Segmented FTP upload - c++

How can I upload a file in FTP in segmented way ? Is there any open source tool/library so that I can use it?.
Is there any server side change needed to combine the uploads? Currently I am using vsftpd.

The first thing to consider is that segmented transfers are not considered to be good net citizen behaviour. (i.e. you are gaming the system by setting up multi downloads on a shared link, gaining more than your fair share of bandwidth) As such, the protocol definitions do not support specifically segmented upload. (Or download for that matter) Resume yes.
Segmented DOWNLOAD is a hack by some tools that use the RESUME function of the protocol to transfer different parts of the same file at the same time.. this behaviour has a "NON-STANDARD" and not the intention of the protocol specifications.
Segmented UPLOAD is possible but the client AND ftpd server (or whatever protocol server your using) would need to support this NO-STANDARD and frowned upon implementation.
Again, this is not supported specifically in any standards as such poor behaviour is not encouraged by an open standard.
HOWEVER, you will find tools like lftp that support segmented ftp downloads. But currently, I have not seen any implementation of segmented upload that uses common open protocols like ftp.
I did find a java (Custom open source) based udp tool that did this, but udp needs tcp fallback if you want reliability in the internet. (udp is dropped by some internet gateways)

In FTP protocol, you can implement a transfer by parts using REST command.
The REST command defines offset in a file, where transfer starts. You then transfer as many bytes as you want. And then you can restart the transfer again from a further offset.
vsftpd server supports REST command.


Socket file transfer from webserver

So, I have a desktop application and I want it to be able to check a website for new versions of itself. I am completely new to sockets (Windsocks and Berkeley), so before I invest time learning network programming I want some guidance to point me in the right direction.
The application is going to pretty much download an installation file from its website. The connection will not be secure as it doesn't matter if users can see it or not. Also the application's website will most likely be hosted # godaddy (in case somebody wants to be specific).
So my questions are; What technology should I be looking into, FTP, TCP or UDP? What are some things I should keep in mind as far as the client/server communication when it comes to file transfer with a remote server? Does anybody knows if godaddy allows this type of thing?
PS. If you think this might be a little too much to accomplish without enough theoretical/technical background, then please don't hesitate to recommend a book.
Use HTTP, and use a library to download a URL to a file. This should take 1-5 lines of code.
Why build a file transfer protocol yourself using sockets? Everything you need is built-in with HTTP. There are pre-made clients and servers available.

controlling ethernet speeds in lan c++ windows

I am wondering if it is possible to limit/control ethernet upload and download speeds on specific transport layers (tcp/udp) using c++? I am trying to make a simple to use program that can control the speeds of any device that the ethernet is connected to. For example: Computer B is connected to computer A via Internet Connection Sharing, I use my program to limit computer B's download or upload speed to 120kbs (or any number i choose), with this I would also like to choose udp or tcp.
Basically, I want to create my own program similar to net limiter and other such software, but I also want to add my own features which many of which lack for my needs. These other features are easy enough, but I have no idea how to go about the actual limting process.
The way forward in the general case you ask about would be to create a virtual network adapter and all the monitored route traffic through it. Once that was done, then you can monitor streams between hosts or on specific ports.
Not an easy job... A starting point would be the Windows device driver kit.
If you were prepared to limit just one app, and could modify it, the task would be much simpler... wget and curl for example both offer limiting.
HTH, Ruth

