GCP instance ubuntu connection refused using ssh and terminal? - google-cloud-platform

I was using digitalocean and want to try out gcp compute instance. I created an ubuntu instance, did cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub in my terminal and added onto the instance. Then I tried ssh james#external ip in my terminal (I'm using mac) but it just hang there.. then a min later, I got Connection refused error. What's wrong?

There are numerous possible reasons for this, but mostly likely you're missing a firewall rule to allow connections from the outside:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-ssh --allow tcp:22
If this doesn't help, check out the Troubleshooting SSH article in the GCP docs.

First check your network can communicate to compute engine via simple ping command.
ping <GCE external IP>
telnet <GCE external IP> 22
If you getting request timed out then most probably firewall issue. go to cloud console and create/update firewall rule under VPC section. search tcp:22 in firewalls section and edit/create firewall rule (add your IP ranges into source IP range section) for ssh connection.
refer: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/compute/firewall-rules/create


Google Compute Engine Unable to Access VM

I am unable to ssh into a VM on GCP Compute Engine
However, when I run the command with the --troubleshoot flag, it seems like everything is okay.
When I connect through the console, I get an error message saying "You cannot connect to the VM instance because of an unexpected error".
Also, other people from my organization are able to connect.
I am unable to figure out what the error is. Any help would be appreciated.
From the error message that you got "Permission denied (publickey)" you can check this documentation for further troubleshooting.
Further more you can investigate also the Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP).
If you use Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) for TCP forwarding, update your custom firewall rule to accept traffic from IAP, then check your IAM permissions.
Update your custom firewall rule to allow traffic from, the IP address range that IAP uses for TCP forwarding. For more information, see Create a firewall rule.
Grant permissions to use IAP TCP forwarding, if you haven't already done so.
For the error message "You cannot connect to the VM instance because of an unexpected error".
The VM is booting up and sshd is not running yet. You can't connect to a VM before it is running.
To resolve this issue, wait until the VM has finished booting and try to connect again.
The firewall rule allowing SSH is missing or misconfigured. By default, Compute Engine VMs allow SSH access on port 22. If the default-allow-ssh rule is missing or misconfigured, you won't be able to connect to VMs.
To resolve this issue, Check your firewall rules and re-add or reconfigure default-allow-ssh.
sshd is running on a custom port. If you configured sshd to run on a port other than port 22, you won't be able to connect to your VM.
To resolve this issue, create a custom firewall rule allowing tcp traffic on the port that your sshd is running on using the following command:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create FIREWALL_NAME \
--allow tcp:PORT_NUMBER
For further troubleshooting on SSH you see this documentation on Common SSH errors.

Unable to login to a GCP VM machine: kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

I am trying to login to a VM machine but unable to get in there as the below error pops up:
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.compute.start-iap-tunnel) Error while connecting [[Errno 1] Operation not permitted].
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255].
Command used to log in:
gcloud beta compute ssh --zone "us-east1-b" "user1#test" --project "my-test-project"
When I use the same command from a different machine then it allows me to login to the test VM.
I have been looking at possible solutions related to the firewall settings but unable to get success. Can anyone help here ?
I try to connect with an instance with the command that you post and worked for me when I use it from the cloud shell and from another instances. The error that is given to you could happen for different reason, which are:
The VM is booting up and sshd is not running yet. You can't connect to a VM before it is running.
To resolve this issue, wait until the VM has finished booting and try to connect again.
The firewall rule allowing SSH is missing or misconfigured. By default, Compute Engine VMs allow SSH access on port 22. If the default-allow-ssh rule is missing or misconfigured, you won't be able to connect to VMs.
To resolve this issue, Check your firewall rules and re-add or reconfigure default-allow-ssh.
sshd is running on a custom port. If you configured sshd to run on a port other than port 22, you won't be able to connect to your VM. To resolve this issue, create a custom firewall rule allowing tcp traffic on the port that your sshd is running on using the following command:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create FIREWALL_NAME --allow tcp:PORT_NUMBER
Your custom SSH firewall rule doesn't allow traffic from Google services. SSH connections from the Cloud Console are refused if custom firewall rules do not allow connections from Google's IP address range.
To solve this issue visit this link
The sshd daemon isn't running or isn't configured properly. The sshd daemon enables SSH connections. If it's misconfigured or not running, you can't connect to your VM. To resolve this issue, review the user guide for your operating system to ensure that your sshd_config is set up correctly.

