I want to replicate a function like -
for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
do something with i, j
Is there a easy way to do this in SML?
You can certainly do this, but you should consider whether you really want to just do something with i, j and discard the result. That is inherently imperative logic, not really idiomatic Standard ML.
But if this is really what you want, then there are a few ways. Here's an imperative one:
let val i = ref 0
in while !i < 10 do
( let val j = ref 0
in while !j < 10 do
( do something with i, j
; j := !j + 1
; i := !i + 1
And here's a more-idiomatic one:
let val range0To9 = List.tabulate (10, fn i => i)
in List.app range0To9 (fn i => List.app range0To9 (fn j => do something with i, j))
It depends on what it is you want to do.
Do you want to produce a side-effect, like print something, for each (i, j)?
fun appulate (n, f) =
let fun go i = if i < n then (f i; go (i+1)) else ()
in go 0 end
val show = Int.toString
val _ = appulate (10, fn i =>
appulate (10, fn j =>
print ("(" ^ show i ^ ", " ^ show j ^ ")\n")))
Or do you want to produce a result value? Is this value a list, or something else?
As a concrete example, there's a Q&A on the Pythagorean triplets in SML. It asks how one might port a piece of Haskell code that uses list comprehensions to Standard ML which doesn't feature list comprehensions. You could make a very similar case with Python 3; its range() function does not produce a list, but rather an object that can be iterated.
Whereas SML's List.tabulate actually does produce a list, making it less memory efficient if you're going to discard or filter that list immediately afterwards. The Q&A I linked to discusses readability and efficiency for a specific case of doing something on the Cartesian product of three integer ranges (namely finding the ones that are Pythagorean triplets).
Maybe if you gave a concrete example of doing something, you'd get a better response. :-)
Feel free to revise your question with a concrete example.
I tried making a function that as in the title takes 2 arguments, a number that specifies how many times the number must occur and a list that we are working on, I made a function that counts number of appearances of given number in a list and I tried using it in my main function, but I cannot comprehend how the if else and indentations work in Haskell, it's so much harder fixing errors than in other languages, i think that I'm missing else statement but even so I don't know that to put in there
count el list = count el list 0
where count el list output
| list==[] = output
| head(list)==el = count el (tail(list)) output+1
| otherwise = count el (tail(list)) output
moreThan :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> [a]
moreThan a [] = []
moreThan a list = moreThan a list output i
where moreThan a list [] 0
if i == length (list)
then output
else if elem (list!!i) output
then moreThan a list output i+1
else if (count (list!!i) list) >= a
then moreThan a list (output ++ [list!!i]) i+1
All I get right now is
parse error (possibly incorrect indentation or mismatched brackets)
You just forgot the = sign and some brackets, and the final else case. But also you switched the order of the internal function declaration and call:
moreThan :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> [a]
moreThan a [] = []
moreThan a list = go a list [] 0 -- call
where go a list output i = -- declaration =
if i == length (list)
then output
else if elem (list!!i) output
then go a list output (i+1) -- (i+1) !
else if (count (list!!i) list) >= a
then go a list (output ++ [list!!i]) (i+1) -- (i+1) !
I did rename your internal function as go, as is the custom.
As to how to go about fixing errors in general, just read the error messages, slowly, and carefully -- they usually say what went wrong and where.
That takes care of the syntax issues that you asked about.
As to what to put in the missing else clause, you've just dealt with this issue in the line above it -- you include the ith element in the output if its count in the list is greater than or equal to the given parameter, a. What to do else, we say in the else clause.
And that is, most probably, to not include that element in the output:
then go a list (output ++ [list!!i]) (i+1)
else ---------------------
So, just keep the output as it is, there, instead of the outlined part, and put that line instead of the undefined.
More importantly, accessing list elements via an index is an anti-pattern, it is much better to "slide along" by taking a tail at each recursive step, and always deal with the head element only, like you do in your count code (but preferably using the pattern matching, not those functions directly). That way our code becomes linear instead of quadratic as it is now.
