How do I protect a password stored on server? - django

So, I set up a Django project and I'm done with it. Anyway, there's a function in the script that is meant to send an email. I'm using the smtplib library and of course I need to login to send the email through my email address, so in that script my email and my password are written.
I'll publish this project (hosted by Heroku) so I'm worring about the password protection.
What do you think? Is the password protected or do I need to protect it in some way? I don't think it could be possible to access the script but I'm not sure.

For anything like this, you should avoid putting the password in the code at all. Rather, get it from an environment variable, which you can then set via the command line with heroku config:set. See the Heroku docs.

You can and should use .env files for this. On heroku you have the option to add environment variables without .env files.
A bit of info about .env files: they are used to load environment variables from a file (the .env file). You usually don't commit them to SVN, but an "example" of what should go into the file, which is usually named .env.example. Depending on what's your setup for running the app there are different ways of supplying those environment variables, but you always access them in the same way in your code.


Django uploading to Github, any important variables besides secret_key to keep a secret/protect?

I'm new to Django just started learning it today, since I am quite proficient in express/nodejs and mongodb, I know there are some variables that one should not push to github as they can contain passwords and other identifying information. On express/node I create a .env file and add it to my .gitignore, typically containing the password to my mongodb connection.
I am about to push my first Django api project to github and want to know if there are any other information besides the "SECRET_KEY" that I should protect. Also is .env file still the best way to protect it in Django. Furthermore I have my Django project within a ll_env-virtual environment should it make a difference.
Besides SECRET_KEY there are some other variables like:
Database credentials (PASSWORD, etc)
If hosted on any cloud providers, their secret keys (AWS_SECRET_KEY)
If using Email service, there will be your mail specific password and etc.
In short every variables that you think are to be secured should be stored in a .env file.
Also for the ease of development and production you can store Debug variable.
Basically .env file contains the individual user environment variables when collaborative working. This article by djangocentral may help you know more.

hide secret key on django/pycharm mac

I'm making a simple CRUD app in django with the use of Pycharm.
I want to upload the project to Github and thus need to protect some of my file.
Would the best way to be use a .env file and add it to .gitignore or does that method not work on mac?
Git has enable application "GitGuardian" please read about it. Or just prepare wrapper that will restore correct content of file, whenever you will start server.

Should I upload my email-address and password written in '' to Github?

I have made an email authentication app in django. This app required entering my email address and password in the '' file in order to send an email for user verification.
While uploading this project on Github, it would be very dangerous to upload the '' file with my email and password written in it.
How should I proceed so that on cloning the repository, the user has to enter his own email and password for the code to run ?
Thanks for any help!
Either create a gitignore file, which would result in the entire file not being tracked, or use environment variables.
Using environment variables in Python:
Should I upload my email-address and password written in '' to Github?
First: no.
Any sensitive information should not be uploaded to GitHub.
And use gittyleaks to verify you haven't stored any credentials.
Hopefully, the recent GitHub Token scanning program would pick that up.
Not tracking the file is error-prone (it still could be added by mistake)
You need to use a third-party source, or using secrets on Heroku for instance.

How to get user name after authentication?

I built a website using Django and Apache. I have Apache LDAP authentication. How do I get the username after the user authenticate to the website? I want to get the username and represents it.
So you're using Apache LDAP Authentication. If you use mod_auth_ldap, see the docs here If you use
mod_authnz_ldap see the docs here
What the docs tell is that, when the user is authenticated Apache sets environment variable, that can be accessed from CGI script. Variable name varies depending on the version you use. Though Python uses WSGI, you should still try to get the variable as it's environment variable and should be accessible anyway.
In python to get access to environment variable:
import os
username=os.getenv["REMOTE_USER"] #will return variable value or None
if username:
#process username here
See docs on this function here:
You can try to use this directly in your Python code where you expect the username. Or better use this code in in your Django project and if username is available add special header with its value, so that it will be available inside Django in request passed to Django views. But remember to strip that header before adding it, so if a malicious user forges the header it doesn't affect your app. For more information on this see and
Edit: Btw, there's a "How-to" for REMOTE_USER:
Edit: If you don't have any requirements for performing authentication with Apache, you might want to perform authentication in Django app directly, see: and in example

How to configure CouchDB authentication in Docker?

I'm trying to build a Dockerized CouchDB to run in AWS that bootstraps authentication for my app. I've got a Dockerfile that installs CouchDB 1.6.1 and sets up the rest of the environment the way I need it. However, before I put it on AWS and potentially expose it to the wild, I want to put some authentication in place. The docs show this:
which hardly explains the configuration properly or what is required for basic security. I've spent the afternoon reading SO questions, docs and blogs, all about how to do it, but there's no consistent story and I can't tell if what worked in 2009 will works now, or which parts are obsolete. I see a bunch of possible settings in the current ini files, but they don't match what I'm seeing in my web searches. I'm about to start trying various random suggestions I've gleaned from various readings, but thought I would ask before doing trial and error work.
Since I want it to run in AWS I need it to be able to start up without manual modifications. I need my Dockerfile to do the configuration, so using Futon isn't going to cut it. If I need to I can add a script to run on start to handle what can't be done there.
I believe that I need to set up an admin user, then define a role for users, provide a validation function that checks for the proper role, then create users that have that role. Then I can use the cookie authentication (over SSL) to restrict access to my app that provides the correct login and handles the session/cookie.
It looks like some of it can be done in the Dockerfile. Do I need to configure authentication_handlers, and an admin user in the ini file? And I'm guessing that the operations that modify the database will need to be done by some runtime script. Has anyone done this, or seen some example of it being done?
Based on Kxepal's suggestion I now have it working. My Dockerfile is derived from klaemo's docker-couchdb, as mentioned below. The solution is to force the database to require authentication, but a fresh install starts out as Admin-Party. To stop that you have to create an admin user, which secures the system data but leaves other databases open. First, create an admin user in your Dockerfile:
RUN sed -e '/^\[admins\]$/a admin=openpassword\n' -i /usr/local/etc/couchdb/local.ini
(just following klaemo's sed pattern of using -e) and when CouchDB runs it will salt and hash this password and replace it in the local.ini file. I extract that password and replaced "openpassword" with this so that my Dockerfile didn't have the password in plain text. CouchDB can tell by the form of it not to hash it again.
The normal pattern to now secure the other databases is to create users/roles and use them in a validation function to deny access to the other databases. Since I am only interested in getting a secure system in place for testing I opted to defer this and just use the settings in local.ini to force everyone to be authenticated.
The Dockerfile now needs to set the require_valid_user flag:
RUN sed -e '/^\[couch_httpd_auth\]$/a require_valid_user = true\n' -i /usr/local/etc/couchdb/local.ini
And that requires uncommenting the WWW-Authenticate setting:
RUN sed -e 's/^;WWW-Authenticate/WWW-Authenticate/' -i /usr/local/etc/couchdb/local.ini
Which, since the setting shows Basic realm="administrator" means that the NSURLProtectionSpace in my iOS app needs to use #"administrator" as the realm.
After this I now have a Dockerfile that creates a CouchDB server that does not allow anonymous modification or reading.
This hasn't solved all of my configuration issues since I need to populate a database, but since I use a python script to do that and since I can pass credentials when I run that, I have solved most problems.
To setup auth configuration during image build, you need to check not API, but configuration for server admins. TL;DR just put [admin] section into local.ini file with your username and password in plain text - on start, CouchDB will replace password with it hash and CouchDB wouldn't be in Admin Party state.
P.S. Did you check docker-couchdb project?