Fastest way to read a vector<double> from file - c++

I have 3 vector, each with exactly 256^3 ~ 16 million elements that i want to store in a file and read as fast as possible. I only care about reading performance, and the representation of the data in memory can be any.
I have taken a look at some serialization techniques as well as writing/ reading plain numbers to/ from a file with ofstream, however i wonder if there is a more direct and faster approach.
(i am pretty new to c++ and its concepts)

Assuming both systems, windows and android, are little endian, which is common in ARM and x86/x64 CPUs, you can do the following.
First: Determine the type with a sepcific size, so either double, with 64-bit, float with 32-bit, or uint64/32/16 or int64/32/16. Do NOT use stuff like int or long to determine your data type.
Second: Use the following method to write binary data:
std::vector<uint64_t> myVec;
std::ofstream f("outputFile.bin", std::ios::binary);
f.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(, myVec.size()*sizeof(uint64_t));
In this, you're take the raw data and writing its binary format to a file.
Now on other machine, make sure the data type you use has the same datatype size and same endianness. If both are the same, you can do this:
std::vector<uint64_t> myVec(sizeOfTheData);
std::ifstream f("outputFile.bin", std::ios::binary);<char*>(&myVec.front()), myVec.size()*sizeof(uint64_t));
Notice that you have to know the size of the data before reading it.
Note: This code is off my head. I haven't tested it, but it should work.
Now if the target system doesn't have the same endianness, you have to read the data in batches, flip the endianness, then put it in your vector. How to flip endianness was extensively discussed here.
To determine the endianness of your system, this was discussed here.
The penalty on performance will be proportional to how different these systems are. If they're both the same endianness and you choose the same data type and size, you're good and you have optimum performance. Otherwise, you'll have some penalty depending on how many conversion you have to do. This is the fastest that you can ever get.
Note from comments: If you're transferring doubles or floats, make sure both systems use IEEE 754 standard. It's very common to use these, way more than endianness, but just to be sure.
Now if these solutions don't fit you, then you have to use a proper serialization library to standardize the format for you. There are libraries that can do that, such as protobuf.


Advantages/Disadvantages of using __int16 (or int16_t) over int

As far as I understand, the number of bytes used for int is system dependent. Usually, 2 or 4 bytes are used for int.
As per Microsoft's documentation, __int8, __int16, __int32 and __int64 are Microsoft Specific keywords. Furthermore, __int16 uses 16-bits (i.e. 2 bytes).
Question: What are advantage/disadvantage of using __int16 (or int16_t)? For example, if I am sure that the value of my integer variable will never need more than 16 bits then, will it be beneficial to declare the variable as __int16 var (or int16_t var)?
UPDATE: I see that several comments/answers suggest using int16_t instead of __int16, which is a good suggestion but not really an advantage/disadvantage of using __int16. Basically, my question is, what is the advantage/disadvantage of saving 2 bytes by using 16-bit version of an integer instead of int ?
Saving 2 bytes is almost never worth it. However, saving thousands of bytes is. If you have an large array containing integers, using a small integer type can save quite a lot of memory. This leads to faster code, because the less memory one uses the less cache misses one receives (cache misses are a major loss of performance).
TL;DR: this is beneficial to do in large arrays, but pointless for 1-off variables.
The second use of these is if for dealing with binary files and messages. If you are reading a binary file that uses 16-bit integers, well, it's pretty convenient if you can represent that type exactly in your code.
BTW, don't use microsoft's versions. Use the standard versions (std::int16_t)
It depends.
On x86, primitive types are generally aligned on their size. So 2-byte types would be aligned on a 2-byte boundary. This is useful when you have more than one of these short variables, because you will be saving 50% of space. That directly translates to better memory and cache utilization and thus theoretically, better performance.
On the other hand, doing arithmetic on shorter-than-int types usually involves widening conversion to int. So if you do a lot of arithmetic on these types, using int types might result in better performance (contrived example).
So if you care about performance of a critical section of code, profile it to find out for sure if using a certain data type is faster or slower.
A possible rule of thumb would be - if you're memory-bound (i.e. you have lots of variables and especially arrays), use as short a data types as possible. If not - don't worry about it and use int types.
If you for some reason just need a shorter integer type it's already have that in the language - called short - unless you know you need exactly 16 bits there's really no good reason not to just stick with the agnostic short and int types. The broad idea is that these types should align well the target architecture (for example see word ).
That being said, theres no need to use the platform specific type (__int16), you can just use the standard one:
See for more information and standard types
Even if you still insist on __int16 you probably want a typedef something ala.:
using my_short = __int16;
Your main question is:
What is the advantage/disadvantage of
saving 2 bytes by using 16-bit version of an integer instead of int ?
If you have a lot of data (In the ballpark of at least some 100.000-1.000.000 elements as a rule of thumb) - then there could be an overall performance saving in terms of using less cpu-cache. Overall there's no disadvantage of using a smaller type - except for the obvious one - and possible conversions as explained in this answer
The main reason for using these types is to make sure about the size of your variable in different architectures and compilers. we call it "code reusability" and "portability"
in higher-level modern languages, all this will handle with compiler/interpreter/virtual machine/etc. that you don't need to worry about, but it has some performance and memory usage costs.
When you have some kind of limitation you may need to optimize everything. The best example is embedded systems that have a very limited size of memory and work at low frequency. In the other hand, there are lots of compilers out there with different implementations. Some of them interpret "int" as a "16bit" value and some as a "32bit".
for example, you receive and specific stream of values over a communication system, you want to save them in a buffer or array and you want to make sure the input data is always interpreted as a 16bit noting else.

