how to deploy MEAN stack app on AWS elastic beanstalk? - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to deploy my mean stack app on AWS using elastic beanstalk but there doesn't seem to be a tutorial good enough that can help me through it.
I would also like to know if I should really deploy it on elastic beanstalk or Lightsail?
Can you share any articles, videos or anything good enough to help me. It will be helpful to a lot of people.
Angular Version : 7
Node Version: 10.14.1

elastic beanstalk will be the option for production while you can use light sail for testing dev enviroment
now if we talk about the deploying Mean stack app
Open Elastic Bean stalk console and you will get option to choose Webserver
Choose web server with apache, tomcat, nginx, configure it as per your requirement
at last you will get option for upload your application
Upload your app using zip file (if dist folder is output then direct deploy dist in elastic beanstalk)


Elastic Beanstalk enviroment with OpenLiteSpeed

I wanted to ask you if it is possible to create an OLS web server app using AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I'm planning on launching a WordPress site with it.
I have just created one but it creates it with NGINX and gives me the option to change it to Apache.
Do you know if it is even possible?

Deploying a web application for Selenium testing on AWS EC2

I have a web application that uses Selenium in backend to run few scripts when invoked by user. I want to deploy this web app on AWS.
Here are my findings so far:
I can have a windows EC2 instance created and then I can install tomcat, firefox and all the necessary stuff. Then using putty or any other client, I can deploy my war and start tomcat.
I can directly make use of Elastic Beanstalk and deploy my war file there itself but then, there is no windows EC2 available for beanstalk and I don't know how to install firefox there and make my application work.
What is the best way to achieve this and what steps should I follow. I want to install a specific firefox version to be able to make it run with my selenium scripts.
There are two separate things here:
Deployment of web application on AWS cloud
Run the selenium tests against your web application
According to me, you should first think of deploying a web application to AWS cloud. There are many ways by which you can get it deployed to AWS cloud with below services:
Spin a new AWS EC2 instance, install all required software and deploy the web application.
Use AWS elastic beanstalk service with either with tomcat or docker.
Use AWS ECS if you prefer docker
According to me, second option will be quick for you with tomcat environment option. If you select tomcat environment, then your platform will be Tomcat 8 Java 8 on 64bit Amazon Linux.
Now, here comes the second part. You can have below options for your browser environments.
Spin a new separate AWS EC2 instances with correct AMI and install your specific browsers on these instances.
If you prefer SaaS, then you can take a look at browserstack or SauceLabs for remote environment.
If you have CI(jenkins/travis/Circle CI), then make use of that infrastructure to luanch your tests with either option from the above.

How to deploy a Django website that developed on Pycharm IDE (windows 10) to AWS EC2 or Elastic Bean?

I recently build a Django website in local with Pycharm IDE. I am using window 10. The website is almost done. Now I need to research how to deploy it on the AWS EC2 or Elastic Bean. The reason of choosing AWS is I want to learn how to use AWS. Any clues, tips or document will be appreciated.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk necessary for Websites (vs. web apps)?

The documentation only refers to web applications. Do I use the Elastic Beanstalk for my website or is it strictly for web apps? I've launched an EC2 instance that is not connected to the Elastic Beanstalk, however the default instance is running in the Elastic Beanstalk environment.
Elastic Beanstalk can be used for several type of applications:
Web App. Websites are included in "Web App" but it could be just a simple REST Api used by a mobile app and it would work as well.
Worker Application. Typically an application that would get message from a queue like SQS.
Elastic Beanstalk is a tool to help deployment of an entire infrastructure, from installing a webserver to deploy the code of the application and applying custom installation script. If you have a website using any technology supported by Elastic Beanstalk (Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby, and .NET) , I would definitely suggest that you use it as it is very simple to use and gives you a lot of advantages over a single ec2 instance.
You can read documentation for workers application here :
And I would suggest that you read the FAQ for more details:
As an example, in my company we set up beanstalk for more than 15 websites: internal Backend tool in PHP, workers to send sms or emails, website with thousands of simultaneous users. One of the important point to mention is to be able to have a new website infrastructure up in about 20 minutes (new server with all configuration and code deployed).
Hope this helped you to understand Elastic Beanstalk. Don't hesitate to ask some more question and check Stackoverflow, there is a lot of information about it.

How to setup AWS elastic beanstalk with windows server 2012

I'm new to AWS setup, and after having put quite a lot of time into researching an easy way to setup an instance on AWS for a .NET application, I finally decided to go with Elastic Beanstalk.
After creating an elastic beanstalk application (sample application), I need to upload my files and DB to that application and access it via an URL.
I haven't found a simple straight forward tutorial showing this. If someone has links to tutorial websites or have got this done, would like you know the process.
I've created a security group and added a keypair. Do i need to access it via SSH and install FTP and so on?
Help is appreciated.
There are some tutorial videos on .NET development and AWS Elastic Beanstalk available from the Amazon Web Services site here: