Is there an implementation of a single instance blob store for Django? - django

I am new to Django so I apologize if I missed something. I would like to have a library that gives me a single-instance data store for Blob / Binary data. I want a library that masks whether or not the files are stored in the database, file system or some kind of back end like S3 on Amazon. I want a single API that lets me add files, and get back URLs to serve those files. Also it would be nice if the implementation supported some kind of migration if I had blobs in a database for a site when it just started out and then move those blobs to an S3 bucket behind the scenes without me needing to change how my application stores and serves the data.
An important sub-aspect of this is that the files have to be only shown to properly authorized users (i.e. just putting them in an open /media/ folder as files is not sufficient).
Perhaps I am asking too much - but I find this kind of service very useful in my applications. The main reason that I am asking is that unless I find such a thing - I will wander off and build my own library - I just don't want to waste the time if this kind of thing already exists.


Retrieving data from AWS S3 too slow in Shiny app

I know that this question can be mostly answered generally for any Web App, but because I am specifically using Shiny I figured that your answers may be considerably more useful.
I have made a relatively complex app. The data is not complex, but the user interface is.
I am storing the data in S3 using the aws.s3 package, and have built my app using golem. Because most shiny apps are used to analyse or enter some data, they usually deal with a couple of datasets, and a relational database is very useful and fast for that type of app.
However, my app is quite UI/UX extensive. Users can have their own/shared whiteboard space(s) where they drag around items. The coordinates of the items are stored in rds files in my S3 bucket, for each user. They can customise many aspects of the app just for them, font size, colours of various experimental groups (it's a research app), experimental visits that are storing pdf files, .html files and .rds files.
The .rds files stored can contain variables, lists, data.frames, reactiveValues, renderUI() objects etc.. So they are widely different.
As such I have dozens of rds files that are stored in a bucket and everytime the app loads each of these .rds files need to be read one by one in order to recreate the environment appropriate for each user. The number of files/folders in directories are queried to know how many divs need to be generated for the user to click inside their files etc..
The range of objects stored is too wide for me to use a relational database - but my app is taking at least 40 seconds to load. It is also generally slow when submitting data as well, mostly because the data entered often modified many UI elements that need to be pushed to S3 again. Because I have no background in proper Web Dev, I have no idea what is the best way to store user-related UX/UI elements and how to retrieve them seamlessly.
Could anyone please recommend me to appropriate resources for me to learn more about it?
Am I doing it completely wrong? I honestly do not know how else to store and retrieve all these R objects.
Thank you in advance for your help with the above.

Django: Best Practice for Storing Images (URLField vs ImageField)

There are cases in a project where I'd like to store images on a model.
For example:
Company Logos
Profile Pictures
Programming Languages
Recently I've been using AWS S3 for file storage (primarily hosting on Heroku) via ImageField uploads.
I feel like there's a better way to store files than what I've been doing.
For some things (like for the examples above) I think it would make sense to actually just get an image url from a more publically available url than take up space in my own database.
For the experts in the Django community who have built and deployed really professional projects, do you typically store files directly into the Django media folder via ImageField?
or do you normally use a URLField and then pull a url from an API or an image link from the web (e.g., go on any Google image, right click and copy then paste image URL)?
Bonus: What does your image storing setup look like?
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks in advance!
The standard is what you've described, using something like AWS S3 to store the actual image and handle the URL in your database. Here's a few reasons why:
It's cheap. like really cheap
Instead of making your web server serve the files, you're offloading that onto the client (e.g. their browser grabbing the file from S3)
If you're using an ephemeral system (like Heroku), your only option is to use something like S3.
Control. Sure, you can pull an image link from somewhere else that isn't managed by you. But this does not scale. What happens if that server goes offline? What if they take that image down? This way, you control what happens to the objects.
An example of a decently large internet company but not large enough to run their own infrastructure (like Facebook/Instagram, Google, etc.) is VSCO. They're taking a decent amount of photo uploads every day and they're handling them with AWS.

