What is the benefit to use Docker for Django and Channels? - django

I'm developing a Django web app with Channels. While I'm following this tutorial , it is required to install Docker.
I'm working on WSL on windows 10 HOME, and so, it is really painful to install Docker.
I just discover Docker, I'm a little confuse about it, I understand it is a tool which facilitates the deployment of a web app on a web hosting later. But I'm not sure.
Could you give me your advice ? Could you tell me if it is really important to use Docker for my project ?
Would Have I less pain if I would develop on a Ubuntu OS ?
Thank you,

The following are my own considerations, not pretending to be exhaustive Docker review.
Moving to Docker would give you following advantages:
Easy deploy - you don't need to supply manuals on how to install your app, dependencies and link them together. Only How to install Docker (btw for Windows it hurts:)
Isolation - your services get isolated network and do not bother the host
Easy upgrade - just push new image and that's it
Decomposition - with docker-compose and other tools you will be able to split your application into services and maintain them separately
Scaling - with proper design, tools like k8s will allow you to easily scale app by adding replicas of your services
From the other hand, on Windows Docker create additional overhead, unlike Linux where it is implemented on top of Linux kernel, also you need Win10 Professional to enjoy Docker and not docker toolbox.
Also Windows is not so good in automated package management and installing software for Windows in many cases cannot be done as simple as apt-get install whatever, thus you loose another Docker benefit - easy system preparation via Dockerfile.
If you plan to stay only on Windows, based on my own exp I would probably not recommend moving to Docker, because I personally found it difficult to use without VirtualBox/Ubuntu.


Can a Docker remote host keep its files synced with your local machine? Django project that needs auto-reloading

I'm considering the purchase of one of the new Macbook M1's. Docker Desktop is apparently unworkable with their Rosetta 2 engine, and all of my development efforts rely on Docker desktop, and a local development environment that auto-reloads when files are changed.
I haven't done much with Docker remote hosts, but I see that this could be a stop-gap solution until Docker rewrites its engine. Google is failing me... can you keep files on your local machine synced up with your Docker remote host?
No, Docker doesn't do this. Instead, Docker packages your application code into an image; that image can be transferred to a repository (with Docker Hub being the most prominent option), and then run on the remote system, without necessarily needing to have the application code or the interpreter directly installed there. Beyond the image system, Docker has no direct ability to transfer or mount files from one system to another (you could do something like create an NFS-backed named volume, but you would need to run the NFS server yourself).
For day-to-day development, using your language's native isolation system often will work better than trying to simulate a local development environment using Docker. For Python, consider using a tool like Pipfile to create a virtual environment. Python is reasonably platform-independent, so you shouldn't notice any trouble using Apple silicon vs. Intel's.
Don't even consider using the Docker remote API. If you don't configure it perfectly, it's trivial to use it to root the host (and there are many instances of this in the wild). Even if it is configured, you can't use it to mount files from your local system (a docker run -v bind-mount option is always interpreted relative to the Docker host it runs on). If you need to work directly on the remote host for whatever reason, use an ordinary ssh connection.

Is docker best just for prod environments?

I just decided to jump into using docker to test out building a microservice application using AWS fargate.
My question really relates to hearing about many development teams using Docker to avoid people saying the phrase "works on my machine" when committing code. Although I see the solution to that problem being solved, I still do not see how Docker images actually can be used in development environment.
The workflow for anything above production baffles me. Example of my thinking is...
team of 10 devs all use docker, each pull the image from the repo to there container, with the source code, if they all have a individual version of the image, that means any edits they make to that image is their own and when they push back to the repo where none of the edits can be merged (along with that to edit a image source code is not easily done as well).
I am thinking of it in the say way as git -GitHub, where code is pushed to a branch and then merged to master to create a finished product.
I guess if you pull the code from the GitHub master and create the Docker image is the way for it to be used, but again that points back to my original assumption of Docker being used for Production environments over development.
Is docker being used in development, more so the dev can just test the feature on the container that ever other dev on the team is using so all the environments match across the team?
I just really do not understand the workflow of development environments with docker.
I'd highlight three cases where I've found Docker particularly useful, prior to a production deploy:
Docker is really useful for installing local dependencies. If your application needs a database, docker run postgresql with appropriate options. Need a clean start? Delete the container. Running two microservices that need separate databases? Start two containers. The second microservice is maintained by another team? Run it in a container too.
Docker is useful for capturing the build environment in the CI system. Jenkins, for example, can run build steps inside a container, bind-mounting the current work tree in, so it's useful to build an image that just contains build-time dependencies (which can be updated independently of the CI system itself).
If you're running Docker in production, you can test the exact thing you're about to run. You're guaranteed the install environment will be the same in the QA and prod environments, because it's encapsulated inside the same Docker image. A developer can debug problems against the production-installed code without actually being in production.
In the basic scenario you describe, an important detail to note is that you never "edit an image"; you always docker build a new image from its Dockerfile and other source code. In compiled languages (C++, Go, Java, Rust, Haskell) the source code won't be in the image. Even if you're "using Docker in development" the actual source code will be in some other system (frequently Git), and typically you will have a CI system that builds "official" images from that source code.
Where I see Docker proposed for day-to-day development, it's either because the language ecosystem in use makes it hard to have multiple versions concurrently installed, or to avoid installing software on the host system. You need specific tooling support to "develop inside a container", and if developers choose their own IDE, this support is not universal. Conversely, in between OS package managers (APT, Homebrew) and interpreter version managers (rbenv, nvm) it's usually straightforward to install a couple of things on the host. If your application isn't that sensitive to, say, the specific version of Node, it's probably easier to use whichever version is already installed on your host than to try to insert Docker into the process.

