I have a situation where we need to run a website at example.com on webflow. Currently we have a webapp running at app.example.com, but for SEO purposes we would like to move it to example.com/app. We're using AWS Route 53 as a DNS provider.
Is this possible?
That is not possible with Route53, since that is a Domain Name Service (DNS), not a path routing service. This is one of the features of CloudFront though.
I've got a website hosted on elastic beanstalk and a .nz domain on www.sitehost.com.
I need to route the domain to the website. All the documentation I'm seeing tells me to transfer the domain to Route 53... but you can't use .nz domains with Route 53.
I've had a look at setting up DNS records on my current domain host but I'm not 100% which records/information need to be added. Is it as simple as adding DNS records? Or can you only route elastic beanstalk websites through Route 53 and do I need to take my website off AWS and host somewhere else??
Appreciate any advice!
Is it as simple as adding DNS records?
Depends on the capabilities given to you by sitehost and what is your domain. If you want to point subdomain (e.g. www.mysite.nz) to EB, just use CNAME record. If you want to point root domain (e.g mysite.nz) CNAME can't be used, and you may need to contact sitehost if they have any special/custom records for root domains.
Or can you only route elastic beanstalk websites through Route 53 and do I need to take my website off AWS and host somewhere else??
You can host it on AWS. But if the sitehost does not allow you to create CNAME or other records, then you can setup Route53 as your DNS service. This is different then migrating a domain. Your domain is still in sitehost, but all its records are managed by R53. This requires you to setup NS records in sitehost. But again, it depends if sitehost allows you to do it.
I am building an application, for that I am using serverless and netlify. so for the api which is using serverless I want to use sub-domain api.example.com and for dashboard I want to use example.com via netlify,
I purchase the domain via Route53, so that I can use the serverless, but to use netlify I update the domain name server to netlify name server , and I lost the sub-domain in serverless.
Could it be possible to have two different NS for domain and sub-domain ?
It is possible to to have different name servers for domain and subdomain. You have got to understand the resolution process though.
DNS query goes like this .com -> example.com -> api.example.com
As I understood how you have currently configured your DNS:
example.com -> Delegates to Netlify name servers.
Any further subdomains (like api.example.com) will then further be looked into Netlify NS records. If you want to go back to your AWS account again, for that you need to have further delagation for "api.example.com" in your Netlify NS's pointing back again to your hosted zone in AWS.
Why don't you just use one provider and then configure the A record and subdomains from the same place?
You can have multiple name servers (for redundancy) but I don't think you want to point a domain and multiple providers. One pointed at GoDaddy and one pointed at Route 53. I'm not sure that would work. Even if it could work, you probably won't want to do that.
I have running app in elastickbeanstalk on domain:
And I would like to route my domain into this app.
I created CNAME www to secret-development.eu-central-1.elasticbeanstalk.com
But it is not working.
What is wrong?
I created CNAME www to secret-development.eu-central-1.elasticbeanstalk.com
Unfortunately, you can't create working www CNAME record to the default EB domain. The reason is that this is AWS owned domain and you have no control over it.
If you don't want to use AWS provided domain for you EB environment, you have to create/buy your own domain, e.g. mydomain.com. This can be done in Route53, but can also use any other domain seller.
How to use Route53 to setup a custom domain for EB is explained in the following AWS documentation:
Creating an Amazon Route 53 record that routes traffic to your Elastic Beanstalk environment
If you have your own domain (e.g., mydomain.com), then you can also setup a subdomain (www.mydomain.com) for it and point it to EB environment.
Having your own domain will also enable you to setup https to your EB environment.
I have purchased my domain(artykart.com) from GoDaddy.I want to add a subdomain to the existing domain named india.artykart.com. I want to direct visitors from India to the subdomain (india.artykart.com) when they type in artykart.com. So basically I want to add a region-specific subdomain. My hosting is on google cloud platform.
DNS servers do NOT support geolocation-based redirects to a subdomain.
This means that your website artykart.com will need to use a Geolocation service. Then redirect the user to india.artykart.com.
You can have webservers running for the same domain name in different locations in the world. There are DNS servers such as AWS Route 53 which offer geolocation but for a domain, not a redirect to another domain/subdomain. With Route 53 you can have a website in major world locations and use Route 53 to send traffic to a webserver serving that region.
Note: Geolocation is not a reliable service. This is a best-case guess by the geolocation service. An IP address location for major companies such as Google is the company's registered mail address and not by the data center that the IP is used.
Neither GoDaddy DNS nor Google Cloud DNS offers these services.
My website's domains are currently managed by a domain provider called mijndomein.nl. The aws hosted services are connected simply by subdomains using elastic-IPs. Because of some infrastructural changes, I'd like to start using Route53 for certain subdomains. As there are several other things managed by the domain provider and changing the whole infrastructure all at once seems dangerous, I'd like to manage only some subdomains in Route53.
I found this video, which shows how to manage the whole site in Route53 by adding the Route53 name servers for the custom domain provider.
My first question is if it's possible to keep the already existing subdomains at my domain provider and manage only specific subdomains in Route53? If I add the aws nameservers will my domain provider continue to route to elastic-IPs?
1) Yes
2) Yes, but be careful here: you don't want to change name server for your (root) domain name like they did at 2:58 of that video. Instead you have to go to DNS service provider's console (DNS service provider may or may not be the same place where you registered your domain - from mijndomein.nl web site it looks like they only offer domain regitration but I may be wrong) - that is the same console where you point your usual hostnames (www.example.com for example) to IP addresses, but instead of A record you will create a NS record(s) that will delegate your newsubdomain's name resolution to appropriate AWS name servers.
newsubdomain.example.com NS ns-xxx.awsdns-yy.com
newsubdomain.example.com NS ns-aaa.awsdns-zz.org
newsubdomain.example.com NS ns-bbb.awsdns-qq.net
newsubdomain.example.com NS ns-ccc.awsdns-pp.co.uk