Correctness of 'Concurrency in Action' atomic operation example - c++

I've been studing 'Concurency in Action' position for some time and I have a problem with understanding following example of code (Listing 5.2):
#include <vector>
#include <atomic>
#include <iostream>
std::vector<int> data;
std::atomic<bool> data_ready(false);
void reader_thread()
std::cout<<”The answer=”<<data[0]<<”\n”;
void writer_thread()
data.push_back(42); //write of data
data_ready=true; //write to data_ready flag
The book explaines:
(...) The write of the data happens-before the write to the data_ready
flag (...)
My concern is that the sentence does not cover the out-of-order execution. From my understanding out of order execution may happen when at least two instruction do not have depended operands. Taking this into account:
does not need anything from
to be executed. As a result of that it is not guaranteed that:
The write of the data happens-before the write to the data_ready flag
Is my understadning correct or there is something in out-of-order execution that I don't understand causing misunderstaning of given example?
Thank you for answers, it was helpful. My misunserstanding was a result of not knowing that atomic types not only prevents from partialy channing a variable, but also acts as memory barrier.
For example following code may be reordered in many combinations by either compiler or processor:
Resulting with following order (one of many possibilities):
It it is not a problem with single-thread code since none of expressions have depended operands on other, but on multithreaded application may result of undefined behaviour. For example following code (initial values: x=0 and y=0):
Thread 1: Thread 2:
x=10; while(y!=15);
y=15; assert(x==10);
Without reordering of code by compiler or reordering execution by processor we could say: "Since assigement y=15 allways happens after assigement x=10 and assert happens after while loop the assert will never fail" But it's not true. The real execution order may be as below (one of many possible combinations):
Thread 1: Thread 2:
x=10; (4) while(y!=15); (3)
y=15; (1) assert(x==10); (2)
By default an atomic variable ensures sequentionally consistent ordering. If y in example above was atomic with memory_order_seq_cst default parameter following sentences are true:
- what happens before in thread 1 (x=10) it is also visible in thread 2 as happening before.
- what happens after while(y!=15) in thread 2 it is also visible in thread 1 as happening after
As a result of it assert will never fail.
Some of sources that may help with understaning:
Memory model synchronization modes - GCC
CppCon 2015: Michael Wong “C++11/14/17 atomics and memory
Memory barriers in C

I understand your concerns, but the code from book is fine. Every operation with atomics is by default memory_order_seq_cst, which means that everything that happened before the write in one of threads happens before read in the rest. You can imagine atomic operations with this std::memory_order like this:
std::atomic<bool> a;
//equivalent of a = true
//equvalent of a.load()

From Effective Modern C++, Item 40, it says "std::atomics imposes restrictions on how code can be reordered, and one such restriction is that no code that, in the source cod, precedes a write of std::atomic variable may take place afterwards." The note is this is true for when using sequential consistency which is a fair assumption.