Secure file upload with Qt

I'm in the process of creating a utility to backup user's media files. The media isn't being shared etc its only a backup utility.
I'm trying to think of the best way to protect users from ISPs accusing them of downloading illegal media files by using some sort of secure connection.
The utility is written in C++ using the Qt lib and so far I've only been able to find the QtSslSocket component for secure connections. The domain already has a valid SSL certificate for the next few years.
Can anyone suggest the best way to go about implementing this from both the server and client side. i.e what does the server need to have in place and is there anything in particular the backup utility needs to implement from the client side to ensure secure transactions?
Are there any known, stable sftp or ftps servers available etc?
As far as I know, Qt doesn't have support for secure FTP transfers.
Not sure what other info. would be useful to make the question any clearer but any advice or help pointing me in the right direction will be most welcomed.
EDIT I'm also Java competent so a Java solution will work just as well...
As Martin wrote, you can wrap client. But if you don't want to do that, you can use libssh.
I searched for some sort of solution to this for a couple days and then forgot about the problem. Then today I stumbled across this little gem in the Qt-Creator source Utils::ssh, includes support for SFTP, plain-old SSH, and all sorts of goodies.
Disentangling stuff from Qt-Creator can be a pain, but having gone through this process it amounts to grabbing Botan (one of the other libs in QT-Creator) + Utils.
When it rains, it pours, I find two solutions to this problem in an hour - (Requires Chinese translation), but from their summary:
NullGet is written with Qt, runs on
multiple platforms, the GUI interface
of the multi-threaded multi-protocol
HTTP download software. Use NullGet
can easily download a variety of
network protocol data stream, faster
download speeds, support for HTTP, the
protocol currently supported are:
can run on most current popular
operating systems including Windows,
Linux, FreeBSD and so on.
Easiest way would be to just wrap a commandline sftp client with a Qt front end.
On the server any ftp server should do sftp pretty much out of the box.
As Synthesizerpatel says Qt Creator implements SFTP. So I have isolated the library that contains SSH and SFTP and I have created a new project named QSsh in Github ( The aim of the project is to provide SSH and SFTP support for any Qt Application.
I have written an example on how to upload a file using SFTP in examples/SecureUploader/
I hope it might be helpful

Creating C++ client app for some abstract windows server - how to manage TCP connection to server speed?

So we have some server with some address port and ip. we are developing that server so we can implement on it what ever we need for help. What are standard/best practices for data transfer speed management between C++ windows client app and server (C++)?
My main point is in how to get how much data can be uploaded/downloaded from/to client via his low speed network to my relatively super fast server. (I need it for set up of his live stream Audio/Video bit rate)
My try on explaining number 3.
We do not care how fast is our server. It is always faster than needed. We care about client tyring to stream out to our server his media. he streams encoded (via ffmpeg) live video data to our server. But he has say ADSL with 500kb/s of outgoing traffic. Also he uses some ICQ or what so ever so he has less than 500 kb/s per second. And he wants to stream live video! So we need to set up our ffmpeg to encode video with respect to the bit rate user can provide. We develop server side and client side. We need a way of finding out how much user can upload per second currently (so value can change dynamically over time)
Check this CodeProject Article
it's dot-net but you can try figure out the technique from there.
I found what I wanted. "thrulay, network capacity tester" A C++ code library for Available bandwidth tracking in real time on clients. And there is "Spruce" and it is also oss. It is made using some of linux code but I use Boost library so it will be easy to rewrite.
Offtop: I want to report that there is some group of people on SO down voting on all questions on this topic - I do not know why they are so angry but they deffenetly exist.

What would you use to implement a fast and lightweight file server?

