SAS - defining variable as column sum and bootstrapping - sas

I have a chunk to bootstrap a dataset.
%let iter = 2;
%let seed = 777;
data work.seg;
input segment $3. prem loss;
AAA 5000 0
AAA 3000 12584
AAA 200 245
AAA 500 678
data work.test;
do i=1 to &iter;
do _n_=1 to 1000000 until (sumprem>=8700);
set work.seg point=row_i nobs=n;
sumprem + prem;
It works, but I have a few questions.
How can I make the 400 number dynamic... I want (sumprem >= 8700) to be (sumprem >= &threshold) where &threshold is the sum of the prem column.
Is it correct how I am passing the &seed? Or should (&seed) be replaced with something like (&seed + _n_)?
How can I make the last data step into a macro... something like below, but I haven't gotten anything to work.
%macro boot(data, iter, seed);
%do i=1 %to &iter;
%do _n_=1 %to 1000000 %until (sumprem>=8700);
set work.seg point=row_i nobs=n;
sumprem + prem;

I assume you want to calculate the sum of prem from work.seq?
proc sql noprint ;
select sum(prem) format=best32. into :threshold trimmed from seg ;
Your macro code is confusing macro logic, which can be used to generate code, and data step logic which is what operates on the actual data. To make it into a macro just use the same macro variable names for the names of the parameters to the macro and leave the code the same.
%macro boot(in,out, iter, seed);
data &out;
do until (eof);
set &in end=eof;
threshold + prem ;
do i=1 to &iter;
do _n_=1 to 1000000 until (sumprem>=threshold);
set &in point=row_i nobs=n;
sumprem + prem;
%mend boot;


How to print two sets of variable series next to each other in SAS?

I have a SAS dataset where I keep 50 diagnoses codes and 50 diagnoses descriptions.
It looks something like this:
data diags;
set diag_list;
keep claim_id diagcode1-diagcode50 diagdesc1-diagdesc50;
I need to print all of the variables but I need diagnosis description right next to corresponding diagnosis code. Something like this:
proc print data=diags;
var claim_id diagcode1 diagdesc1 diagcode2 diagdesc2 diagcode3 diagdesc3; *(and so on all the way to 50);
Is there a way to do this (possibly using arrays) without having to type it all up?
Here's one approach then, using Macros. If you have other variables make sure to include them BEFORE the %loop_names(n=50) portion in the VAR statement.
*generate fake data to test/run solution;
data demo;
array diag(50);
array diagdesc(50);
do claim_id=1 to 100;
do i=1 to 50;
%macro loop_names(n=);
%do i=1 %to &n;
diag&i diagdesc&i.
proc print data=demo;
var claim_ID %loop_names(n=20);
Here is some example SAS code that uses actual ICD 10 CM codes and their descriptions and #Reeza proc print:
%* Copy government provided Medicare code data zip file to local computer;
filename cms_cm url '' recfm=s;
filename zip_cm "%sysfunc(pathname(work))/" lrecl=200000000 recfm=n ;
%let rc = %sysfunc(fcopy(cms_cm, zip_cm));
%put %sysfunc(sysmsg());
%* Define fileref to the zip file member that contains ICD 10 CM codes and descriptions;
filename cm_codes zip "%sysfunc(pathname(zip_cm))" member="2020 Code Descriptions/icd10cm_codes_2020.txt";
%* input the codes and descriptions, there are 72,184 of them;
%* I cheated and looked at the data (more than once) in order
%* to determine the variable sizes needed;
data icd10cm_2020;
infile cm_codes lrecl=250 truncover;
code length=$7
desc length=$230
code 1-7 desc 9-230;
* simulate claims sample data with mostly upto 8 diagnoses, and
* at least one claim with 50 diagnoses;
data have;
call streaminit(123);
do claim_id = 1 to 10;
array codes(50) $7 code1-code50;
array descs(50) $230 desc1-desc50;
call missing(of code:, of desc:);
if mod(claim_id, 10) = 0
then top = 50;
else top = rand('uniform', 8);
do _n_ = 1 to top;
p = ceil(rand('uniform', n)); %* pick a random diagnosis code, 1 of 72,184;
set icd10cm_2020 nobs=n point=p; %* read the data for that random code;
codes(_n_) = code;
descs(_n_) = desc;
drop top;
%macro loop_names(n=);
%do i=1 %to &n;
code&i desc&i.
ods _all_ close;
ods html;
proc print data=have;
var claim_id %loop_names(n=50);

Do loop for creating new variables in SAS

I am trying to run this code
data swati;
input facility_id$ loan_desc : $50. sys_name :$50.;
fac_001 term_loan RM_platform
fac_001 business_loan IQ_platform
fac_002 business_loan BUSES_termloan
fac_002 business_loan RM_platform
fac_003 overdrafts RM_platform
fac_003 RCF IQ_platform
fac_003 term_loan BUSES_termloan
proc contents data=swati out=contents(keep=name varnum);
proc sort data=contents;
by varnum;
data contents;
set contents ;
where varnum in (2,3);
data contents;
set contents;
summary=catx('_',name, 'summ');
data _null_;
set contents;
call symput ("name" || put(_n_ , 10. -L), name);
call symput ("summ" || put (_n_ , 10. -L), summary);
options mlogic symbolgen mprint;
%macro swati;
%do i = 1 %to 2;
proc sort data=swati;
by facility_id &&name&i.;
data swati1;
set swati;
by facility_id &&name&i.;
length &&summ&i. $50.;
retain &&summ&i.;
if first.facility_id then do;
if first.&&name&i. = last.&&name&i. then &&summ&i.=catx(',',&&name&i., &&summ&i.);
else if first.&&name&i. ne last.&&name&i. then &&summ&i.=&&name&i.;
if last.facility_id ;
This code will create two new variables loan_desc_summ and sys_name_summ which has values of the all the loans_desc in one line and the sys_names in one line seprated by comma example (term_loan, business_loan), (RM_platform, IQ_platform) But if a customer has only one loan_desc the loan_summ should only have its value twice.
The problem while running the do loop is that after running this code, I am getting the dataset with only the sys_name_summ and not the loan_desc_summ. I want the dataset with all the five variables facility_id, loan_desc, sys_name, loan_desc_summ, sys_name_summ.
Could you please help me in finding out if there is a problem in the do loop??
Your loop is always starting with the same input dataset (swati) and generating a new dataset (SWATI1). So only the last time through the loop has any effect. Each loop would need to start with the output of the previous run.
You also need to fix your logic for eliminating the duplicates.
For example you could change the macro to:
%macro swati;
data swati1;
set swati;
%do i = 1 %to 2;
proc sort data=swati1;
by facility_id &&name&i.;
data swati1;
set swati1;
by facility_id &&name&i ;
length &&summ&i $500 ;
if first.facility_id then &&summ&i = ' ' ;
if first.&&name&i then catx(',',&&summ&i,&&name&i);
if last.facility_id ;
Also your program could be a lot smaller if you just used arrays.
data want ;
set have ;
by facility_id ;
array one loan_desc sys_name ;
array two $500 loan_desc_summ sys_name_summ ;
retain loan_desc_summ sys_name_summ ;
do i=1 to dim(one);
if first.facility_id then two(i)=one(i) ;
else if not findw(two(i),one(i),',','t') then two(i)=catx(',',two(i),one(i));
if last.facility_id;
drop i loan_desc sys_name ;
If you want to make it more flexible you can put the list of variable names into a macro variable.
%let varlist=loan_desc sys_name;
You could then generate the list of new names easily.
%let varlist2=%sysfunc(tranwrd(&varlist,%str( ),_summ%str( )))_summ ;
Then you can use the macro variables in the ARRAY, RETAIN and DROP statements.

