How do I change the annotation colour for a certain changeset - visual-studio-2017

I am using the annotation feature of the Visual Studio 2017 plug in. The colour scheme seems to be based on the age of the change in a gradient type of style. Is there way to assign a colour to a certain change set? If a number of changes have been made fairly close together, it makes it hard to see which lines belong to which changeset.

I'm afraid the color can only be changed based on the author or date. Please check attached screenshot.


How can I improve the usability/readability of Toad

I have installed Toad 12.8 and I had a pretty big mistake in executing code. I executed code out of sequence, despite triple checking my work. Some how the tab I had selected was unselected and another script was ran. I still wince in embarrassment a week later.
I just wanted to know if there are ways to improve usability/readability of Toad. For instance, can I highlight the tab I have selected? Can I review scripts in a viewer to showcase scripts that I have open and manage which have been executed and not?
I have changed the tab style to 'Flat Buttons', which better showcases the script you are viewing among the many you have open, but thats just 1 small change.
Anyone else have options they like to use? Im not seeing a lot of options here under View Options...
I'm on 12.5. Current tab is highlighted (i.e. has a different color than other tabs). You could, though, change the window background color (by default, it is white).
Open "Configure TOAD options" and search for "TAB", you'll find quite a few options in there.
If you want to review what you've executed, navigate to "Query Viewer" tab in the Editor window. Sort results by "Start Time" in descending order and it'll show what you executed, when, how many time was spent on it, how many rows were affected ... quite useful.
As of running code you didn't mean to: well, what can I say? I'm sorry you did that, but - after all - it is you who should pay attention to what you are doing. No highlighting will solve that problem (also know as we have met the enemy, and it is us).
Something I like to do to is to change the color of TEST vs PROD in order to make them stand out. On the session/new connection window, scroll right and you'll see a "color" column. I set PROD connections to Red and TEST to Blue. Give it a try, maybe you'll like it for a visual reminder for the environment you are working in. It will change the status bar background color so it's not that intrusive.

Disable layers (like roads) on map visualization in PowerBI

I've created a really simple PowerBI report based on some dummy data in a CSV. It looks like this:
To repro my scenario just input any kind of map data like the single number shown above, and plot it in a map visualization with all the default settings.
The map has a lot of clutter, mostly caused by the roads and their names (and to a lesser extent by the city names). Is there any way to disable layers in the map visualization?
I've tried to answer my own question by:
Going through all of the individual settings on the map visualization;
Using some Google-fu to find my answer, skimming the most promising result and a secondary set of "tips and tricks";
Re-watching the appropriate parts of the Pluralsight course on PowerBI;
But haven't found a way to do this yet.
Am I missing something? Or is it just not possible?
The default map/filled map visuals in Power BI are limited in terms of options such as decluttering the map (even compared to maps in Excel 2016).
One option (possibly the only one right now) is to use the ArcGIS maps, which you can enable under Options and Settings > Preview Features > ArcGIS Maps for Power BI. (It is a Preview Feature). Once enabled, you can select the visual at the end of your list of visualizations.
These do allow for finer-grained control. For example, you can click the In-Focus Edit Mode button at the top-right on the ArcGIS map and then choose Basemap to change to a gray map.
ArcGIS maps can also show a base layer, such as population density (which I think you had asked about in another question).
There are certainly some considerations when using this feature (it is a preview feature, and your data is going to Esri rather than Bing to be plotted).
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Is there a way to make a property for a vcxproj in the Property Pages not be bolded using Visual Studio 2013?

I know that when a property appears bold in Property Pages it indicates that it has been modified.
I have an API that we ship samples with, and I want all of the settings across all of them to be consistent and the same.
Unfortunately, some sample vcxprojs appear to have the right setting and are not bolded, while others somehow had a wrong setting and after changing it to the right one, it's obviously still bold.
I want all of the samples Property Pages to be consistent across all of the samples, even the bolding of text. I realize this is really just an OCD cosmetic type of an issue, and there is no technical problem behind it.
The .vcxproj file is just an XML file. I'm assuming that bold means that there is a setting specified in the file, even if it's the default.
So: edit the file in a normal text editor. Remove the setting, so that it uses the default value, and so that it no longer appears in bold in Visual Studio.

How can you "global replace" in Crystal without visual studio?

I had to replace a DB table with embedded SQL in Crystal.
Now I find myself completely amazed that (apparently) I have to open thirty or more formulas one at a time and replace the table name with "Command"
If I select "All formulas" in the replace widget, all the replace controls are disabled.
This is so stupid that I figure I am missing something.
I am working the Crystal files directly in the Crystal IDE. Not able to fire up a C# or VB program to do it for me. I did try a couple of times in the past to edit things in Crystal files with regexp/perl/editors and similar, but that failed due to the Crystal file format.
(S.O. says my question "appears subjective and is likely to be closed." Huh?)
Transitioning from linked tables (Database 'expert') to a command (or the other direction) has always been painful (I've been using the product since v4)--CR doesn't have a good (or even mediocre) way to do this. You should be able to map your command to a single table, but you'll lose field (from the canvas) during the process (because CR will remove unmapped fields). Best practice is to always use a command or to wrap each table.field element in a formula field.
With earlier version of the product, I might have suggested using the SDK to make the change. However, this level of control has been shifted to BusinessObjects' RAS SDK.
If you are interested, have a look at my RptToXml project or its C# replacement.

Using TGlowEffect on a TLabel in Delphi/C++ Builder

This is a pretty easily explained problem, I'm using FireMonkey to design a form and when I add a TGlowEffect to a tag it ruins the way the Label looks.
If somebody knows how to do this correctly I would appreciate it.
After applying the TGlowEffect:
The text is significantly bolded, and the only affect applied was the blur.
The text only appears like this in the editor, but I would rather it look like it's going to look after I compile.
Maybe I'm just new to FireMonkey and I'm doing something wrong, if anybody has any good reference material on how to work with FireMonkey correctly I would appreciate a link to that also.
If you have not already done so, you should apply update 4 (be prepared for fuzzy fonts though) as I have attempted to reproduce this issue without success with my XE2 (updated to 4). Some more information on what you are actually doing would be useful :-)
As a general thought, rather than adding a glow effect to a label or to a text object, you should change the component style to add a glow effect - this way you can easily apply the same style to other text or labels.