SDK project format: Include all dirs and subdirs starting with '.' - visual-studio-2017

We use directories within Visual Studio projects to organize code that belongs functionally together and code that lives in a separate namespace.
We have the convention to prepend "." to the directory name if the directory "opens up" a new namespace. This is convenient because these directories are listed first. Afterwards the directories without the "." prefix get listed next to the code files which just lay around. ReSharper is ok with the prefix "." in the sense, that it can propose the correct namespace - should it be wrong.
Now we are putting some effort into moving to the new, lean SDK project format. This includes all files it finds into the project but unfortunately it skips all directories starting with "." which is reasonable (the .vs directory really doesn't make sense to be included into the project).
I can now add all our "."-prefixed directories by hand which is kind of against the concept of the lean project format (it turns out even if I make an "include in project" on a directory in Visual Studio the project file contains a <Compile Include="..." /> for every single file the directory exists so files added to the directory afterwards will not get included in the project automatically).
Is there a way to provide a pattern instead similar to <Compile Include="**\.*\" /> to include all directories starting with "." in any hierarchical directory depth? Is there any other, better approach?
We experimented also with other characters instead of ".", but ReSharper cannot cope with anything else than the dot.

The following three lines did the trick for me:
<Compile Include="Sources\**\.*\**\*.cs" />


Problem with using common .editorconfig file (imported in csproj) in Visual Studio 2019 Preview 4

I want to streamling code analysis and the respetive rules accross multiple projects and teams.
We used to do that by having a NuGet package that imported analyzers to projects (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers and StyleCop.Analyzers) and defined a ruleset to define how each rule was handled by VS (error, warning, etc.).
I have been trying to setup this using a common .editorconfig file instead of the ruleset. The problem is that settings like the following just seem to be ignored when the .editorconfig file is imported from a shared folder.
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1062.severity = error
For the purpose of testing this, I have a very simple scenario that illustrates the problem.
The .editorconfig file is as follows:
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1062.severity = error
#dotnet_code_quality.null_check_validation_methods = NotNull
Now this file is imported in a csproj like this:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Import Project="..\..\_Shared\Build.props" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers" Version="2.9.4">
Build.props is like this:
<ItemGroup Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\.editorconfig')" >
<AdditionalFiles Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\.editorconfig" />
The following code is supposed to trigger an error on CA1062:
public int Calculate(InputData input)
SmartGuard.NotNull(nameof(input), input);
if (this.Multiply)
return input.Value * 2;
return input.Value + 2;
But the result is a warning:
Now, if I change .editorconfig and uncomment the second line:
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1062.severity = error
dotnet_code_quality.null_check_validation_methods = NotNull
The error goes way which means that null_check_validation_methods is being considered.
Why is that dotnet_diagnostic.CA1062.severity = error is being ignored?
This and other issues with the .editorconfig mechanics were reported in the following issues:
These have been solved and the original question is answered by implementing the recommendations referenced in those issues.
The problem you have comes from the fact, that the ".editorconfig" file mechanics (which is not defined by Visual Studio or Microsoft - it's pre-existing standard) is based on where the files are located in the folder structure. It has nothing to do with the mechanics of the Visual Studio projects.
See here on Microsoft's mention of this:
When you add an .editorconfig file to a folder in your file hierarchy, its settings apply to all applicable files at that level and below. You can also override EditorConfig settings for a particular project, codebase, or part of a codebase, such that it uses different conventions than other parts of the codebase. This can be useful when you incorporate code from somewhere else, and don’t want to change its conventions.
To override some or all of the EditorConfig settings, add an .editorconfig file at the level of the file hierarchy you want those overridden settings to apply. The new EditorConfig file settings apply to files at the same level and any subdirectories.
[ hierarchy image here ]
If you want to override some but not all of the settings, specify just those settings in the .editorconfig file. Only those properties that you explicitly list in the lower-level file are overridden. Other settings from higher-level .editorconfig files continue to apply. If you want to ensure that no settings from any higher-level .editorconfig files are applied to this part of the codebase, add the root=true property to the lower-level .editorconfig file:
# top-most EditorConfig file
root = true
EditorConfig files are read top to bottom. If there are multiple properties with the same name, the most recently found property with that name takes precedence.
Or here for the EditorConfig project.
Or here for the EditorConfig specification:
File Processing
When a filename is given to EditorConfig a search is performed in the directory of the given file and all parent directories for an EditorConfig file (named “.editorconfig” by default). Non-existing directories are treated as if they exist and are empty. All found EditorConfig files are searched for sections with section names matching the given filename. The search shall stop if an EditorConfig file is found with the root key set to true in the preamble or when reaching the root filesystem directory.
Files are read top to bottom and the most recent rules found take precedence. If multiple EditorConfig files have matching sections, the rules from the closer EditorConfig file are read last, so pairs in closer files take precedence.
I use Visual Studio version 16.11.2 and my experience is that the problem you describe appears, as a bug, when editing a project file in Visual Studio AFTER you have added a link to it to a it as a solution item. After such an action StyleCop does not any longer listen to the .editorconfig-file of the project.
To re-trigger StyleCop errors as build errors I then have to:
Remove the link to the .editorconfig for the project.
Add a copy of .editorconfig to the project.
Remove the copy of the .editorconfig to the project.
Re-add the link to the .editorconfig.
Quite akward yes, but the above DOES trigger the errors to appear as build errors again.
Moreover, in the version of Visual Studio above, I need to have the line below in the .csproj-file:
For previous versions of Visual Studio I had to have the lines below instead:

