While loop causing lag for SDL_Rect and SDL_Textures? - c++

I'm making a game using C++ and SDL, the game is a Space Invaders type of game. It's all been going smoothly until I added a background image in the while loop, this is the render and init code for the background:
void SZ_Background::Init(SDL_Renderer* pRenderer)
int w, h;
SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(pRenderer, &w, &h);
bg_img.x = 0;
bg_img.y = 0;
bg_img.h = h;
bg_img.w = w;
SDL_Surface* background_img = IMG_Load("content/bg_img.bmp");
SDL_Texture* background_img_tex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(pRenderer, background_img);
SDL_RenderCopy(pRenderer, background_img_tex, NULL, &bg_img);
void SZ_Background::Render(SDL_Renderer* pRenderer)
int w, h;
SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(pRenderer, &w, &h);
bg_img.x = 0;
bg_img.y = 0;
bg_img.h = h;
bg_img.w = w;
SDL_Surface* background_img = IMG_Load("content/bg_img.bmp");
SDL_Texture* background_img_tex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(pRenderer, background_img);
SDL_RenderCopy(pRenderer, background_img_tex, NULL, &bg_img);
main.cpp - The loop:
if (GameState == 3)
printf("INFO: Game State: %d - Game Screen Loaded\n", GameState);
mainEnemies.gameover = false;
while (!done)
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(game_renderer, 0, 0, 20, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
if (gOver.rMenu == true)
GameState = 0;
if (aTimer.getTicks() < DELTA_TIME)
SDL_Delay(DELTA_TIME - aTimer.getTicks());
mainBG is the background.

The issue is that you're initializing background_img and background_img_tex every time you call SZ_Background::Render:
SDL_Surface* background_img = IMG_Load("content/bg_img.bmp");
SDL_Texture* background_img_tex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(pRenderer,background_img);
That's not necessary, you already initialize them in SZ_Background::Init, and that's all you need to do. The way it is now, not only might it slow down the program by loading that background from disk every frame, but it's also leaking memory every time (mostly your RAM for SDL_Surface, and your GPU's memory for SDL_Texture). Remove those IMG_Load and SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface calls in Render and it should be better.


Getting an error "This was 0x35" in C++ using SDL2

I'm trying to make a simple game engine in C++ and I keep getting a weird error that says "This was 0x35":
I'm using visual studio and SDL2 (although I use it more like SDL). When the error occurs, the program has started to execute and is "Still running" meaning I have to stop it manually. The exception shows up in this function:
void Tab::Draw(int x, int y, SDL_Surface* display, bool setpos = true)
if (setpos) {
this->rect->x = x; //This is the line that the exception points to.
this->rect->y = y;
SDL_BlitScaled(surf, NULL, display, rect);
The variable 'rect' is an SDL_Rect
The variable 'surf' is an SDL_Surface
both variables get initialized here:
Tab::Tab(SDL_Surface* Image, SDL_Rect* Rect) {
surf = Image;
if (Rect != NULL) {
rect = Rect;
and this is the only code that calls the function Tab::Draw:
void Bar::Draw(SDL_Surface* display)
SDL_BlitScaled(image, NULL, display, &rect);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
tabs[i]->Draw(0, 0, display, true);
The bar class is meant to be a line with a bunch of tabs(which I should and will rename to Icon at some point)
Where Bar::Draw gets called:
#include "AppClass.h"
void CApp::OnRender() {
//Draw stuff
SDL_FillRect(window, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(window->format, r, g, b));
ToBlit->Rect.x = mouseX - 32;
ToBlit->Rect.y = mouseY - 32;
ToBlit->Rect.w = 64;
ToBlit->Rect.h = 64;
if (SDL_GetMouseFocus() == display) {
SDL_BlitScaled(ToBlit->Surface, NULL, window, &ToBlit->Rect);

How deep is mouse in Rectangle C++ & SDL2 (Position flickers between two positions)