Will Ness's answer is correct. I just wanted to offer some general advice for Haskell and some tips for improving your code.
First, I would always avoid using guards. The syntax is quite inconsistent with Haskell's usual fare, and guards aren't composable in the same way that other Haskell syntax is. If I were you, I'd stick to using let, if/then/else, and pattern matching.
Secondly, an if statement in Haskell is very often not the right answer. In many cases, it's better to avoid using if statements entirely (or at least as much as possible). For example, a more readable version of count would look like this:
count el list = go list 0 where
go [] output = output
go (x:xs) output = go xs (if x == el
then 1 + output
else output)
However, this code is still flawed because it is not properly strict in output. For example, consider the evaluation of the expression count 1 [1, 1, 1, 1], which proceeds as follows:
count 1 [1, 1, 1, 1]
go [1, 1, 1, 1] 0
go [1, 1, 1] (1 + 0)
go [1, 1] (1 + (1 + 0))
go [1] (1 + (1 + (1 + 0)))
go [] (1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + 0))))
(1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + 0))))
(1 + (1 + 2))
(1 + 3)
Notice the ballooning space usage of this evaluation. We need to force go to make sure output is evaluated before it makes a recursive call. We can do this using seq. The expression seq a b is evaluated as follows: first, a is partially evaluated. Then, seq a b evaluates to b. For the case of numbers, "partially evaluated" is the same as being totally evaluated.
So the code should in fact be
count el list = go list 0 where
go [] output = output
go (x:xs) output =
let new_output = if x == el
then 1 + output
else output
in seq new_output (go xs new_output)
Using this definition, we can again trace the execution:
go [1, 1, 1, 1] 0
go [1, 1, 1] 1
go [1, 1] 2
go [1] 3
go [] 4
which is a more efficient way to evaluate the expression. Without using library functions, this is basically as good as it gets for writing the count function.
But we're actually using a very common pattern - a pattern so common, there is a higher-order function named for it. We're using foldl' (which must be imported from Data.List using the statement import Data.List (foldl')). This function has the following definition:
foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldl' f = go where
go output [] = output
go output (x:xs) =
let new_output = f output x
in seq new_output (go new_output xs)
So we can further rewrite our count function as
count el list = foldl' f 0 list where
f output x = if x == el
then 1 + output
else output
This is good, but we can actually improve even further on this code by breaking up the count step into two parts.
count el list should be the number of times el occurs in list. We can break this computation up into two conceptual steps. First, construct the list list', which consists of all the elements in list which are equal to el. Then, compute the length of list'.
In code:
count el list = length (filter (el ==) list)
This is, in my view, the most readable version yet. And it is also just as efficient as the foldl' version of count because of laziness. Here, Haskell's length function takes care of finding the optimal way to do the counting part of count, while the filter (el ==) takes care of the part of the loop where we check whether to increment output. In general, if you're iterating over a list and have an if P x statement, you can very often replace this with a call to filter P.
We can rewrite this one more time in "point-free style" as
count el = length . filter (el ==)
which is most likely how the function would be written in a library. . refers to function composition. The meaning of this is as follows:
To apply the function count el to a list, we first filter the list to keep only the elements which el ==, and then take the length.
Incidentally, the filter function is exactly what we need to write moreThan compactly:
moreThan a list = filter occursOften list where
occursOften x = count x list >= a
Moral of the story: use higher-order functions whenever possible.
Whenever you solve a list problem in Haskell, the first tool you should reach for is functions defined in Data.List, especially map, foldl'/foldr, filter, and concatMap. Most list problems come down to map/fold/filter. These should be your go-to replacement for loops. If you're replacing a nested loop, you should use concatMap.
in a functional way, ;)
moreThan n xs = nub $ concat [ x | x <- ( group(sort(xs))), length x > n ]
... or in a fancy way, lol
moreThan n xs = map head [ x | x <- ( group(sort(xs))), length x > n ]
mt1 n xs = [ head x | x <- ( group(sort(xs))), length x > n ]
I want to create a non-recursive function for my minimum
but I have some troubles with it
Can you help me please.
