(MSVC 2017 /WALL & /WX) Including Iostream Produces 800 Warnings - c++

Reviewing material for an optimized C++ course next quarter. The professor for this course is enforcing /WALL and /WX for our project properties. The problem I'm having is that including the Iostream library produces over 800 warnings. Here's the code I'm attempting to run:
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello World";
A few of the warnings that I'm receiving includes:
C4514 'abs': unreferenced inline function has been removed
C4774 'sprintf_s': format string in argument 3 is not a string literal
C4820 'std::basic_ios ...': '7' bytes of padding added after...
Before asking Stack I emailed the Prof to ask about the warnings and was told:
You should be including iostream
If you get 100 warnings you included a header that's not needed
Is there something I'm missing? I know I wouldn't be able to edit source files for iostream as that's not portable coding. I looked around to see if I could explicitly include functions such as cout, cin, etc. Yet, I don't feel like this is the correct solution.
A user requested an example of a more explicit warning message in case there was something missing in there. Here are a few:
C415 'abs': referenced inline function has been removed (Project: Hello World) (File: stdlib.h)
C4710 'int sprintf_s(char *const....: function not inlined. (Project: Hello World) (File: stdio.h)
The professor is using GCC through Visual Studio and our settings are pulled from a repository as premade projects.

Your professor is, quite simply, wrong.
This has nothing to do with "including a header that's not needed" (why would that generate warnings?), but with using /WALL, which reveals some flaws in the stdlib implementation there!
This switch is not recommended; quoting James McNellis who gets it bang-on under the above referenced question:
/Wall enables many warnings that, while potentially useful sometimes, are not useful most of the time. /Wall in Visual C++ does not mean the same thing as -Wall on g++ (really, g++ "has /Wall wrong," since it doesn't actually enable all warnings). In any case, in Visual C++, all of the commonly important and useful warnings are enabled by /W4.
I would use /W4 in Visual Studio (and -Wall -Wextra in GCC).
Obviously I can't help you to persuade your professor of this, other than to suggest saying something along the lines of "I asked on Stack Overflow and found out that this is due to /Wall being too strict and generating warnings on Visual Studio's own headers. They suggest we use /W4 instead. . What do you think?"
It is true that you need to #include <iostream>, and it is true that you should never modify the provided standard headers. Also, don't forget to stream a '\n' to end your output line!


VSCode C++ Intellisense can't discern C++20 features

I try to run codes like
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::string str = "This is a string";
std::cout << str.starts_with("name");
But intellisense will give out an error
"std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits,
std::allocator>" has no member "starts_with" C/C++(135) [6,9]
And It still can be build and produce a correct result.
Also it can find implementation in header file.
But the macro __cplusplus is defined as 201703L
I've already added a command -std=c++20 when building, why this happened?
Compiler: minGW 11.2 compiled by msys2
Assuming you are using Microsoft's C/C++ extension, you must configure the extension to use C++ 20 standard for intellisense.
The easiest way to do this is to add the line "C_Cpp.default.cppStandard": "c++20" to your settings.json file. You can also find the setting in the GUI under the name "Cpp Standard". Selecting c++20 from its dropdown will achieve the same result.
Note that this setting is, by default, set as a global user defaults. You can configure it per-workspace by selecting the Workspace tab in the settings GUI and changing that Cpp Standard dropdown to c++20.
As for why adding the -std=c++20 flag didn't work: -std=c++20 just tells your compiler which standard to use to build your code. 'Intellisense' does not receive this flag because it is a separate tool from the compiler and is therefore not required to support all the standards the compiler supports. It may support less even, although Intellisense tools usually support as current a standard as possible. Therefore the language standard for Intellisense must be configured separately from the compiler (in this case).
Final Note: After changing the setting, try closing and re-opening VS Code. In my experience changing the language standard setting can cause some weirdness to happen. Closing and re-opening VS Code seems to ensure the setting changes take full effect.