Detect endianness of binary file data

Recently I was (again) reading about 'endian'ness. I know how to identify the endianness of host, as there are lots of post on SO, and also I have seen this, which I think is pretty good resource.
However, one thing I like to know is to how to detect the endianness of input binary file. For example, I am reading a binary file (using C++) like following:
ifstream mydata("mydata.raw", ios::binary);
short value;
char buf[sizeof(short)];
int dataCount = 0;
while (<char*>(&buf), sizeof(buf)))
memcpy(&value, buf, sizeof(value));
myDataMat[dataCount / DATA_DIMENSION][dataCount%DATA_DIMENSION] = value;
I like to know how I can detect the endianness in the mydata.raw, and whether endianness affects this program anyway.
Additional Information:
I am only manipulating the data in myDataMat using mathematical operations, and no pointer operation or bitwise operation is done on the data).
My machine (host) is little endian.
It is impossible to "detect" the endianity of data in general. Just like it is impossible to detect whether the data is an array of 4 byte integers, or twice that many 2 byte integers. Without any knowledge about the representation, raw data is just a mass of meaningless bits.
However, with some extra knowledge about the data representation, it become possible. Some examples:
Most file formats mandate particular endianity, in which case this is never a problem.
Unicode text files may optionally start with a byte order mark. Same idea can be implemented by other data representations.
Some file formats contain a checksum. You can guess one endianity, and if the checksum does not match, try again with another endianity. It will be unlikely that the checksum matches with wrong interpretation of the data.
Sometimes you can make guesses based on the data. Is the temperature outside 33'554'432 degrees, or maybe 2? You can pick the endianity that represents sane data. Of course, this type of guesswork fails miserably, when the aliens invade and start melting our planet.
You can't tell.
The endianness transformation is essentially an operator E(x) on a number x such that x = E(E(x)). So you don't know "which way round" the x elements are in your file.

Data conversion for ARM platform (from x86/x64)

