Use regular expression to extract elements from a pandas data frame - regex

From the following data frame:
d = {'col1':['a-1524112-124', 'b-1515', 'c-584854', 'a-15154']}
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d)
My ultimate goal is to extract the letters a, b or c (as string) in a pandas series. For that I am using the .findall() method from the re module, as shown below:
# import the module
import re
# define the patterns
pat = 'a|b|c'
# extract the patterns from the elements in the specified column
The problem is that the output i.e. the letters a, b or c, in each row, will be present in a list (of a single element), as shown below:
0 [a]
1 [b]
2 [c]
3 [a]
While I would like to have the letters a, b or c as string, as shown below:
0 a
1 b
2 c
3 a
I know that if I combine with .group() I can get a string, but if I do:
I will get the following error message:
AttributeError: 'StringMethods' object has no attribute 'search'
Using .str.split() won't do the job because, in my original dataframe, I want to capture strings that might contain the delimiter (e.g. I might want to capture a-b)
Does anyone know a simple solution for that, perhaps avoiding iterative operations such as a for loop or list comprehension?

Use extract with capturing groups:
import pandas as pd
d = {'col1':['a-1524112-124', 'b-1515', 'c-584854', 'a-15154']}
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d)
result = df['col1'].str.extract('(a|b|c)')
0 a
1 b
2 c
3 a

Fix your code
pat = 'a|b|c'
0 a
1 b
2 c
3 a
Name: col1, dtype: object

Simply try with str.split() like this- df["col1"].str.split("-", n = 1, expand = True)
import pandas as pd
d = {'col1':['a-1524112-124', 'b-1515', 'c-584854', 'a-15154']}
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d)
df['col1'] = df["col1"].str.split("-", n = 1, expand = True)
0 a
1 b
2 c
3 a


how to make list of lists from pandas dataframe, skipping nan values

I have a pandas dataframe that looks roughly like
foo foo2 foo3 foo4
b DC NaN NaN NaN
I'd like to make a nested list of the observations of this dataframe, but omit the NaN values, so I have something like [['NY','WA','AZ'],['DC'],['MA',CA'].
There is a pattern in this dataframe, if that makes a difference, such that if fooX is empty, the subsequent column fooY will also be empty.
I originally had something like this code below. I'm sure there's a nicer way to do this
A = [[i] for i in subset_label['label'].tolist()]
B = [i for i in subset_label['label2'].tolist()]
C = [i for i in subset_label['label3'].tolist()]
D = [i for i in subset_label['label4'].tolist()]
out_list = []
for index, row in subset_label.iterrows():
out_list.append([row.label, row.label2, row.label3, row.label4])
Option 1
pd.DataFrame.stack drops na by default.
[['NY', 'WA', 'AZ'], ['DC'], ['MA', 'CA']]
Option 2
Fun alternative, because I think summing lists within pandas objects is fun.
df.applymap(lambda x: [x] if pd.notnull(x) else []).sum(1).tolist()
[['NY', 'WA', 'AZ'], ['DC'], ['MA', 'CA']]
Option 3
numpy experiment
nn = df.notnull().values
sliced = df.values.ravel()[nn.ravel()]
splits = nn.sum(1)[:-1].cumsum()
[s.tolist() for s in np.split(sliced, splits)]
[['NY', 'WA', 'AZ'], ['DC'], ['MA', 'CA']]
Try this:
In [77]: df.T.apply(lambda x: x.dropna().tolist()).tolist()
Out[77]: [['NY', 'WA', 'AZ'], ['DC'], ['MA', 'CA']]
Here's a vectorized version!
original = pd.DataFrame(data={
'foo': ['NY', 'DC', 'MA'],
'foo2': ['WA', np.nan, 'CA'],
'foo3': ['AZ', np.nan, np.nan],
'foo4': [np.nan] * 3,
out = original.copy().fillna('NAN')
# Build up mapping such that each non-nan entry is mapped to [entry]
# and nan entries are mapped to []
unique_entries = np.unique(out.values)
mapping = {e: [e] for e in unique_entries}
mapping['NAN'] = []
# Apply mapping
for c in original.columns:
out[c] = out[c].map(mapping)
# Concatenate the lists along axis 1
You should get something like
0 [NY, WA, AZ]
1 [DC]
2 [MA, CA]
dtype: object

Excel | Get all column/row names in which a specific text is as a list

It is difficult for me to describe the problem in the title, so excuse any misleading description.
The easiest way to describe what I need is with an example. I have a table like:
1 x
2 x x
3 x x
Now what I want is the formula in a cell for every single column and row with each of the column or row name for every x that is placed. In the example like:
1,2 2,3 3
1 A x
2 A, B x x
3 B, C x x
The column and row names are not equivalent to the excel designation. It works with an easy WHEN statement for single cells (=WHEN(C3="x";C1)), but not for a bunch of them (=WHEN(C3:E3="x";C1:E1)). How should/can such a formula look like?
So I found the answer to my problem. Excel provides the normal CONCATENATE function. What is needed is something like a CONCATENATEIF (in German = verkettenwenn) function. By adding a module in VBA based on a thread from ransi from 2011 on the the function verkettenwenn can be used. The code for the German module looks like:
Option Explicit
Public Function verkettenwenn(Bereich_Kriterium, Kriterium, Bereich_Verketten)
Dim mydic As Object
Dim L As Long
Set mydic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For L = 1 To Bereich_Kriterium.Count
If Bereich_Kriterium(L) = Kriterium Then
mydic(L) = Bereich_Verketten(L)
End If
verkettenwenn = Join(mydic.items, ", ")
End Function
With that module in place one of the formula for the mentioned example looks like: =verkettenwenn(C3:E3;"x";$C$1:$K$1)
The English code for a CONCATENATEIF function should probably be:
Option Explicit
Public Function CONCATENATEIF(Criteria_Area, Criterion, Concate_Area)
Dim mydic As Object
Dim L As Long
Set mydic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For L = 1 To Criteria_Area.Count
If Criteria_Area(L) = Criterion Then
mydic(L) = Concate_Area(L)
End If
CONCATENATEIF = Join(mydic.items, ", ")
End Function

