MFC Saving Custom Header Column Widths - mfc

So I'm just learning MFC to see if I want to start using it over normal Win32 programming. I have a SDI MFC application setup. I have a view with members that create a CTreeCtrl and CHeaderCtrl. I have a CDwordArray setup as m_ColWidths that is currently in my View class, but using MFC, should this be in the document class instead since I'll want to save and restore it to keep the users widths when program exits? I guess even though it's only part of the view it's still data and use GetDocument() to reference them?

Application state should not be stored in the document. The purpose of the CDocument(-derived) class is:
A document represents the unit of data that the user typically opens with the File Open command and saves with the File Save command.
CDocument supports standard operations such as creating a document, loading it, and saving it. The framework manipulates documents using the interface defined by CDocument.
The designated entity to store application state (e.g. size and visibility of UI elements) is the CWinAppEx(-derived) implementation:
CWinAppEx handles the application state, saves the state to the registry, loads the state from the registry, [...].


Qt/QML: Delay window rendering until data is available

I am building an application using Qt/QML. The QML of my main window is very complex and depends on lots of data which must be loaded via HTTP and then be processed by a C++ backend before it is ready to be displayed.
The C++ backend provides a signal which is fired when the data is ready. Until then, I want the window to be empty except for a simple loading indicator being displayed. Of course, I could use a simple overlay which hides my actual interface until the data is available, but this would mean that the QML code of my actual user interface is already loaded and tries to access the not-yet-available data, which is causing a lot of errors, so I would need to add dozens of dummy values and NOTIFY signals for each single property which might not yet be available.
What is the best way to completely deactivate a portion of QML code and to enable it as soon as a signal is triggered?
My personal experience is to not give data to your view components, don't bind them. For example, set your text value to an empty string or don't set it, set your image component source to an empty string or don't set it at first. When your signal comes in with data ready, you assign the data to the views at that time.

Save Workspace MFC C++ MDI

I have a MFC MDI application. The app can have 2 or more dialogs open. I want to implement the "Save Workspace" feature so that the user, when opening the workspace next time, opens the dialogs that were opened when he saved and closed the workspace. How to do this?
The functionality is built into the CMDIFrameWndEx implementation. SaveMDIState stores the current setup, while LoadMDIState restores it. The documentation also explains, how to persist the position and size of the frame window itself, in case that's something you want, too.
Generally this is accomplished by storing the current state of the application into some sort of persistent store. Depending on your architecture this could be a local configuration file (xml, json, etc) stored under the Windows User's profile directory (you could also use the Windows Registry), a remote store such as a database could be used or perhaps such state could be stored into cloud storage. Just depends on how the application currently handles configuration and how universal you want to make the state storage.
You will want to implement some sort or running history of UI state. Storing the currently open windows and their locations when they are loaded, closed and moved. Inject a history tracker into each MDI child that is created. This could be a singleton type in the MDI parent. It should have facility to look up a window by its handle and should store the relevant information in a structure that makes sense for serialization. In each of the afore mentioned events add calls to the tracker with the appropriate changes. The tracker should persist along whatever rules you determine are appropriate.
The load process then requires that the MDI parent interrogate the tracker after it has initialized with what ever stored state existed. Using the stored information (window type and location (and data?)) the MDI parent then opens up the appropriate children at the appropriate locations.

