How can I stop a Fiber? - concurrency

Let's say we have a Fiber with a long running loop and with the given timeout channel when we receive message we want to stop the fiber and restart it(or do something else). Here is the pseudo code:
# we have a timeout channel
fiber = spawn do
# long running task
# note that I can't pass anything to the function to stop
fiber.stop if timeout.receive

There is currently no way to stop a fiber from outside.
However, in #6450 there is a proposal to add Fiber#cancel which would provide a method to soft terminate a fiber by raising a CancelledException in its execution context the next time it is resumed.
This is still an active discussion, describing your use-case there would certainly be a helpful insight.
A different option would be to hard-kill a fiber by simply removing it from the scheduler. This however would never give it any chance to clean up its resources and is probably not what you want. There is no official API for this yet anyway.


Notifying a task from multiple other tasks without extra work

My application is futures-based with async/await, and has the following structure within one of its components:
a "manager", which is responsible for starting/stopping/restarting "workers", based both on external input and on the current state of "workers";
a dynamic set of "workers", which perform some continuous work, but may fail or be stopped externally.
A worker is just a spawned task which does some I/O work. Internally it is a loop which is intended to be infinite, but it may exit early due to errors or other reasons, and in this case the worker must be restarted from scratch by the manager.
The manager is implemented as a loop which awaits on several channels, including one returned by async_std::stream::interval, which essentially makes the manager into a poller - and indeed, I need this because I do need to poll some Mutex-protected external state. Based on this state, the manager, among everything else, creates or destroys its workers.
Additionally, the manager stores a set of async_std::task::JoinHandles representing live workers, and it uses these handles to check whether any workers has exited, restarting them if so. (BTW, I do this currently using select(handle, future::ready()), which is totally suboptimal because it relies on the select implementation detail, specifically that it polls the left future first. I couldn't find a better way of doing it; something like race() would make more sense, but race() consumes both futures, which won't work for me because I don't want to lose the JoinHandle if it is not ready. This is a matter for another question, though.)
You can see that in this design workers can only be restarted when the next poll "tick" in the manager occurs. However, I don't want to use a too small interval for polling, because in most cases polling just wastes CPU cycles. Large intervals, however, can delay restarting a failed/canceled worker by too much, leading to undesired latencies. Therefore, I though I'd set up another channel of ()s back from each worker to the manager, which I'd add to the main manager loop, so when a worker stops due to an error or otherwise, it will first send a message to its channel, resulting in the manager being woken up earlier than the next poll in order to restart the worker right away.
Unfortunately, with any kinds of channels this might result in more polls than needed, in case two or more workers stop at approximately the same time (which due to the nature of my application, is somewhat likely to happen). In such case it would make sense to only run the manager loop once, handling all of the stopped workers, but with channels it will necessarily result in the number of polls equal to the number of stopped workers, even if additional polls don't do anything.
Therefore, my question is: how do I notify the manager from its workers that they are finished, without resulting in extra polls in the manager? I've tried the following things:
As explained above, regular unbounded channels just won't work.
I thought that maybe bounded channels could work - if I used a channel with capacity 0, and there was a way to try and send a message into it but just drop the message if the channel is full (like the offer() method on Java's BlockingQueue), this seemingly would solve the problem. Unfortunately, the channels API, while providing such a method (try_send() seems to be like it), also has this property of having capacity larger than or equal to the number of senders, which means it can't really be used for such notifications.
Some kind of atomic or a mutex-protected boolean flag also look as if it could work, but there is no atomic or mutex API which would provide a future to wait on, and would also require polling.
Restructure the manager implementation to include JoinHandles into the main select somehow. It might do the trick, but it would result in large refactoring which I'm unwilling to make at this point. If there is a way to do what I want without this refactoring, I'd like to use that first.
I guess some kind of combination of atomics and channels might work, something like setting an atomic flag and sending a message, and then skipping any extra notifications in the manager based on the flag (which is flipped back to off after processing one notification), but this also seems like a complex approach, and I wonder if anything simpler is possible.
I recommend using the FuturesUnordered type from the futures crate. This collection allows you to push many futures of the same type into a collection and wait for any one of them to complete at once.
It implements Stream, so if you import StreamExt, you can use to obtain a future that completes once any future in the collection completes.
If you also need to wait for a timeout or mutex etc., you can use select to create a future that completes once either the timeout or one of the join handles completes. The future returned by next() implements Unpin, so it is usable with select without problems.

