Remove what's in one list from the other list - c++

I have two lists which contain a bunch of elements of the same type:
std::list<Part> allParts = step.getSubParts();
std::list<Part> toRemove;
for (Part part : allParts)
for (Part partTwo : allParts) {
if (part.getEdges() == partTwo.getEdges())
if (part.getFaces() == partTwo.getFaces())
if (part.getShells() == partTwo.getShells())
if (part.getVertices() == partTwo.getVertices())
if (part.getWires() == partTwo.getWires())
I have tried iterating through both and remove from the one but I'm constantly getting the list iterators are incompatible error. This is my latest attempt:
std::list<Part>::iterator it;
for (it = step.getSubParts().begin(); it != step.getSubParts().end();)
std::list<Part>::iterator i;
for (i = toRemove.begin(); i != toRemove.end();)
if (it->getEdges() == i->getEdges())
if (it->getFaces() == i->getFaces())
if (it->getShells() == i->getShells())
if (it->getVertices() == i->getVertices())
if (it->getWires() == i->getWires())
it = step.getSubParts().erase(it);
Everything I have tried doesn't work. What is the correct way to do this?

You should consider remove_if or erase_if rather than doing your own erase with the hazard of making iterator invalid within a loop.
By the way, you should write predicate like:
if (it->getEdges() == i->getEdges() &&
it->getFaces() == i->getFaces() &&
it->getShells() == i->getShells() &&
it->getVertices() == i->getVertices() &&
it->getWires() == i->getWires()) {
// do something
Your code makes people difficult to understand your purpose(at least me).
erase and erase_if

First of all, it would be a good idea to follow the Don't Repeat Yourself principle and write a comparison function for future use:
auto compare_parts = [](const Part& p1, const Part& p2) -> bool {
return ( (p1.getEdges() == p2.getEdges())
and (p1.getFaces() == p2.getFaces())
and (p1.getShells() == p2.getShells())
and (p1.getVertices() == p2.getVertices())
and (p1.getWires() == p2.getWires()) );
You would rewrite the first cycle using it and see how much more simple it looks.
Then why not use c++ built-in methods to erase the elements from the list using the function we wrote? This uses new feature in c++ called binding parameters that would aid us here
#include <functional>
using namespace std::placeholders;
for (auto&& badPart : toRemove) {
auto isBad = std::bind(compare_parts, badPart, _1);
And that's how you remove special entries from the list.

I think the cleanest way would be:
1. Implement equality operator for the class Part
You can either put it inside or outside the class, it would look like this if you implement it as an external function
inline bool operator==(const Part& lhs, const Part& rhs) {
return lhs.getEdges() == rhs.getEdges() &&
lhs.getFaces() == rhs.getFaces() &&
lhs.getShells() == rhs.getShells() &&
lhs.getVertices() == rhs.getVertices() &&
lhs.getWires() == rhs.getWires();
2. Implement the loop, I would recommend using iterators
This is just one way of doing it
if (allParts.size() > 1) {
for(auto partIt = std::begin(allParts); partIt != std::end(allParts); partIt++) {
for(auto partIt2 = std::next(partIt); partIt2 != std::end(allParts);) { // Manual increasing because we erase stuff
if(*partIt == *partIt2) { // Previously implemented equility operator
partIt2 = allParts.erase(partIt2); // If erase, use the returned iterator as your next `Part`
} else {
partIt2++; // Only increment if nothing was erased (when you erase iterators get invalidated)


list.remove_if() crashing the program

I'm working on a game and I'm trying to add collectables. I'm trying to remove the object from the list after the player has collided with it, but it ends up crashing and says:
Unhandled exception thrown: read access violation.
__that was 0xDDDDDDE9.
It says this on the for loop statement, but I think it has to do with the remove_if() function.
Here is my code:
for (sf::RectangleShape rect : world1.level1.brainFrag) {
collides = milo.sprite.getGlobalBounds().intersects(rect.getGlobalBounds());
if (collides == true) {
world1.level1.brainFrag.remove_if([rect](const sf::RectangleShape val) {
if (rect.getPosition() == val.getPosition()) {
return true;
else {
return false ;
brainFrag -= 1;
collides = false;
if (brainFrag == 0) {
milo.x = oldPos.x;
milo.y = oldPos.y;
brainFrag = -1;
I don't understand your approach, you loop the rects, then when you find the one you want to remove, you search for it again through list<T>::remove_if.
I think that you forgot about the fact that you can use iterators in addition to a range-based loop:
for (auto it = brainFrag.begin(); it != brainFrag.end(); /* do nothing */)
bool collides = ...;
if (collides)
it = world1.level1.brainFrag.erase(it);
This allows you to remove the elements while iterating the collection because erase will take care of returning a valid iterator to the element next to the one you removed.
Or even better you could move everything up directly:
brainFrag.remove_if([&milo] (const auto& rect) {
return milo.sprite.getGlobalBounds().intersects(rect.getGlobalBounds())
A side note: there's no need to use an if statement to return a boolean condition, so you don't need
if (a.getPosition() == b.getPosition()
return true;
return false;
You can simply
return a.getPosition() == b.getPosition();