Set debug/run environment variable in Visual Studio 2017 C++ project?

I'm trying to set automatically run/debug environmental variables for my project in Visual Studio.
I mean, is there any CMake or C++ code line to do this not needing to do it manually?
Here are the instructions how to do it manually (what I want to avoid).
Here there is an still unsolved question about how to do it with Cmake (seems not to be possible).
I also tried with setenv() and putenv() in different ways but it didn't work, because the main function doesn't even run until that line of code, before an error message shows up: "Some.dll was not found" and the program stops.
If your dll is one you are intending to use, this answer details how to quickly ensure it is found at runtime (putting the DLL alongside the executable)
If by 'automatic' you mean in code, you can set environment variables in code using _putenv as described in this answer similar to what you seem to be describing.
ostringstream classSize;
classSize << "classSize=" << howManyInClass;
The solution I found is base on this answer.
Steps for the solution:
Create a UserTemplate.vcxproj.user file next to the CMakeLists.txt file, with the next content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="15.0" xmlns="">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">
Where ..\Your\Path\to\Binaries is the relative path to your binary
files (the two points at the beginning .. are optional, if you
want to go up in the relative directory path, you may want to use
Add the next lines of code in the CMakeLists.txt file.
# Configure the template file
SET(USER_FILE main.vcxproj.user)
CONFIGURE_FILE(UserTemplate.vcxproj.user ${USER_FILE} #ONLY)
Where ProjectName is the name of the VS project where you want to define your PATH variable.

ResolveAssemblyReference cannot find dll and I cannot force it to look where it is

I have solution with n csharp projects and cpp project on top, this cpp provides interfaces and headers so those csharp ones can be used in other cpp solutions.
The build machine is configured to build csharp project with anyCPU architecture so it provides single assembly per build in Solution\bin\Release. For cpp the anyCpu is not available so I build project twice and store assemblies in Solution\bin\Release\x86 and x64 folders.
This is all to get it packaged in nuget as a single package with .targets file to ease consumption in other cpp projects.
Issue is that cpp project is looking for csharp asseblies using ResolveAssemblyReference and cannot find it, giving missleading message:
Primary reference "Implementation".
Could not find dependent files. Expected file "C:\Jenkins\Workspace\Solution\bin\Release\x86\Implementation.dll" does not exist.
Could not find dependent files. Expected file "C:\Jenkins\Workspace\Solution\bin\Release\x86\Implementation.dll" does not exist.
Resolved file path is "C:\Jenkins\Workspace\Solution\bin\Release\x86\Implementation.dll".
Reference found at search path location "".
I tried to alternate ResolveAssemblyReferences behaviour using command line properties, custom targets/properties, but without any luck. The parameters described in seem to be computed during the build process and I cannot inject any value, which should be in this case something like $(OutDir)..
The one feasable solution seems to be copy c# dlls into each cpp folder, but I dont think it is the way to solve it properly.
Closes I got is by using /p:ReferencePath like below:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MsBuild\15.0\bin\MsBuild.exe" /p:BuildProjectReferences=false /p:Configuration=Release /p:DebugType=full /p:DebugSymbols=true /p:PlatformToolset=v120 /p:WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=8.1 /p:ForceImportBeforeCppTargets="C:\Jenkins\Workspace\Solution\Cpp.props" /p:OutDir="C:\Jenkins\Workspace\Solution\bin\Release\x86\" /p:Platform=Win32 /t:Build Interface\Interface.vcxproj /p:ReferencePath="C:\jenkins\workspace\Solution\bin\Release"
My custom Cpp.props does:
<Target Name="Output" BeforeTargets="ResolveAssemblyReferences">
<Message Text="AssemblySearchPaths: $(AssemblySearchPaths)" />
and by adding /p:ReferencePath it got added to AssemblySearchPaths as second record, after {CandidateAssemblyFiles}; but it is still not finding those dlls