`let min_list lst=
let n=list.length lst ;;
let a=list.nth lst ;;
for i = 1 to n-1 ;;
let b=list.nth lst i;;
if a >b then a=b lst done ;;`
Honesly,It's difficult with non recursive fonction.So this is just for learning.I still have erreur in ligne 6
let min_list lst=
let a=List.hd lst in
let n=List.length lst in
for j =1 to n-1 do
let b=List.nth lst j in
if a > b then (let a=b) done ;;
Thank you it's useful It help me a lot .I have one other question what the difference between this
let min_array a =
let min =ref (List.hd a) in
for i = 1 to List.length a -1 do
if List.nth a i < !min then min := List.nth a i
print_int (min_array [ 10 ; 5 ; 7 ; 8 ; 12 ]);;
let min_array a =
let min =ref (List.hd a) in
for i = 1 to List.length a -1 do
if ref (List.nth a i) < min then min := List.nth a i
print_int (min_array [ 10 ; 5 ; 7 ; 8 ; 12 ]);;
It's the same ?I think
Why don't you want to use a recursive function ?
Liste are made to be crossed by recursive function. Everytime you use List.nth l n Ocaml has to cross n values until he found the nth element.
In Ocaml you can't change variable value as you do in other languages. You want a to be a ref.
Also your function won't return anything you'll have to put a !a between the done and the ;;. There will be a ! Because a will be a ref.
But if you want to practice use arrays instead because what you do here is in complexity O(n²) instead of O(n).
As said in the answer from Butanium, this kind of non-recursive function might be more relevant with arrays. And to work with mutable values, you need to use a reference.
A solution might then be something like (without dealing with case of an empty array):
let min_array a =
let min = ref a.(0) in
for i = 1 to Array.length a -1 do
if a.(i) < !min then min := a.(i)
The last line is important here, because it gets the value to be returned by the function.
Can then be used like that:
# min_array [| 10 ; 5 ; 7 ; 8 ; 12 |];;
- : int = 5
If you really do want to use lists instead of arrays, just use List.nth a i instead of a.(i) and List.length instead of Array.length.
Edit after question update
As Shawn and Jeffrey Scofield said in their respective comment, you should try to understand a bit better OCaml's syntax. And please don't use ;; in your programs, just keep it for the REPL.
As described in the documentation,
ref returns a fresh reference containing the given value.
Which means that when you write ref (List.nth a i) < min,
you create a fresh reference containing the i-th value the list, then compare it to min (which is also a reference). Luckily, mutable structures are compared by contents, which means that OCaml will access to your fresh reference's value, then access to min's value, and compare them. Thus, it will produce the same result as the direct comparison List.nth a i < !min, with a bit of useless memory allocation/access.
You can do this quite concisely by taking advantage of some features of the OCaml stdlib:
(* 'a list -> 'a option *)
let min_list l =
if List.length l > 0 then
Some (List.fold_left min (List.hd l) l)
Thanks to the min built-in, this works for lists of any type.
e.g. in a utop shell we can see:
min_list [99; 33; -1];;
- : int option = Some (-1)
min_list [99.1; 33.2; -1.3];;
- : float option = Some (-1.3)
min_list ["z"; "b"; "k"];;
- : string option = Some "b"
First we recognise that the list may be empty, in which case we cannot return a meaningful value. This implies the function should return an option type, so either Some <value> or None.
Next we can use List.fold_left to iterate through the list.
Unfortunately the docs for List.fold_left are almost completely unhelpful:
val fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a
fold_left f init [b1; ...; bn] is f (... (f (f init b1) b2) ...) bn.
It's as if they assume that if you're using OCaml you're already an elite master of functional programming, who naturally knows what a "fold left" does.
I'm not an elite master of functional programming, but I've been around long enough to know that fold_left is basically the same as the reduce function in Python.