Deploy a C++ application to the Google Cloud Platform Kubernetes engine

As far as my understanding goes, the Kubernetes engine is meant for deploying applications that can be load balanced, for example, having an application which unhashes a string. If pod-a is on high load, it would be offloaded to pod-b. Correct me if I am wrong here, since if this is false, my following question will not make sense.
After exploring it for few hours I can't seem to figure out how to deploy a C++ application to the Kubernetes cluster. How would I do so?
What I tried:
I tried to follow the guide: Interactive Tutorial - Deploying an App, however, I couldn't understand how I would get my C++ app as an image that could be deployed.
What the C++ application is:
At the moment it proxies TCP traffic to another HOST designated by clients' HOSTNAME. It is pretty much a reverse proxy, however, this is NOT an HTTP application.
Is Kubernetes the right choice?
Kubernetes is really useful to loadbalance workloads, to provide high availability in case of failure to speed up test processes, and to increase safety during production rollout through different strategies and increase security through segregation.
However, not all the kind of workloads can take advantage of all the features introduced by Kubernetes.
For example, if your application is built in such a way it needs a stable amount of RAM and CPU, the code as well is really stable and you need merely one replica, then maybe Kubernetes and containers are not the best choice (even if you can perfectly use them), and you should rather implement everything on a big monolithic server/virtual machine.
But if you need to deploy it on a different cloud provider, and it should run merely some hours every day, maybe then it can make use as well of those features. If you are willing to add a layer, make sure that you need the features it introduces, otherwise it would be merely an overhead.
Note that Kubernetes it is not capable of splitting your workload alone. Therefore I do not know if what you mean by "If pod-a is on high load, it would be offloaded to pod-b" likely yes it is possible, but you have to instruct it to do so.
Kubernetes takes care to run your POD, making sure there have been scheduled on nodes where enough memory and CPU is available according to your specification, you can set up autoscaling procedures as well to support high workload periods or to scale even the cluster itself. Your application should have been created in such a way to support a divide and conquer pattern, otherwise you will likely have three nodes, one pod running on one node, two idle and a overhead that you could have avoided.
If your C++ application POD unhashes a strings and a single request could consume all the resources of a node Kubernetes will not "spit" the initial workload and will not create for you more PODS scheduling them across the cluster! Of course you can achieve something similar, but it will not come for free and you will likely need to modify your C++ code.
For sure you can take advantage of Kubernetes, running your application on it is pretty easy, but maybe you will have to modify something in the architecture to fully make advantage of those features.
Deploy the C++ application
The process to deploy your application in Kubernetes is pretty standard. Develop it locally, create a Docker image with all the libraries and components you need, test it locally, push it to the registry, and create the deployment in Kubernetes.
Let's say that you have all the resources needed to run your application and your executable file in a local folder. Create the Docker file.
Example, modify to implement your application, I have reported it as an example to show syntax:
# Download base image, Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus)
FROM ubuntu:16.04
# Update software repository
RUN apt-get update
# Install nginx, php-fpm and supervisord from the Ubuntu repository
RUN apt-get install -y nginx php7.0-fpm supervisor
# Define the environment variable
ENV nginx_vhost /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
# Enable php-fpm on the nginx virtualhost configuration
COPY default ${nginx_vhost}
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html
# Volume configuration
VOLUME ["/etc/nginx/sites-enabled", "/etc/nginx/certs", "/etc/nginx/conf.d", "/var/log/nginx", "/var/www/html"]
# Configure services and port
COPY start.sh /start.sh
CMD ["./start.sh"]
EXPOSE 80 443
Built it running:
export PROJECT_ID="$(gcloud config get-value project -q)"
docker build -t gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}/hello-app:v1 .
gcloud docker -- push gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}/hello-app:v1
kubectl run hello --image=gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}/hello-app:v1 --port [port number if needed]
More information is here.

