Annotating arrays to have minItems with Swashbuckle / Swagger - swashbuckle

Is there a way to annotate my C# code to specify an array is a required parameter and should have at least one item?
It currently shows as optional in Swagger.
I am using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 1.2.0

Wrapping the parameters in a DTO allows each field to be annotated. In the case of an IEnumerable<> field, it can be annotated with [MinLength(1)], which then carries over to the Swagger.

While this was supported on Swashbuckle:
It does not seem to be the case on Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
Your only option is to request it as a new feature, and hopefully they will add it soon:


django-rest-swagger==2.1.1 query parameter

i have an api(web service) in django like this:
that in swagger i want to input query parameter named branch but don't work this(all of my Apis have same problem!!).
before, i use older version of swagger and for enter query parameters use like --param_name syntax, but now in django-rest-swagger==2.1.1 don't work this syntax.
can anyone help me?
Perhaps i should use get_customizations in OpenAPIRenderer class?
Thanks in advance.
For adding query parameters to swagger please, go through this post

Using UniqueEntity outside of Symfony stack

I have an app built on top of Silex and I'm using Doctrine as my ORM.
I have a problem where I'm trying to get a clean error for when a user tries to reuse an email, I found the validator UniqueEntity but it seems to be designed for the full stack version of Symfony.
My question is, is this true? I'm going a limb and assuming it as I haven't found anyone who successfully used it outside of Symfony.
My second question is, if I'm not able to use UniqueEntity, whats my next best option? I'm using the Symfony Validator component and would like to use something that's plugged into that to keep it all in the same block of code.
You can use UniqueEntity with Silex.
Here's the service provider package with the Doctrine ManagerRegistry implementation - saxulum/saxulum-doctrine-orm-manager-registry-provider. Also you can find the instructions how to use it with the UniqueEntity validator in README.
But you may want to implement you own UniqueEntity validator.
For example, if you want to validate DTO object (or any non-entity object), because it's not supported by Symfony's UniqueEntity validator (see issue on GitHub).

Ember: use segments instead of query parameters for API?

Currently my Ember-cli application calls my API in this way:
I'd like to make Ember query for:
But I've two problems:
WARNING: Encountered "ingredients" in payload, but no model was found for model name "ingredient" (resolved model name using myapp#serializer:application:.modelNameFromPayloadKey("ingredients"))
I can't find a way to make Ember use URL segments instead of query parameters.
I think I'm missing something?
Have you looked into overriding your RESTAdapter's buildURL method?
As what you're trying to do appears to be quite specific you could use this method to override the building of these requests, while at the same time keeping the default Ember model/params implementation the same.

Odoo v7 to v8 translation

I am converting OpenERP code from version 7 to version 8 and I have come across a weird structure. In version 7 we can use fields, function and one of the attributes is store. The store function allows current field to be updated when fields of other objects are changed.
In the new API, the store function only accepts 'True' or 'False'. I was wondering if I have inherit other models and modify their fields so they perform a value update of model in question using "onchange"
Nope, in Odoo 8 store function is working fine. you can search add-ons and find some interesting examples, Understand from it.
Some example I found in online
go through it.
In v8 their is no fields.function field and with that we also do not need store with fields pararms, but you can achieve same thing very easily by using [#depends][1] decorator , which does same thing as store with field does.
Return a decorator that specifies the field dependencies of a "compute" method (for new-style function fields).
so you can say that you field to be calculated on change of some field change.

SharePoint Web Services - Updating ContentType field Required property?

I've been trying to programmatically reproduce the behavior of editing a Content Type's field properties in the SharePoint site management screen and selecting the "Required" radio button with no sucess using the WSS 3.0 web service's Webs.asmx "UpdateContentType" method.
The first difficulty was the issue with the MSDN documentation that said fields should be of a FieldRef type when in fact they need to be of a Field type (reference). Adding fields and deleting fields works fine after the fix, but updating fields seems to not function at all. (It should also be noted that I followed the recommendation on the previous link to use Method="2" for updating fields but it changes nothing, and using Method values other than 1 for adding or other than 3 for deleting also function correctly).
Here's the web service call (slightly modified with strings instead of XmlNode objects for readability):
SharePointWebServices.Webs webService = new SharePointWebServices.Webs();
webService.Url = "http://mysharepointserver/site";
webService.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
#"<ContentType />",
#"<Fields />",
#"<Fields><Method ID=""1""><Field Name=""SomeField"" ID=""{8a4803c4-6545-4a7a-804d-237eebff0ce3}"" Required=""TRUE"" Hidden=""FALSE"" ReadOnly=""FALSE"" PITarget="""" PIAttribute="""" PrimaryPIAttribute="""" Aggregation="""" Node="""" /></Method></Fields>",
#"<Fields />");
After the call, the field is still Required="FALSE".
A quick look into the stssoap.dll assembly indicates that the "Required" property is apparently ignored during the update process. Is this normal behavior? If so, what is the recommended method for programmatically changing the "Required" field from client code (not executing on the SharePoint server)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've investigated this and found the same thing. I also tried adding the attribute Cmd="Update" to the Method element without success. This example of how to use UpdateContentType was helpful too.
I don't believe you will be able to do this with the out-of-the-box SharePoint services. You've verified from looking at stssoap.dll that this doesn't appear to work correctly. Another 'client'-style option is to use RPC methods but none appear to provide functionality for content types at all.
The web services are particularly frustrating because this type of not-so-edge case regularly comes up. It is very rare that I consider using them because of the time wasting involved with their limitations.
Do you have any option of deploying custom code to the server? You could develop this functionality using the object model and wrap it in your own custom web service (there is a walkthrough here) quite easily.
Here is an example adapted from Gabe Wishnie that does what you require:
SPContentType myContentType = myWeb.ContentTypes["myContentType"];
string internalName = myContentType.Fields["fieldToUpdate"].InternalName;
myContentType.FieldLinks[internalName].Required = false;
Sorry this isn't more helpful but it's a common story when using the WSS 3.0 / SharePoint 2007 web services.