It's a function that iterates through a list, applies a function to each value as it goes, and returns a single value.
So we can start to make sense of the signature of fold_left...
It takes three arguments:
The first arg, f, is a function which itself takes two args - the first or 'left' arg is the 'accumulated' value, and the second arg is the current value from the list as we iterate through. Whatever value you return from this function will be passed back into it as the left 'accumulated' value on the next iteration. When the list is exhausted the accumulated value will be returned from fold_left.
The second arg, init is an initial value. It is passed to f as the left 'accumulated' arg in the first step, when nothing has been otherwise accumulated yet.
Third arg is our list of values
So when we return:
Some (List.fold_left min (List.hd l) l)
...we are passing the min function as f and (List.hd l) as init.
List.hd l just returns the first element of the list l. We could use any element from the list as an initial value, but List.hd exists and gives us the first.
So fold_left is going to iterate through the list and f will return min <accumulated> <current>. So at each iteration step the accumulated value passed forward is the lowest value seen so far.
I did wonder if perhaps the fold_left method does not count as non-recursive somehow, since no one else had suggested it. Even though we have not used let rec anywhere, maybe somewhere internally it is secretly recursive?
For fun I decided to try writing the reduce/fold function from scratch:
let reduce f init l =
let acc = ref init in
List.iter (fun el -> acc := f !acc el) l;
(* we can directly substitute `reduce` for `List.fold_left` *)
let min_list l =
if List.length l > 0 then
Some (reduce min (List.hd l) l)
...again, no let rec needed so I guess it counts as non-recursive.
I am trying to write a program in sml that takes in the length of a list, the max number that will appear on the list and the list of course. It then calculates the length of the smallest "sub-list" that contains all numbers.
I have tried to use the sliding window approach , with two indexes , front and tail. The front scans first and when it finds a number it writes into a map how many times it has already seen this number. If the program finds all numbers then it calls the tail. The tail scans the list and if it finds that a number has been seen more times than 1 it takes it off.
The code I have tried so far is the following:
structure Key=
type ord_key=int
val compare=Int.compare
fun min x y = if x>y then y else x;
structure mymap = BinaryMapFn ( Key );
fun smallest_sub(n,t,listall,map)=
val k=0
val front=0
val tail=0
val minimum= n;
val list1=listall;
val list2=listall;
fun increase(list1,front,k,ourmap)=
val number= hd list1
val elem=mymap.find(ourmap,number)
val per=getOpt(elem,0)+1
fun decrease(list2,tail,k,ourmap,minimum)=
val number=hd list2
val elem=mymap.find(ourmap,number)
val per=getOpt(elem,0)-1
val per1=getOpt(elem,0)
if k>t then
if (per1=1) then decrease(tl list2,tail+1,k-1,mymap.insert(ourmap,number,per),min minimum (front-tail))
else decrease(tl list2,tail+1,k,mymap.insert(ourmap,number,per),min minimum (front-tail))
else increase (list1, front,k,ourmap)
if t>k then
if (elem<>NONE) then increase (tl list1,front+1,k,mymap.insert(ourmap,number,per))
else increase(tl list1,front+1,k+1,mymap.insert(ourmap,number,per))
else (if (n>front) then decrease(list2,tail,k,ourmap,minimum) else minimum)
fun solve (n,t,acc)= smallest_sub(n,t,acc,mymap.empty)
But when I call it with this smallest_sub(10,3,[1,3,1,3,1,3,3,2,2,1]); it does not work. What have I done wrong??
Example: if input is 1,3,1,3,1,3,3,2,2,1 the program should recognize that the parto of the list that contains all numbers and is the smallest is 1,3,3,2 and 3,2,2,1 so the output should be 4
This problem of "smallest sub-list that contains all values" seems to recur in
new questions without a successful answer. This is because it's not a minimal,
complete, and verifiable example.
Because you use a "sliding window" approach, indexing the front and the back
of your input, a list taking O(n) time to index elements is not ideal. You
really do want to use arrays here. If your input function must have a list, you
can convert it to an array for the purpose of the algorithm.
