Number stored as text when converted CSV to Xlsx - python-2.7

I wrote a code to convert/copy CSV file into Xlsx file. It copied the data successfully but all the data stored as text.
Now it is showing an exclamation mark on each data and when it is showing "Number stored as text" .
Can anyone pls help me how to get the data in number because i want to do manipulation on data.
here is the code:
wb = Workbook()
ws =
with open(plotDir + '\\' + file, 'r') as f:
for row in csv.reader(f):
ws.append(row) + '\\' + file[:-4] + '.xlsx')

You can use set_value_explicit :
with open(plotDir + '\\' + plotFile, 'r') as f:
for x, row in enumerate( csv.reader(f), start=1):
for y, val in enumerate(row, start=1):
ws.cell(row=x,column=y).set_explicit_value(value=val,data_type='n') # Cell.TYPE_NUMERIC + '\\' + plotFile[:-4] + '.xlsx')


How to write rows into txt file python

I have code to write files to writer and then use writer to write into csv.
This is all using 'import csv' library.
But the problem is, I have numbers like 123456789.123456789 and when it writes into csv the number got truncate into 123456789.1234. so I want to write the results to txt instead, but don't know how to write rows to txt.
if results.get('rows', []):
for row in results.get('rows'):
for i in range(len(row)):
old, new = row[i], str()
for s in old:
new += s if s in string.printable else ''
path = '/Users/sailormoon/Desktop/'
filename = 'sailormoon.csv'
with open(path + filename, 'wt') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n')
Pseudo code I think:
path = '/Users/sailormoon/Desktop/'
filename = 'sailormoon.txt'
with open(path + filename, 'wt') as f:
what library I can use to write rows into txt for python? Thanks!
Append all your numbers to a list as strings. Then use a for loop:
numbers = ['123456789.123456789', '123453459.128967678']
with open(path + '\\numbers.txt', 'w') as out:
for n in numbers:
out.write(n + '\n')

How to get a list of strings to print out vertically in a text file?

I have some data that I've pulled from a website. This is the code I used to grab it (my actual code is much longer but I think this about sums it up).
lid_restrict_save = []
for t in range(10000,10020):
address = '' + lines2[t]
page = requests.get(address)
tree = html.fromstring(page.text)
#District Restriction
dist_restrict = tree.xpath('//tr[11]//text()')
if u"District Restriction" in dist_restrict:
I'm trying to export this list:
print lid_restrict_save
[['5656966VP65', '5656966RR68', '56569659965', '56569658964']]
to a text file.
f = open('dis_restrict_no_uniqDOB2.txt', 'r+')
for j in range(0,len(lid_restrict_save)):
s = ( (unicode(lid_restrict_save[j]).encode('utf-8') + ' \n' ))
I want the text to come out looking like this:
This code worked but only when I started the range from 0.
f = open('dis_restrict.txt', 'r+')
for j in range(0,len(ldob_restrict)):
f.write( ldob_restrict[j].encode("utf-8") + ' \n' )
When I've tried changing the code I keep getting this error:
"AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'encode'."
I've tried the suggestions from here, here, and here but to no avail.
If anyone has any hints it would be greatly appreciated.
lid_restrict_save is a nested list so you can't encode the first element because it is not a string.
You could write to the txt file using this:
lid_restrict_save = [['5656966VP65', '5656966RR68', '56569659965', '56569658964']]
lid_restrict_save = lid_restrict_save[0] # remove the outer list
with open('dis_restrict.txt', 'r+') as f:
for i in lid_restrict_save:
f.write(str(i) + '\n')