[[deprecated]] results in error instead of warning in Visual Studio

According to cppreference [[deprecated("message string")]] we should be able to use the symbol but in VS results in error instead.
For example I wan't to issue a warning for ANSI methods in UNICODE builds and vice versa:
#ifdef UNICODE
[[deprecated("This method does not work well in UNICODE builds")]]
#endif // UNICODE
void f() {}
compiler doesn't let me compile, but standard says the attribute should allow usage but issue a warning message.
How to resolve this?, btw. my project is set to maximum conformance with the standard.
What ever the reason for VS going against the standard, is there a better way to issue a warning for above case?
Very much late to the party, but this cost me a couple of hours this morning.
By default, Visual Studio and the sdl (Security Development Lifecycle) compile flag treat
[[deprecated]] as an error. Whether or not you agree with this or not, that's how they do it.
To fix this go to Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Command Line and add /sdl /w34996
The /wX part represents the severity of the warning, and the rest is the error you want to report as a warning.
I hope this saves people some time.
I was able to get the compiler to treat [[deprecated]] as a warning by adding
to the compiler options, as suggested in the responses in following link
is there a better way to issue a warning for above case?
There's no other way of warning about usage of a function than deprecation attribute in standard C++ at least that I know of.
Msvc has other alternatives such as #pragma deprecated(f), but those are not better.
How to resolve this?
Assuming you haven't configured your compiler to treat warnings as errors, you could proceed with writing a bug report to the maintainers.
I haven't tested it with Visual Studio, but in my case the following helped and probably is more generic:
On that error usually warnings are treated as errors with the compiler flag -Werror, that is automatically set in Visual Studio. That is the reason way a class or function marked with [[deprecated]] results in an error. To avoid explicitly that error and output it just as a warning, the compiler flag -Werror -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations can be set. In CMake it would look like:
add_compile_options(-Werror -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations)

Cannot disable warnings caused by the Boost Library

I am trying to eliminate the warnings in my project so I can turn on the flag that treats warnings as errors. The project uses the boost library, specifically the Concept_check.hpp and cuthill_mckee_ordering.hpp files. The warnings 4510 and 4610 are shown in the concept_check.hpp file and I have tried to disable them using #pragma warning push and pop. The warnings are caused by the boost library trying to instantiate a class using the template found in concept_check.cpp when there is no constructor written for it.
My Question is this: Is there a more sure fire way that I can disable these warnings without modifying the boost code? I am using Visual studio 2010.
Perhaps you are looking in the wrong direction. As Alan Stokes pointed out, the warning is there for a reason. I have three hints that are perhaps not the answers you expect, but may bring an acceptable solution:
Instead of silencing the warning, just fix the error. I don't know your code, but there are other people that had a similar problem which was possible to fix by just declaring a variable.
Another question is: why do you want to turn all your warnings into errors? Is it really neccessary? I agree that normal code should always compile without warnings. But these warnings are not originating from your own code. Consider a static code-checker that warns you about issues where your compiler is blind about.
If you have to use -WX, move the offending code into a static object/library/module so you will be bothered about the warning only when you need to recompile this module. You could use specific compile options for this module, to get the warnings completely out of your way.
There is another possibility, but I'm not able to check whether it really works. According the Microsoft Documentation it is possible to set the warning level of specific warnings. (there are similar options for GCC). First, switch all warnings to error:
Then, set the warning level of the two offending warnings to zero:
/W04510 /W04610
A complete commandline would look like this:
cl source.cpp /WX /W04510 /W04610
The best solution would be to combine this with hint 3 above. This way, the specific compiler options are only used for the files that cause the warnings.
Maybe these solutions work.
You can disable specific warning from a .h file (#pragma warning( disable: ... ).

