.VirtualPath, isDirectory: true)] = dir;
public override bool FileExists(string virtualPath) {
return FileMap.ContainsKey(NormalizeVirtualPath(virtualPath));
public override bool DirectoryExists(string virtualDir) {
return DirectoryMap.ContainsKey(NormalizeVirtualPath(virtualDir, isDirectory: true));
public override VirtualFile GetFile(string virtualPath) {
return FileMap[NormalizeVirtualPath(virtualPath)];
public override VirtualDirectory GetDirectory(string virtualDir) {
return DirectoryMap[NormalizeVirtualPath(virtualDir, isDirectory: true)];
internal class TestVirtualFile : VirtualFile {
public TestVirtualFile(string virtualPath, string contents)
: base(virtualPath) {
Contents = contents;
public string Contents { get; set; }
public override Stream Open() {
return new MemoryStream(UTF8Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Contents));
internal class TestVirtualDirectory : VirtualDirectory {
public TestVirtualDirectory(string virtualPath)
: base(virtualPath) {
public List<VirtualFile> _directoryFiles = new List<VirtualFile>();
public List<VirtualFile> DirectoryFiles {
get {
return _directoryFiles;
public List<VirtualDirectory> _subDirs = new List<VirtualDirectory>();
public List<VirtualDirectory> SubDirectories {
get {
return _subDirs;
public override IEnumerable Files {
get {
return DirectoryFiles;
public override IEnumerable Children {
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override IEnumerable Directories {
get {
return SubDirectories;
And then write a unit test using that like so:
public void StyleBundleCustomVPPIncludeVersionSelectsTest() {
//Setup the vpp to contain the files/directories
TestVirtualPathProvider vpp = new TestVirtualPathProvider();
var directory = new TestVirtualPathProvider.TestVirtualDirectory("/dir/");
directory.DirectoryFiles.Add(new TestVirtualPathProvider.TestVirtualFile("/dir/style1.0.css", "correct"));
directory.DirectoryFiles.Add(new TestVirtualPathProvider.TestVirtualFile("/dir/style.css", "wrong"));
// Setup the bundle
ScriptBundle bundle = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/test");
bundle.Items.VirtualPathProvider = vpp;
// Verify the bundle repsonse
BundleContext context = SetupContext(bundle, vpp);
BundleResponse response = bundle.GetBundleResponse(context);
Assert.AreEqual(#"correct", response.Content);
In .Net 4.5 things have slightly changed. Here is a working version of the approved answer updated to accommodate these changes (I am using Autofac). Note the "GenerateBundleResponse" instead of "GetBundleResponse":
public void StyleBundleIncludesVersion()
//Setup the vpp to contain the files/directories
var vpp = new TestVirtualPathProvider();
var directory = new TestVirtualPathProvider.TestVirtualDirectory("/dir/");
directory.DirectoryFiles.Add(new TestVirtualPathProvider.TestVirtualFile("/dir/style1.0.css", "correct"));
directory.DirectoryFiles.Add(new TestVirtualPathProvider.TestVirtualFile("/dir/style.css", "wrong"));
// Setup the bundle
var bundleCollection = new BundleCollection();
var bundle = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/test");
BundleTable.VirtualPathProvider = vpp;
var mockHttpContext = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
// Verify the bundle repsonse
var context = new BundleContext(mockHttpContext.Object, bundleCollection, vpp.ToString());
var response = bundle.GenerateBundleResponse(context);
Assert.Equal(#"correct", response.Content);