How to fire up all docker containers on a same local ip address in django? - django

I am writing a django based application with docker where there are 3 projects apps running in different containers. All django applications run at
But when I check the ip address of containers to browser the application in browser, they all run at different ip addresses:
project1 runs at can be accessed at:
project2 runs at can be accessed at:
project3 runs at can be accessed at:
which makes the hyperlinks of my app unusable. How do I run all the containers at one single ip, 'localhost:8000'?
Any suggestions where I am going wrong?

You are wrong in the design, mapping multiple containers to one ip+port is simply impossible. One port on one ip is always one application that listens, no matter if it is container application or not.
Simple prove: And who would then decide to which container to send the request? To all of them? Then who would decide which response is the correct one? That's what are ip addresses and ports for, to be able to send request to specific aplications on specific machines.
I think you should reconsider whatever you are doing, and do a bit more research on networking. There are several online courses on that. (I don't want to discourage you in any way, just aim you the right direction)
Simple solution without redesign you app, is putting in front of your app reverse proxy (e. g. nginx). That's the response to my rhetorical question. Reverse proxy can be a middle man that can decide to which application send the request based on something else then ip/port. Reverse proxy listens on some specific port and then by rules you provide to it (e. g. path based), can proxy the request to specific app/ip/port and proxy the response back.
But reverse proxy in this case is more a hack than proper solution, keep that in mind.


Kubernetes: How to connect one pod to another on an arbitrary port - with or without services?

We are currently transitioning our apps to Kubernetes and I have two apps, appP and appH, that I need to communicate with each other over a port unknown at start up time.
Unlike most of our apps, we don't have a set port for them will to communicate over. Before Kubernetes, third party app (out of my control) would tell appP to start processing an item, itemA, identified with a unique id and it would also tell appH to handle the processed data produced by appP.
To coordinate communications between appP and appH, appH would generate a port based on the unique id and publish the host and port info to connect on to an intermediate app (IA). appP, once done with it's processing queries IA for the connection information based on the unique id and sends it over.
Now we have to adapt this to kubernetes. Each app runs in its own deployment, as does the IA. So how can I setup appH to accept the connection over a port without being able to specify it in the service definition?
Note: I've seen some posts say that pods should be able to communicate to any other pods in the cluster regardless of specifying the ports in the service definition but I can't seem to find a ton of confirming information on this and I don't have a ton of time on our cluster where it is free to bang my head against.
Would it would just fine as is regardless? My biggest worry is the ip resolution. Currently appH grabs its ip based on the host it's running on (using boost). Not sure how this resolves within a container.
If not, my next thought would be if I could setup a headless service with selector for appH in order to allow for ip resolution. What I am unsure of then is if I could have appP connect to <appH_Service>:<arbitrary_port>?
Would the service even have to be headless in this scenario? I mostly say headless w/ selector because I saw in one specific post that it is the only one you don't need a port in the spec for it. Also because I am unsure if the connection would go through unless it was the actual pod's ip it was connecting with, rather than the services.
Any info or clarification is appreciated. For the most part, I can't really change the architecture of these apps right now, I just have to get them talking to each other as is and haven't found a ton of clear information on this type of case.
Note: We use helm and coredns if anyone is curious.
The Kubernetes networking model is as follows: a Pod is a group of containers that share a single network identity (a cluster IP). Any port exposed by a container is thus automatically exposed on the Pod. The model demands that each Pods can communicate with other Pods.
This means that your current design can work without modifications.
What Services bring to the table is that you can bring a stable network identity to a group of Pods that is otherwise very volatile. It does not apply to your appP/appH coupling, I think.