I'd like to perform a cleanup of the code before answering, because running
your current code by hand is a bit hard because it's so condensed. Here's an
example of how you could abstract out the book-keeping of whether a given
sub-list contains at least one copy of each element in the original list:
Edit: I changed the code below after originally posting it.
structure CountMap = struct
structure IntMap = BinaryMapFn(struct
type ord_key = int
val compare = Int.compare
fun count (m, x) =
Option.getOpt (IntMap.find (m, x), 0)
fun increment (m, x) =
IntMap.insert (m, x, count (m, x) + 1)
fun decrement (m, x) =
let val c' = count (m, x)
in if c' <= 1
then NONE
else SOME (IntMap.insert (m, x, c' - 1))
fun flip f (x, y) = f (y, x)
val fromList = List.foldl (flip increment) IntMap.empty
That is, a CountMap is an int IntMap.map where the Int represents the
fixed key type of the map, being int, and the int parameter in front of it
represents the value type of the map, being a count of how many times this
value occurred.
When building the initialCountMap below, you use CountMap.increment, and
when you use the "sliding window" approach, you use CountMap.decrement to
produce a new countMap that you can test on recursively.
If you decrement the occurrence below 1, you're looking at a sub-list that
doesn't contain every element at least once; we rule out any solution by
letting CountMap.decrement return NONE.
With all of this machinery abstracted out, the algorithm itself becomes much
easier to express. First, I'd like to convert the list to an array so that
indexing becomes O(1), because we'll be doing a lot of indexing.
fun smallest_sublist_length [] = 0
| smallest_sublist_length (xs : int list) =
let val arr = Array.fromList xs
val initialCountMap = CountMap.fromList xs
fun go countMap i j =
let val xi = Array.sub (arr, i)
val xj = Array.sub (arr, j)
val decrementLeft = CountMap.decrement (countMap, xi)
val decrementRight = CountMap.decrement (countMap, xj)
case (decrementLeft, decrementRight) of
(SOME leftCountMap, SOME rightCountMap) =>
Int.min (
go leftCountMap (i+1) j,
go rightCountMap i (j-1)
| (SOME leftCountMap, NONE) => go leftCountMap (i+1) j
| (NONE, SOME rightCountMap) => go rightCountMap i (j-1)
| (NONE, NONE) => j - i + 1
go initialCountMap 0 (Array.length arr - 1)
This appears to work, but...
Doing Int.min (go left..., go right...) incurs a cost of O(n^2) stack
memory (in the case where you cannot rule out either being optimal). This is a
good use-case for dynamic programming because your recursive sub-problems have a
common sub-structure, i.e.
go initialCountMap 0 10
|- go leftCountMap 1 10
| |- ...
| `- go rightCountMap 1 9 <-.
`- go rightCountMap 0 9 | possibly same sub-problem!
|- go leftCountMap 1 9 <-'
`- ...
So maybe there's a way to store the recursive sub-problem in a memory array and not
perform a recursive lookup if you know the result to this sub-problem. How to
do memoization in SML is a good question in and of itself. How to do purely
functional memoization in a non-lazy language is an even better one.
Another optimization you could make is that if you ever find a sub-list the
size of the number of unique elements, you need to look no further. This number
is incidentally the number of elements in initialCountMap, and IntMap
probably has a function for finding it.
Doing a small project but after hours of work i still cant work out how to divide every element in a list by a variable
diver xs = map divhs j
where divhs = div hs
hs = tupleTest1 xs
j = jot xs
wont work and neither does
map (/ j) hs
anyone help at all would be most welcome
yours truly
haskell scrub
where divhs = div hs
hs = tupleTest1 xs
j = jot xs
This is not a correct indentation. The first nonspace character of each line (after where) is what matters. Since each line starts as more indented than the previous, the whole where block is parsed as if it were on a single line.
where divhs = div hs hs = tupleTest1 xs j = jot xs
Hence, errors arise, especially since hs and j are being parsed as additional arguments, and there are too many = signs on that line.