Where to store user file uploads?

In my compojure app, where should I store user upload files? Do I just make a user-upload dir in my project root and stick everything in there? Is there anything special I should do (classpath, permissions, etc)?
To properly answer your question, you need to think of the lifecycle of the uploaded files. I would start answering questions such as:
how big are the files going to be?
what storage options will hold enough data to store all the uploads?
how about SLAs, redundancy and disaster avoidance?
how and who to monitor the free space and health of the storage?
In general, the file system location is much less relevant than the block device sitting behind it: as long as your data is stored safely enough for your application, user-upload can be anywhere and be anything from a regular disk to an S3 bucket e.g. via s3fs-fuse.
Putting such folder in your classpath sounds odd to me. It gives no essential benefit, as you will always need to go through a configuration entry to state where to store and read files from.
Permission wise, your application will require at least write access to the upload storage (most likely read access as well). Granting such permissions depends on the physical device you choose: if you opt for the local file system as you suggest in your question, you need to make sure the Clojure app is run by a user with chmod +rw, but in case of S3, you will need to configure API keys.
For anything other than a practice problem, I would suggest using a database such as Postgres or Datomic. This way, you get the reliability of a DB with real transactions, along with the ability to access the files across a network from any location.

Do we need directory structure logic for storing millions of images on Amazon S3/Cloudfront?

In order to support millions of potential images we have previously followed this sort of directory structure:
The filename is md5 hashed, then we extract the first 6 characters in the string and build the folder structure from that.
So in the above example the filename:
produces a directory structure of:
We always did this in order to minimize the number of photos in any single directory, ultimately to aid filesystem performance.
However our new app is using Amazon S3 with Cloudfront
My understanding is that any folders you create on Amazon S3 are actually just references and are not directories on the filesystem.
If that is correct is it still recommended to split into folders/directories in the above, or similar method? Or can we simply remove this complexity in our application code and provide image links like so:
Baring in mind that this app is intended to serve 10's of millions of photos.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Although S3 folders are basically only another way of writing the key name (as #E.J.Brennan already said in his answer), there are reasons to think about the naming structure of your "folders".
With your current number of photos and probably your access patterns, it might make sense to think about a way to speed up the S3 keyname lookups, making sure that operations on photos get spread out over multiple partitions. There is a great article on the AWS blog explaining all the details.
You don't need to setup that structure on s3 unless you are doing it for your own convenience. All of the folders you create on s3 are really just an illusion for you, the files are stored in one big continuous container, so if you don't have a reason to organize the files in a pseudo-folder hierarchy, then don't bother.
If you needed to control access to different groups of people, based on you folder struture, that might be a reason to keep the structure, but besides that there probably isn't a benefit/