volatile variable updated from multiple threads C++

volatile bool b;
Thread1: //only reads b
void f1() {
while (1) {
if (b) {do something};
else { do something else};
//only sets b to true if certain condition met
// updated by thread2
void f2() {
while (1) {
//some local condition evaluated - local_cond
if (!b && (local_cond == true)) b = true;
//some other work
//only sets b to false when it gets a message on a socket its listening to
void f3() {
while (1) {
//select socket
if (expected message came) b = false;
//do some other work
If thread2 updates b first at time t and later thread3 updates b at time t+5:
will thread1 see the latest value "in time" whenever it is reading b?
for example: reads from t+delta to t+5+delta should read true and
reads after t+5+delta should read false.
delta is the time for the store of "b" into memory when one of threads 2 or 3 updated it
The effect of volatile keyword is principally two things (I avoid scientifically strict formulations here):
​1) Its accesses can't be cached or combined. (UPD: on suggestion, I underline this is for caching in registers or another compiler-provided location, not the RAM cache in CPU.) For example, the following code:
x = 1;
x = 2;
for a volatile x will never be combined into single x = 2, whatever optimization level is required; but if x is not volatile, even low levels will likely cause this collapse into a single write. The same for reads: each read operation will access the variable value without any attempt to cache it.
​2) All volatile operations are relayed onto machine command layer in the same order between them (to underline, only between volatile operations), as they are defined in source code.
But this is not true for accesses between non-volatile and volatile memory. For the following code:
int *x;
volatile int *vy;
void foo()
*x = 1;
*vy = 101;
*x = 2;
*vy = 102;
gcc (9.4) with -O2 and clang (10.0) with -O produce something similar to:
movq x(%rip), %rax
movq vy(%rip), %rcx
movl $101, (%rcx)
movl $2, (%rax)
movl $102, (%rcx)
so one access to x is already gone, despite its presence between two volatile accesses. If one need the first x = 1 to succeed before first write to vy, let him put an explicit barrier (since C11, atomic_signal_fence is the platform-independent mean for this).
That was the common rule but without regarding multithread issues. What happens here with multithreading?
Well, imagine as you declare that thread 2 writes true to b, so, this is writing of value 1 to single-byte location. But, this is ordinary write without any memory ordering requirements. What you provided with volatile is that compiler won't optimize it. But what for processor?
If this was a modern abstract processor, or one with relaxed rules, like ARM, I'd say nothing prevent it from postponing the real write for an indefinite time. (To clarify, "write" is exposing the operation to RAM-and-all-caches conglomerate.) It's fully up to processor's deliberation. Well, processors are designed to flush their stockpiling of pending writes as fast as possible. But what affects real delay, you can't know: for example, it could "decide" to fill instruction cache with a few next lines, or flush another queued writings... lots of variants. The only thing we know it provides "best effort" to flush all queued operations, to avoid getting buried under previous results. That's truly natural and nothing more.
With x86, there is an additional factor. Nearly every memory write (and, I guess, this one as well) is "releasing" write in x86, so, all previous reads and writes shall be completed before this write. But, the gut fact is that the operations to complete are before this write. So when you write true to volatile b, you will be sure all previous operations have already got visible to other participants... but this one still could be postponed for a while... how long? Nanoseconds? Microseconds? Any other write to memory will flush and so publish this write to b... do you have writes in cycle iteration of thread 2?
The same affects thread 3. You can't be sure this b = false will be published to other CPUs when you need it. Delay is unpredictable. The only thing is guaranteed, if this is not a realtime-aware hardware system, for an indefinite time, and the ISA rules and barriers provide ordering but not exact times. And, x86 is definitely not for such a realtime.
Well, all this means you also need an explicit barrier after write which affects not only compiler, but CPU as well: barrier before previous write and following reads or writes. Among C/C++ means, full barrier satifies this - so you have to add std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_seq_cst) or use atomic variable (instead of plain volatile one) with the same memory order for write.
And, all this still won't provide you with exact timings like you described ("t" and "t+5"), because the visible "timestamps" of the same operation can differ for different CPUs! (Well, this resembles Einstein's relativity a bit.) All you could say in this situation is that something is written into memory, and typically (not always) the inter-CPU order is what you expected (but the ordering violation will punish you).
But, I can't catch the general idea of what do you want to implement with this flag b. What do you want from it, what state should it reflect? Let you return to the upper level task and reformulate. Is this (I'm just guessing on coffee grounds) a green light to do something, which is cancelled by an external order? If so, an internal permission ("we are ready") from the thread 2 shall not drop this cancellation. This can be done using different approaches, as:
​1) Just separate flags and a mutex/spinlock around their set. Easy but a bit costly (or even substantially costly, I don't know your environment).
​​2) An atomically modified analog. For example, you can use a bitfield variable which is modified using compare-and-swap. Assign bit 0 to "ready" but bit 1 for "cancelled". For C, atomic_compare_exchange_strong is what you'll need here at x86 (and at most other ISAs). And, volatile is not needed anymore here if you keep residing with memory_order_seq_cst.
Will thread1 see the latest value "in time" whenever it is reading b?
Yes, the volatile keyword denotes that it can be modified outside of the thread or hardware without the compiler being aware thus every access (both read and write) will be made through an lvalue expression of volatile-qualified type is considered an observable side effect for the purpose of optimization and is evaluated strictly according to the rules of the abstract machine (that is, all writes are completed at some time before the next sequence point). This means that within a single thread of execution, a volatile access cannot be optimized out or reordered relative to another visible side effect that is separated by a sequence point from the volatile access.
Unfortunately, the volatile keyword is not thread-safe and operation will have to be taken with care, it is recommended to use atomic for this, unless in an embedded or bare-metal scenario.
Also the whole struct should be atomic struct X {int a; volatile bool b;};.
Say I have a system with 2 cores. The first core runs thread 2, the second core runs thread 3.
reads from t+delta to t+5+delta should read true and reads after t+5+delta should read false.
Problem is that thread 1 will read at t + 10000000 when the kernel decides one of the threads has run long enough and schedules a different thread. So it likely thread1 will not see the change a lot of the time.
Note: this ignores all the additional problems of synchronicity of caches and observability. If the thread isn't even running all of that becomes irrelevant.

