Connecting to Could SQL from local machine via proxy - django

I am following these instructions to deploy a Django app on Google App Engine:
I have got as far as downloading the proxy .exe file (I am on a Windows machine) and connecting to it:
2019/01/08 16:14:08 Listening on for
[INSTANCE-NAME] 2019/01/08 16:14:08
Ready for new connections
When I try and create the Django migrations by running python createmigrations I see the connection received by the proxy file:
2019/01/08 16:15:06 New connection for
However, after a couple of seconds pause I get this error:
2019/01/08 16:15:28 couldn't connect to
"[INSTANCE-NAME]": dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
I have tried disabling my local firewall in case this was causing any issues, but the result is the same. I've also checked the username, password and Cloud SQL instance name, they are all correct.
What could be causing this error?


I can't connect to postgresql database in deployment

Hello I just want to deploy my django project in python anywhere .... and when I run the command python migrate
it shows this error message django.db.utils.OperationalError: connection to server at "<Host name>" (<IP address>), port 5432 failed: Connection refused Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
I think that the problem in python anywhere because when I connect to the server in pgadmin using the same info in the file I don't get any error messages and you have to know that I am using for my postgresql database
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': '<the database>',
and I am sure that all information is right because I used it to connect to the server in pgadmin in my local machiene
If you are having trouble connecting to a PostgreSQL database in a deployment environment, there are a few things you can check:
Verify that the database is running: Make sure that the PostgreSQL database is running and accessible from the deployment environment. You can check this by attempting to connect to the database using the 'psql' command-line tool.
Check the connection settings: Ensure that the connection settings in your deployment configuration are correct, including the database host, port, database name, user, and password.
Check firewall settings: If you are connecting to a remote PostgreSQL database, ensure that the necessary firewall ports are open to allow incoming connections to the database server.
Check for network issues: Check for any network issues that may be preventing the deployment environment from connecting to the database. For example, if you are deploying to a virtual private cloud, ensure that the network settings are configured correctly.
Check for authentication issues: Make sure that the user and password specified in the connection settings have the necessary permissions to access the database.
Check logs for errors: Check the logs for any error messages that may indicate the cause of the connection issue.
By investigating the above points, you should be able to narrow down the cause of the connection issue and take the necessary steps to resolve it.

How to Access Remote PostgreSQL Database Server Through VPN

I'm currently working with my office server, when i want to connect to the server, i have to use their VPN. I have installed PostgreSQL database in their server and have succesfully migrate data to database from Django project. But, when i want to remote access from HeidiSQL, it always gives me Connection Timed Out Error eventhough i have already connected to their VPN.
I've tried to this code below
host all all md5
host all all ::/0 md5
listen_addresses = '*'
i have tried to refresh everytime i change files and see if i'm in the correct port but it still gives me Connection Timed Out Error
this is the full error message
could not connect to server: Connection Timed out (0x0000274C/10060). Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432 ?
OS : CentOS 8
DB : PostgreSQL 14

Cannot reach containers from codebuild

I've been having issue reaching containers from within codebuild. I have an exposed GraphQL service with a downstream auth service and a postgresql database all started through Docker Compose. Running them and testing them works fine locally, however I cannot get the right comination of host names in codebuild.
It looks like my test is able to run if I hit the GraphQL endpoint at however once my GraphQL container attempts to reach the downstream service I will get a connection refused. I've tried reaching the auth service from inside the GraphQL service at auth:8001,, with port 8001 exposed, and by setting up a briged network. I am always getting a connection refused error.
I've attached part of my codebuild logs.
Any ideas what I might be missing?
Container 2018/08/28 05:37:17 Running command docker ps CONTAINER ID
docker-compose_graphql "app" 1 second ago Up Less than a second>8000/tcp docker-compose_graphql_1 5c665f5f812d docker-compose_auth "/bin/sh -c app" 2 seconds ago Up Less than a
second>8001/tcp docker-compose_auth_1 b28148784c04
postgres:10.4 "docker-entrypoint..." 2 seconds ago Up 1 second>5432/tcp docker-compose_psql_1
Container 2018/08/28 05:37:17 Running command go test ; cd ../..
Register panic: [{"message":"rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all
SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection
error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing dial tcp
connect: connection refused\"","path":
From the "host" machine my exposed GraphQL service could only be reached using the IP address The internal networking was set up correctly and each service could be reached at <NAME>:<PORT> as expected, however, upon error the IP address would be shown ( instead of the host name.
My problem was that all internal connections were not yet ready, leading to the "connection refused" error. The command sleep 5 after docker-compose up gave my services time to fully initialize before testing.

Won't create a PostgreSQL database on Unix server

I am trying to deploy my django project to a unix server. When I run the command to create the PostgreSQL database using SSH, I encounter the following error:
$ createdb elections
createdb: could not connect to database template1: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
Does the error mean running 'locally' as in the server or my machine?
What is stopping it from connecting to the server?
How do I fix the error?

Error: connect ECONNREFUSED when using cloud sql for MYSQL from NodeJS app

I followed all the steps mentioned in this sample app link. GitHubLink. When running the script (npm run init-cloudsql) to initialize mysql database, I get an error below:
throw err;
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1018:11)
at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1041:20)
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1090:14)
at Protocol._enqueue (D:\gcloud\nodejs-getting-started\2-structured- data\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\Protocol.js:145:48)
at Protocol.handshake (D:\gcloud\nodejs-getting-started\2-structured-data\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\Protocol.js:52:23)
at Connection.connect (D:\gcloud\nodejs-getting-started\2-structured-data\node_modules\mysql\lib\Connection.js:130:18)
at Connection._implyConnect (D:\gcloud\nodejs-getting-started\2-structured-data\node_modules\mysql\lib\Connection.js:461:10)
at Connection.query (D:\gcloud\nodejs-getting-started\2-structured-data\node_modules\mysql\lib\Connection.js:206:8)
at createSchema (D:\gcloud\nodejs-getting-started\2-structured-data\books\model-cloudsql.js:126:14)
at prompt.get (D:\gcloud\nodejs-getting-started\2-structured-data\books\model-cloudsql.js:117:5)
at D:\gcloud\nodejs-getting-started\2-structured-data\node_modules\prompt\lib\prompt.js:336:32
at D:\gcloud\nodejs-getting-started\2-structured-data\node_modules\utile\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:154:25
at assembler (D:\gcloud\nodejs-getting-started\2-structured-data\node_modules\prompt\lib\prompt.js:333:9)
What am i missing? I could not resolve this error. Can someone help me fix this issue?
This error occurs when you run an instance of PopSQL or Node.js and the MySQL server is not running on your local machine.
Try the below steps
Press Windows key and R on your keyboard. This opens the command prompt
Type in services.msc and click ok.
In the services pop up , check for MYSQL57. If its not in the running state, Click on run this service in the left column of the dialog box
Once the service is running connect to the POPSQL from the connections window
The error message you shared indicates your machine could not connect to the instance's IP address on port 3307 (which is used by the proxy). I tested this on my own machine, and it is listening there. This likely indicates a firewall on your machine or your local network that is preventing outbound connections on port 3307. Try and open this in the firewall, and see if you can connect.
You need to whitelist your IP to access Cloud SQL.