Confusion about vcxproject paths in popular software

I have download a software maintained by Carnegie Mellon:
There is a sln, and in this solution, there's a vcxproj contained.
This project file states the following path for a ".c" file:
<ClCompile Include="..\..\lang\cmu_grapheme_lang\cmu_grapheme_lang.c" />
However, the actual folder structure on disk looks like this:
In my opinion, the location should be stated like this in the vcproj file instead:
<ClCompile Include="lang\cmu_grapheme_lang\cmu_grapheme_lang.c" />
I also think so because when I double-click the file in VS2017, it tells me that a part of the path couldn't be found:
I think a project which is so actively maintained would have this set up correctly, so I wonder if there's any option in VS2017 that I might perhaps just not have set right.
Thank you for any clarification on this problem.
You are correct - that file reference looks wrong. My best guess is that the developer indeed has that lang\cmu_grapheme_lang directory in the specified location and just neglected to make sure that the project on GitHub has valid settings (one of those "hey, this builds on my system so it must be correct" fiascos).
In your particular case: to properly build either fix the project file or copy the lang\cmu_grapheme_lang directory into expected location.

Eclipse CDT Can't Find include file unless full relative path is used

I've been using Eclipse for a while and this has me stymied. I created a library name ITS8410_LIB a few weeks ago and then let it sit while I worked on a supporting library called Reach_Lib. The directory include paths I added back when I first created the project work fine. Today I finished Reach_Lib and went to add its path to ITS8410_Lib. I used the project properties C++ settings to add a workspace path (like I've done many times before). I have only one build configuration. The path is shown in the image (the one highlighted in blue is the specific one I'm talking about in this question).
When I go to include the file in the source neither Eclipse (I see the yellow question mark) nor the compiler (I get a compiler error) can locate the file. If I add the a directory path using the full absolute path syntax the results are the same. I can modify the source code and specify the #include via a full relative path from the current directory, and it is found. Eclipse just won't use the path specified in the project settings. This same Reach_Lib has an associated unit test project and the path is specified with a workspace setting from there and it works fine.
Directory paths that were added before today appear fine. Paths (there are two libs showing this behavior) I add today just seem to be ignored. I took a look at the compiler settings (see image below) and the path specified to the compiler appears to be OK.
Running under Windows7 64 bit (but using a 32 bit version of Eclipse Indigo).
I have tried:
rebuilding indices
Exiting and restarting Eclipse multiple times
workspace and absolute file paths
modifying the order of the include paths
different .h include files in project
I took a look into the .cproject file and while I don't know much about what these files are supposed to look like I think I have a problem. Maybe the question is: How do I tell Eclipse to rebuild the .cproject file? I appear to have two similar sections and Eclipse is getting confused. I can see different version numbers tagged as suffixes. It appears to me that the visual editors are letting me modify one section but the IDE and compiler only care about the other section. Here's the relevant portions
<folderInfo id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.396284009." name="/" resourcePath="">
<toolChain id="" name="NetBurner Device Library" superClass="">
<targetPlatform id="" isAbstract="false" name="NetBurner Module Library" superClass=""/>
<builder buildPath="${workspace_loc:/ITS8410_Lib/Release}" id="" keepEnvironmentInBuildfile="false" managedBuildOn="true" name="Release ELF builder (MINGW)" superClass=""/>
<tool id="" name="GNU C Compiler" superClass="">
<inputType id="" name="GNU C Input" superClass=""/>
<tool id="" name="GNU C++ Compiler" superClass="">
<option id="nbeclipse.toolchain.super.gcc.directories.includepaths.1666029541" name="Include paths (-I)" superClass="nbeclipse.toolchain.super.gcc.directories.includepaths" valueType="includePath">
**inside here is an option list with all my include paths**
Then right after the folderInfo close tag another folderInfo section starts
<folderInfo id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.396284009.2022231003" name="/" resourcePath="src">
<toolChain id="" name="NetBurner Device Library" superClass="" unusedChildren="">
<targetPlatform id="" isAbstract="false" name="NetBurner Module Library" superClass=""/>
<tool id="" name="GNU C Compiler" superClass="">
<inputType id="" name="GNU C Input" superClass=""/>
<tool id="" name="GNU C++ Compiler" superClass="">
**the newly added paths don't show up here, if I add them manually things start working**
The key to the answer was posted by dbrank0 but he didn't promote it to an answer so I just upvoted the comment. Something went wrong in the .cproject file and editing it manually fixed the problem.
Try to replace relative workspace path to real path (add same include as filesystem) in include directories project settings.
full absolute path is okay at any time.
when use the relative directory you should be careful.
in eclipse the current directory is not the same as run directory.
string strRunDir, strCurDir;
strRunDir = AfxGetApp()->m_pszExeName;
strCurDir = GetCurrentDirectory(...);
and strRunDir != strCurDir;
when you want to use the relative directory, you should reference to the runDir;