Increment variable name

Is it possible to increment different prefixed variable names in a simple way? For example, if my dataset has columns for Score1 all the way to Score20, I can simply do:
input Score1-Score20;
But what if I have Score1 Rank1 Total1 to Score20 Rank20 Total20, is there a way to increment these without manually typing out each one? So the result would look like:
Score1 Rank1 Total1 Score2 Rank2 Total2 Score3 Rank3 Total3 etc...
Do you care if the variables are created in a different order than in the input file? If not then use an ARRAY. Try this example.
data x ;
array x(3,20) a1-a20 b1-b20 c1-c20 ;
infile cards truncover;
do block=1 to 20;
do item=1 to 3;
input x(item,block) #;
put (_all_) (=);
1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5
If you need them in that order then you need to use some type of code generation.
You could create a simple function style macro to emit the list of names.
%macro namelist(baselist,n);
%local i j;
%do i=1 %to &n ;
%do j=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&baselist));
%mend namelist;
input %namelist(Rank Total Score,20) ;
Or you could use a simple data step to build the list into a macro variable.
data _null_;
length i 8 basename $30 namelist $32000;
do i=1 to 20 ;
do basename='Rank ','Total','Score';
namelist=catx(' ',namelist,cats(basename,i));
call symputx('namelist',namelist);
input &namelist ;
You could probably do a macro for this. I think this would work:
%macro mymacro(runs);
%do i=1 %to &runs;
input Score&i Rank&i Total&i;
%mend create;
Try here for better documentation:
The same question was asked here earlier in the week, the answer is the same.
You could create a macro to create the names.
data _null_;
length var $1000.;
do i=1 to 10;
var=catt(var, " Total"||put(i, 2. -l), " Male"||put(i, 2. -l), " Female"||put(i, 2. -l));
call symputx('input_list', var);
%put &input_list;

Find three most recent data year for each row

I have a data set with one row for each country and 100 columns (10 variables with 10 data years each).
For each variable I am trying to make a new data set with the three most recent data years for that variable for each country (which might not be successive).
This is what I have so far, but I know its wrong because of the nest loop, and its has same value for recent1 recent2 recent3 however I haven't figured out how to create recent1 recent2 recent3 without two loops.
%macro test();
data Maternal_care_recent;
set wb;
keep country MATERNAL_CARE_2004 -- MATERNAL_CARE_2013 recent_1 recent_2 recent_3;
%let rc = 1;
%do i = 2013 %to 2004 %by -1;
%do rc = 1 %to 3 %by 1;
%if MATERNAL_CARE_&i. ne . %then %do;
recent_&rc. = MATERNAL_CARE_&i.;
%end; run; %mend; %test();
You don't need to use a macro to do this - just some arrays:
data Maternal_care_recent;
set wb;
keep country MATERNAL_CARE_2004-MATERNAL_CARE_2013 recent_1 recent_2 recent_3;
array mc {*} MATERNAL_CARE_2004-MATERNAL_CARE_2013;
array recent {*} recent1-recent3;
do i = 2013 to 2004 by -1;
do rc = 1 to 3 by 1;
if mc[i] ne . then do;
recent[rc] = mc[i];
Maybe I don't get your request, but according to your description:
"For each variable I am trying to make a new data set with the three most recent data years for that variable for each country (which might not be successive)" I created this sample dataset with dt1 and dt2 and 2 locations.
The output will be 2 datasets (and generally the number of the variables starting with DT) named DS1 and DS2 with 3 observations for each country, the first one for the first variable, the second one for the second variable.
This is the sample dataset:
data sample_ds;
length city $10 dt1 dt2 8.;
infile datalines dlm=',';
input city $ dt1 dt2;
This is the sample macro:
%macro help(ds=);
data vars(keep=dt:); set &ds; if _n_ not >0; run;
%let op = %sysfunc(open(vars));
%let nvrs = %sysfunc(attrn(&op,nvars));
%let cl = %sysfunc(close(&op));
%do idx=1 %to &nvrs.;
proc sort data=&ds(keep=city dt&idx.) out=ds&idx.(where=(dt&idx. ne .)) nodupkey; by city DESCENDING dt&idx.; run;
data ds&idx.; set ds&idx.;
retain cnt;
by city DESCENDING dt&idx.;
if then cnt=0; else cnt=cnt+1;
data ds&idx.(drop=cnt); set ds&idx.(where=(cnt<3)); rename dt&idx.=act&idx.; run;
You will run this macro with:
In the first statement of the macro I select the variables on which I want to iterate:
data vars(keep=dt:); set &ds; if _n_ not >0; run;
Work on this if you want to make this work for your code, or simply rename your variables as DT1 DT2...
Let me know if it is correct for you.
When writing macro code, always keep in mind what has to be done when. SAS processes your code stepwise.
Before your sas code is even compiled, your macro variables are resolved and your macro code is executed
Then the resulting SAS Base code is compiled
Finally the code is executed.
When you write %if MATERNAL_CARE_&i. ne . %then %do, this is macro code interpreded before compilation.
At that time MATERNAL_CARE_&i. is not a variable but a text string containing a macro variable.
The first time you run trhough your %do i = 2013 %to 2004 by -1, it is filled in as MATERNAL_CARE_2013, the second as MATERNAL_CARE_2012., etc.
Then the macro %if statement is interpreted, and as the text string MATERNAL_CARE_1 is not equal to a dot, it is evaluated to FALSE
and recent_&rc. = MATERNAL_CARE_&i. is not included in the code to pass to your compiler.
You can see that if you run your code with option mprint;
The resolution;
options mprint;
%macro test();
data Maternal_care_recent;
set wb;
keep country MATERNAL_CARE_: recent_:;
** The : acts as a wild card here **;
%do i = 2013 %to 2004 %by -1;
if MATERNAL_CARE_&i. ne . then do;
%do rc = 1 %to 3 %by 1;
recent_&rc. = MATERNAL_CARE_&i.;
Now, before compilation of if MATERNAL_CARE_&i. ne . then do, only the &i. is evalueated and if MATERNAL_CARE_2013 ne . then do is passed to the compiler.
The compiler will see this as a test if the SAS variable MATERNAL_CARE_1 has value missing, and that is just what you wanted;
It is not essential that I moved the if statement above the ``. It is just more efficient because the condition is then evaluated less often.
It is however essential that you close your %ifs and %dos with an %end and your ifs and dos with an end;
you do not need %let rc = 1, because %do rc = 1 to 3 already initialises &rc.;
For completeness SAS is compiled stepwise:
The next PROC or data step and its macro code are only considered when the preveous one is executed.
That is why you can write macro variables from a data step or sql select into that will influence the code you compile in your next step,
somehting you can not do for instance with C++ pre compilation;
Thanks everyone. Found a hybrid solution from a few solutions posted.
data sample_ds;
infile datalines dlm=',';
input country $ maternal_2004 maternal_2005
maternal_2006 maternal_2007 maternal_2008 maternal_2009 maternal_2010 maternal_2011 maternal_2012 maternal_2013;
%macro test(var);
data &var._recent;
set sample_ds;
keep country &var._1 &var._2 &var._3;
array mc {*} &var._2004-&var._2013;
array recent {*} &var._1-&var._25;
do i = 10 to 1 by -1;
if mc[i] ne . then do;
recent[count] = mc[i];