Connection via Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy Failed

I am getting the following disconnection issues in the GCP Jupiter notebook.
error code: 4010
error code: 1006
Can you please suggest some solution?
As part of the IAP configuration steps, you should create a firewall rule that allows ingress traffic to the SSH port from the IAP address range:
GCP Console => VPC network => Firewall rules => Create Firewall Rule
Name: allow-ingress-from-iap
Direction of traffic: Ingress
Target: All instances in the network
Source filter: IP ranges
Source IP ranges:
Protocols and ports: select TCP and enter 22 to allow SSH
Identity-Aware Proxy > Doc > Setting up IAP for Compute Engine
The error 1006 appears in the GCP Console UI after 1 hour of inactivity of the SSH session via IAP with VMs with Internal IP only, and this is a session timeout on the Google side.
As #mebius99 has mentioned, IAP (Identity-Aware Proxy) requests come from the IP address range
Your network firewall must allow these requests to be able to SSH through IAP.
One way to do that (create a firewall-rule) is to run gcloud compute firewall-rules create command.
To do that, first open the cloud shell on the Google cloud console,
Then once the cloud shell opens up, run the following:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create ssh-ingress-from-iap --allow=tcp:22 --source-ranges --network [network-name]
Replace [network-name] with your network name (the default VPC network is named: default)
If the above solution doesn't work (or have a similar firewall rule in place already), consider checking the network tags (on the firewall-rules and the VM). It maybe the case that your firewall-rule is allowing the requests to only certain instances that has some tags and the instance you're trying to SSH into doesn't.
For me the error 1006 was related to system Time. I had changed the system time manually to another time zone. SSH worked when system time was sy
Create a firewall for port 22 and add this IP
attach it to all VM so you will able to establish connection

SSH connection to my Amazon EC2 instance refused from a Windows Box

Trying to ssh into my amazon EC2 linux instance from a Windows 10 box. I have got openssh for windows from https://www.mls-software.com/opensshd.html . I know that I am behind a corporate firewall and a web proxy. My Inbound rule settings on the EC2 instance is
ssh -i "awslamp.pem" ec2-user#ec2-xx-xx-xx-xxx.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com
port22: Connection refused
Have you tried "my ip" in inbound rule settings? Also, try allowing SSH from all IP addresses for troubleshooting purposes. I know that it's not the recommended settings. It's just for troubleshooting and making sure that your corporate network allows you to connect to it. Do not forget to change the settings back to custom.

Accessing ElasticSearch on EC2 instance from outside the cloud

I am trying to access my ElasticSearch on a running EC2 instance from outside the Cloud. I currently have SSH/HTTP/HTTPS open to the public for inbound traffic as well as all open for outbound traffic. I set up a public IP for my EC2 instance as well.
By default ElasticSearch is on port 9200. I'm not sure if I configured my elasticsearch.yml file correctly but it basically has the default configuration I only changed the cluster.name to something else.
When I type in my public IP with port 9200 into my local browser or locally do a telnet {public-ip} 9200, there is no response. When I SSH into my EC2 instance. I can perform a curl localhost:9200 and I get the correct response from elasticsearch
How can I connect to my ElasticSearch running on my EC2 instance from outside the cloud?
I added a Custom Rule for my security group for inbound traffic that includes port 9200 and is open to and I still cannot access this EC2 instance
Potential issues to check are wrong binding and instance operating system firewall.
Check where elasticsearch is binding, as if it is binding to you won't be able to reach it from the outside.
Check binding by running in one shell on the elasticsearch ec2:
sudo netstat -lptun | grep 9200
If it shows then there is a misconfiguration if otherwise shows
*:9200 or :9200 then it is correct.
If it shows then you should modify elasticsearch parameter network.bind_host as described in:https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/1.4/modules-network.html
Additionally http/HTTPS and ssh are usually allowed by default operating system firewall, whereas elasticsearch 9200 is not. This is usually the case for rhel and centos. You can temporarily disable iptables and check if it works.
To disable iptables run:
sudo iptables -F
If after disabling iptables the connection works you should configure iptables to allow connection on 9200.
I hope this helps.
It is mess around Security Groups
You can add or remove rules for a security group (also referred to as
authorizing or revoking inbound or outbound access).
You shuld use the SG while launching your instance whith bounded 9200
Establish an SSH tunnel from your desktop to EC2.. then simply use your browser.. follow steps as given in https://www.jeremydaly.com/access-aws-vpc-based-elasticsearch-cluster-locally/