access order of std::atomic bool variable

I've a function that accesses(reads and writes to) a std::atomic<bool> variable. I'm trying to understand the order of execution of instructions so as to decide whether atomic will suffice or will I've to use mutexes here. The function is given below -
// somewhere member var 'executing' is defined as std::atomic<bool>`
int A::something(){
int result = 0;
// my intention is only one thread should enter next block
// others should just return 0
executing = true;
// do some really long processing
result = processed;
executing = false;
return result;
I've read this page on cppreference which mentions -
Each instantiation and full specialization of the std::atomic template defines an atomic type. If one thread writes to an atomic object while another thread reads from it, the behavior is well-defined (see memory model for details on data races)
and on Memory model page the following is mentioned -
When an evaluation of an expression writes to a memory location and another evaluation reads or modifies the same memory location, the expressions are said to conflict. A program that has two conflicting evaluations has a data race unless either
both conflicting evaluations are atomic operations (see std::atomic)
one of the conflicting evaluations happens-before another (see std::memory_order)
If a data race occurs, the behavior of the program is undefined.
and slight below it reads -
When a thread reads a value from a memory location, it may see the initial value, the value written in the same thread, or the value written in another thread. See std::memory_order for details on the order in which writes made from threads become visible to other threads.
This is slightly confusing to me, which one of above 3 statements are actually happening here?
When I perform if(!executing){ is this instruction an atomic instruction here? and more important - is it guaranteed that no other thread will enter that if loop if one two threads will enter that if body since first one will set executing to true?
And if something's wrong with the mentioned code, how should I rewrite it so that it reflects original intention..
If I understand correctly, you are trying to ensure that only one thread will ever execute a stretch of code at the same time. This is exactly what a mutex does. Since you mentioned that you don't want threads to block if the mutex is not available, you probably want to take a look at the try_lock() method of std::mutex. See the documentation of std::mutex.
Now to why your code does not work as intended: Simplifying a little, std::atomic guarantees that there will be no data races when accessing the variable concurrently. I.e. there is a well defined read-write order.
This doesn't suffice for what you are trying to do. Just imagine the if branch:
if(!executing) {
executing = true;
Remember, only the read-write operations on executing are atomic. This leaves at least the negation ! and the if itself unsynchronized. With two threads, the execution order could be like this:
Thread 1 reads executing (atomically), value is false
Thread 1 negates the value read from executing, value = true
Thread 1 evaluates the condition and enters the branch
Thread 2 reads executing (atomically), value is false
Thread 1 set executing to true
Thread 2 negates the value, which was read as false and is now true again
Thread 2 enters the branch...
Now both threads have entered the branch.
I would suggest something along these lines:
std::mutex myMutex;
int A::something(){
int result = 0;
// my intention is only one thread should enter next block
// others should just return 0
// do some really long processing
result = processed;
return result;

Are atomic types necessary in multi-threading? (OS X, clang, c++11)

