OpenGL & Qt : display a label on the mouseover - c++

I'm working with OpenGL and Qt. I render a scene in an OpenGLWidget. When hovering over objects in the scene, I would like to display a box near the selected object with some text. I have already implemented the selection of the object.
I thought of two possible approaches.
Place a widget (such as a QLabel) above the OpenGLWidget in
which the scene is rendered.
Render the text in a quad directly in OpenGL.
Which of the two approaches you recommend and you could please give me some suggestions on implementation. Alternatively, you could recommend another approach. Thanks!

Hi #Artic I am not a Qt expert so I can't give you information on widgets, but I can give you some pointers for creating a label with OpenGL. Giving a full implementation is tricky here because it depends a lot on how you want to display the text. But I'll try to outline some of your options.
To render text in OpenGL most people go with a technique known as bitmap fonts, see more here:
The concept of bitmap fonts is fairly straight forward, all characters are pre-rasterized to a texture and then you can sample from each part of the texture depending on the character you need. You build your label out of quads, textured with each part of the bitmap you sample from for each character.
Signed distance fields essentially use the same technique but the pre-rasterized texture of characters are rendered using signed distance fields which deal with some of the issues that standard bitmaps fonts have.
In basic terms, SDF works by generating a special texture, or image, of the font that stores the distance from the edge of each character to its centre, using the colour channels of the image to record the data.
If you use signed distance fields it won't be enough to just sample from your bitmap, fonts rendered this way require extra work (typically done using a shader program) to produce the correct rendering.
Once you have a way of generating a label you can decide if you want to display it in screen space or in world space.
If you want to display it in world space (where the label is hovering over the model or item) you will need to do more work if you want that label to always face the camera and this technique is called billboarding.
You could also render your text "on the fly" if you just want to render some text to the screen in screen space. You can use a library like SDL_ttf.
In this example you use SDL_ttf to render a string of text to a surface with dimensions of your choosing, you can then create an OpenGL texture from that surface and render it to the screen.
Sorry if this information is a bit broad, I would need a more specific question to give you further implementation details.
For an implementation, I would evaluate the pros and cons based on what you need. If you haven't implemented a system for rendering text before it's probably best to stick with something simple; there are more techniques for text rendering than I have listed here such as turning text in to polygons and other libraries which attempt to deal with some of the issues with traditional font rendering techniques but you probably don't need anything complicated.
For a recommendation on which to use I would go with the technique that you feel most comfortable with, typically doing things from scratch in OpenGL will take more time but it can provide you with a nicer set of functionality to use in the future. However if Qt already has something nice for rendering a label (such as a widget that you mentioned) it is probably worth taking the time to learn how to use it as it may yield faster results and you don't want to reinvent the wheel if you don't need to. On that note though doing things from scratch with OpenGL can be very rewarding and greatly improve your understanding since you have to get familiar with how things are done when you don't have a layer of abstraction to depend on. Ultimately it depends on you. Good luck!

You could use tool tips in Qt. The string will appear when the OpenGlWidget is hovered over. You can change the text of the tool tip based on the mouse location in the scene, using the tool tip method showText():
QToolTip::showText(QPoint &position, QString &text, QWidget *w);
There are more options for the showText() method and can be found in Qt's tool tip documentation. Also, here are more examples on how to use Qt tool tips.


deformation of SVG file. Bezier Curves?

I have an SVG file.This file shows the outline of cartoon character(2D character).
My question is, can I make a program that It allows the user to interact with the outline and deform it.
An example is, to pull the outline of character's arm, with the mouse,and the arm gets bigger.
I suppose that Bezier Curves and Elliptical Arcs is a solution.I also wonder if i use OPENGL, I might be more flexible to do that.
The interaction aspect you'll need to deal with yourself. There is a recent OpenGL extension, NV_path_rendering which makes accurate, hardware-accelerated rendering of SVG and other vector formats pretty simple. The SDK includes at least one example where interaction with control points is shown, which might make a good starting place for you. Obviously, this would require you/the end user to have a GPU which supports the extension. Here's a video of the developer explaining the extension and what it can do.
I also wonder if i use OPENGL, I might be more flexible to do that.
OpenGL will not make things easier in any way. OpenGL is a drawing API, not some kind of magic scene and geometry manager. All it gives you are points, lines and triangles and methods to define how those are to be drawn to a framebuffer.
Interaction with the user lies completely outside the scope of OpenGL.
iscriptdesign allows you to create interactive graphics, but you need to program/script those yourself.