Python - write filename / filepath into a textfile

I have some filenames defined in a Python script with tkinter who look like this:
def save_file(self):
self.filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(title="Save...", filetypes=([("Excel Workbook","*.xlsx")]))
At the end the filename of these variables should be written out into a text file:
text_out = open('output.txt', 'w')
text_out.write("The first filename is " + self.filename + " + '\n')
text_out.write("The first pathname is " + self.filelocation + '\n')
But it doesn't work. Has anyone any ideas? I have also tried it with:
text_out.write("The first filename is " + str(self.filename) + " + '\n')
but without the expedted result.
I tried it from the command line and got this error message:
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal
This appears to mean that Python doesn't like having '\n' at the end of a bunch of strings stuck together with +. Try treating the items as a list and joining them, like this:
text_out = open('output.txt', 'w')
filewrite = ''.join([
'The first filename is ', self.filename, '\n',
'The first pathname is ', self.filelocation, '\n'])
I got this idea from the Python Cookbook, and it works for me.

Simple way to refactor this Python code to reduce repetition

I'd like help refactoring this code to reduce redundant lines/concepts. The code for this def in basically repeated 3 times.
- I'm new, so a really fancy list comprehension or turning things into objects with dunders and method overrides is way to advanced for me.
- Built in modules only. This is Pyhton 2.7 code, and only imports os and re.
What the overall script does:
Finds files with a fixed prefix. The files are pipe-delimited text files. The first row is a header. It has a footer which can be 1 or more rows. Based on the prefix, the script throws away "columns" from the text file that aren't needed in another step. It saves the data, comma-separated, in a new file with a .csv extension.
The bulk of the work is done in processRawFiles(). This is what I'd like refactored, since it's wildly repetitive.
def separateTranslationTypes(translationFileList):
'''Takes in list of all files to process and find which are roomtypes
, ratecodes or sourcecodes. The type of file determines how it will be processed.'''
rates = []
rooms = []
sources = []
for afile in translationFileList:
rates.append( [ for m in re.finditer('cf_ratecodeheader+(.*)', afile)] )
rooms.append( [ for m in re.finditer('cf_roomtypes+(.*)', afile)] )
sources.append( [ for m in re.finditer('cf_sourcecodes+(.*)', afile)] )
# empty list equates to False. So if x is True if the list is not empty - thus kept.
rates = [x[0] for x in rates if x]
rooms = [x[0] for x in rooms if x]
sources = [x[0] for x in sources if x]
print '... rateCode files :: ',rates,'\n'
print '... roomType files :: ',rooms,'\n'
print '... sourceCode files :: ',sources, '\n'
return {'rateCodeFiles':rates,
groupedFilestoProcess = separateTranslationTypes(allFilestoProcess)
def processRawFiles(groupedFileDict):
for key in groupedFileDict:
# Process the rateCodes file
if key == 'rateCodeFiles':
for fname_Value in groupedFileDict[key]: # fname_Value is the filename
if os.path.exists(fname_Value):
workingfile = open(fname_Value,'rb')
filedatastring = # turns entire file contents to a single string
outname = 'forUpload_' + fname_Value[:-4:] + '.csv' # removes .txt of any other 3 char extension
outputfile = open(outname,'wb')
filedatalines = filedatastring.split('\n') # a list containing each line of the file
rawheaders = filedatalines[0] # 1st element of the list is the first row of the file, with the headers
parsedheaders = rawheaders.split('|') # turn the header string into a list where | was delimiter
print '\n'
print 'outname: ', outname, '\n'
# print 'rawheaders: ', rawheaders, '\n'
# print 'parsedheaders: ',parsedheaders, '\n'
# print filedatalines[0:2]
print '\n'
ratecodeindex = parsedheaders.index('RATE_CODE')
ratecodemeaning = parsedheaders.index('DESCRIPTION')
for dataline in filedatalines:
if dataline[:4] == 'LOGO':
firstuselessline = filedatalines.index(dataline)
# print firstuselessline
# ignore the first line which was the headers
# stop before the line that starts with LOGO - the first useless line
for dataline in filedatalines[1:firstuselessline-1:]:
# print dataline.split('|')
theratecode = dataline.split('|')[ratecodeindex]
theratemeaning = dataline.split('|')[ratecodemeaning]
# print theratecode, '\t', theratemeaning, '\n'
linetowrite = theratecode + ',' + theratemeaning + '\n'
# Process the roomTypes file
if key == 'roomTypeFiles':
for fname_Value in groupedFileDict[key]: # fname_Value is the filename
if os.path.exists(fname_Value):
workingfile = open(fname_Value,'rb')
filedatastring = # turns entire file contents to a single string
outname = 'forUpload_' + fname_Value[:-4:] + '.csv' # removes .txt of any other 3 char extension
outputfile = open(outname,'wb')
filedatalines = filedatastring.split('\n') # a list containing each line of the file
rawheaders = filedatalines[0] # 1st element of the list is the first row of the file, with the headers
