how to update terraform state with manual change done on resources - amazon-web-services

i had provisioned some resources over AWS which includes EC2 instance as well,but then after that we had attached some extra security groups to these instances which now been detected by terraform and it say's it'll rollback it as per the configuration file.
Let's say i had below code which attaches SG to my EC2
vpc_security_group_ids = ["sg-xxxx"]
but now my problem is how can i update the terraform.tfstate file so that it should not detach manually attached security groups :
I can solve it as below:
i would refresh terraform state file with terraform refresh which will update the state file.
then i have to update my terraform configuration file manually with security group id's that were attached manually
but that possible for a small kind of setup what if we have a complex scenario, so do we have any other mechanism in terraform which would detect the drift and update it
THanks !!

There is no way Terraform will update your source code when detecting a drift on AWS.
The process you mention is right:
Report manual changes done in AWS into the Terraform code
Do a terraform plan. It will refresh the state and show you if there is still a difference

You can use terraform import with the id to import the remote changes to your terraform state file. Later use terraform plan to check if the change is reflected in the code.

This can be achieved by updating terraform state file manually but it is not best practice to update this file manually.
Also, if you are updating your AWS resources (created by Terraform) manually or outside terraform code then it defeats the whole purpose of Infrastructure as Code.
If you are looking to manage complex infrastructure on AWS using Terraform then it is very good to follow best practices and one of them is all changes should be done via code.
Hope this helps.

terraform import <resource>.<resource_name> [unique_id_from_aws]
You may need to temporarily comment out any provider/resource that relies on the output of the manually created resource.
After running the above, un-comment the dependencies and run terraform refresh.

The accepted answer is technically not correct.
As per my testing:
Terraform refresh will update the state file with current live configuration
Terraform plan will only internally update with the live configuration and compare to the code, but not actually update the state file
Terraform apply will update the state file to current live configuration, even if it says no changes to apply (use case = manual change then update TF code to reflect change and now want to update state file)


Ignoring already configured resources in Terraform - AWS

There is a terraform code to configure an MWAA Environment in AWS. When it runs second time, no need to create IAM role or policy again. So it gives an error.
How to ignore the creation of existing resources in TF?
I assume that you applied a Terraform plan which created resource "MWAA", then you somehow lost the state (locally stored and lost?, or the state wasn't shared with a different client?), then you re-apply the plan again, and Terraform informs you that it created "MWAA", again.
In that case, your main problem is that you lost the state, and you need to make sure that you do persist it, e.g., by storing it in a bucket.
However, if you really need to make Terraform aware about an already created resource, you need to put it in Terraform's state. One tool to do that is "terraform import", about which you can read more here:
If you already have the statefile and if terraform is trying to re-install it again, then may be some tag change or modified timestamp value change...
In order to avoid it, you can specify the resource you want to apply using a terraform apply command..
terraform apply --target=resource

how does terraform handle updating/deleting resources?

I am switching to gitlab and plan to use terraform. I have used cloudformation before and understand , deploying stack to aws, creating change stack and updating resources. how does updating/deleting work in terraform.
Its similar to CFN. TF has a state file (can be local or remote) where it stores information about your currently deployed resources and their configuration.
After any changes to your TF config files, TF would create a plan of how to apply your changes in relation to what it has in the state. The plan is similar to changeset in CFN, it will show what resources have to be deleted, replaced, created or modified.
Just like with changeset you have option to review the plan and if you agree with a proposed actions, you can apply it.
The biggest difference is what happens if there is a failure. Cloudformation will rollback the stack to the previous state whereas Terraform will leave the resources in a partially deployed state.