I am creating a program, and I have a rectangle. Basically, I am creating a custom window inside the SDL2 window, which is a Rect, with another Rect being its toolbar. I am struggling for hours trying to figure how to detect how deep is the mouse within the Rect, but I am failing every time. The most obvious equation for me was int deep = mousePos.x - x, but it flickers between two positions every time I move my mouse. I then have tried a LOT of other calculations, but none of them worked. Either they flickered between two positions with descending values, or they were completely static and didn't move, or always moved a lot in a specific direction. I have visually represented the calculations, which were mostly correct, but the flickering between two positions is always ruining it. Thanks for any help. I am providing source code, too.
// main.cpp
// Open
// Created by Fildom on 28.12.2021.
// Library includes
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <stdio.h>
bool isdown = false;
// Screen rendering helper
void on_render(SDL_Window* window, SDL_Renderer* renderer);
// Concatenation (probably not spelt correctly but idrc) for easier use
const char * concat(const char * one, const char * two) {
char * buffer = new char[strlen(one) + strlen(two) + 1];
strcpy(buffer, one);
strcat(buffer, two);
return buffer;
// Main method, required for performing application run
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
SDL_Renderer *renderer = NULL; // Initialize the renderer
SDL_Event event = { 0 }; // Create a null event
SDL_Window *win = NULL; // Initialize a window
int exit = 0; // If exit is 1, win closes
// Window pre-modifiers
const char * appName = "test";
// SDL VIDEO mode initialization and error check
if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) == -1) {
printf("SDL_Init() failed with \"%s.\"", SDL_GetError());
return 1;
// Create the window and load it into a previously defined variable
win = SDL_CreateWindow(concat(appName, " - Initialization in progress"), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 800, 600, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN);
// Window creation was unsuccessfull
if(!win) {
printf("SDL_CreateWindow() failed with \"%s.\"", SDL_GetError());
return -1;
// Creating renderer
renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(win, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED);
// If renderer failed to load...
if(!renderer) {
printf("SDL_CreateRenderer() failed with \"%s.\"", SDL_GetError());
return -1;
// Everything has gone OK, thus the window can be renamed
SDL_SetWindowTitle(win, appName);
// Game loop, as said previously, false = 0, true = 1.
// while !exit |
// while not exit <- |
// while exit is 0 (false) <-
while (!exit) {
// Event loop
if (SDL_WaitEvent(&event)) {
// Event types
switch(event.type) {
case SDL_QUIT:
exit = 1; // Exit = 1, thus app is being exitted
if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) exit = 1; // If ESC is pressed
isdown = false;
isdown = true;
switch(event.window.event) {
case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE: // macOS and/or other OSes rely on right click + Quit to fully exit out of an application. This makes it easier by just hitting the close button.
exit = 1;
default: break;
// Render the screen
on_render(win, renderer);
// Swap buffers to display
// Cleanup
return 0;
class Window {
int x, y, w, h;
SDL_Color winc, wintc;
bool draggable;
int titleh;
Window(int wx, int wy, int ww, int wh, SDL_Color window_color = {255, 255, 255, 255}, SDL_Color window_title_color = {200, 200, 200, 255}) {
x = wx;
y = wy;
w = ww;
h = wh;
winc = window_color;
wintc = window_title_color;
draggable = true;
titleh = 50;
int tx, ty = 0;
void Render(SDL_Renderer* renderer) {
SDL_Rect _t;
_t.x = x;
_t.y = y;
_t.w = w;
_t.h = h;
SDL_Rect title;
title.x = x;
title.y = y;
title.w = w;
title.h = titleh;
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, winc.r, winc.g, winc.b, winc.a);
SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &_t);
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, wintc.r, wintc.g, wintc.b, wintc.a);
SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &title);
int mx, my;
SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my);
SDL_Point ms;
ms.x = mx;
ms.y = my;
if (SDL_PointInRect(&ms, &title) and isdown) {
x = mx - tx;
y = my - ty;
tx = x;
ty = y;
Window test1 = Window(200, 100, 300, 200);
void on_render(SDL_Window* window, SDL_Renderer* renderer) {
SDL_Rect wind = { 0 };
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
SDL_GetWindowSize(window, &wind.w, &wind.h);
I ended up doing it in a different way. Instead of using mousePosition.x and y, I used relative X and Y which worked out perfectly.
code for that is
mousePosition.relX and mousePosition.relY;