how to check if unique_ptr points to this

In following peace of code, I'm trying to find another object that has the same coordinates as this. How to do it correctly?
auto& organism_vector = world->get_vector();
auto attacked_organism = find_if(begin(organism_vector), end(organism_vector), [this](const unique_ptr<Organism>& attacked_organism)
return this->get_coordinates() == attacked_organism->get_coordinates() && *this != *attacked_organism;
Another thing, when I finally manage to get this iterator, how to refer to attacked_organism class methods?
Change *this != *attacked_organism to this != attacked_organism.get():
auto& organism_vector = world->get_vector();
auto attacked_organism = find_if(begin(organism_vector), end(organism_vector),
[this](const unique_ptr<Organism>& attacked_organism)
return this->get_coordinates() == attacked_organism->get_coordinates() && this != attacked_organism.get();
Once you have the iterator that find_if() returns (and after you validate that it is not the end iterator), you can call methods on the Organism by first dereferencing the iterator to access the unique_ptr that is holding the Organism* pointer, and then dereferencing the unique_ptr to access the Organism itself:
auto attacked_organism = find_if(...);
if (attacked_organism != end(organism_vector))
On a side note: I would not recommend giving your iterator variable the same name as the lambda parameter. That just makes things confusing to read. The lambda is trying to find an Organism to attack, but it hasn't actually been attacked yet, so you should name the lambda parameter more appropriately, eg:
auto attacked_organism = find_if(begin(organism_vector), end(organism_vector),
[this](const unique_ptr<Organism>& candidate_organism)
return this->get_coordinates() == candidate_organism->get_coordinates() && this != candidate_organism.get();
For that matter, I wouldn't really suggest naming the iterator as attacked_organism, either. It is not the actual Organism, it is an iterator to the Organism, so something more like this would be more readable:
auto& organism_vector = world->get_vector();
auto found_iterator = find_if(begin(organism_vector), end(organism_vector),
[this](const unique_ptr<Organism>& candidate_organism)
return this->get_coordinates() == candidate_organism->get_coordinates() && this != candidate_organism.get();
if (found_iterator != end(organism_vector))
auto &attacked_organism = *found_iterator;

Why does this function get wrong argument from iterator?

I'm writing a Space Invaders clone for IT project on uni. All the methods work, but I have a problem with deleting enemies.
I redone my code to use iterators. I store enemies in vector(horizontal) of vectors(vertical) of Enemy. The code works fine until i shoot more than 2 projectiles at a time when it gives me an error.
if (projectiles.size() != 0)
for (auto itr_columns = enemies.begin(); itr_columns != enemies.end(); itr_columns++)
for (auto itr_rows = itr_columns->begin(); itr_rows != itr_columns->end();)
if (projectiles.size() == 0)
for (auto itr_projectiles = projectiles.begin(); itr_projectiles != projectiles.end();)
if (itr_projectiles->Collision(*itr_rows))
itr_projectiles = projectiles.erase(itr_projectiles);
itr_rows = itr_columns->erase(itr_rows);
That's the error i get:
line: if (itr_projectiles->Collision(*itr_rows))
Expression: can't dereference out of range vector iterator
Look at the instruction :
itr_rows = itr_columns->erase(itr_rows);
By doing that, you invalidate the iterators of itr_columns while you're are in the loop, which does use these iterators.
Never call functions invalidating iterators when you a are in a loop.

How to protect app against read access violation while accessing to pointer's value?

