Static linking libc++ clang - c++

I trying to link statically the standard library libc++ ( in Linux (Arch using this AUR using Clang.
I get the error /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lc++
The error is independent from the code, it appears even in a "Hello World".
If I remove the -static option it compiles (and links) and the generated executable works.
I don't want to use libstdc++ (I have my reasons not to please not focus the discussion in this) and the linking must be static (it's a requirement).
I'm perfectly aware that it's difficult to debug this stuff without having access to the machine where it happens. However, it happens it two different machines (both with Arch) so maybe it's something I'm forgetting about.
What I have tried so far is explained here (
The basic command that shoud work it's the following
clang++ -static -stdlib=libc++ -std=c++17 main.cpp -lc++abi

That will be because you do not have a static libc++ (i.e. libc++.a) installed
on your system. Archlinux defaulted to not installing static libraries 5 years ago,
so it will be challenging for you to perform fully static linkages. You will
have to make your own static builds of all dependent libraries, recursively.


How can I statically link standard library to my C++ program?

I'm using Code::Blocks IDE(v13.12) with GNU GCC Compiler.
I want to the linker to link static versions of required runtime libraries for my programs, how may I do this?
I already know that my executable size will increase. Would you please tell me other the downsides?
What about doing this in Visual C++ Express?
Since nobody else has come up with an answer yet, I will give it a try. Unfortunately, I don't know that Code::Blocks IDE so my answer will only be partial.
1 How to Create a Statically Linked Executable with GCC
This is not IDE specific but holds for GCC (and many other compilers) in general. Assume you have a simplistic “hello, world” program in main.cpp (no external dependencies except for the standard library and runtime library). You'd compile and statically link it via:
Compile main.cpp to main.o (the output file name is implicit):
$ g++ -c -Wall main.cpp
The -c tells GCC to stop after the compilation step (not run the linker). The -Wall turns on most diagnostic messages. If novice programmers would use it more often and pay more attention to it, many questions on this site would not have been asked. ;-)
Link main.o (could list more than one object file) statically pulling in the standard and runtime library and put the executable in the file main:
$ g++ -o main main.o -static
Without using the -o main switch, GCC would have put the final executable in the not so well-named file a.out (which once eventually stood for “assembly output”).
Especially at the beginning, I strongly recommend doing such things “by hand” as it will help get a better understanding of the build tool-chain.
As a matter of fact, the above two commands could have been combined into just one:
$ g++ -Wall -o main main.cpp -static
Any reasonable IDE should have options for specifying such compiler / linker flags.
2 Pros and Cons of Static Linking
Reasons for static linking:
You have a single file that can be copied to any machine with a compatible architecture and operating system and it will just work, no matter what version of what library is installed.
You can execute the program in an environment where the shared libraries are not available. For example, putting a statically linked CGI executable into a chroot() jail might help reduce the attack surface on a web server.
Since no dynamic linking is needed, program startup might be faster. (I'm sure there are situations where the opposite is true, especially if the shared library was already loaded for another process.)
Since the linker can hard-code function addresses, function calls might be faster.
On systems that have more than one version of a common library (LAPACK, for example) installed, static linking can help make sure that a specific version is always used without worrying about setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly. Obviously, this is also a disadvantage since now you cannot select the library any more without recompiling. If you always wanted the same version, why would you have installed more than one in the first place?
Reasons against static linking:
As you have already mentioned, the size of the executable might grow dramatically. This depends of course heavily on what libraries you link in.
The operating system might be smart enough to load the text section of a shared library into the RAM only once if several processes need the library at the same time. By linking statically, you void this advantage and the system might run short of memory more quickly.
Your program no longer profits from library upgrades. Instead of simply replacing one shared library with a (hopefully ABI compatible) newer release, a system administrator will have to recompile and reinstall every program that uses it. This is the most severe drawback in my opinion.
Consider for example the OpenSSL library. When the Heartbleed bug was discovered and fixed earlier this year, system administrators could install a patched version of OpenSSL and restart all services to fix the vulnerability within a day as soon as the patch was out. That is, if their services were linking dynamically against OpenSSL. For those that have been linked statically, it would have taken weeks until the last one was fixed and I'm pretty sure that there is still proprietary “all in one” software out in the wild that did not see a fix up to the present day.
Your users cannot replace a shared library on the fly. For example, the torsocks script (and associated library) allows users to replace (via setting LD_PRELOAD appropriately) the networking system library by one that routes their traffic through the Tor network. And this even works for programs whose developers never even thought of that possibility. (Whether this is secure and a good idea is subject of an unrelated debate.) An other common use-case is debugging or “hardening” applications by replacing malloc and the like with specialized versions.
In my opinion, the disadvantages of static linking outweigh the advantages in all but very special cases. As a rule of thumb: link dynamically if you can and statically if you have to.
A Addendum
As Alf has pointed out (see comments), there is a special GCC option to selectively link in the C++ standard library statically but not link the whole program statically. From the GCC manual:
When the g++ program is used to link a C++ program, it normally automatically links against libstdc++. If libstdc++ is available as a shared library, and the -static option is not used, then this links against the shared version of libstdc++. That is normally fine. However, it is sometimes useful to freeze the version of libstdc++ used by the program without going all the way to a fully static link. The -static-libstdc++ option directs the g++ driver to link libstdc++ statically, without necessarily linking other libraries statically.
In Visual C++, the /MT option does a static link and the /MD option does a dynamic link. (see
I'd recommend using /MD and redistributing the C++ runtime, which is freely available from Microsoft. Once the C++ runtime is installed, than any program requiring the run time will continue to work. You would need to pass the proper option to tell the compiler which runtime to use. There is a good explanation here, Should I compile with /MD or /MT?
On Linux, I'd recommend redistributing libstdc++ instead of a static link. If their system libstdc++ works, I'd let the user just use that. System libraries, such as libpthread and libgcc should just use the system default. This requires compiling the program on a system with symbols compatible with all linux versions you are distributing for.
On Mac OS X, just redistribute the app with dynamic linking to libstdc++. Anyone using the same OS version should be able to use your program.

