APIGEE - Regular Expression Not Working in Condition - regex

I am trying to use a condition to catch the case in which the query string of a request contains two or more parameters from a specific list. In such a case I wish to raise an error.
Of course, I can use many "and" and "or" clauses, but that will get very messy very quickly as the size of the list of parameters increases. So instead, I opted to use a regex to test for this.
As an example, if the list of parameters is [Bird,Dog,Horse], then any request who has two or more of these parameters in its query string should be matched.
The regular expression I am using is:
I tested in various regex testers and it works.
However, when I put the condition:
request.querystring Matches "/(.(Bird|Dog|Horse).){2}"
I never get a match.
Am I missing some specific APIGEE regex rules? Maybe the "{2}" is not supported in APIGEE? Thank you very much!!

The problem was I used "Matches" instead of "JavaRegex".
I tried "JavaRegex" before, but it also didn't work - the second problem was that I have the "/" at the beginning, which is not needed if you use "JavaRegex".


regexing url parameters IIS

I have reviewed a couple questions on regexing url parameters, but none of which seem to specifically address my issue. I have been trying to work out the correct regex pattern in www.regex101.com and I haven't found any successs. I have a url that has parameters which are separated by /'s. I am able to regex one parameter at a time, but I would ideally like to develop a pattern that can extract all of the parameters. So far this is what I have:
The url that I am trying to modify is:
The above pattern works for this example, but I need it to also work for these two examples:
Is it even possible to write one singular regex that can extract the parameters from each example above?
Try Regex: \/([a-zA-z]+)\/(?:(?:([a-zA-z]+)\/)?([a-zA-z-]+)\/)?
? Quantifier — Matches between zero and one times, as many times as possible
The assumption here is that, there is at least one parameter and max 3 parameters.
This should work for any number of parameters:

Negating a regex query

I have looked at multiple posts about this, and am still having issues.
I am attempting to write a regex query that finds the names of S3 buckets that do not follow the naming scheme we want. The scheme we want is as follows:
The bolded part is optional. Meaning, the following two are valid bucket names:
Now, what I want to do is negate this. So I want to catch all buckets that do not follow the scheme above. I have successfully formed a query that will match for the naming scheme, but am having issues forming one that negates it. The regex is below:
So some more valid bucket names:
Invalid bucket names (we want to match these):
Thank you for the help.
As mr Barmar said, probably the best approach on these circumstances is solving it programatically. You could write the usual regex for matching the right pattern, and exclude them from the collection.
But you can try this:
which is a typical solution using a negative lookeahead (?!) which is a non-capturing group, with zero-length. Basically it states that you want every line that starts with something but dont has the pattern after it.
As Ibrahim pointed out(thank you!), there was a little issue with my first regex. I fixed it and I think it is ok now. I had forgot to set the last part of inner regex as optional(?).

Regular expression to check path of url as well as specific parameters

I have url's like the following:
I would like a regular expression to use in my Google analytic goal that checks to see that the request uri is /home/lead/statusupdate.php and has ref and status parameter present regardless of what order these parameters are passed and regardless of if there are extra parameters because I really just care about the 2. I have looked at these examples
How to say in RegExp "contain this too"? and Regular Expressions: Is there an AND operator? but I can't seem to adapt the examples given there to work.
Im using this online tool to test http://www.regexr.com/ (perhaps the tool is the buggy one? I'l try in javascript in the mean time)
You can try:
if the order does not matter, then add the oppostite
all put together
Note that here A,B,C,D,E,F are notations for six different permutations for 'callback' string, 'ref' string, 'status' string and '_' string.
Not really elegant but this works:
Looks for /home/lad/statusupdate.php followed by 2x any character followed by ref or status. Admittedly this would be a match for an url with 2x ref or status though.

How to check for NOT this number in SoapUI Assertion

I am writing some Soap UI tests and am trying to figure out if there is a way with regular expressions to check for a string that does not contain a specific number. In this one case I want to make sure that when I get a response that my recordCount field DOES NOT contain 0. I thought this might be easier but while I can see a way to check for a set of numbers the regular expression for not this doesn't seem to work. Probably only detects characters and not numbers.
My XML contains this:
What I want is something like
so I can make sure recordCount shows up in the response, but also check that at least the first number it finds is not a 0. Is there any way to do this?
Edit: Using SiKing's answer I just used the NotContains to look for recordCount>0 ; this covers the couple of cases where I don't look for specific data only how many records are returned and in those cases it just needs to be more than 0
Why does it have to be regular expression?
You can use either of the following XPath assertions, for all of which the expected result is false:
//*:recordCount = 0
Using regular expressions you could do something like that:
When using regular expressions in an assertion in SoapUI, you have to take whitespace and line breaks into account. In the example code (?s).* works as a wildcard that includes all whitespace and line breaks.

Validate Regex Input, preferably using Regex

I'm looking to have the (admin) user enter some pattern matching string, to give different users of my website access to different database rows, depending on if the text in a particular field of the row matches the pattern matching string against that user.
I decided on Regex because it is trivial to integrate into the MySQL statements directly.
I don't really know where to start with validating that a string is a valid regular expression, with a regular expression.
I did some searching for similar questions, couldn't see one. Google produced the comical answer, sadly not so helpful.
Do people do this in the wild, or avoid it?
Is it able to be done with a simple regex, or will the set of all valid regex need to be limited to a usable subset?
Validating a regex is an incredibly complex task. A regex would not be able to do it.
A simple approach would be to catch any errors that occur when you try to run the SQL statement, then report an appropriate error back to the user.
I am assuming that the 'admin' is a trusted user here. It is quite dangerous to give a non-trusted user the ability to enter regexes, because it is easy to attack your system with a regex that is constructed to take a really long time to execute. And that is before you even start to worry about the Bobby Tables problems.
in javascript:
input = "hello**";
// sumbit the regex
// regex is not valid
You cannot validate that a string contains a valid regular expression with a regular expression. But you might be able to compromise.
If you only need to know that only characters which are valid in regular expressions were used in the string, you can use the regex:
^[\d\w \-\}\{\)\(\+\*\?\|\.\$\^\[\]\\]*$
This might be enough depending on the application.