Unable to match macro variable with dataset variable

The character variable in dataset never matches with the macro variable. The %IF loop never comes true. Kindly advice.
I am trying to match by months and accordingly trying to create array and put counts only for specific months. Not working because the month macro variable never matches with dataset variable having month.
/*create dummy data*/
data datefile;
input tran_date date9. cnt 3.;
13feb2015 5
10feb2015 4
11feb2015 3
05feb2015 8
08feb2015 5
01jan2015 1
20dec2014 1
31jan2015 2
23dec2014 2
12jan2015 1
/*calculate month*/
data datefile11;
set datefile;
/*select distinct month*/
proc sql;
create table datefile12 as select distinct(tran_mon)
from datefile11 order by tran_mon;
/*convert month from numeric to character*/
data datefile11(drop=tran_mon);
informat tran_mon2 $6.;
set datefile11;
/*create macro variables through datastep*/
data datefile13;
set datefile12;
monum = cat('mnth',_N_);
data _null_;
set datefile13;
call symput(monum,trim(left(tran_mon)));
/*use array to make separate column for each month and
put split count for each month to each colunms*/
%macro c;
proc sql noprint;
select count(1) into :nrow from datefile13;
%let nrow = &nrow;
data datefile14;
set datefile11;
array mon{*} mon_1 - mon_&nrow;
%do i=1 %to &nrow;
%if tran_mon2 = &&mnth&i %then %do; %put tran_mon2;
mon_&i = cnt; %end;
%else %do; mon_&i = 0 ; %end;
%mend c;
Your macro %if %then %do check executes while the data step is still being compiled - by the time the data step has begun to execute, there is no further opportunity to use macro logic like that.
Try doing it the other way round - write your loop using if then do data step logic instead.