I'm trying to demonstrate that it's very bad idea to not use std::atomic<>s but I can't manage to create an example that reproduces the failure. I have two threads and one of them does:
foobar = false;
and the other:
if (foobar) {
// ...
the type of foobar is either bool or std::atomic_bool and it's initialized to true. I'm using OS X Yosemite and even tried to use this trick to hint via CPU affinity that I want the threads to run on different cores. I run such operations in loops etc. and in any case, there's no observable difference in execution. I end up inspecting generated assembly with clang clang -std=c++11 -lstdc++ -O3 -S test.cpp and I see that the asm differences on read are minor (without atomic on left, with on right):
No mfence or something that "dramatic". On the write side, something more "dramatic" happens:
As you can see, the atomic<> version uses xchgb which uses an implicit lock. When I compile with a relatively old version of gcc (v4.5.2) I can see all sorts of mfences being added which also indicates there's a serious concern.
I kind of understand that "X86 implements a very strong memory model" (ref) and that mfences might not be necessary but does it mean that unless I want to write cross-platform code that e.g. supports ARM, I don't really need to put any atomic<>s unless I care for consistency at ns-level?
I've watched "atomic<> Weapons" from Herb Sutter but I'm still impressed with how difficult it is to create a simple example that reproduces those problems.
The big problem of data races is that they're undefined behavior, not guaranteed wrong behavior. And this, in conjunction with the the general unpredictability of threads and the strength of the x64 memory model, means that it gets really hard to create reproduceable failures.
A slightly more reliable failure mode is when the optimizer does unexpected things, because you can observe those in the assembly. Of course, the optimizer is notoriously finicky as well and might do something completely different if you change just one code line.
Here's an example failure that we had in our code at one point. The code implemented a sort of spin lock, but didn't use atomics.
bool operation_done;
void thread1() {
while (!operation_done) {
// do something that depends on operation being done
void thread2() {
// do the operation
operation_done = true;
This worked fine in debug mode, but the release build got stuck. Debugging showed that execution of thread1 never left the loop, and looking at the assembly, we found that the condition was gone; the loop was simply infinite.
The problem was that the optimizer realized that under its memory model, operation_done could not possibly change within the loop (that would have been a data race), and thus it "knew" that once the condition was true once, it would be true forever.
Changing the type of operation_done to atomic_bool (or actually, a pre-C++11 compiler-specific equivalent) fixed the issue.
This is my own version of #Sebastian Redl's answer that fits the question more closely. I will still accept his for credit + kudos to #HansPassant for his comment which brought my attention back to writes which made everything clear - since as soon as I observed that the compiler was adding synchronization on writes, the problem turned to be that it wasn't optimizing bool as much as one would expect.
I was able to have a trivial program that reproduces the problem:
std::atomic_bool foobar(true);
//bool foobar = true;
long long cnt = 0;
long long loops = 400000000ll;
void thread_1() {
foobar = false;
void thread_2() {
while (loops--) {
if (foobar) {
std::cout << cnt << std::endl;
The main difference with my original code was that I used to have a usleep() inside the while loop. It was enough to prevent any optimizations within the while loop. The cleaner code above, yields the same asm for write:
but quite different for read:
We can see that in the bool case (left) clang brought the if (foobar) outside the loop. Thus when I run the bool case I get:
real 0m1.044s
user 0m1.032s
sys 0m0.005s
while when I run the atomic_bool case I get:
real 0m0.420s
user 0m0.414s
sys 0m0.003s
It's interesting that the atomic_bool case is faster - I guess because it does just 95 million incs on the counter contrary to 400 million in the bool case.
What is even more crazy-interesting though is this. If I move the std::cout << cnt << std::endl; out of the threaded code, after pthread_join(), the loop in the non-atomic case becomes just this:
i.e. there's no loop. It's just if (foobar!=0) cnt = loops;! Clever clang. Then the execution yields:
real 0m0.206s
user 0m0.001s
sys 0m0.002s
while the atomic_bool remains the same.
So more than enough evidence that we should use atomics. The only thing to remember is - don't put any usleep() on your benchmarks because even if it's small, it will prevent quite a few compiler optimizations.
In general, it is very rare that the use of atomic types actually does anything useful for you in multithreaded situations. It is more useful to implement things like mutexes, semaphores and so on.
One reason why it's not very useful: As soon as you have two values that both need to be changed in an atomic way, you are absolutely stuck. You can't do it with atomic values. And it's quite rare that I want to change a single value in an atomic way.
In iOS and MacOS X, the three methods to use are: Protecting the change using #synchronized. Avoiding multi-threaded access by running code on a sequential queue (may be the main queue). Using mutexes.
I hope you are aware that atomicity for boolean values is rather pointless. What you have is a race condition: One thread stores a value, another reads it. Atomicity doesn't make a difference here. It makes (or might make) a difference if two threads accessing a variable at exactly the same time causes problems. For example, if a variable is incremented on two threads at exactly the same time, is it guaranteed that the final result is increased by two? That requires atomicity (or one of the methods mentioned earlier).
Sebastian makes the ridiculous claim that atomicity fixes the data race: That's nonsense. In a data race, a reader will read a value either before or after it is changed, whether that value is atomic or not doesn't make any difference whatsoever. The reader will read the old value or the new value, so the behaviour is unpredictable. All that atomicity does is prevent the situation that the reader would read some in-between state. Which doesn't fix the data race.