SDL Pong Movement Bug

The problem with my code is that I am making a pong game in SDL 2.0 in c++. I did everything until creating the movement. When the player paddle moves, it leaves behind a trail in the same color as the paddle. I watched some videos on YouTube, but when they do the movement it's nice and clear and for me to fix this but I need to recolor the background every time the player moves, which makes it being all flashy and if I hold the button I don't see the paddle at all.
#define width 800
#define height 600
using namespace std;
bool run = true;
class Player{
SDL_Window* window = SDL_CreateWindow("Pong!", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED,
SDL_Surface* Screen = SDL_GetWindowSurface(window);
Uint32 screen_color = SDL_MapRGB(Screen->format, 0, 0, 0);
Uint32 In_game_RGB = SDL_MapRGB(Screen->format, 255, 255, 255);
SDL_Rect Pl;
SDL_Rect AI;
SDL_Rect Ball;
SDL_Rect ClearP;
SDL_Rect ClearAI;
//Player parameters
Pl.x = 60;Pl.y = 225;Pl.w = 25;Pl.h = 200;
//AI parameters
AI.x = 720;AI.y = 225;AI.w = 25;AI.h = 200;
//Ball parameters
Ball.x = width/2;Ball.y = height/2+10;Ball.w = 25;Ball.h = 25;
//Recoloring parameters
ClearP.x = 0;ClearP.y = 0; ClearP.w = 375;ClearP.h = height;
ClearAI.x = 425;ClearAI.y = 0;ClearAI.w = 375;ClearAI.h = height;
//Make the screen color black
SDL_FillRect(Screen, NULL, screen_color);
void scrUpdate(){
void drawPlayer(){
SDL_FillRect(Screen, &Pl, In_game_RGB);
void drawComputer(){
SDL_FillRect(Screen, &AI, In_game_RGB);
void ball(){
SDL_FillRect(Screen, &Ball, In_game_RGB);
void Movement(){
Pl.y += 2;
Pl.y -= 2;
void EventCheck(){
SDL_Event event;
if(event.type == SDL_QUIT){
run = false;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
Player Play;
//Player Computer();
It would help to show some code or an example of what you have been doing, or a link to one of the videos you have been watching:
Youtube tutorial
but I suggest taking a look at:
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(800, 600, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE); and SDL_Flip(screen) as those have to do with screen buffering and drawing.
Another possibilty is that you are running an outdated version of SDL, or an incompatible one with your current system.
To be able to give a more complete and proper answer, I'd highly suggest adding more information about your code, screenshots of results and your version of SDL and operating system.
Also, you said it was flashy when you hold the paddle. I think it must be that you are performing your logic to move the paddle and you redraw the paddle once it's still. If you are redrawing the entire screen constantly, consider double buffering.