Hosting multiple websites on a single server

I have a bunch of different websites, mostly random weekend projects that I'd like to keep on the web because they are still useful to me. They don't see more than 3-5 hits per day between all of them though, so I don't want to pay for a server for each of them when I could probably fit them all on a single EC2 micro instance. Is that possible? They all run off different web servers, since I tend to experiment with a lot of new tech. I was thinking I could have each webserver serve on a different port, then have incoming requests to get routed to and requests to get routed to and so on, but I don't know how I would go about setting that up.
I would suggest that what you are looking for is a reverse web proxy, which typically includes among its features the ability to understand portions of the request at layer 7, and direct the incoming traffic to the appropriate set of one or more back-end ip/port combinations based on what's observed in the request headers (or other aspects of the request).
Apache, Varnish, and Nginx all have this capacity, as does HAProxy, which is the approach that I use because it seems to be very fast and easy on memory, and thus appropriate for use on a micro instance... but that is not at all to imply that it is somehow more "correct" to use than the others. The principle is the same with any of those choices; only the configuration details are different. One service is listening to port 80, and based on the request, relays it to the appropriate server process by opening up a TCP connection to the appropriate destination, tying the ends of the two pipes together, and otherwise for the most part staying out of the way.
Here's one way (among several alternatives) that this might look in an haproxy config file:
frontend main
bind *:80
use_backend app1svr if { hdr(host) -i }
use_backend app2svr if { hdr(host) -i }
backend app1svr
server app1 check inter 5000 rise 1 fall 1
backend app2svr
server app2 check inter 5000 rise 1 fall 1
This says listen on port 80 of all local IP addresses; if the "Host" header contains "" (-i means case-insensitive) then use the "app1" backend configuration and send the request to that server; do something similar for You can also declare a default_backend to use if none of the ACLs match; otherwise, if no match, it will return "503 Service Unavailable," which is what it will also return if the requested back-end isn't currently running.
You can also configure a stats endpoint to show you the current state and traffic stats of your frontends and backends in an HTML table.
Since the browser isn't connecting "directly" to the web server any more, you have to configure and rely on the X-Forwarded-For header inserted into the request headers to identify the browser's IP address, and there are other ways in which your applications may have to take the proxy into account, but this overall concept is exactly how web applications are typically scaled, so I don't see it as a significant drawback.
Note these examples do use "Anonymous ACLs," of which the documentation says:
It is generally not recommended to use this construct because it's a lot easier
to leave errors in the configuration when written that way. However, for very
simple rules matching only one source IP address for instance, it can make more
sense to use them than to declare ACLs with random names.
For simple rules like these, this construct makes more sense to me than explicitly declaring an ACL and then later using that ACL to cause the action that you want, because it puts everything together on the same line.
I use this to solve a different root problem that has the same symptoms -- multiple sites for development/test projects, but only one possible external IP address (which by definition means "port 80" can only go to one place). This allows me to "host" development and test projects on different ports and platforms, all behind the single external IP of my home DSL line. The only difference in my case is that the different sites are sometimes on the same machine as the haproxy and other times they're not, but the application seems otherwise identical.
Rerouting in way you show - depends on the OS your server is hosting on. For linux you have to use iptables, for windows you could use windows firewall. You should set all incoming connections to a port 80 to be redirected do desired port 3000
But, instead of port, you could use a different host name for each service, like
and so on. You can configure it with redirecting on your DNS hosting, for IMHO this is best solution, if i got you right.
Also, you can configure a single host to reroute to all other sites, like -> ->
Take in mind, in this case, all traffic will pas through
You can easily do this. Set up a different hostname for each app you want to use, create a DNS entry that points to your micro instance, and create a name-based virtual host entry for each app.
Each virtual host entry should look something like:
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/app1/
DirectoryIndex index.html

IIS binding and throughput, how do they work?