C++ : std::atomic<bool> and volatile bool

I'm just reading the C++ concurrency in action book by Anthony Williams.
There is this classic example with two threads, one produce data, the other one consumes the data and A.W. wrote that code pretty clear :
std::vector<int> data;
std::atomic<bool> data_ready(false);
void reader_thread()
std::cout << "The answer=" << data[0] << "\n";
void writer_thread()
data_ready = true;
And I really don't understand why this code differs from one where I'd use a classic volatile bool instead of the atomic one.
If someone could open my mind on the subject, I'd be grateful.
A "classic" bool, as you put it, would not work reliably (if at all). One reason for this is that the compiler could (and most likely does, at least with optimizations enabled) load data_ready only once from memory, because there is no indication that it ever changes in the context of reader_thread.
You could work around this problem by using volatile bool to enforce loading it every time (which would probably seem to work) but this would still be undefined behavior regarding the C++ standard because the access to the variable is neither synchronized nor atomic.
You could enforce synchronization using the locking facilities from the mutex header, but this would introduce (in your example) unnecessary overhead (hence std::atomic).
The problem with volatile is that it only guarantees that instructions are not omitted and the instruction ordering is preserved. volatile does not guarantee a memory barrier to enforce cache coherence. What this means is that writer_thread on processor A can write the value to it's cache (and maybe even to the main memory) without reader_thread on processor B seeing it, because the cache of processor B is not consistent with the cache of processor A. For a more thorough explanation see memory barrier and cache coherence on Wikipedia.
There can be additional problems with more complex expressions than x = y (i.e. x += y) that would require synchronization through a lock (or in this simple case an atomic +=) to ensure the value of x does not change during processing.
x += y for example is actually:
read x
compute x + y
write result back to x
If a context switch to another thread occurs during the computation this can result in something like this (2 threads, both doing x += 2; assuming x = 0):
Thread A Thread B
------------------------ ------------------------
read x (0)
compute x (0) + 2
<context switch>
read x (0)
compute x (0) + 2
write x (2)
<context switch>
write x (2)
Now x = 2 even though there were two += 2 computations. This effect is known as tearing.
The big difference is that this code is correct, while the version with bool instead of atomic<bool> has undefined behavior.
These two lines of code create a race condition (formally, a conflict) because they read from and write to the same variable:
while (!data_ready)
And writer
data_ready = true;
And a race condition on a normal variable causes undefined behavior, according to the C++11 memory model.
The rules are found in section 1.10 of the Standard, the most relevant being:
Two actions are potentially concurrent if
they are performed by different threads, or
they are unsequenced, and at least one is performed by a signal handler.
The execution of a program contains a data race if it contains two potentially concurrent conflicting actions, at least one of which is not atomic, and neither happens before the other, except for the special case for signal handlers described below. Any such data race results in undefined behavior.
You can see that whether the variable is atomic<bool> makes a very big difference to this rule.
Ben Voigt's answer is completely correct, still a little theoretical, and as I've been asked by a colleague "what does this mean for me", I decided to try my luck with a little more practical answer.
With your sample, the "simplest" optimization problem that could occur is the following:
According to the Standard, an optimized execution order may not change the functionality of a program. Problem is, this is only true for single threaded programs, or single threads in multithreaded programs.
So, for writer_thread and a (volatile) bool
data_ready = true;
data_ready = true;
are equivalent.
The result is, that
std::cout << "The answer=" << data[0] << "\n";
can be executed without having pushed any value into data.
An atomic bool does prevent this kind of optimization, as per definition it may not be reordered. There are flags for atomic operations which allow statements to be moved in front of the operation but not to the back, and vice versa, but those require a really advanced knowledge of your programming structure and the problems it can cause...