OpenGL : GL_QUADS hides part of glutBitmapCharacter

I am trying to visualize a CAD geometry where GL_QUADS is used for the geometry and glutBitmapCharacter to annotate with a text.
The GL_QUADS hides the text partially (e.g 33,32,... here) for some view orientations (picture 1).
If I use glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) to get the text displayed properly, I get the text that is supposed to annotate the back surface is also displayed (picture 2).
My objective is to annotate the visible front surfaces without being obscured but having the annotation on the back surfaces not shown.
(I am able to solve this by slightly offsetting the annotation normal to the quad, but this will cause me some other issues in my program, so I don't prefer this solution)
Could somebody please suggest me a solution ?
Well, as I expect you already know, it looks like the text is getting cut off because of the way it's positioned/oriented - it is drawing from a point and from right-to-left on the screen.
If you don't want to offset it (as you already mentioned, but I still suggest as it's the simple solution) then one way might be to rotate the text the same way the object's being rotated. This would (I'd expect) simply be a matter of changing where you draw the text to the same place you draw each quad (thus using the same Matrix). Of course then the text won't be as legible. This solution also requires the use of a different Object for rendering the text, such as FreeType Fonts.
EDIT 2: another solution would be texture-mapped text
Could somebody please suggest me a solution ?
You need to implement collision detection engine.
If point in 3d space at which label must be displayed is not obscured, render text with depth test disabled. This will fix your problem completely.
As far as I can tell, there's no other way to solve the problem if you want to keep letters oriented towards viewer - no matter what you do, there will always be a a good chance of them being partially obscured by something else.
Since you need a very specific kind of collision detection (detect visibility of a point), you could try to solve this problem using select buffer. On other hand, detecting ray/triangle (see gluUnProject/gluProject) collision isn't too hard to implement, although on complex scenes things will quickly get more complicated and you'll need to implement scene graph and use algorithms similar to octrees.

How do you determine when an object is drawn on-screen in OpenGL?

I'm extremely new to OpenGL. I'm writing a program that displays flying 3D text on screen. I need to know when certain text string appears (drawn) onto the screen and are visible to the user. The program needs to identify which text strings are displayed. (Note: although my problem deals with text, it could be generalized to any OpenGL object).
At first, I started to think that I could use OpenGL's picking mechanism, but so far I've only seen examples where the selection area is focused on some sort of user interaction. I want to know what objects are displayed on the entire window area. This leads me to think I'm on the wrong track... Am I missing something?
Any suggestions are welcome.
You can use the query objects (specifically those object created using GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension Specification). Those object are used to query how many fragments are rendered using a sequence of OpenGL operations (begin/end, etc...).
Another scheme (software only), is to determine a bounding box for your rendered text, then compute mathematically whether the bounding box is inside the view frustrum (derived from the current perspective used for rendering.
A note: using OpenGL picking doesn't necessary imply the use of gluPickMatrix. You can render you scene "as is", and the query the rendered names (altought picking is deprecated from OpenGL 3).
Query objects are easy to use, and they are lightweight. Picking is another good solution for most hardware, but more schematic than query objects.
hmm, is it actually in 3D? or is it just 2D text on the screen in 2D space? in that case I would just keep track of it manually. how exactly are you drawing your text?
generally the way you do this is with a "frustum check" where you basically just make a volume for the camera and test whether you're 3d objects are inside it or not.
You can try OpenGL's feedback mechanism. In this mode, OpenGL generates fragments and passes them to a feedback buffer. If something is clipped, no fragments will be generated. When the text becomes visible, you will find the corresponding fragment in the fragment buffer.
This link should get you started.
Here is another link, the Question 10.010 seems particularly relevant to what you want.
Run your object coordinates through your projection and modelview matrices to get screen-space coordinates. Compare the X/Y output against your screen extents to figure out if the text is on-screen.