What is a good MFC C++ GUI architecture for multiple similar window arrangements

I am considering a rewrite of an MFC Dialog application I wrote over a decade ago. I originally chose a Dialog application type because in general the user clicks control inputs and the application provides real-time data from hardware via USB and displays the data in edit boxes. The app also writes information to a file. Since the user never does any file editing I didn't see a need for SDI or MDI application type.
I've now learned that the SDI application type along with CFormView provides some interesting advantages such as scrolling, window resizing:
The reason for my rewrite is that my application is un-maintainable and doesn't scale well. Originally I created a CDialog for each type of "screen" that I show but lots of code is common among the various screens. In fact over time I started reusing CDialog classes and with the use of state variables simply hid, renamed, or repositioned many of the controls to make the screen look appropriate in the context of the application.
I tried deriving the CDialog classes from a common base class but I didn't achieve great code reuse this way. I also found that I had common resources that I was constantly passing around to the various windows which just added unnecessary overhead.
As the application evolved it also became difficult to keep track of the state of the application (for processing USB hardware data input, user input, button enabling etc). Using a hierarchical statechart as the basis for my application might clean this up.
Should I consider putting a superset of ALL the necessary controls on ONE CFormView and simply hiding, renaming, and repositioning controls from the very beginning and using a statechart to manage this?
All the examples I see put the code directly in the input control handlers but maybe I should use the handlers to change state and then let the state machine do the decision-making to reduce this spaghetti code.
So my primary questions are:
1. Would SDI would buy me anything for writing and reading files (such as reporting and logging) if the user does not perform editing?
2. Does CFormView make sense?
3. Does it make sense to put all controls on one CFormView instead of multiple classes and Dialog resources?
4. Have you tried using a state machine in MFC such as Boost Statechart or Miro Samek's Quantum Leaps?

Adding Same ActiveX control twice on a dialog causing unexpected behaviour

I have developed a MFC ActiveX control, that displays a graph using data retrieved from Kepware OPC Server using OPC Client. OPC Client code is part of ActiveX control code. The OPC client is launched in a separate thread from main control thread. The control works well when there is only one instance of it on the MFC dialog. However if I add another instance of it on same form, the curve on the graph starts malfunctioning. From the logs I can see that Control app class which is ultimately derived from CWinApp is instantiated only once. Any ideas why it is messing up? Are any global variables being shared between two instances? I am using Visual Studio 2008.
If your ActiveX control is located inside a DLL this DLL is always loaded once into the process that uses the ActiveX control. So it is normal that you only have one CWinApp object even if you have multiple controls.
So you need to design your object in a way, that global data inside the DLL doesn't affect the behaviour or data inside a control instance.
I suppose that you have some global data, that is used by the first control. And when another instance is created this global data is modified by the second instance and the first instance shows wrong data or misbehaves.
All state of such an ActiveX must be located and allocated inside the object.

How to save layout settings of MFC application?

I understand there are functions that can easily write windows registry, however I found out that in new MFC project created with wizard, some information (like split bar position, visibility of controls) gets stored automatically (or at least I found no CWinApp::Write* calls in the project). Since I have also older projects that don't have this behaviour I need to figure out how to make this without help of project wizard. Would anyone please know how does this work?
The MFC control state saving magic happens in the 'New' MFC Feature Pack, specifically in the SaveState methods, for example CMFCToolBar::SaveState.
To take advantage of this you'll therefore need to upgrade your Toolbars and Menus to use the newer controls and upgrade your application to inherit from CWinAppEx. I recommend that you use a New MFC Wizard based app as a guide on how to upgrade your old MFC app.
Most of the information is saved in CPane::SaveState(), thus if you want state of some component saved, you need to use classes derived from CPane. (for more info here is the class hierarchy).
The process of saving window states is initiated through CFrameImpl::OnClosingMainFrame(). This function in turn calls CWinAppEx::SaveState() which saves some application settings and then ALL instances of CMFCToolBar (they add themselves to global list of CMFCToolBars in call to OnCreate). In a similar way all dockable panes are saved but the list belongs to your main frame. Then positioin and size of your main frame is saved.
CViews and CFrameWnds are somewhat less favored, for what I found and tried out, the only information saved was visibility.
I used that loooong time ago. If I correctly reminds it, you should save the informations you want in a overridden CWinApp::ExitInstance() before calling base class method, and you load them in CWinApp::InitInstance. Be sure to allow for default values, because at first run, there will be nothing to load, and do not forget to call (or copy) base class.