Migrate a python software easily to other hosts (running on ubuntu)

I have built a software running on an ubuntu 14.04, it runs on a python environment with a lot of dependencies (databases, flask, etc...).
I am trying to figure out the best way to have an easily and portable environment for migration. For example, if I want to install the software on another computer or maybe AWS...
I checked out some solutions and for now, Vagrant, Puppet, Chef look interesting but I am a bit confused.
Furthermore, the software requires high performances and it would be way too slow to run it on a VM.
What are your thoughts on that ? Basically an easy way to install a software with all his dependencies and being able to migrate the environment on whatever host I would need.
Thanks a lot

Development and production with docker with multiple sites

Currently I have 3 linode servers:
1: Cache server (Ubuntu, varnish)
2: App server (Ubuntu, nginx, rabbitmq-server, python, php5-fpm, memcached)
3: DB server (Ubuntu, postgresql + pg_bouncer)
On my app-server I have multiple sites (topdomains). Each site is inside a virtualenviroment created with virtualenvwrapper. Some sites are big with a lot of traffic, and some site are small with little traffic.
A typical site consist of python (django), celery (beat, flower) and gunicorn.
My current development pattern now is working inside a staging environment on the app-server and committing changes to git. Then change environment to the production environment and doing a git pull, and a ./manage.py migrate and restarting the process doing sudo supervisorctl restart sitename:, but this takes time! There must be a simpler method!
Therefore it seems like docker could help simplify everything, but I can't decide the best approach for how I could manage all my sites and containers inside each site.
I have looked at http://panamax.io and https://github.com/progrium/dokku, but not sure if one of them fit my needs.
Ideally I would run a development version of each site on my local machine (emulating cache-server, app-server and db-server), do code changes there and test them. When I would see the changes worked, I would execute a command that would do all the heavy lifting and send the changes to the linode servers (I would think mostly the app-server), do all the migration and restarting the project on the server.
Could anyone point me in the right direction as how to achieve this?
I have faced the same problem. I don't claim this is the best possible answer and am interested to see what others have come up with.
There doesn't seem to be any really turnkey solution on Docker yet.
It's also been frustrating that most of the 'Django+Docker' tutorials just focus on a single Django site, so they bundle up the webserver and everything in the same Docker container. I think if you have multiple sites on a server you want them to share a single webserver, but this quickly gets more complicated than presented in the tutorials, which are no longer much help.
Roughly what I came up with is this:
using Fig to manage containers and complicated Docker config that would be tedious to type as commandline options all the time
sites are Django, on uWSGI+Nginx (no reason you couldn't have others though)
I have a git repo per site, plus a git repo for the 'server'
separate containers for db, nginx and each site
each site container has it's own uWSGI instance... I do some config switching so I can either bring up a 'dev' container with uWSGI as acting standalone web server, or a 'live' container where the uWSGI socket is exposed to the main Nginx container, which then takes over as front-side web server.
I'm not sure yet how useful the 'dev' uWSGI servers are, I might switch to just running Django dev server and sharing my local code dir as a volume in the container, so I can edit and get live reloading.
In the 'server' repo I have all the shared Dockerfiles, for Nginx server, base uWSGI app etc.
In the 'server' repo I have made Fabric tasks to do my deployment (checkout server and site repos on the server, build docker images, run fig up etc).
Speaking of deployment, frankly I'm not much keen on the Docker Registry idea. This seems to mean you have to upload hundreds of megabytes of image file to the registry server each time you want to deploy a new container version. This sucks if you are on a limited bandwidth connection at the time and seems very inefficient.
That's why so far I decided to deploy new code via Git and build the new images on the server. I don't use a Docker Registry at all (apart from the public one for a base Ubuntu image). This seems to go against the grain of Docker practice a bit so I'm curious for feedback.
I'd strongly recommend getting stuck in and building your own solution first. If you have to spend time learning a solution like Dokku, Panamax etc that may or may not work for you (I don't think any of them are really ready yet) you may as well spend that time learning Docker directly... it will then be easier to evaluate solutions further down the line.
I tried to get on with Dokku early on in my search but had to abandon because it's not compatible with boot2docker... which means on OS X you're faced with the 'fun' of setting up your own VirtualBox vm to run the Docker daemon. It didn't seem worth the hassle of this when I wasn't certain I wanted to be stuck with how Dokku works at the end of the day.