SDL C Program freezes on sdl_blitsurface

I'm having an issue with a program I'm working on. Occasionally, it will just freeze. No errors or anything.
The game is a multiplayer game where you fly a ship around. Pictures of other players and powerups move in and out of view depending on your location. For the most part, it works great, but under certain circumstances, it locks up.
I've tracked it down to when it BLITs one surface onto another. (SDL_BlitSurface).
If I comment out the single line of code where it blits (SDL_BlitSurface), and replace the graphic with a simple circle, it'll never freeze under any circumstances. But, comment out the circle and replace it with blitting the graphic again, and it'll randomly freeze. The frustrating part is, sometimes it will, sometimes it won't. Sometimes the graphic will sit on screen for a few moments and then freeze, sometimes it'll freeze the moment it shows up. Sometimes, it won't freeze at all. I simply cannot track it down to anything in particular.
I have ample amount of code that checks for NULL surfaces and it doesn't seem to stop it.
I also have it set up to output information about all the graphics to a file (such as width, height, location in memory, x, y, etc) and nothing seems out of the ordinary.
My main questions are, what about surfaces can cause SDL_BlitSurface to freeze? And what other checks can I add for surfaces to make sure it doesn't try to blit bad surfaces?
The code is too long to list, but here is how it works:
class Player
int x;
int y;
int xvel;
int yvel;
SDL_Surface *DrawScreen;
SDL_Surface *ShipPic;
void check_player_dist();
void check_powerup_dist();
void update();
class PowerUp
int x;
int y;
int type;
SDL_Surface *Powerup_Pic;
Apply_Surface(0, 0, PlayerShipPics, ShipPic);
Player::Update(Player p[], PowerUp pu[])
x += xvel;
y += yvel;
for (int i = 0; i < Num_Players; i++)
if (check_on_screen(p[i].x, p[i].y) == true)
Apply_Surface(x - p[i].x, y - p[i].y, p[i].ShipPic, DrawScreen);
for (int i = 0; i < Num_PowerUps; i++)
if (check_on_screen(pu[i].x, pu[i].y) == true)
Apply_Surface(x - pu[i].x, y - pu[i].y, pu[i].Pic, DrawScreen);
int main()
SDL_Surface *Screen;
Player players[4];
PowerUp powerups[200];
Num_Players = 4;
Num_PowerUps = 200;
while (quit == false)
for (int i = 0; i < Num_Players; i++)
players[i].update(players, powerups);
switch (i)
case 0: ScreenX = 0; ScreenY = 0; break;
case 1: ScreenX = ScreenWid / 2; ScreenY = 0; break;
case 2: ScreenX = 0; ScreenY = ScreenHigh / 2; break;
case 3: ScreenX = ScreenWid / 2; ScreenY = ScreenHigh / 2; break;
Apply_Surface (ScreenX, ScreenY, players[i].DrawScreen, Screen);
if (SDL_Flip(Screen) == -1)
return -1;
void Apply_Surface (int x, int y, SDL_Surface* Source, SDL_Surface* Destination, SDL_Rect* Clip)
SDL_Rect Offset;
Offset.x = x;
Offset.y = y;
if ((Source != NULL) && (Destination != NULL))
SDL_BlitSurface (Source, Clip, Destination, &Offset );
I've noticed it generally freezes when two or more players are near each other and it tries to draw the same power-up on both of their screens. But again...not always!
Well, I figured out what it was.
I was using the SDL_GFX library along with my game. Many of the images were created using rotozoomSurface(), which is a function of SDL_GFX.
Turns out there's a bug in it where, under certain circumstances that I don't know, it'll create a bad surface that will work "most" of the time, but under the right conditions, will crash. Such as, being placed at a particular x & y coordinate on the screen. (Don't know for sure). The rotated/zoomed images would work about 95% of the time, so it was very difficult to pin point what the issue was.
The work around was, when the image was created, just SDL_BlitSurface() it onto another surface under controlled conditions, such as putting it at coordinates (0, 0). Then, delete the rotated and zoomed surface, and just use the new "safe" surface.
Works great after that.
Hopefully this will help anyone who's using SDL_GFX and cannot figure out why their program is crashing.
SDL_Surface *original = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, Ship_Width, Ship_Height, Screen_BPP, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Apply_Surface(0, 0, ShipsPic, original, &bounds);
SDL_Surface *finished = rotozoomSurface(original, pic_angle, zoom, SMOOTHING_ON);
return finished;
After (fixed):
SDL_Surface *original = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, Ship_Width, Ship_Height, Screen_BPP, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Apply_Surface(0, 0, ShipsPic, original, &bounds);
SDL_Surface *temp = rotozoomSurface(original, pic_angle, zoom, SMOOTHING_ON);
SDL_Surface *finished = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, temp->w, temp->h, Screen_BPP, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Apply_Surface(0, 0, temp, finished);
return finished;
And for what it's worth, the Apply_Surface() function:
void Apply_Surface (int x, int y, SDL_Surface* Source, SDL_Surface* Destination, SDL_Rect* Clip)
SDL_Rect Offset;
Offset.x = x;
Offset.y = y;
if ((Source != NULL) && (Destination != NULL))
SDL_BlitSurface (Source, Clip, Destination, &Offset );
There's not really enough information to figure out what exactly is going on. Computers don't like to do things "sometimes," they either do them or not, so it leads me to believe that maybe there's some variable that's doing something it shouldn't.
Just in case, what does your Apply_Surface() function look like? I assume that's where you're doing your actual blitting, and if that's where you're having your problems, that would be useful for those of us trying to figure out your dilemma.