We have developed win32 application for x86 and x64 platform. We want to use the same application on ARM platform. Endianness will vary for ARM platform i.e. ARM platform uses Big endian format in general. So we want to handle this in our application for our device.
For e.g. // In x86/x64, int nIntVal = 0x12345678
In ARM, int nIntVal = 0x78563412
How values will be stored for the following data types in ARM?
char array i.e. char chBuffer[256]
Please clarify this.
Endianess only matters for register <-> memory operations.
In a register there is no endianess. If you put
int nIntVal = 0x12345678
in your code it will have the same effect on any endianess machine.
all IEEE formats (float, double) are identical in all architectures, so this does not matter.
You only have to care about endianess in two cases:
a) You write integers to files that have to be transferable between the two architectures.
Solution: Use the hton*, ntoh* family of converters, use a non-binary file format (e.g. XML) or a standardised file format (e.g. SQLite).
b) You cast integer pointers.
int a = 0x1875824715;
char b = a;
char c = *(char *)&a;
if (b == c) {
// You are working on Little endian
The latter code by the way is a handy way of testing your endianess at runtime.
Arrays and the likes if you use write, fwrite falimies of calls to transfer them you will have no problems unless they contain integers: then look above.
int64_t: look above. Only care if you have to store them binary in files or cast pointers.
(Sergey L., above, says, taht you mostly don't have to care for the byte order. He is right, with at least 1 exception: I assumed you want to convert binary data from one platform to the other ...) has a good overview.
In short:
Little endian means, the least significant byte is stored first (at the lowest address)
Big endian means the most significant byte is stored first
The order in which array elements are stored is not affected (but the byte order in array elements, of course)
char array is unchanged
int64 - byte order is reversed compared to x86
With regard to the floating point format, consider Generally it seems to obey the same rules of endianness as the integer format, but there is are exceptions for older ARM platforms. (I've no first hand experience of that).
Generally I'd suggest, test your conversion of primitive types by controlled experiments first.
Also consider, that compilers might use different padding in structs (a topic you haven't addressed yet).
Hope this helps.
In 98% cases you don't need to care about endianness. Unless you need to transfer some data between systems of different endiannness, or read/write some endian-sensitive file format, you should not bother with it. And even in those cases, you can write your code to perform properly when compiled under any endianness.
From Rob Pike's "The byte order fallacy" post:
Let's say your data stream has a little-endian-encoded 32-bit integer.
Here's how to extract it (assuming unsigned bytes):
i = (data[0]<<0) | (data[1]<<8) | (data[2]<<16) | (data[3]<<24);
If it's big-endian, here's how to extract it:
i = (data[3]<<0) | (data[2]<<8) | (data[1]<<16) | (data[0]<<24);
Both these snippets work on any machine, independent of the machine's
byte order, independent of alignment issues, independent of just about
anything. They are totally portable, given unsigned bytes and 32-bit
The arm is little endian, it has two big endian variants depending on architecture, but it is better to just run native little endian, the tools and volumes of code out there are more fully tested in little endian mode.
Endianness is just one factor in system engineering if you do your system engineering it all works out, no fears, no worries. Define your interfaces and code to that design. Assuming for example that one processors endianness automatically results in having to byteswap is a bad assumption and will bite you eventually. You will end up having to swap an even number of times to undo other bad assumptions that cause a swap (ideally swapping zero times of course rather than 2 or 4 or 6, etc times). If you have any endian concerns at all when writing code you should write it endian independent.
Since some ARMs have BE32 (word invariant) and the newer arms BE8 (byte invariant) you would have to do even more work to try to make something generic that also tries to compensate for little intel, little arm, BE32 arm and BE8 arm. Xscale tends to run big endian natively but can be run as little endian to reduce the headaches. You may be assuming that because an ARM clone is big endian then all are big endian, another bad assumption.