Standard way to wait for all tasks to finish before exiting

I was wondering - is there a straightforward way to wait for all tasks to finish running before exiting without keeping track of all the ObjectIDs (and get()ing them)? Use case is when I launch #remotes for saving output, for example, where there is no return result needed. It's just extra stuff to keep track of if I have to store those futures.
Currently there is no standard way to block until all tasks have finished.
There are some workarounds that can be used.
Keep track of all of the object IDs in a list object_ids and then call ray.get(object_ids) or ray.wait(object_ids, num_returns=len(object_ids)).
Loop as long as some resources are being used.
import time
while (ray.global_state.cluster_resources() !=
The above code will loop until it detects that no tasks are currently being executed. However this is not a foolproof approach. It's possible that there could be a moment in time when no tasks are running but a scheduler a task is about to start running.

Is there a limit to the number of created events?

I'm developing a C++14 Windows DLL on VS2015 that runs on all Windows version >= XP.
Is there a limit to the number of events, created with CreateEvent, with different names of course?
I'm writing a thread pool class.
The class interface is simple:
void AddTask(std::function<void()> task);
Task is added to a queue of tasks and waiting workers (vector <thread>) activate the task when available.
Wait (block) for a task for a little bit before continuing with the flow. Meaning, some users of ThreadPool, after calling AddTask, may want to wait for a while (say 1 second) for the task to end, before continuing with the flow. If the task is not done yet, they will continue with the flow anyways.
ThreadPool class cannot provide Wait interface. Not its responsibility.
ThreadPool will SetEvent when task is done.
Users of ThreadPool will wait (or not. depend on their need) for the event to be signaled.
So, I've changed the return value of ThreadPool::AddTask from void to int where int is a unique task ID which is essentially the name of the event to be singled when a task is done.
I don't expect more than ~500 tasks but I'm afraid that creating hundreds of events is not possible or even a bad practice.
So is there a limit? or a better approach?
Of course there is a limit (if nothing else; at some point the system runs out of memory).
In reality, the limit is around 16 million per process.
You can read more details here:
You're asking the wrong question. Fortunately you gave enough background to answer your real question. But before we get to that:
First, if you're asking what's the maximum number of events a process can open or a system can hold, you're probably doing something very very wrong. Same goes for asking what's the maximum number of files a process can open or what's the maximum number of threads a process can create.
You can create 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000... but where does it stop? If you're even considering creating that many of them that you have to ask about a limit, you're on the wrong track.
Second, the answer depends on too many implementation details: OS version, amount of RAM installed, registry settings, and maybe more. Other programs running also affect that "limit".
Third, even if you knew the limit - even if you could somehow calculate it at runtime based on all the relevant factors - it wouldn't allow you to do anything that you can't already do now.
Lets say you find out the limit is L and you have created exactly L events by now. Another task come in. What do you do? Throw away the task? Execute the task without signaling an event? Wait until there are fewer than L events and only then create an event and start executing the task? Crash the process?
Whatever you decide you can do it just the same when CreateEvent fails. All of this is completely pointless. And this is yet another indication that you're asking the wrong question.
But maybe the most wrong thing you're doing is saying "the thread pool class can't provide wait because it's not its responsibility, so lets have the thread pool class provide an event for each task that the thread pool will signal when the task ends" (in paraphrase).
It looks like by the end of the sentence you forgot the premise from the beginning: It's not the thread pool's responsibility!
If you want to wait for the task to finish have the task itself signal when it's done. There's no reason to complicate the thread pool because someone, sometimes want to wait on tasks. Signaling that the task is done is the task's job:
event evt; ///// this
thread_pool.queue([evt] {
// whatever
evt.signal(); ///// and this
auto reason = wait(evt, 1s);
if (reason == timeout) {
The event class could be anything you want - a Windows event, and std::promise and std::future pair, or anything else.
This is so simple and obvious.
Complicating the thread pool infrastructure, taking up valuable system resources for nothing, and signaling synchronization primitives even when no one's listening just to save the two marked code lines above in the few cases where you actually want to wait for the task is unjustifiable.