A consultant at work mentioned that you can have web services running on different endpoints and hence utilize the network correctly if I have more than one network card with different bandwidths.
Not being too network savvy, is he saying I can take my web service and tie it down to one network card and make sure clients make calls at that network card to access it as I have more bandwidth at that card?
Can I do this without changing the clients?
Also if my web service has a number of web methods and I want some web methods to run on a different network card, would I have to split the web service so that the web methods are on different web services? In other words I would have to write two web services?
Are you really maxing out your network that you need to implement something like this? I would look into bottlenecks within the application first before going down this road.
If your network is the bottleneck, then perhaps moving you web service to a completely different server might be a better solution. It'll mostly likely be cleaner and easier to implement.
Having said that, it can probably be done, but would be convoluted. Network cards would need to be on different networks. Wouldn't make sense if it's the same network. Each network card will have different IP address assigned.
In IIS, you'll need to make sure that site which houses your web service is configured for one particular IP address.
Can I do this without changing the clients?
Depends. You will need to make sure whoever is calling your web service does it using the IP address configured within IIS. That might mean either creating a DNS record that points to that particular IP address OR editing your clients to point to the right IP address.

Restricting access to certain URLs in a webapp running on Tomcat (6.0.x)

Hi my new problem is as follows: I have a web application running on Tomcat 6.0.x, it's behind an Apache HTTPD reverse proxy, there are other machines behind it one of the supposed to communicate with a certain web service ( while users(that connect from the internet side of the reverse proxy) and other machines should not be able to invoke those methods, preferably not even to know they exist.
Well I know I could use RemoteAddrFilter and filter the IP and although it's spoof-able it could be "close enough" but unfortunately I'm stuck with version 6 of Tomcat.
If I had complete freedom I could setup this service on a different port and then just use iptables to restrict it but unfortunately it has to be same instance of Tomcat and same web application and I am not familiar with a way to restrict a connector to certain areas in a web app.
The application manages it's own security system which cannot be used for authenticating the "caller machine" for "historical" reasons that said making several security constraints is fine but specification here says that one can have only one login-config element so even if I write a different constraint for the restricted URLs I will not be able to block it by requiring a user certificate for example(thus identifying the calling machine) because I already have a login-config.
This more of a "how to do it best" question rather then "I don't know how to do it" because there are plenty of hacky ways to set this up but we don't want to slip to the dark side now do we?
I must say I did try to research the subject but I haven't found any obvious solutions and yet if I missed something elegant and obvious I will be more then happy to hear about it(non trivial solutions are very welcome too :) ) , so thanks for any ideas.
Is it possible for the machines that need to call the "restricted" service to do so by talking directly to the tomcat service at http://example.internal:8080/restricted rather than using the reverse proxy? If so then the simplest method would be to set up the proxy so it does not pass through the restricted URIs at all, which would make it impossible for outside callers to access them.

Move to 2 Django physical servers (front and backend) from a single production server?

I currently have a growing Django production server that has all of the front end and backend services running on it. I could keep growing that server larger and larger, but instead I want to try and leave that main server as my backend server and create multiple front end servers that would run apache/nginx and remotely connect to the main production backend server.
I'm using slicehost now, so I don't think I can benefit from having the multiple servers run on an intranet. How do I do this?
The first step in scaling your server is usually to separate the database server. I'm assuming this is all you meant by "backend services", unless you give us any more details.
All this needs is a change to your settings file. Change DATABASE_HOST from localhost to the new IP of your database server.
If your site is heavy on static content, creating a separate media server could help. You may even look into a CDN.
The first step usually is to separate the server running actual Python code and the database server. Any background jobs that does processing would probably run on the database server. I assume that when you say front end server, you actually mean a server running Python code.
Now, as every request will have to do a number of database queries, latency between the webserver and the database server is very important. I don't know if Slicehost has some feature to allow you to create two virtual machines that are "close" in terms of network latency(a quick google search did not find anything). They seem like nice guys, so maybe you could ask them if they have such a service or could make an exception.
Anyway, when you do have two machines on Slicehost, you could check the latency between them by simply pinging between them. When you have the result you will probably know if this is at all feasible or not.
Further steps depends on your application. If it is media heavy, then maybe using a separate media server would make sense. Otherwise the normal step is to add more web servers.
As a side note, I personally think it makes more sense to invest in real dedicated servers with dedicated network equipment for this kind of setup. This of course depends on what budget you are on.
I would also suggest looking into Amazon EC2 where you can provision servers that are magically close to each other.