Using Pandas to subset data from a dataframe based on multiple columns?

I am new to python. I have to extract a subset from pandas dataframe based on 2 lists corresponding to 2 columns in that dataframe. Both the values in list should match with that of dataframe at index level. I have tried with "isin" function but obviously it doesn't work with combinations.
from pandas import *
d = {'A' : ['a', 'a', 'c', 'a','b'] ,'B' : [1, 2, 1, 4,1]}
df = DataFrame(d)
list1 = ['a','b']
list2 = [1,2]
print df
0 a 1
1 a 2
2 c 1
3 a 4
4 b 1
### Using isin function
df[(df.A.isin(list1)) & (df.B.isin(list2)) ]
0 a 1
1 a 2
4 b 1
###Desired outcome
d2 = {'A' : ['a'], 'B':[1]}
0 a 1
Please let me know if this can be done without using loops and if there is a way to do it in a single step.
A quick and dirty way to do this is using zip:
df['C'] = zip(df['A'], df['B'])
list3 = zip(list1, list2)
d2 = df[df['C'].isin(list3)
0 a 1 (a, 1)
You can of course drop the newly created column after you're done filtering on it.

Split Pandas Column by values that are in a list

I have three lists that look like this:
age = ['51+', '21-30', '41-50', '31-40', '<21']
cluster = ['notarget', 'cluster3', 'allclusters', 'cluster1', 'cluster2']
device = ['htc_one_2gb','iphone_6/6+_at&t','iphone_6/6+_vzn','iphone_6/6+_all_other_devices','htc_one_2gb_limited_time_offer','nokia_lumia_v3','iphone5s','htc_one_1gb','nokia_lumia_v3_more_everything']
I also have column in a df that looks like this:
0 notarget_<21_nokia_lumia_v3
1 htc_one_1gb_21-30_notarget
2 41-50_htc_one_2gb_cluster3
3 <21_htc_one_2gb_limited_time_offer_notarget
4 51+_cluster3_iphone_6/6+_all_other_devices
I want to split the column into three separate columns based on the values in the above lists. Like so:
age cluster device
0 <21 notarget nokia_lumia_v3
1 21-30 notarget htc_one_1gb
2 41-50 cluster3 htc_one_2gb
3 <21 notarget htc_one_2gb_limited_time_offer
4 51+ cluster3 iphone_6/6+_all_other_devices
First thought was to do a simple test like this:
ages_list = []
for i in ages:
if i in df['campaign_name'][0]:
print ages_list
>>> ['<21']
I was then going to convert ages_list to a series and combine it with the remaining two to get the end result above but i assume there is a more pythonic way of doing it?
the idea behind this is that you'll create a regular expression based on the values you already have , for example if you want to build a regular expressions that capture any value from your age list you may do something like this '|'.join(age) and so on for all the values you already have cluster & device.
a special case for device list becuase it contains + sign that will conflict with the regex ( because + means one or more when it comes to regex ) so we can fix this issue by replacing any value of + with \+ , so this mean I want to capture literally +
df = pd.DataFrame({'campaign_name' : ['notarget_<21_nokia_lumia_v3' , 'htc_one_1gb_21-30_notarget' , '41-50_htc_one_2gb_cluster3' , '<21_htc_one_2gb_limited_time_offer_notarget' , '51+_cluster3_iphone_6/6+_all_other_devices'] })
def split_df(df):
campaign_name = df['campaign_name']
df['age'] = re.findall('|'.join(age) , campaign_name)[0]
df['cluster'] = re.findall('|'.join(cluster) , campaign_name)[0]
df['device'] = re.findall('|'.join([x.replace('+' , '\+') for x in device ]) , campaign_name)[0]
return df
df.apply(split_df, axis = 1 )
if you want to drop the original column you can do this
df.apply(split_df, axis = 1 ).drop( 'campaign_name', axis = 1)
Here I'm assuming that a value must be matched by regex but if this is not the case you can do your checks , you got the idea

Pandas Series - print columns and rows

For now I am not so worried about the most performant way to get at my data in a series, lets say that my series is as follows :
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
If I am using a for loop to iterate this, for example :
for row in seriesObj:
print row
The code above will print the values down the right hand side, but lets say, I want to get at the left column (indexes) how might I do that?
All help greatly appreciated, I am very new to pandas and am having some teething problems.
Try Series.iteritems.
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], index=iter('ABCD'))
for ind, val in s.iteritems():
print ind, val
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4