#reboot ending instance upon attempting to ssh in - amazon-web-services

I have an EC2 instance that uses #reboot to run a python script every time the instance starts up. The python script uses conn.stop_instances(instance_ids=[my_id]) to stop the instance after the script has finished (more details here). Unfortunately, I can no longer ssh into my instance because the python script stops the instance immediately. Is there anything I can do to reset the instance or change the settings manually?
If not, is there any way to grab files from an instance without having to ssh in?

Create a shell script that deletes your reboot script.
#! /bin/bash
rm -f /path/to/my/python_script.py
Add this script as User Data to your EC2 instance.
Reboot the instance. The script will run deleting your python reboot script.
Notice the -f flag. This means force, which will handle files set to read-only.
Go back and remove this script from User Data once you can control / access your instance.
Running Commands on Your Linux Instance at Launch


Allow a bash script to run at boot in AWS Centos 7 instance

I need to create AWS CentOS 7 instance images for a customer, and need it to automatically send the ip and instance id to our AWS server every time the instance boots. For example, this is the very basic test version of the script I need to run:
curl "https://$serverIP"/myphp.php?id='sentid'&ip='sentip'"
If the script is run directly, it works fine and is received by the server and processed there. But I can't get it to run at boot. I cannot put the script in the "User Data" directly due to security concerns as the customer can then see it easily, it needs to be in a script in the filesystem of the image.
I've tried several things that work fine on a physical Linux server, but not on AWS. I know profile.d runs every time someone logs in but over-sending like that is fine.
This stops the AWS instance from booting. Even just
echo "hello world"
prevents it from booting. The instance starts, but when you go to ssh into it you get 'Network Error: connection timed out', which is the standard error if you put a wrong ip in, or upset it by leaving a service like httpd enabled.
However, a blank bash script with just #!/bin/bash will allow the instance to start. Removing the script via user data usually makes it boot, sometimes it just dies.
The first thing I tried was crontab. I did:
crontab -e
#reboot /var/ook/myscript.sh
systemctl enable crond.service
But the instance wouldn't start. So I put "systemctl disable crond.service" in the User Data and one booted, but another still stayed dead. Myscript.sh was just another echo "doob" >> file which worked fine when run directly.
I tried putting in /etc/systemd/system/my-startup.service:
systemctl enable my-startup.service
But this did nothing. My script "writedood.sh" was just echo "doob" >> ./file.txt ensuring file.txt was chmod 777. At least it didn't prevent the instance from starting.
To give context, an instance won't start if httpd is left enabled on shutdown, but will if you disable it in User Data.
I wanted to have a go at putting something in init.d but I'm not sure how to simply tell it to run a script once in the background, and given the plethora of success I've had so far with the instance not restarting, I'm not holding out much hope that that would work.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT::: I realised that sometimes AWS EC2 Instances Console is causing the problem where I can't ssh in after stopping and starting. It blanks the public ipv4 address when I click stop, but when I start, it puts the old address up and hangs. If I refresh the page, or uncheck/check the instance; the ip changes to the new address. This has caused much consternation.
Crontab worked if I placed the scripts and output file in different folders. It's very finicky; any errors, such as it not being able to write to the output file, and the instance won't start. I put startscript.sh in /usr/local/src, and output.out to /tmp/ to ensure there were no permissions problems, and now the instance starts and runs the script on boot.
I then realised that sometimes AWS EC2 Instances Console is causing the problem where I can't ssh in after stopping and starting. It blanks the public ipv4 address when I click stop, but when I start, it puts the old address up and hangs. If I refresh the page, or uncheck/check the instance; the ip changes to the new address. This has caused much consternation.

AWS - Activating conda environment with cloud-init (User Data Field)

We are trying to run batch scripts on load on a AWS EC2 instance using userdata (which I understand is based off of cloud-init). Since the code runs in a conda environment, we are trying to activate it prior to running the Python/Pandas code. We noticed that the PATH variable isn't getting set correctly. (even though it was set correctly prior to making the image, and is set correctly for all users after SSH'ing into instance)
We've tried:
source activate path/to/conda_env
bash path/to/script.sh
conda run -n path/to/conda_env bash path/to/script.sh
Nothing appears to work. This code runs the script while sshing into an EC2 instance but not while using EC2 cloud-init userdata (launching a script at launch). I've verified the script is indeed working at launch by creating a simple text file with user data, so it is working when starting an instance...

AWS EC2 User Data doesn't work after modifying it

Note: There are no asked questions about modifying EC2 instance user data.
my case: I added the user data below at EC2 first launch, and it worked perfectly.
#! /bin/bash
cd ~
echo "Test" > index.html
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
After launching the instance, in order to modify the user data I stopped the instance, changed the user data, and restarted the instance. But this time the scripts are not working.
#! /bin/bash
cd ~
echo "Test2" > index.html
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
I don't understand why the modified user data didn't work.
To quote User data and shell scripts:
By default, user data scripts and cloud-init directives run only during the boot cycle when you first launch an instance. You can update your configuration to ensure that your user data scripts and cloud-init directives run every time you restart your instance. For more information, see How can I execute user data with every restart of my EC2 instance? in the AWS Knowledge Center.
By default user data is only run on first boot (except instances using instance store volumes)
If you want to remove one time use the below info:
As per the answer from: https://serverfault.com/questions/797482/how-to-make-ec2-user-data-script-run-again-on-startup
rm /var/lib/cloud/instances/*/sem/config_scripts_user
rm /var/lib/cloud/instance/sem/config_scripts_user
For Windows instances just add <persist>true</persist> in the user data.