Rebuild/recreate terraform from remote state

A contractor built an application's AWS infrastructure on his local laptop, never commited his code then left (wiping the notebook's HD). But he did create the infrastructure with Terraform and stored the remote state in an s3 bucket, s3://analytics-nonprod/analytics-dev.tfstate.
This state file includes all of the VPC, subnets, igw, nacl, ec2, ecs, sqs, sns, lambda, firehose, kinesis, redshift, neptune, glue connections, glue jobs, alb, route53, s3, etc. for the application.
I am able to run Cloudformer to generate cloudformation for the entire infrastructure, and also tried to import the infrastructure using terraformer but terraformer does not include neptune and lambda components.
What is the best way/process to recreate a somewhat usable terraform just from the remote state?
Should I generate some generic :
resource "aws_glue_connection" "dev" { }
and run "terraform import"
then run "terraform show"
for each resource?
Terraform doesn't have a mechanism specifically for turning existing state into configuration, and indeed doing so would be lossy in the general case because the Terraform configuration likely contained expressions connecting resources to one another that are not captured in the state snapshots.
However, you might be able to get a starting point -- possibly not 100% valid but hopefully a better starting point than nothing at all -- by configuring Terraform just enough to find the remote state you have access to, running terraform init to make Terraform read it, and then run terraform show to see the information from the state in a human-oriented way that is designed to resemble (but not necessarily exactly match) the configuration language.
For example, you could write a backend configuration like this:
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "analytics-nonprod"
key = "analytics-dev.tfstate"
If you run terraform init with appropriate AWS credentials available then Terraform should read that state snapshot, install the providers that the resource instances within it belong to, and then leave you in a situation where you can run Terraform commands against that existing state. As long as you don't take any actions that modify the state, you should be able to inspect it with commands like terraform show.
You could then copy the terraform show output into another file in your new Terraform codebase as a starting point. The output is aimed at human consumption and is not necessarily all parsable by Terraform itself, but the output style is similar enough to the configuration language that hopefully it won't take too much effort to massage it into a usable shape.
One important detail to watch out for is the handling of Terraform modules. If the configuration that produced this state contained any module "foo" blocks then in your terraform show output you will see some things like this:
resource "aws_instance" "bar" {
# ...
In order to replicate the configuration for that, it is not sufficient to paste the entire output into one file. Instead, any resource block that has a comment above it indicating that it belongs to a module will need to be placed in a configuration file belonging to that module, or else Terraform will not understand that block as relating to the object it can see in the state.
I'd strongly suggest taking a backup copy of the state object you have before you begin, and you should be very careful not to apply any plans while you're in this odd state of having only a backend configuration, because Terraform might (if it's able to pick up enough provider configuration from the execution environment) plan to destroy all of the objects in the state in order to match the configuration.

How to view differences between config file and real resources

i've created a kubernetes cluster using kops and its config file in S3.
The problem is that i've modified some resources manually (such as ec2 properties).
I would like to know if there is some way to view the changes i've made manually.
Hope you can help me.
Considering that you have used AWS config service for auditing the configurations of your AWS resources, you can view the changes either by AWS Config console or by using AWS CLI.
Please refer Viewing Configuration Details to see the required changes.
The way I do this is kops
terraform output (--target=terraform flag). Then
Create a cluster via terraform
Do smth manually
Run terraform plan. This will show the diff between current and config. Either hit apply to revert manual changes, or code manual changes and re-apply.
Try kubediff from weaveworks.

Terraform initial state file creation

Is there a way to create the terraform state file, from the existing infrastructure. For example, an AWS account comes with a some services already in place ( for ex: default VPC).
But terraform, seems to know only the resources, it creates. So,
What is the best way to migrate an existing AWS Infrastructure to Terraform code
Is it possible to add a resource manually and modify the state file manually (bad effects ?)
Terraform 0.7.0 supports importing single resource.
For relatively small things I've had some success in manually mangling a state file to add stubbed resources that I then proceeded to Terraform over the top (particularly with pre-existing VPCs and subnets and then using Terraform to apply security groups etc).
For anything more complicated there is an unofficial tool called terraforming which I've heard is pretty good at generating Terraform state files but also merging with pre-existing state files. I've not given it a go but it might be worth looking into.
Since Terraform 0.7, Terraform now has first class support for importing pre-existing resources using the import command line tool.
As of 0.7.4 this will import the pre-existing resource into the state file but not generate any configuration for the resource. Of course if then attempt a plan (or an apply) Terraform will show that it wants to destroy this orphaned resource. Before running the apply you would then need to create the configuration to match the resource and then any future plans (and applys) should show no changes to the resource and happily keep the imported resource.
Use Terraforming , To date it can generate most of the *.tfstate and *.tf file except for vpc peering.