Callback in user-mode from another process, w/o extra thread

I wonder if anyone familiar with a synchronization mechanism in user-mode, by which an app can register a "callback" function that would be called when another app signals it ... i don't mind the callback to be in an arbitraty thread.
Suppose i'm having lots of "Worker" processes in parallel, And one wants to notify them of a change (no payloaded data needed), by which every process will have to do some internal updates.
The immediate approach to this was to create another thread in each of them, and have an infinite loop that waits for a global event and call the callback function right afterwards. To signal this, one process would only need to signal this global event.
The problem is that i'll have lots of parallel processes in this project, i don't want to add thread*nProcesses to the system just to implement this, even if they're mostly paused.
The current "workaround" i found for this would be to hold my own "dummy" registry key, and every process will "register registery notification callback", when one app wants to notify the others it will just trigger a write to this key... and windows will callback every process which registered to this notification.
Any other ideas?
The nicer solution, which doesn't pollute the registry, would be to use a shared pipe. All workers can connect to the named pipe server, and do an async read. When the server wants to kick the workers, it just writes a byte. This triggers the completion routine of the worker. Basic example
Still, this notification has the same drawback as most other Windows notifications. If all of your worker threads are running worker code, there's no thread on which your notification can arrive - and you didn't create a special thread for that purpose either. The only solution around that is CreateRemoteThread, but that's a very big hammer.
thank you all for the useful ideas,
Eventually, I accidentally came across RegisterWaitForSingleObject which seems to do just that.
I'm still taking in account #MSalters comment about not having enough free worker threads at a given time since i'm assuming this callback mechanism relies on the same callback mechanism most Win32API does

Number of parallel instances of my process (app)

Is there some portable way to check the number of parallel instances of my app?
I have a c++ app (win32) where I need to know how often it was started. The problem is
that several user can start it parallel (terminal server), so i cannot search the "running process" list because I'm not able to access the the list of other users.
I tried it with Semaphore (boost & win32 CreateSemaphore)
It worked, but now I have the problem if the app crashes (Assertion or just kill the process) the counter is not changed. (rebooting helps)
Also manually removing/resetting the semaphore counter in my code is not possible because I don't know if somebody else is running my application.
Edited to add:
Suppose you have a license that lets you run 20 full-functionality copies of your program. Then you could have 20 mutexes, named MyProgMutex1 through MyProgMutex20. At startup, your program can loop through the mutexes. If it finds a spare mutex that it can take, it stops looping and enters full-functionality mode. If it loops through all the mutexes without being able to take any of them, then it enters reduced-functionality mode.
Original answer:
I assume you want to make sure that only one copy of your process runs at once. (Or, for Terminal Server, one copy of your process per login session).
Your named semaphore solution is close. The right way to do this is a named mutex. Use CreateMutex to make the mutex, then call WaitForSingleObject with a timeout of zero. If WaitForSingleObject returns WAIT_TIMEOUT, another copy of the process is running. If it returns WAIT_OBJECT_0 or WAIT_ABANDONED, then you are the only copy of the process. You need to keep the mutex handle open while your program runs - either call CloseHandle when your process is about to exit, or just deliberately leak the handle and rely on Window's built-in cleanup to release the handle for you when your process exits. Windows will automatically increment the mutex's counter when your process exits.
The only thing I can think of that mitigates the problem of crashed processes is a kind of “dead man’s switch”: each process needs to update its status in regular intervals. If a process fails to do this, it’s automatically discarded from the list of active processes.
This technique requires that one of the processes acts as a server which keeps tab of whether other processes have updated recently. If the server dies, then another process can take over. This, in turn, requires that each process tests whether there still is a server alive.
Alternatively, each process can be its own server and keep track locally. This may be easier to implement than server-switching.
You can broadcast message and other instances of your application should send some response. You count responses - you get number of instances.