Load PyQt5 plugin into designer-qt5 (cygwin) - python-2.7

I have recently installed on my cygwin platform the following packages using apt-cyg:
apt-cyg install python-pyqt5
apt-cyg install qt5-devel-tools
The latter command installed Qt Designer as an executable (designer-qt5).
PyQt5 examples works fine as well as pyuic5.
However, when I download a custom PyQt5 plugin ledplugin.py from here, this PyQt5 plugin never loads. I am also setting the environemnt variable:
Lastly, I am using python 2.7 not python 3.x.
Has anybody else encountered this problem? Any solutions?
Thank you in advance.
EDIT (2018/12/18): I have just tried the pyqt plugins for qt4 (with python 2.7) and it works. My suspicion is that the libpyqt5.dll in /usr/lib/qt5/plugins/designer does not work properly as libpyqt4.dll in /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/designer does. Any ideas how to proceed from here?


Download numpy, scipy and matplotlib for pycharm using python 2.7 on windows

I have found many many suggestions on how to download these, from using miniconda to using unofficial versions but nothing will work for me? I am just wondering if anyone has any suggestion on a straight forward way I might obtain these as I need them for my project. I am using pycharm with python 2.7 and I have windows 10. Thank you!
You can find precompiled versions of these libraries for most python versions here:
Then do:
pip install numpy-something-something.whl
This works for me in PyCharm 5.0.3 using Python 3.5.1. Should be the same procedure for 2.7

No matter what I do, my environment can't see libjpeg for Pillow on OSX 10.10 with Virtualenv

I've been researching this for hours. I can't seem to get it to work.
The issues is that I'm on OSX10.10, running Python 3.3. Everything worked great on 10.9.
I'm not even sure how to test it. I've done just about every step that has been suggested. Making new symlinks, linking and unlinking with Homebrew. Doing a custom install.
I'm just stuck. Anyone been able to sort this out?
In summary, I've uninstalled Pillow (and therefore PIL) and then installed the libjpeg files. Then I reinstalled Pillow with PIP.
This issue is that the gist for Homebrew install Python 3.3 isn't working right. When I upgraded to Python 3.4 everything worked fine.
Recommend looking at this gist to revise and see what can be done to address this if you need 3.3

Error "from scipy.linalg import _fblas importerror: DLL load failed"

I found a code on internet which implement a paper "Effective 3D Action
Recognition Using EigenJoints" code. They implement in Python so I tried to install Python 2.7.9 and numpy, scipy, scikit-learn. All these libraries installed successfully. In the cmd when i tried to run python eigen.py it gives me this error.
Please anyone download this code and run it by yourself or help me to solve this error.
You have to do 2 steps:
download anaconda according to your system and specifications.
Make sure that Anaconda is installed on python version installed on your system. For example, if you have python 3.4, and anaconda in installled on 2.7, then you should remove python 3.4.
Afterwards, the code will run smoothly and all libraries will be well defined. I have made the same ;) Please, let me know if you face new problems.

Django buildout on windows

For my django projects I have created a nice working workflow. Using buildout to 'bootstrap' a project and the apps I have developed based on versions. The rest are packages and apps installed from pypi. I work on ubuntu, and my servers are on ubuntu. This works like a charm.
Now there is a new developer who works on windows. He has a lot of troubles getting the buildout working the same way I Am using it.
Is there a special way or other way I should use buildout for setting it up for windows?
the usage of easy install seems to be the problem....
Windows user:
I have installed numpy and matplotlib with installers for windows(x64). But buildout still tries to compile matplotlib. The compilation is not working. I tried GCC as a compiler. Can I prevent buildout from compiling and using the installed packages?
If something has a dependency on numpy or matplotlib, buildout will try to install it, period. So you have two basic solutions:
Don't explicitly say you want numpy or matplotlib. Depend on it that you and your colleague already installed it globally. Buildout won't try to install what it doesn't know about :-)
Use syseggrecipe to explicitly tell buildout to look for a package in your global install:
parts =
recipe = syseggrecipe
eggs =
recipe = djangorecipe
Make sure the sysegg part is pretty much right at the start of your parts list. syseggrecipe places a link to your globally installed version in your buildout's develop-eggs/ directory, thereby telling buildout about the package's existence.
Warning: I'm not sure is syseggrecipe works 100% on windows, as it uses symlinks. Pull requests that fix it (if it turns out to be a problem) are welcome.

import pygtk works but not import gtk

I am configuring pygtk in my centos 5.4 machine. But I am facing few issues.
I want pygtk to be configured to Python 2.7(The default python version is Python 2.4 in centos 5)
So I installed Python 2.7 with different --prefix to my local space and then installed pygobject2.28 and then pygtk2.24 with the --prefix="where python 2.7 installed".
But when I run python2.7 interpreter I am able to import pygtk but, when I try to import gtk it says "no module named gtk."
I have configured PYTHONPATH and PYTHON environment variables to python2.7/lib/site-packages and python2.7 respectively.
My questions:
if pygtk is a wrapper for gtk then why am not able to import gtk, when I am able to import pygtk.
Where does python(or pygtk) pick the gtk from?
And how can I solve the above problem!?
I tried google and other stack overflow questions. But none of them answered the above quesions.
I wasn't checking the ./configure output properly. The problem was, I was trying to install gtk and pygtk without installing cairo and pango. So pygtk skipped building gtk packages because it did not find any cairo package. This was mentioned in the ./ configure script but I had not checked that.
To configure pygtk to python need to folow these steps
install sqlite-devel #If sqlite needed
install python(2.7)
install gtk(2.24.0) -> requires glib(2.27.3), atk(1.29.2), cairo(1.8.10), pango(1.22.4), gdk-pixbuf(2.21.3)
install pygtk(2.24.0) -> requires pygobject-2.28.3, pycairo(1.8.10)
All the above packages must be compiled to the same prefix, and need to set the PYTHON and PATHONPATH environment variables. The versions of packages also play major role. Added version in parenthesis that worked for me.
There are many dependencies while installing some of the packages so I had to install following packages using yum: libxext, librender, gettext, zlib, libgtk2-devel