Undefined reference to .. error (Linux) - Compiles fine in OSX

Have wasted almost full 4 days trying to compile this package. It compiles fine in OSX 10.6, but gives Undefined reference errors when I try to compile it on a linux (Kubuntu 10.04, kernel) machine.
The error seem to be that the makefiles are ordered wrong, but AFAIK, I am the only one having trouble compiling it. So I'm trying to find what's making the difference. The software package is quite big and editing the Makefiles and moving 30-50 libraries here and there doesn't seem like a good idea.
Here's the differences I think I found so far
Compiler - gcc-4.7 (Linux) and llvm-gcc-4.2 (OSX)
Compiler flags --shared (Linux) and -dynamic -dynamiclib -undefined dynamic_lookup (OSX)
Anyone have any suggestions?
I tried using clang++ and llvm-gcc-4.7 as the compiler, but I think it still used the same linker (ld?). So I could try to specify to use llvm? How do I do that?
is --shared flag somehow different from the dynamic -dynamiclib -undefined dynamic_lookup flags in OSX?
Does the linux kernel or distribution matter? (I think they compiled it fine on a CentOS machine)
Please help.
Thanks a lot.
Compiled it with gcc 4.4 and worked flawlessly. I guess the order doesn't matter on 4.4 for the given package.
The undefined references type of errors can be caused by a symbol not being compiled in, not being linked or being linked out of order. The way to debug this is to check the linker line, the symbol that the linker complains about. The error message will probably tell you what object file has the dependency.
Now, you need to find out whether the symbol is compiled or linked, for that you will need to find if it is in any of the object files or in any of the libraries and which. You can use the nm command line tool to list the symbols that are defined in any given .o or library. If the symbol is not there, then you need to figure out what to add to the linker line and that will solve it.
If the symbol appears in one library, then identify which of the libraries depends on that symbol (from the linker error message) and the library that contains it. The former must be listed before the latter in the linker command line (assuming static linking).
As a simple hack, although I recommend against it, you can instruct the gcc linker to do multiple passes by using the --start-group and --end-group command line options. Although I really recommend that you figure out the order of dependencies, as that will also give you a better insight into your project.