"pseudo-atomic" operations in C++

So I'm aware that nothing is atomic in C++. But I'm trying to figure out if there are any "pseudo-atomic" assumptions I can make. The reason is that I want to avoid using mutexes in some simple situations where I only need very weak guarantees.
1) Suppose I have globally defined volatile bool b, which
initially I set true. Then I launch a thread which executes a loop
while(b) doSomething();
Meanwhile, in another thread, I execute b=true.
Can I assume that the first thread will continue to execute? In other words, if b starts out as true, and the first thread checks the value of b at the same time as the second thread assigns b=true, can I assume that the first thread will read the value of b as true? Or is it possible that at some intermediate point of the assignment b=true, the value of b might be read as false?
2) Now suppose that b is initially false. Then the first thread executes
bool b1=b;
bool b2=b;
if(b1 && !b2) bad();
while the second thread executes b=true. Can I assume that bad() never gets called?
3) What about an int or other builtin types: suppose I have volatile int i, which is initially (say) 7, and then I assign i=7. Can I assume that, at any time during this operation, from any thread, the value of i will be equal to 7?
4) I have volatile int i=7, and then I execute i++ from some thread, and all other threads only read the value of i. Can I assume that i never has any value, in any thread, except for either 7 or 8?
5) I have volatile int i, from one thread I execute i=7, and from another I execute i=8. Afterwards, is i guaranteed to be either 7 or 8 (or whatever two values I have chosen to assign)?
There are no threads in standard C++, and Threads cannot be implemented as a library.
Therefore, the standard has nothing to say about the behaviour of programs which use threads. You must look to whatever additional guarantees are provided by your threading implementation.
That said, in threading implementations I've used:
(1) yes, you can assume that irrelevant values aren't written to variables. Otherwise the whole memory model goes out the window. But be careful that when you say "another thread" never sets b to false, that means anywhere, ever. If it does, that write could perhaps be re-ordered to occur during your loop.
(2) no, the compiler can re-order the assignments to b1 and b2, so it is possible for b1 to end up true and b2 false. In such a simple case I don't know why it would re-order, but in more complex cases there might be very good reasons.
[Edit: oops, by the time I got to answering (2) I'd forgotten that b was volatile. Reads from a volatile variable won't be re-ordered, sorry, so yes on a typical threading implementation (if there is any such thing), you can assume that you won't end up with b1 true and b2 false.]
(3) same as 1. volatile in general has nothing to do with threading at all. However, it is quite exciting in some implementations (Windows), and might in effect imply memory barriers.
(4) on an architecture where int writes are atomic yes, although volatile has nothing to do with it. See also...
(5) check the docs carefully. Likely yes, and again volatile is irrelevant, because on almost all architectures int writes are atomic. But if int write is not atomic, then no (and no for the previous question), even if it's volatile you could in principle get a different value. Given those values 7 and 8, though, we're talking a pretty weird architecture for the byte containing the relevant bits to be written in two stages, but with different values you could more plausibly get a partial write.
For a more plausible example, suppose that for some bizarre reason you have a 16 bit int on a platform where only 8bit writes are atomic. Odd, but legal, and since int must be at least 16 bits you can see how it could come about. Suppose further that your initial value is 255. Then increment could legally be implemented as:
read the old value
increment in a register
write the most significant byte of the result
write the least significant byte of the result.
A read-only thread which interrupted the incrementing thread between the third and fourth steps of that, could see the value 511. If the writes are in the other order, it could see 0.
An inconsistent value could be left behind permanently if one thread is writing 255, another thread is concurrently writing 256, and the writes get interleaved. Impossible on many architectures, but to know that this won't happen you need to know at least something about the architecture. Nothing in the C++ standard forbids it, because the C++ standard talks about execution being interrupted by a signal, but otherwise has no concept of execution being interrupted by another part of the program, and no concept of concurrent execution. That's why threads aren't just another library - adding threads fundamentally changes the C++ execution model. It requires the implementation to do things differently, as you'll eventually discover if for example you use threads under gcc and forget to specify -pthreads.