parsedheaders = rawheaders.split('|') # turn the header string into a list where | was delimiter
print '\n'
print 'outname: ', outname, '\n'
# print 'rawheaders: ', rawheaders, '\n'
# print 'parsedheaders: ',parsedheaders, '\n'
# print filedatalines[0:2]
print '\n'
ratecodeindex = parsedheaders.index('LABEL')
ratecodemeaning = parsedheaders.index('SHORT_DESCRIPTION')
for dataline in filedatalines:
if dataline[:4] == 'LOGO':
firstuselessline = filedatalines.index(dataline)
# print firstuselessline
# ignore the first line which was the headers
# stop before the line that starts with LOGO - the first useless line
for dataline in filedatalines[1:firstuselessline-1:]:
# print dataline.split('|')
theratecode = dataline.split('|')[ratecodeindex]
theratemeaning = dataline.split('|')[ratecodemeaning]
# print theratecode, '\t', theratemeaning, '\n'
linetowrite = theratecode + ',' + theratemeaning + '\n'
# Process sourceCodes file
if key == 'sourceCodeFiles':
for fname_Value in groupedFileDict[key]: # fname_Value is the filename
if os.path.exists(fname_Value):
workingfile = open(fname_Value,'rb')
filedatastring = # turns entire file contents to a single string
outname = 'forUpload_' + fname_Value[:-4:] + '.csv' # removes .txt of any other 3 char extension
outputfile = open(outname,'wb')
filedatalines = filedatastring.split('\n') # a list containing each line of the file
rawheaders = filedatalines[0] # 1st element of the list is the first row of the file, with the headers
parsedheaders = rawheaders.split('|') # turn the header string into a list where | was delimiter
print '\n'
print 'outname: ', outname, '\n'
# print 'rawheaders: ', rawheaders, '\n'
# print 'parsedheaders: ',parsedheaders, '\n'
# print filedatalines[0:2]
print '\n'
ratecodeindex = parsedheaders.index('SOURCE_CODE')
ratecodemeaning = parsedheaders.index('DESCRIPTION')
for dataline in filedatalines:
if dataline[:4] == 'LOGO':
firstuselessline = filedatalines.index(dataline)
# print firstuselessline
# ignore the first line which was the headers
# stop before the line that starts with LOGO - the first useless line
for dataline in filedatalines[1:firstuselessline-1:]:
# print dataline.split('|')
theratecode = dataline.split('|')[ratecodeindex]
theratemeaning = dataline.split('|')[ratecodemeaning]
# print theratecode, '\t', theratemeaning, '\n'
linetowrite = theratecode + ',' + theratemeaning + '\n'
Had to redo my code because there was a new incident where the files in question neither had the header row, nor the footer row. However, since the columns I want still occur in the same order I can keep them only. Also, we stop reading if any next row has fewer columns than the larger of the two indices used.
As for reducing repetition, processRawFiles contains two def's that remove the need to repeat a lot of that parsing code from before.
def separateTranslationTypes(translationFileList):
'''Takes in list of all files to process and find which are roomtypes
, ratecodes or sourcecodes. The type of file determines how it will be processed.'''
rates = []
rooms = []
sources = []
for afile in translationFileList:
rates.append( [ for m in re.finditer('cf_ratecode+(.*)', afile)] )
rooms.append( [ for m in re.finditer('cf_roomtypes+(.*)', afile)] )
sources.append( [ for m in re.finditer('cf_sourcecodes+(.*)', afile)] )
# empty list equates to False. So if x is True if the list is not empty - thus kept.
rates = [x[0] for x in rates if x]
rooms = [x[0] for x in rooms if x]
sources = [x[0] for x in sources if x]
print '... rateCode files :: ',rates,'\n'
print '... roomType files :: ',rooms,'\n'
print '... sourceCode files :: ',sources, '\n'
return {'rateCodeFiles':rates,
groupedFilestoProcess = separateTranslationTypes(allFilestoProcess)
def processRawFiles(groupedFileDict):
def someFixedProcess(bFileList, codeIndex, codeDescriptionIndex):
for fname_Value in bFileList: # fname_Value is the filename
if os.path.exists(fname_Value):
workingfile = open(fname_Value,'rb')
filedatastring = # turns entire file contents to a single string
outname = 'forUpload_' + fname_Value[:-4:] + '.csv' # removes .txt of any other 3 char extension
outputfile = open(outname,'wb')
filedatalines = filedatastring.split('\n') # a list containing each line of the file
# print '\n','outname: ',outname,'\n\n'
# HEADERS ARE NOT IGNORED! Since the file might not have headers.
print outname
for dataline in filedatalines:
# print filedatalines.index(dataline), dataline.split('|')
# e.g. index 13, reuires len 14, so len > index is needed
if len(dataline.split('|')) > codeDescriptionIndex:
thecode_text = dataline.split('|')[codeIndex]
thedescription_text = dataline.split('|')[codeDescriptionIndex]
linetowrite = thecode_text + ',' + thedescription_text + '\n'
def processByType(aFileList, itsType):
typeDict = {'rateCodeFiles' : {'CODE_INDEX': 4,'DESC_INDEX':7},
'roomTypeFiles' : {'CODE_INDEX': 1,'DESC_INDEX':13},
'sourceCodeFiles': {'CODE_INDEX': 2,'DESC_INDEX':3}}
# print 'someFixedProcess(',aFileList,typeDict[itsType]['CODE_INDEX'],typeDict[itsType]['DESC_INDEX'],')'
for key in groupedFileDict:

Python CSV export writing characters to new lines

I have been using multiple code snippets to create a solution that will allow me to write a list of players in a football team to a csv file.
import csv
data = []
string = input("Team Name: ")
fName = string.replace(' ', '') + ".csv"
print("When you have entered all the players, press enter.")
# while loop that will continue allowing entering of players
done = False
while not done:
a = input("Name of player: ")
if a == "":
done = True
string += a + ','
string += input("Age: ") + ','
string += input("Position: ")
print (string)
file = open(fName, 'w')
output = csv.writer(file)
for row in string:
tempRow = row
print("Team written to file.")
I would like the exported csv file to look like this:
and so on. However, when I check the exported csv file it looks more like this:
and so on.
Does anyone have an idea of where i'm going wrong?
Many thanks
Your string is a single string. It is not a list of strings. You are expecting it to be a list of strings when you are doing this:
for row in string:
When you iterate over a string, you are iterating over its characters. Which is why you are seeing a character per line.
Declare a list of strings. And append every string to it like this:
done = False
strings_list = []
while not done:
string = ""
a = input("Name of player: ")
if a == "":
done = True
string += a + ','
string += input("Age: ") + ','
string += input("Position: ") + '\n'
Now iterate over this strings_list and print to the output file. Since you are putting the delimiter (comma) yourself in the string, you do not need a csv writer.
a_file = open(fName, 'w')
for row in strings_list:
string is a name of a standard module in Python. It is wise not to use this as a name of any variable in your program. Same goes for your variable file