Glibc issue using g++

I have a problem, i'm compiling my C++ app in Linux machine. Then i move executable to other machine, but i have an error:
./server: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.7' not found (required by ./server)
How can i fix it? Without recompiling on second machine where this error happens (it is my client machine)
Compile command:
g++ -o server test.cpp server.cpp ... -lboost_system -lboost_thread -std=c++0x
Your app is using glibc-2.7 library, and app can not find it on other machine. It probably have older version of this library. You have following options:
Upgrade this library on target host
Link you app against older library version
Use static linking
Ship library together with app
How statically link to just one library:
gcc main.c mylibrary.a -o main
Note that most distros do not install static libraries by default.
There are three choices:
compile on the original machine with -static given to the compiler, which will include the relevant libraries in your binary [and possibly give you a warning or two about "this may not work right"]
compile the code on the new machine.
Install the correct version of library on the target machine.
I tend to use option 1 most of the time, but have used all three at various points.

compile against libc++ statically

I wrote some custom c++ code and it works fine in ubuntu, but when I upload it to my server (which uses centos 5) its fails and says library is out of date. I googled all around and centos cannot use the latest libraries. How can I compile against the stl so that it is included in the binary and it doesn't matter that centos uses an old library?
P.S. I don't want to upload the source to the server and compile there.
In your linking step, you can simply add the "-static" flag to gcc:
You may install on your Ubuntu box the compiler that fits the version of the library on your server.
You may ship your application with taken from the system you compiled it at, provided you tune the linking so it gets loaded instead of centos' one.
You may compile it statically. To do this, you should switch your compiler from g++ to
gcc -lgcc_s -Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -Wl,-Bdynamic
Choose whatever you like. Note that approaches (2) and (3) may arise the problem of dependencies: your project (particularly, the stdc++ implementation that, being statically linked, is now a part of your app) may require some functions to present in the system libraries on centos. If there are no such functions, your application won't start. The reason why it can happen is that ubuntu system you're compiling at is newer, and forward compatibility is not preserved in linux libraries.

Problems linking static Intel IPP libraries on Linux with g++

I've been trying to move a project over from Xcode to Linux (Ubuntu x86 for now, but hopefully the statically-linked executable will run on an x86 CentOS machine? I hope I hope?). I have the whole project compiling but it fails at the linking stage-- it's giving me undefined references for all functions defined by IPP. This is probably something really small and silly but I've been beating my head over this for a couple days now and I can't get it to work.
Here's the compile statement (I also have a makefile that's generating the same errors):
g++ -static
-pthread -I /opt/intel/ipp/
-I tools/include -o main main.cpp pick_peak.cpp
rhythm_score.cpp pitch_score.cpp
tools/source/wave.cpp distance.cpp
...and here is the beginning of the long list of linker errors:
./main.o: In function `main':
main.cpp:(.text+0x13f): undefined reference to `ippsMalloc_16s'
main.cpp:(.text+0x166): undefined reference to `ippsMalloc_32f'
main.cpp:(.text+0x213): undefined reference to `ippsMalloc_16s'
Any ideas? FWIW, these are the IPP dependencies in my Xcode project that builds, links, and runs without a problem: "-lippiemerged",
Your linking problem is likely due to the fact that your link line is completely backwards: archive libraries should follow source and object files on command line, not precede them. To understand why the order matters, read this.
Also note that on Linux statically linked executables are significantly less portable than dynamically linked ones. In general, if you link system libraries dynamically on an older Linux system, it will work on all newer systems (I use ancient RedHat 6.2, and I haven't seen a system on which my executable will not run). This is not true for completely static executables; they may crash in all kinds of "interesting" ways when moved to a system with a different libc from the one against which they were linked.
I had problems with linking code with the v 6 of the ipp; using the v11 version of the compiler (with the included updates to the ipp) mysteriously fixed them. Granted, that was with a windows platform, but I was getting 8u versions of functions to compile and no 32f versions, despite both being listed as valid in the documentation.