How to properly use SDL_BlitSurface() with SDL_CreateRGBSurface()?

(See "Edit 2" below for the solution.)
I need to create SDL surfaces from scratch, instead of loading them from a file. Unfortunately, SDL_BlitSurface() seems to render all colors as black when used with the surface generated through SDL_CreateRGBSurface(). This is my code:
int main(int argc, char** argv)
SDL_Surface* screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE);
SDL_Surface* layer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE, 100, 100,
SDL_Rect rect;
rect.x = 0;
rect.y = 0;
rect.w = 100;
rect.h = 100;
Uint32 blue = SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 255);
SDL_FillRect(layer, &rect, blue);
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, NULL, layer, NULL);
return 0;
What I get is a black screen, instead of a 100x100 blue rectangle. What I could find by Googling doesn't seem to help me, as those questions either apply to 8bit surfaces (and setting palettes — my bpp is 32 here) or are left unanswered.
So, I would like to know how should I properly blit a generated surface onto a SDL screen.
Edit: I see it was an error in the parameter ordering. The line in question should read
SDL_BlitSurface(layer, NULL, screen, NULL);
Still, I am having trouble to achieve the same effect in my more complex C++ program. I will post the relevant parts of the code here:
int main(int argc, char** argv)
SDLScreen screen(1024, 700, "Hello, SDL!");
SDL_Event event;
SDLMenu menu;
bool shouldQuit = false;
menu.setBounds(200, 100, 200, 600);
menu.addItem("New game");
menu.addItem("Load game");
menu.addItem("Save game");
while (!shouldQuit)
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event))
if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)
shouldQuit = true;
else if (event.type == SDL_KEYUP)
if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_q)
shouldQuit = true;
SDLMenu::setSelectionColorRGB(int r, int g, int b)
SDL_VideoInfo* info = (SDL_VideoInfo*)SDL_GetVideoInfo();
selectionColor = SDL_MapRGB(info->vfmt, r, g, b);
SDLText* current = NULL;
SDL_VideoInfo* info = (SDL_VideoInfo*)SDL_GetVideoInfo();
if (!items->empty())
current = getItemAt(currentItem);
selectionRect = getItemRect(current);
selectionCanvas = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE,
selectionRect->w, selectionRect->h,
SDL_FillRect(selectionCanvas, selectionRect, selectionColor);
SDL_SaveBMP(selectionCanvas, "selection.bmp"); // debug
for (list<SDLText*>::iterator i = items->begin();
i != items->end(); i++)
SDLMenu::draw(SDL_Surface* canvas)
int currentY = bounds.y;
if (selectionCanvas != NULL)
SDL_BlitSurface(selectionCanvas, NULL, canvas, selectionRect);
for (list<SDLText*>::iterator i = items->begin();
i != items->end(); i++)
(*i)->draw(bounds.x, currentY, canvas);
currentY += fontSize + itemGap;
SDLScreen::SDLScreen(int w, int h, string t, int d)
: width(w), height(h), depth(d), title(t)
SDL_WM_SetCaption(title.c_str(), NULL);
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE);
The selection rectangle for the active menu item should be blue, but it shows up in black. The file selection.bmp is also all black.
Edit 2: I found out what created the problem. The selectionRect was set relative to the screen, while the selectionCanvas had the width and height of a particular menu item. So, the filling was done out of bounds of the selectionCanvas. Adding separate SDL_Rect for filling solved the problem.
SDL_Rect fillRect;
fillRect.x = 0;
fillRect.y = 0;
fillRect.w = selectionRect->w;
fillRect.h = selectionRect->h;
SDL_FillRect(selectionCanvas, &fillRect, selectionColor);
// and later...
SDL_BlitSurface(selectionCanvas, NULL, canvas, selectionRect);
You inverted source and destination. To blit on screen, it should be
SDL_BlitSurface(layer, NULL, screen, NULL);
doc for SDL_BlitSurface