Caching situation for images stored in a database

The Django recommendation for dealing with user uploads is to store them on the filesystem and store the filesystem path in a database column. This works, but presents some problems I do not want to deal with:
No transactions
No simple way to keep the filesystem and database in sync
Complicates backups since data is stored in 2 places
My solution is to store the image as a base64 encoded string in a text column ( This requires more space, but makes replication dead simple.
The concern with this approach is performance. Hitting the database for every image request is not desirable. I need some kind of server-side caching system together with reasonable caching headers. For example, if someone requests "/media/documents/earth.jpg", the cache should be consulted first and if the file is not found there the database should be hit.
What is a good cache tool for my purpose?
Given these requirements is it required that every image request goes through my Django application? Or is there a caching tool that I can use to prevent this. I have certain files that can be accessed only by certain people. For these I assume the request must go through the application since there would be no other way to check for authorizaton.
If this tool caches the files to the filesystem, then are hashed directories enough to mitigate the problem of having too many files in one directory? For example, a hashed directory path for elephant.gif could be /e/el/elephant.gif.
tl;dr: stop worrying and deliver, "premature optimization is the root of all evil"
The Django recommendation for dealing with user uploads is to store them on the filesystem and store the filesystem path in a database column.
The recommendation for using the file system is that you can have the images served directly by the web server instead of served by the application - web servers are very, very good at serving static files.
My solution is to store the image as a base64 encoded string in a text column ( This requires more space, but makes replication dead simple.
In general, replication is seldom used for static content. For a high traffic website, you have a dedicated server for static content - Django makes this very easy, that is what MEDIA_URL and STATIC_URL are for. Even if you are starting with the media served by the same web server, it is good practice to have it done by a separate virtual host (for example, have the app at and the media at even if serving both from the same machine).
Web servers are so good at serving static content that hardly you will need more than one. In practice you rarely hit the point where a dedicated server is not handling the load anymore, because by that time you will be using a CDN to cut your bandwidth bill, and the CDN will take most of the heat off the server.
If you choose to follow the "store on the file system" recommendation, don't worry about this until deployment, when the time arrives have a deployment expert at your side.
The concern with this approach is performance.
The performance hit you take when storing static content in the database is serving the image: it is somewhat negligible for small files - but for a large file, one app instance (or thread) will be stuck until the download finishes. Don't worry unless your images take too long to download.
Hitting the database for every image request is not desirable.
Honestly, why is that? Databases are designed to take hits. When you choose to store images in the database, performance is in the hands of the DBA now; as a developer you should stop thinking about it. When (and if) you hit any performance bottleneck related to database issues, consult a professional DBA, he will fix it.
1 - What is a good cache tool for my purpose?
Short story: this is static content, do the cache at the network layer (CDN, reverse caching proxy, etc). It is a problem for a professional network engineer, not for the developer.
There are many popular cache backends for Django, IMHO they are overkill for static content.
2 - Given these requirements is it required that every image request goes through my Django application? Or is there a caching tool that I can use to prevent this. I have certain files that can be accessed only by certain people. For these I assume the request must go through the application since there would be no other way to check for authorizaton.
Use an URL scheme that is unique and hard to guess, for example, with a path component made from a SHA2 hash of the file contents plus some secret token. Restrict service to requests refered by your site to avoid someone re-publishing the file URL. Use expiration headers if appropriate.
3 - If this tool caches the files to the filesystem, then are hashed directories enough to mitigate the problem of having too many files in one directory? For example, a hashed directory path for elephant.gif could be /e/el/elephant.gif.
Again, ask yourself why are you concerned. The cache layer should be transparent to the developer. I'm not aware of any popular cache solution for Django that don't have such basic concern very well covered.
Very good points. I understand that replication is seldom used for static content. That's not the point though. How often other people use replication for files has no effect on the fact that not replicating/backing up your database is wrong. Other people may be fine with losing ACID just because some bit of data is binary; I'm not. As far as I'm concerned these files are "of the database" because there are database columns whose values reference the files. If backing up hard drives is something seldom done, does that mean I shouldn't back up my hard drive? NO!
Your concern is valid, I was just trying to explain why Django developers have a bias for this arrangement (dedicated webserver for static content), Django started at the news publishing industry where this approach works well because of its ratio of one trusted publisher for thousands of readers.
It is important to note that the recommended approach (IMHO) is not in ACID violation. Ok, Django does not erase older images stored in the filesystem when the record changes or is deleted - but PostgreSQL don't really erase tuples from disk immediately when you delete records, they are just marked to be vacuumed later. Pity that Django lacks a built-in "vacuum" for images, but it is very hard to write a general one, so I side with the core team - data safety comes first. Look for example at database migrations: they took so long to have database migrations incorporated in Django because it is a hard problem as well. While writing a generic solution is hard, writing specific ones is trivial - for some projects I have a "garbage collector" process that I run from crontab in the low traffic hours, this script simply delete all files that are not referenced by metadata in the database - and this dirty cron job is enough consistency for me.
If you choose to store images at the database that is all fine. There are trade-offs, but rest assured you don't have to worry about them as a developer, it is a problem for the "ops" part of DevOps.