Writing MPI result to a file

I have some code which solves an all-pars shortest path problem and each processor has a piece of the result. I am trying to write this result, which is a martix to an output file. So each process, which has part of the solution, will write the result to an output file in the correct position. Now i am trying to use fseek for this but am a little stuck because of the different sized integers. Like 2 and -199 will have to take more space. How can I do it so that the processors do not overwrite eachother? Also there might be race conditions for the writing.
Should i do this another way or is there a way to accomplish this? I was thinking of sending all result to one process (rank 0) and have that create the array and write the the file.
Don't use ASCII output; use binary, which is well defined in size.
So if you're using fstream and doubles:
fstream filewriter("file.bin",ios::out | ios::binary);
vector<double> mylist;
This will write exactly 40 bytes, which is the size of double (8) times the size of your list (5 elements). And using fseek will be very easy.
In scientific environment when having a huge output it's extremely recommended to use binary data. However:
1- You have to learn about the concept of endianness (big endian, little endian).
2- You have to document your work proporly for reuse (purpose, size, number of element, dimensionality). I face huge misunderstandings when I forget to document stuff (I'm a PhD physicist who programs simulations).
So ASCII for data analysis is not the right choice.
Luckily, there's a full library specialized in organizing stuff for you, called HDF5. It organizes endianness and portability for you; however, it's not easy to deal with it, and it has a steep learning curve. I think that's a harder story for later times.
What I would recommend, is that you learn how to deal with binary files and how to read them, understand their issues and problems. I think that you're professional enough to deal with binary files, since you use MPI.
Here's a quick tutorial to binary files:
You could have each process write the output in some format that can be merged and cleaned up after the last one is done. Like (x, y, z), (x, y, z)...where x is the index of the row, y is the column and z the value.
This is a good job for memory-mapped files. They are system-dependent, but they're implemented in both POSIX and Windows OS families, so if you use a modern OS, they'd work. There is a portable and C++-friendly implementation of them in boost (classes mapped_file_source, mapped_file_sink and mapped_file). Interprocess output is a classical example of their usage.
They are binary, so most of that Samer said in his answer applies, too, the only difference is that you use pointer arithmetic instead of seeking.

Any way to read big endian data with little endian program?

An external group provides me with a file written on a Big Endian machine, and they also provide a C++ parser for the file format.
I only can run the parser on a little endian machine - is there any way to read the file using their parser without add a swapbytes() call after each read?
Back in the early Iron Age, the Ancients encountered this issue when they tried to network primitive PDP-11 minicomputers with other primitive computers. The PDP-11 was the first little-Endian computer, while most others at the time were big-Endian.
To solve the problem, once and for all, they developed the network byte order concept (always big-Endia), and the corresponding network byte order macros ntohs(), ntohl(), htons(), and htonl(). Code written with those macros will always "get the right answer".
Lean on your external supplier to use the macros in their code, and the file they supply you will always be big-Endian, even if they switch to a little-Endian machine. Rewrite the parser they gave you to use the macros, and you will always be able to read their file, even if you switch to a big-Endian machine.
A truly prodigious amount of programmer time has been wasted on this particular problem. There are days when I think a good argument could be made for hanging the PDP-11 designer who made the little-Endian feature decision.
Try persuading the parser team to include the following code:
int getInt(char* bytes, int num)
int ret;
assert(num == 4);
ret = bytes[0] << 24;
ret |= bytes[1] << 16;
ret |= bytes[2] << 8;
ret |= bytes[3];
return ret;
it might be more time consuming than a general int i = *(reinterpret_cast<*int>(&myCharArray)); but will always get the endianness right on both big and small endian systems.
In general, there's no "easy" solution to this. You will have to modify the parser to swap the bytes of each and every integer read from the file.
It depends upon what you are doing with the data. If you are going to print the data out, you need to swap the bytes on all the numbers. If you are looking through the file for one or more values, it may be faster to byte swap your comparison value.
In general, Greg is correct, you'll have to do it the hard way.
the best approach is to just define the endianess in the file format, and not say it's machine dependent.
the writer will have to write the bytes in the correct order regardless of the CPU it's running on, and the reader will have to do the same.
You could write a parser that wraps their parser and reverses the bytes, if you don't want to modify their parser.
Be conscious of the types of data being read in. A 4-byte int or float would need endian correction. A 4-byte ASCII string would not.
In general, no.
If the read/write calls are not type aware (which, for example fread and fwrite are not) then they can't tell the difference between writing endian sensitive data and endian insensitive data.
Depending on how the parser is structured you may be able to avoid some suffering, if the I/O functions they use are aware of the types being read/written then you could modify those routines apply the correct endian conversions.
If you do have to modify all the read/write calls then creating just such a routine would be a sensible course of action.
Your question somehow conatins the answer: No!
I only can run the parser on a little endian machine - is there any way to read the file using their parser without add a swapbytes() call after each read?
If you read (and want to interpret) big endian data on a little endian machine, you must somehow and somewhere convert the data. You might do this after each read or after the whole file has been read (if the data read does not contain any information on how to read further data) - but there is no way in omitting the conversion.