Word Separators for Text Editor in Visual Studio 2017 - visual-studio-2017

How can I set the Word Separators for Visual Studio 2017. Right now Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right stop at too many places, even compared to VS2008. Can someone point out where that is setup?


Directed Graph Markup Language No Longer Recognized with Visual Studio 2017

After installing Visual Studio 2017, I just noticed that my Directed Graph Markup Language(.dgml) files can no longer be opened in a visual-designer for editing; it only opens to see the internal format of the file. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Is .DGML no longer supported with Visual Studio 2017?
In case some people arent aware of what this is/was, here's a picture:
And here is my .dgml file, which was recognized and loaded in Visual Studio 2015 without a problem.
Nevermind, I figured it out. I guess that Visual Studio no longer installs this by default. You have to go in to the Visual Studio Installer->Modify, and tick the box.

Visual Studio 2013 compile like visual studio 2008

I have C++ VS2008 project and my lovely IDE VS13. How can I work into VS13, but compile and debug project like in would be VS08. When I open VS2008 *.sln files that wrote to me about one-way upgrade, and how you i guess you understand, project after open in vs2013 don't open in vs2008.
For now, I use VS13 like notepad then copy all files text to alt+tab opening VS 2008 IDE and there are run project. And again work in VS13.
Based on Microsoft product lifecycle policies,
Visual Studio 2008's mainstream support ended in April 2013, while Visual Studio 2013 was released in Jan 2014. That means Visual Studio 2013 will not support Visual Studio 2008 bits, so not a surprise if native multi targeting does not show v80.
I don't think you can easily get side by side, as VS2008 is too old, and its C++ project is not even MSBuild script. Once converted to VS2013, there is no way back.
Why cannot you just let VS2008 go? I guess that's why you get so many down votes.
You can't convert the solution to Visual Studio 2013 and still open it in Visual Studio 2008. You can, however, tell Visual Studio 2013 to use the Visual Studio 2008 compiler.
To do that, convert your solution to Visual Studio 2013 (don't forget to keep a copy of the original file, just in case), then open the project properties, go to the General options and select the Visual Studio 2008 platform toolset.

How to skip debugging all of std namespace in Visual C++ 2013?

I want to skip debugging all of std:: namespace C++ by default, without code window changing to std:: code , authored by Microsoft as xstring . This question is similar to :
How to skip common classes in VS 2008 when stepping in? and
Auto-skip STL functions during step-by-step debugging in MSVC++2010 .
The only difference is that their solution are for visual studio 2008 and 2010. I tried it myself , and it works on visual studio 2010, but I want to do it on visual studio 2013. The same solution doesn't work on visual studio 2013. I tried changing all values in registry equal to :
, some of these were values were for visual studio 12.0 ( which is visual studio 2013) , but after restarting visual studio 2013, nothing changed. On the contrary this works on Visual Studio 2010. "Just My Code" option is turned on.
As Hans Passant said, Edit the .natstepfilter files to add exclusions.
create a new file for example nostd.natstepfilter and write in it as in Has the VS2012 NativeDE\StepOver registry entry that prevents step-into for specific functions changed format?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StepFilter xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/vstudio/debugger/natstepfilter/2010">
For a 64-bit windows, move the file to :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers
while for a 32-bit windows to:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers
or whatever you customized you installation to. Please note that natstepfilter does not work in mixed mode (mixing native and managed code). Ensure that your project debugging settings is set to Native only

visual studio don't understand statements location on files containing big comments

When the code file contains a lot of comments in different locations and in big blocks of lines, visual studio become unable to detect the lines correctly for compiler errors and for breakpoints when I remove these comments it work fine.
I faced this problem in the visual studio 2010 and now in 2012
I'm talking about c++ language files
Is this known behaviour in visual studio with C++ or not and how to fix it

Visual Studio 2008 does not display CZ diacritics

I have a problem with the program in Visual Studio 2008.
In the texts defined in resources such as STRING letters are not displayed (ř, č, ě).
Texts defined in the dialogs are fine.
The problem is with Visual Studio 2008 (maybe) :( In contrast, the 2006 version is not a problem.
Can you help me to solve this problem?
Thanks :)