Getting Data From A Specific Website Using Google Cloud

I have a machine learning project and I have to get data from a website every 15 minutes. And I cannot use my own computer so I will use Google cloud. I am trying to use Google Compute Engine and I have a script for getting data (here is the link: https://github.com/BurkayKirnik/Automatic-Crypto-Currency-Data-Getter/blob/master/code.py). This script gets data every 15 mins and writes it down to csv files. I can run this code by opening an SSH terminal and executing it from there but it stops working when I close the terminal. I tried to run it by executing it in startup script but it doesn't work this way too. How can I run this and save the csv files? BTW I have to install an API to run the code and I am doing it in startup script. There is no problem in this part.
Instances running in Google Cloud Platform can be configured with the same tools available in the operating system that they are running. If your instance is a Linux instance, the best method would be to use a cronjob to execute your script repeatedly at your chosen interval.
Once you have accessed the instance via SSH, you can open the crontab configuration file by running the following command:
$ crontab -e
The above command will provide access to your personal crontab configuration (for the user you are logged in as). If you want to run the script as root you can use this instead:
$ sudo crontab -e
You can now edit the crontab configuration and add an entry that tells cron to execute your script at your required interval (in your case every 15 minutes).
Therefore, your crontab entry should look something like this:
*/15 * * * * /path/to/you/script.sh
Notice the first entry is for minutes, so by using the */15, you are telling the cron daemon to execute the script once every 15 minutes.
Once you have edited the crontab configuration file, it is a good idea to restart the cron daemon to ensure the change you made will take place. To do this you can run:
$ sudo service cron restart
If you would like to check the status to ensure the cron service is running you can run:
$ sudo service cron status
You script will now execute every 15 minutes.
In terms of storing the CSV files, you could either program your script to store them on the instance, or an alternative would be to use Google Cloud Storage bucket. File can be copied to buckets easily by making use of the gsutil (part of Cloud SDK) command as described here. It's also possible to mount buckets as a file system as described here.

How to check whether my user data passing to EC2 instance is working

While creating a new AWS EC2 instance using the EC2 command line API, I passed some user data to the new instance.
How can I know whether that user data executed or not?
You can verify using the following steps:
SSH on launch EC2 instance.
Check the log of your user data script in:
/var/log/cloud-init.log and
You can see all logs of your user data script, and it will also create the /etc/cloud folder.
Just for reference, you can check if the user data executed by taking a look at the system log from the EC2 console. Right click on your instance -
In the new interface: Monitor and Troubleshoot > Get System Log
In the old interface: Instance Settings > Get System log
This should open a modal window with the system logs
It might also be useful for you to see what the userdata looks like when it's being executed during the bootstrapping of the instance. This is especially true if you are passing in environmental variables or flags from the CloudFormation template. You can see how the UserData is being executed in two different ways:
1. From within the instance:
# Get instance ID
INSTANCE_ID=$(curl -s
# Print user data
sudo cat /var/lib/cloud/instances/$INSTANCE_ID/user-data.txt
2. From outside the instance
Note: this will only work if you have configured the UserData shell in such a way that it will output the commands it runs.
For bash, you can do this like as follows:
"set -x\n",
Right click on the EC2 instance from the EC2 console -> Monitor and Troubleshoot -> Get system log. Download the log file and look for something a section that looks like this:
ip-172-31-76-56 login: 2021/10/25 17:13:47Z: Amazon SSM Agent v3.0.529.0 is running
2021/10/25 17:13:47Z: OsProductName: Ubuntu
2021/10/25 17:13:47Z: OsVersion: 20.04
[ 45.636562] cloud-init[856]: Cloud-init v. 21.2-3...
[ 47.749983] cloud-init[896]: + echo hello world
this is what you would see if the UserData was configured like this:
"set -x\n",
"echo hello world"
Debugging user data scripts on Amazon EC2 is a bit awkward indeed, as there is usually no way to actively hook into the process, so one ideally would like to gain Real time access to user-data script output as summarized in Eric Hammond's article Logging user-data Script Output on EC2 Instances:
The recent Ubuntu AMIs still send user-data script to the console
output, so you can view it remotely, but it is no longer available in
syslog on the instance. The console output is only updated a few
minutes after the instance boots, reboots, or terminates, which forces
you to wait to see the output of the user-data script as well as not
capturing output that might come out after the snapshot.
Depending on your setup you might want to ship the logs to a remote logging facility like Loggly right away, but getting this installed early enough can obviously be kind of a chicken/egg problem (though it works great if the AMI happens to be configured like so already).
Enable logging for your user data
Eric Hammond, in "Logging user-data Script Output on EC2 Instances (2010, Hammond)", suggests:
exec > >(tee /var/log/user-data.log|logger -t user-data -s 2>/dev/console) 2>&1
Take care to put a space between the two > > characters at the beginning of the statement.
Here’s a complete user-data script as an example:
#!/bin/bash -ex
exec > >(tee /var/log/user-data.log|logger -t user-data -s 2>/dev/console) 2>&1
echo BEGIN
date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
echo END
Put this in userdata
touch /tmp/file2.txt
Once the instance is up you can check whether the file is created or not. Based on this you can tell if the userdata is executed or not.
Have your user data create a file in your ec2's /tmp directory to see if it works:
echo 'Woot!' > /home/ec2-user/user-script-output.txt
Then launch with:
ec2-run-instances -f bob.txt -t t1.micro -g ServerPolicy ami-05cf5c6d -v