How to change jetty port for Apache Ignite - jetty

I have a server running on port 8080 already which I can't disable, how do I change the jetty port from 8080 to something else?
I have already referred to How to set custom REST port for apache ignite when ignite is started as a service in Opendaylight apache karaf? but it's not working for me.
I am running 2.7 version of Apache Ignite

Using Binary Distribution -v -J-DIGNITE_JETTY_PORT=<port> config/config.xml
Using Maven
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java DIGNITE_JETTY_PORT=<port> -jar ignite-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
For more details refer this link


configuring Django Channels for windows in production

Please, I need to configure Django Channels on redis-channel-layer on windows IIS in production. It is running very well in development.
I have installed redis, daphne. I have set the IIS as proxy server with URL Rewrite pointing the Inbound to localhost 6379 to redis-layer channels. I used python runworker. and also started the daphne server with the daphne command.
They all ran very well, but there is no websocket handshake for my url.

Forwarding calls from Apache server to cpp server both running on Raspberry

I am using Raspberry Pi B+ and i have installed both Apache server and my own cpp server, running on different ports. The cpp server is based on the 'GNU Libmicrohttpd' library and I can choose a specific port for it. The Apache server is running on port 80. I would like to put the Apache server in front and forward calls to my cpp server. I read that load balancing is supported by Raspberry; I have to install a lightweight proxy server like NGINX or Varnish in order to do this.
My question is: Is there anyone who tried this? Does it actually work on the Raspberry? Other suggestions ?

Installing and Viewing Neo4j on Existing AWS EC2 Instance

I'm trying to install the enterprise edition of neo4j on an existing EC2 (Amazon linux) instance. So far I've
wget "link to enterprise"
untar the file
renamed and moved the folder to NEO4J_HOME
then went into the config files for to make the following changes:
# Enable shell server so that remote clients can connect via Neo4j shell.
# The network interface IP the shell will listen on (use 0.0.0 for all interfaces)
# The port the shell will listen on, default is 1337
EDITED Christophe Willemsen pointed out that for my original error, I had forgotten to restart the server at that point but I was still unable to access the web server while it was running. So to make it more clear, I've edited the remaining post:
I went to and uncommented:
And start the server
NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j start
WARNING: Max 1024 open files allowed, minimum of 40 000 recommended. See the Neo4j manual.
Using additional JVM arguments: -server -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Djava.util.logging.config.file=conf/ -Dlog4j.configuration=file:conf/ -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow
Starting Neo4j Server...WARNING: not changing user
process [28557]... waiting for server to be ready..... OK.
http://localhost:7474/ is ready.
checking the status:
NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j status
Neo4j Server is running at pid 28557
I can run the shell but the when I go to localhost 7474 I still can not connect
Any help would be appreciative. The only tutorial or help I've found assumed I was starting from scratch with a new instance. If someone could provide some instructions for installing or fix my configuration that would be great.
You have to edit and uncomment the line with:
So that the db listens on an external interface not just localhost, and you have to open the port (7474) in your firewall rules.
Make sure to secure access to the db though:

eclipse listening on port 8000

My eclipse somehow starts listening on port 8000. I have no idea why it does so. I am using Eclipse for Python development (using PyDev tools).
This default port conflicts with default Django development server port viz 8000. I am not able to start Django development version. Off course I can shutdown eclipse, start Django and then restart eclipse, but I would prefer to disable the usage of port 8000 by Eclipse.
On Internet I saw some references to remote debugging capabilities of Eclipse, but could not figure out how to change this default port number.
I figured out that this problem was happening because of Aptana JavaScript Debug Console which attempts to start a builtin HTTP server in port range (8000 onwards whichever port it finds available first). I just changed this port range in preferences and now I am good.
If you want to start Django's development server on a another port, just add this parameter:
python runserver 8001

How may I deploy a Wt application with the built-in web server?

I am new using Wt and I would like to know what I must do to get an example (let’s say Hello) working on a web server (Apache or free webhost for testing).
I know how to use the built-in web server ; I have to launch that command :
./hello.wt --docroot . --http-address --http-port 8080
Then, I go to and it is working.
But, how may I do this using Apache ?
Pass -DCONNECTOR_FCGI=ON to cmake and follow these instructions for configuring FastCGI with Apache
I added FastCgiServer /dir/to/Wt/Examples/Hello/hello.wt to my fastcgi.conf and now it's working.