I've created some chain-like structure, where one object has pointers to the next and previous object of a chain. The code below loops through entire chain, looks for value specified in arguments and removes matching element (if exists).
void List::removeElementByValue(int value)
ListMember* nextElem = this->firstValue;
while (nextElem) {
if (nextElem == NULL || nextElem == nullptr) {
if (nextElem->value == value) {
if (nextElem->prevValue)
(nextElem->prevValue)->nextValue = nextElem->nextValue;
if (nextElem->nextValue)
(nextElem->nextValue)->prevValue = nextElem->prevValue;
delete nextElem;
nextElem = nextElem->prevValue;
The problem is: I'm getting this error when I'm trying to remove non-existent value from chain.
Exception thrown: read access violation. nextElem was 0xCDCDCDCD.
Function should do nothing in that case. It happens at this line:
if (nextElem->value == value) {
As you see, I've used multiple ways to check if nextElem is correct, but I'm still getting this error. Any ways I can prevent that?
if (nextElem == NULL || nextElem == nullptr)
This will always be false when while (nextElem) is true.
nextElem = nextElem->prevValue;
This needs to use nextValue instead of prevValue.
But, most importantly, you are not updating this->firstValue if the value is found in the first element of the list, so you end up deleting the firstValue and leave it pointing at invalid memory.
Try this instead:
void List::removeElementByValue(int value)
ListMember* elem = this->firstValue;
while (elem) {
if (elem->value == value) {
if (elem->prevValue)
elem->prevValue->nextValue = elem->nextValue;
if (elem->nextValue)
elem->nextValue->prevValue = elem->prevValue;
// ADD THIS!!!
if (elem == this->firstValue)
this->firstValue = elem->nextValue;
delete elem;
elem = elem->nextValue; // NOT prevValue!
A better solution is to not implement a linked list manually in the first place. Use the standard std::list container instead, let it do all of the hard hard for you.
#include <list>
class List
std::list<int> values;
#include <algorithm>
void List::removeElementByValue(int value)
auto iter = std::find(values.begin(), values.end(), value);
if (iter != values.end())

Iterating over vector of custom object with two conditions

Using C++11, I'd like to iterate over a vector and return a type that indicates that the index was not found.
I am use to the traditional for(;;) loop and specifying the index manually, as my code shows below.
inline std::size_t ItemList::FindItem(Items& Item)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ItemVector.size(); i++)
if (ItemVector[i]->GetId() == Item.GetId() && !ItemVector[i]->GetName().compare(Item.GetName()))
return i + 1;
return 0;
I'm also having to increment the index +1 in order to return a value of 0 (to accommodate unsigned size_t) to indicate the calling method that the index was not found (I understand this is asinine). I am assuming it would be more suitable to return something more like std::end()?
Would using a C++11 iterator approach be more efficient? The vector will populate to a large number and the find needs to be quick.
You could use std::find_if and work with iterators:
auto it = std::find_if(ItemVector.begin(), ItemVector.end(),
[&Item](Items *value) {
return value->GetId() == Item.GetId() && !value->GetName().compare(Item.GetName());
Then you can simply test if it != ItemVector.end() to know if you found something.
There will likely be no (or very small) difference between this and your version in term of speed, but it is a cleaner way to check if something was found or not.
Yes, an iterator would be the way to do this, you're actually writing your own version of find_if You could instead do:
find_if(cbegin(ItemVector), cend(ItemVector), [&](const auto& i){ return i.GetId() == Item.GetId() && i.GetName() != Item.GetName(); })
You can test whether the result of this function was found by testing for equality with cend(ItemVector).
Additionally if you need to find the index of the item you can pass this result after cbegin(ItemVector) to: distance
Live Example
My solution for double search condition that Lambda has multiple parameters in find_if
bool check_second_loop(FullFrame *image_track, guint64 object_id, bool *deletion)
auto itr= std::find_if(image_track->track_ids.begin(),
[object_id](const guint64& a)
return a == object_id;
if (itr != image_track->track_ids.end())
*deletion = true;
return true;
return false;
bool check_first_loop(guint64 object_id, gint source_id)
bool deletion = false;
auto it = find_if(full_frame_list.begin(), full_frame_list.end(),
[object_id, &deletion, source_id](FullFrame &x)
return check_second_loop(&x, object_id, &deletion)
&& x.camera_number == source_id;
if (it != full_frame_list.end())
// Found
return true;
return false;