Your suggestion with map should work.
See below my example in ghci:
Prelude> let mylist = 1:2:3:4:5:[]
Prelude> mylist
Prelude> let diver xs d = map (/ d) xs
Prelude> diver mylist 2
or with your short version
Prelude> map (/ 2) mylist
Based on your comments and your error message
couldn't match expected type '[[int]]' with actual type int - * In the second argument of map' , namely j' - In the expression: map divhs j
the problem is that the input variable j is not an int as you're expecting, but instead a list of lists of int.
The problem thus probably lies in your function jot because you set j with where j = jot xs.
You say that jot returns you a number. I would recommend
trying whether diver works if you manually input arguments
making sure jot does not actually return something like [[1337]]. If it actually returns a list of lists, like the error message suggests, yet you think it is only one number, then it might be the case that it is just a single int wrapped into a list of lists.
If the second bullet point is the case, you could unpack it as a quick fix (but it would be preferable to fix your code of jot) :
Prelude> :{
Prelude| let myunpack (x:xs) = unpackagain x
Prelude| where
Prelude| unpackagain (y:ys) = y
Prelude| :}
Prelude> myunpack [[123]]
I'm trying to build a list in OCaml that takes its end range variable from a function which returns an int cast from a float:
#require "batteries"
#require "pa_comprehension"
#require "core_kernel"
open Batteries
open Core_kernel
let factor_of num fact = num mod fact == 0 ;;
let limit num = Float.to_int (floor (sqrt num) ) ;;
the population of this list is not performed due to:
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type [<Downto | To ]
in both the (yummy) batteries list comprehension:
[? List: x | x <- 0--(limit num) ; factor_of num x ?] ;;
and the (slightly less but still quite readable) core_kernel List constructor:
List.(range 0 (limit num) |> filter ~f:( fun x -> factor_of num x) );;
I'm thinking that the return from limit num is trapped inside the (evil) monad that provides the Float.to_int function. This also happens when using Float.int_of_float, the type signatures are the same:
utop # Float.to_int;;
- : float -> int = <fun>
So... how do I get my int 'out' of the monad, or, if this is not the problem, what is going on and how do I cast to an actual int that is usable in this way?
Also, could someone point me to a decent 'What the hell are these things: Monads' tutorial for tiny, tiny brains? I am at my wits end with them.
UPDATE: The error was not caused by any monadic behaviour (or use at all, in fact) it was due to the incorrect use of an infix operator (mod) and a couple of other quirks in functional thinking that I have not completely understood. I'm not sure this post should still exist but maybe it is an example of the mistakes you can make when moving into the functional paradigm...?
I have managed to get to the source of the problem. Over thinking and a late night:
The error was not caused by any monadic behaviour (or use of monads at all, in fact) it was due to the incorrect use of an infix operator (mod) and a couple of other quirks in functional thinking that I have not completely understood. I'm not sure this post should still exist but maybe it is an example of the mistakes you can make when moving into the functional paradigm...?
Credit to helping me fix the issue to Str for helping me bend my mind.
Joe Gob has also pointed out the main issue in the code. More casting between float and int based of the types required by my functions.
This is the corrected code (deps.ml is a requirements file):
#use "deps.ml";;
open Batteries
open Core_kernel
let factor_of num fact = num mod fact == 0 ;;
let limit num = 2 * Float.to_int (floor (sqrt num)) ;;
let factor_list_of num =
[? List: x | x <- 1--(limit (Int.to_float num)) ; factor_of num x ?]
let sum_factors num = ( List.fold_right (+) (factor_list_of num) 0 )
let is_perfect num = sum_factors num == num
let is_abundant num = sum_factors num > num
let is_deficient num = sum_factors num < num
Basically I have been spoiled by Ruby, but I strongly advise rubyists to take up ocaml, it's has the closest style to ruby code of the functional languages.