I need to have as part of a desktop application a file server which should respond as fast as possible to file transfer requests (from remote clients, usually located on the same LAN). There will be many file requests for small sized files. The server should be able to provide both upload and download services.
I am not tight to any particual technology so I am open to any programming language, toolkits, libraries as long as they can run on Windows.
My initial take is to go with a C/C++ implementation using Windows Sockets or use the services provided by libraries such as Boost (asio or such). I have also thought of Erlang but that I'll have to learn and so the performance benefits should justify the increased development time due to having to learn the language.
LATER EDIT: I appreciate the answers that say use FTP or HTTP or basically anything that has been already created but considering you still want to write one from scratch, what would you do?
Why not just go with FTP? You should be able to find an adequate server implementation in any language, and client access libraries too.
It sounds like a lot of wheel-reinvention. Granted, FTP is not ideal, and has a few odd spots, but ... it's there, it's standard, well-known, and already very widely implemented.
For frequent uploads of small files, the fastest way would be to implement your own proprietary protocol, but that would require a considerable amount of work - and also it would be non-standard, meaning future integration would be difficult unless you are able to implement your protocol in any client you'll support. If you choose to do it anyway, this is my suggestion for a simple protocol:
Command: 1 byte to identify what'll be done: (0x01 for upload request, 0x02 for download request, 0x11 for upload response, 0x12 for download response, etc).
File name: can be fixed-size or prefixed with a byte for the length (assuming the name is less than 255 bytes)
Checksum, MD5 for instance (if upload request or download response)
File size (if upload request or download response)
payload (if upload request or download response)
This could be implemented on top of a simple TCP socket. You can also use UDP, avoiding the cost of establishing a connection but in this case you have to deal with retransmission control.
Before deciding to implement your own protocol, take a look at HTTP libraries like libcurl, you could make your server use standard HTTP commands like GET for download and POST for upload. This would save a lot of work and you'll be able to test the download with any web browser.
Another suggestion to improve performance is to use as the file repository not the filesystem, but something like SQLite. You can create a single table containing one char column for the file name and one blob column for the file contents. Since SQLite is lightweight and does an efficient caching, you'll most of the time avoid the disk access overhead.
I'm assuming you don't need client authentication.
Finally: although C++ is your preference to give you raw native code speed, rarely this is the major bottleneck in this kind of application. Most probably will be disk access and network bandwidth. I'm mentioning this because in Java you'll probably be able to make a servlet to do exactly the same thing (using HTTP GET for download and POST for upload) with less than 100 lines of code. Use Derby instead of SQLite in this case, put that servlet in any container (Tomcat, Glassfish, etc) and it's done.
If all the machines are running on Windows on the same LAN, why do you need a server at all? Why not simply use Windows file sharing?
I would suggest not to use FTP, or SFTP, or any other connection oriented technique. Instead, go for a connectionless protocol or technique.
The reason is that, if you require lots of small files to be uploaded or downloaded, and the response should be as fast as possible, you want to avoid the cost of setting up and destroying connections.
I would suggest that you look at either using an existing implementation or implementing your own HTTP or HTTPS server/service.
Your bottlenecks are likely to come from one of the following sources:
Harddisk I/O - The WD velociraptor is supposed to have a random access speed of about 100MB/s. Also, it is important whether you set it up as RAID0,1,5 or what nots. Some read fast but write slow. Trade-offs.
Network I/O - Assuming that you have the fastest harddisks in a fast RAID setup, unless you use Gbit I/O, your network will be slow. If your pipes are big, you still need to supply it with data.
Memory cache - The in-memory file-system cache will need to be big enough to buffer all the network I/O so that it does not slow you down. That will require large amounts of memory for the kind of work you're looking at.
File-system structure - Assuming that you have gigabytes worth of memory, then the bottleneck will most likely be the data-structure that you use for the file-system. If the file-system structure is cumbersome it will slow you down.
Assuming that all the other problems are solved, then do you worry about your application itself. Notice, that most of the bottlenecks are outside your software control. Therefore, whether you code it in C/C++ or use specific libraries, you will still be at the mercy of the OS and hardware.
Sounds like you should use an SFTP (SSH) server, it's firewall/NAT safe, secure, and already does what you want and more. You could also use SAMBA or windows file sharing for an even more simple implementation.
Why not use something existing, for example a normal Web server handles a lot of small files (images) very well and fast.
And lots of people already spent time in optimizing the code.
And the second benefit is that the transfer is done with HTTP which is an established protocol. And is easily switched to SSL if you need more security.
For the uploads, they are also no problem with a script or custom module - with the same method you can also add authorization.
As long as you don't need to dynamically seek the files i guess this would be one of the best solutions.
It's a new part to an existing desktop application? What's the goal of the server? Is it protecting the files that are uploaded/downloaded and providing authentication and/or authorisation? Does it provide some kind of structure for the uploads to be stored in?
One option may be to install Apache HTTP Server on the machine and serve the file via that. Use POST to upload and GET to download.
If the clients are within a LAN could you not just share a drive?