Rendering formatted text in a direct3d application

I need to render some formatted text (colours, different font sizes, underlines, bold, etc) however I'm not sure how to go about doing it. D3DXFont only allows text of a single font/size/weight/colour/etc to be rendered at once, and I cant see a practical way to "combine" multiple calls to ID3DXFont::DrawText to do such things...
I looked around and there doesn't seem to be any existing libraries that do these things, but I have no idea how to implement such a text renderer, and I couldn't even find any documentation on how such a text render would work, only rendering simple fixed width, ASCII bitmap fonts which looking at it is probably an entirely different approach that is only suitable for rendering simple blocks of text where Unicode is not important.
If there's no direct3d font renders capable of doing this, is there any other renderers (eg for use in rendering rich text in a normal window), and would rendering those to a texture in RAM, then uploading that to the video card to render onto the back buffer yield reasonable performance?
You tagged this with Direct3D, so I'm going to assume that's the target environment. Otherwise, GDI can handle all this stuff.
Actually, looking at GDI is a good place to start, since it supports this as it stands. With GDI, there is only a single font selected at a time for drawing text. Similarly, there can only be a single text color selected at a time. So, to draw a line of text that contains characters in multiple colors and/or fonts, you have to divide the line up into chunks of characters that all have the same rendering state. You set the state for that chunk (text foreground/background color, text font, text spacing, etc.), then call ::TextOut for that chunk of text, then set the state for the next chunk and draw that, and so-on.
The same principle applied in Direct3D. Each chunk of text may require its own ID3DXFont (or your own font mechanism if ID3DXFont isn't sufficient) and color, etc. You set state, draw text, set state, draw text, etc.
Now, if you want to do your own text rendering, you could do fancier things with a shader, but its probably not worth it unless you have the need for really high-quality typography.
In Windows 7 (back-filled for Vista once Windows 7 ships), you'll be able to use DirectWrite for high quality typography in a Direct3D rendering context (D3D10 and later).
In case of using Direct3D9 or early you really have big problems:
1. You always may use GDI, render your text in the HDC, copy it to the Direct3D dynamic texture and use shader to replace background to transparency by color key for example.
2. Take a look on FreeType library may be you'll find it more suitable for you than GDI, but it really will not be easy.
Any way even if you will find a good way of text rendering you obligotary will have problems with small fonts by reason of ClearType Microsoft technology. At first you will not be able just make a matrix of small symbols to type text from it (because symbol is rendered with using of this subpixel rendering). You will probably need some special shader... or you will be enforced reject to use ClearType, but as i've said before it has bad aftereffects on small fonts. At second this technology is patented by Microsoft
But if you do not need support of Windows XP you may try to use Direct2D with DirectWrite and DirectX10 (I didn't try 11). I tried them and they shown good results, you only should avoid often switching between Direct2D and Direct3D contexts, because it may seriously degrade performance. To render something to your texture you may use ID2D1Factory::CreateDxgiSurfaceRenderTarget function
I suggest measuring the performance of rendering to a bitmap and uploading to a texture.
I suspect that this pretty much what D3DXFont has to do behing the scenes anyway.
You could probably cache letters / phrases etc. if needed

C++ D3DX Font and transformations (d3d9 and d3d10 solutions needed)

I want to render font in a way that takes account of the current transforms and similar settings, especially the projection transform and viewport.
I'm thinking that the best way to do that is to have an off screen surface to render the text to, and then render that surface where I really want the text.
However I'm not certain on a number of aspects of this solution.
Is this the best way to go about it at all?
Are there far better free font renderers around that id be better off spending my time with that allow such things. I see alot of people complaining about the d3dx font interfaces for various reasons, but never a link to a better unicode capable renderer...?
Is there any advantage to useing certain surface formats and/or surface sizes (eg always using the smallest possible rather than some standard large one, which requires the extra step of trying to work the size out...)
Yeah, render to texture and then drawing a textured quad to orient and position the text is going to be the easiest way to realize this functionality.
As for D3DX text renderers, it really depends on which SDK you are using. DirectWrite (only for Windows 7 and Vista) will provide a higher quality text rendering approach for applications that need high quality text rendering in a manner that is interoperable with Direct3D.
You can of course do your own rasterization. There are font rasterization engines out there that are open source that could be repurposed for this need, but we're talking tons of coding here for a benefit that may not be distinguishable enough to warrant the development expense.
Having said that, there's a completely new alternative available to you with Direct3D and shaders, provided that you have access to the glyph outlines as curve data. The idea is to use the shader to rasterize the text and store the curve definitions in the vertex stream and associated textures. Try looking at this paper, which describes the technique.