The same could happen on a platform where aligned int writes are atomic, but unaligned int writes are permitted and not atomic. For example IIRC on x86, unaligned int writes are not guaranteed atomic if they cross a cache line boundary. x86 compilers will not mis-align a declared int variable, for this reason and others. But if you play games with structure packing you could probably provoke an example.
So: pretty much any implementation will give you the guarantees you need, but might do so in quite a complicated way.
In general, I've found that it is not worth trying to rely on platform-specific guarantees about memory access, that I don't fully understand, in order to avoid mutexes. Use a mutex, and if that's too slow use a high-quality lock-free structure (or implement a design for one) written by someone who really knows the architecture and compiler. It will probably be correct, and subject to correctness will probably outperform anything I invent myself.
Most of the answers correctly address the CPU memory ordering issues you're going to experience, but none have detailed how the compiler can thwart your intentions by re-ordering your code in ways that break your assumptions.
Consider an example taken from this post:
volatile int ready;
int message[100];
void foo(int i)
message[i/10] = 42;
ready = 1;
At -O2 and above, recent versions of GCC and Intel C/C++ (don't know about VC++) will do the store to ready first, so it can be overlapped with computation of i/10 (volatile does not save you!):
leaq _message(%rip), %rax
movl $1, _ready(%rip) ; <-- whoa Nelly!
movq %rsp, %rbp
sarl $2, %edx
subl %edi, %edx
movslq %edx,%rdx
movl $42, (%rax,%rdx,4)
This isn't a bug, it's the optimizer exploiting CPU pipelining. If another thread is waiting on ready before accessing the contents of message then you have a nasty and obscure race.
Employ compiler barriers to ensure your intent is honored. An example that also exploits the relatively strong ordering of x86 are the release/consume wrappers found in Dmitriy Vyukov's Single-Producer Single-Consumer queue posted here:
// load with 'consume' (data-dependent) memory ordering
// NOTE: x86 specific, other platforms may need additional memory barriers
template<typename T>
T load_consume(T const* addr)
T v = *const_cast<T const volatile*>(addr);
__asm__ __volatile__ ("" ::: "memory"); // compiler barrier
return v;
// store with 'release' memory ordering
// NOTE: x86 specific, other platforms may need additional memory barriers
template<typename T>
void store_release(T* addr, T v)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("" ::: "memory"); // compiler barrier
*const_cast<T volatile*>(addr) = v;
I suggest that if you are going to venture into the realm of concurrent memory access, use a library that will take care of these details for you. While we all wait for n2145 and std::atomic check out Thread Building Blocks' tbb::atomic or the upcoming boost::atomic.
Besides correctness, these libraries can simplify your code and clarify your intent:
// thread 1
std::atomic<int> foo; // or tbb::atomic, boost::atomic, etc, std::memory_order_release);
// thread 2
int tmp = foo.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
Using explicit memory ordering, foo's inter-thread relationship is clear.
May be this thread is ancient, but the C++ 11 standard DOES have a thread library and also a vast atomic library for atomic operations. The purpose is specifically for concurrency support and avoid data races.
The relevant header is atomic
It's generally a really, really bad idea to depend on this, as you could end up with bad things happening and only one some architectures. The best solution would be to use a guaranteed atomic API, for example the Windows Interlocked api.
If your C++ implementation supplies the library of atomic operations specified by n2145 or some variant thereof, you can presumably rely on it. Otherwise, you cannot in general rely on "anything" about atomicity at the language level, since multitasking of any kind (and therefore atomicity, which deals with multitasking) is not specified by the existing C++ standard.
Volatile in C++ do not plays the same role than in Java. All the cases are undefined behavior as Steve saids. Some cases can be Ok for a compiler, oa given processor architecture and with a multi-threading system, but switching the optimization flags can make your program behave differently, as the C++03 compilers don't know about threads.
C++0x defines the rules that avoid race conditions and the operations that help you to master that, but to may knowledge there is no yet a compiler that implement yet all the part of the standard related to this subject.
My answer is going to be frustrating: No, No, No, No, and No.
1-4) The compiler is allowed to do ANYTHING it pleases with a variable it writes to. It may store temporary values in it, so long as ends up doing something that would do the same thing as that thread executing in a vacuum. ANYTHING is valid
5) Nope, no guarantee. If a variable is not atomic, and you write to it on one thread, and read or write to it on another, it is a race case. The spec declares such race cases to be undefined behavior, and absolutely anything goes. That being said, you will be hard pressed to find a compiler that does not give you 7 or 8, but it IS legal for a compiler to give you something else.
I always refer to this highly comical explanation of race cases.