-O1/2/3 with -std=c++1y/11/98 - If <cmath> is included i'm getting error: '_hypot' was not declared in this scope

I've just updated MinGW using mingw-get-setup and i'm unable to build anyting that contains <cmath> header if I use anything larger than -O0 with -std=c++1y. (I also tried c++11 and c++98) I'm getting errors like this one:
g++.exe -pedantic-errors -pedantic -Wextra -Wall -std=c++1y -O3 -c Z:\Projects\C++\L6\src\events.cpp -o obj\src\events.o
In file included from z:\lander\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\include\c++\cmath:44:0,
from Z:\Projects\C++\L6\src\utils.h:4,
from Z:\Projects\C++\L6\src\events.cpp:10:
z:\lander\mingw\include\math.h: In function 'float hypotf(float, float)':
z:\lander\mingw\include\math.h:635:30: error: '_hypot' was not declared in this scope
{ return (float)(_hypot (x, y)); }
Is something wrong on my side?
Or version at mingw repo is bugged? And if so, is there any quick fix for this header?
To avoid any further speculation, and downright bad suggestions such as using #if 0, let me give an authoritative answer, from the perspective of a MinGW project contributor.
Yes, the MinGW.org implementation of include/math.h does have a bug in its inline implementation of hypotf (float, float); the bug is triggered when compiling C++, with the affected header included (as it is when cmath is included), and any compiler option which causes __STRICT_ANSI__ to become defined is specified, (as is the case for those -std=c... options noted by the OP). The appropriate solution is not to occlude part of the math.h file, with #if 0 or otherwise, but to correct the broken inline implementation of hypotf (float, float); simply removing the spurious leading underscore from the inline reference to _hypot (float, float), where its return value is cast to the float return type should suffice.
Alternatively, substituting an equivalent -std=gnu... for -std=c... in the compiler options should circumvent the bug, and may offer a suitable workaround.
FWIW, I'm not entirely happy with MinGW.org's current implementation of hypotl (long double, long double) either; correcting both issues is on my punch list for the next release of the MinGW runtime, but ATM, I have little time to devote to preparing this.
This bug is no longer present in the current release of the MinGW.org runtime library (currently mingwrt-3.22.4, but fixed since release 3.22). If you are using anything older than this, (including any of the critically broken 4.x releases), you should upgrade.
As noted by Keith, this is a bug in the MinGW.org header.
As an alternative to editing the MinGW.org header, you can use MinGW-w64, which provides everything MinGW.org provides, and a whole lot more.
For a list of differences between the runtimes, see this wiki page.
MinGW uses gcc and the Microsoft runtime library. Microsoft's implementation support C90, but its support for later versions of the C standard (C99 and C11) is very poor.
The hypot function (along with hypotf and hypotl) was added in C99.
If you're getting this error with a program that calls hypot, such as:
#include <cmath>
int main() {
std::cout << std::hypot(3.0, 4.0)) << '\n';
then it's just a limitation of the Microsoft runtime library, and therefore of MinGW. If it occurs with any program that has #include <cmath>, then it's a bug, perhaps a configuration error, in MinGW.

How can I inhibit warning 4200 in Visual Studio 2005?

I can inhibit many warnings in Visual Studio 2005 SP1 in the C/C++ Advanced property page, which causes the IDE to use the /wd switch on the command line which invokes the compiler. However, when I try to inhibit warning 4200 (nonstandard extension used : zero-sized array in struct/union), it still appears when I compile. (Of course it's justified; I'm just not in a position to fix the code, nor would it be worth bothering, because it's generated, and the warning is entirely benign under the circumstances.) Does anybody happen to know if this is a bug in the compiler? Or might there be something I can do about it?
To completely disable the warning in the file you can add the following to the top of the file
#pragma warning(disable:2400)
If you want some more flexibility other than a blanket disable for the file, the following page lists several other more fine grained options.
It's unclear based on your information as to whether or not it's a bug in the compiler or a configuration issue. I would lean towards a configuration issue, specifically conflicting compiler options that is making it difficult to suppress the warning.
OP mentioned they can't control the generated code so they can't directly include the pragma. If that's the case then try this trick. Say the file name is Generated.cpp. No longer include Generated.cpp as one of the files to compile. Instead create a new file called Example.cpp with the following contents
#pragma warning(disable:2400)
#include "Generated.cpp"
Now you'll get the text of Generated.cpp with the disabled warning by only compiling Example.cpp.
You mean like with pragma?
#pragma warning( disable : 2400 )