Question about Karate test case for POST method - unit-testing

I have an endpoint URL, within Swagger I must pass certain fields to test the POST method. I was wondering if anyone had an example of how to set up a Karate test for a POST method?

Yes, there are plenty in the documentation:
If you follow the quickstart, you will get a sample project with a working POST:
Scenario: create a user and then get it by id
* def user =
"name": "Test User",
"username": "testuser",
"email": "",
"address": {
"street": "Has No Name",
"suite": "Apt. 123",
"city": "Electri",
"zipcode": "54321-6789"
Given url ''
And request user
When method post
Then status 201


Instagram: Graph API does not return id of user who commented

I am using Facebook Graph v7.0 to access Instagram data.
I can get comments made on instagram media using the following query:
"id": "18132613492054980",
"ig_id": "2263043983231761272",
"caption": "Sprite",
"timestamp": "2020-03-12T06:51:27+0000",
"owner": {
"id": "17841430463493290"
"username": "jobyjohn123456",
"media_type": "IMAGE",
"permalink": "",
"comments": {
"data": [
"hidden": false,
"id": "18132938077057326",
"like_count": 0,
"media": {
"id": "18132613492054980"
"text": "Nice sprite \u0040yziaf__07",
"timestamp": "2020-03-12T06:52:27+0000",
"username": "zimba_birbal"
"comments_count": 2
In the response, I do not get the User Id of user who commented. It just includes the username of the commenter.
Though, I pass user in the query, the result does not include it.
Do I need any special permission to get user id of the user who commented in the comment response?
There is Facebook API "business discovery" to get the user details of other Instagram User.
API request:{followers_count,media_count,username,ig_id}
We can pass the user name in that API request, then we will get the Instagram User Id.
The documentation says it has one limitation, this will not work for "age-gated Instagram Business IG Users" but I do not exactly know what it means. When I tested for both older Instagram account and new Instagram account (just recently created account) and this API is returning data for both.
When I tested for private Instagram account, it did not work so it seems this api works only for business account.
If that api does not work, there is one workaround. The following request help to get User Id using its username but I have not found any API documentation regarding this API. It looks like this is not a standard API and moreover it does not need any token.

Identify if the post author is a page or a user?

What is the proper way to identify if the author of a post is a user or a page?
"data": [
"id": "118067454874491_1584993008181921",
"from": {
"id": "1112315252115029",
"name": "Clara Barranquero",
"link": ""
I currently use the "" for that and if it is of form then is a User
if it's of from then it is a Page
In v2.4 I could have included from{category} in the response and if that was not empty it meant the author is a Page.
Include a field that´s only available in the Page or User table:
Checking for app_scoped_user_id in the link field is not a bad idea though.

Graph API Score with GET method can't return score field

I use Facebook SDK 4.2.0 Android to create the leader scoreboard for my game.
I post successfully my score with POST method at /me/scores graphPath:
{Response: responseCode: 200, graphObject: {"success":true}, error: null}
However, when I try to GET the score at /me/scores as well as /793295994100883/scores (793295994100883 is my APP ID), I didn't see my score in JSON result string.
{Response: responseCode: 200, graphObject: {"data":[{"user":{"id":"Facebook USER-ID","name":"Facebook USER-NAME"}}]}, error: null}
In, It return my expected string when I get at /793295994100883?field=scores{score}
"scores": {
"data": [
"score": 1234,
"user": {
"name": "Facebook USER-NAME",
"id": "Facebook USER-ID"
"id": "793295994100883"
Please help with this issue. How can I get score with Facebook SDK?
Which version of the Graph API is your app using? If it's v2.4, you have to specify each field you want to retrieve.
Have a look at my answer here:
Facebook only returning name and id of user

How to handle different data type for same property for a HTTP or REST API

I work on a web application using AngularJS for the frontend and the backend for Symfony2. I want to make a web service so I can have a one page app. I am wondering about how I should handle the data exchange between the two layers.
Consider this use case:
A user wants to create a project in the application and must specify whether it be as a customer or supplier in that project. The creator of the project gives the project a name and a description. Then he enters the email address of the contact person (who will be the customer or supplier in the project depending on the choice of the user who created the project). When creating the project the system checks whether the contact person is already registered otherwise it sends an invitation to join the application and waits. It is not necessary to invite the contact person at the creation of a project that can be done later.
I imagine the API is as follows:
"name": "My Project"
"descrption": "My Project'description"
"vendor": {
"user_id": 3245
"client": ""
"name": "My Project"
"description": "My Project'description"
"vendor": {
"user_id": 3245,
"name": "John Doe"
"client": {
"user_id": 2754,
"name": "Peter Doe"
"creator": {
"user_id": 3245,
"name": "John Doe"
So we can see that the type of data exchanged in the creation of a project differs.
Can I link directly to my model application (after validation of course)?
How should I go about updating a project?
Is it better to create Transfer Objects and managed into my business logic and a TransfertObject for input and one for output?

How to expose a Django model as a RESTful web service?

I'm trying to create a REST web service that exposes the following Django model:
class Person(models.Model):
uid = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=40)
latitude = models.CharField(max_length=20)
longitude = models.CharField(max_length=20)
speed = models.CharField(max_length=10)
date = models.DateTimeField(
def __unicode__(self):
Here's how I thought about it so far:
Get all Persons
URL: http://localhost/api/persons/
Method: GET
Used for getting the Persons that are within the specified coordinate range.
Used for getting the specified page of the response (if the response contains multiple pages).
200 OK & JSON
404 Not Found
GET http://localhost/api/persons/?startlat=10&endlat=15&startlng=30&endlng=60
{ "href": "1" },
{ "href": "2" },
{ "href": "3" },
{ "href": "100" }
"next": "http://localhost/api/persons/?startlat=10&endlat=15&startlng=30&endlng=60&page=2"
Get info on a specified Person
URL: http://localhost/api/persons/[id]
Method: GET
200 OK & JSON
404 Not Found
"uid": "5",
"name": "John Smith",
"coordinates": {
"speed": "12.6",
"updated": "July 17, 2009, 8:46 a.m."
How correct is my attempt so far? Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
{ "href": "1" },
1 is hardly a valid URL. You should use full URLs. Google for HATEOAS.
Also, remember to send a relevant Content-Type header. You may want to make up your own mime-type to describe the format. This gives you the option to later change the content-type (Eg. change the format after publishing). See Versioning REST Web Services
I think query parameters could be simpler and clearer. This would make the URI more readable and would allow more flexibility for future extensions:
GET http://localhost/api/persons/?latitude=10:15&longitude=30:60
You may want to enable these in the future:
GET http://localhost/api/persons/?latitude=10&longitude=60&within=5km
Seems REST-cool. Even i worked on same kind of thing, few days earlier.
The only change, i would love to do in it, is the direct link to the person details. And also some details (like name here) to identify the person, and aid me in decision to navigate further. Like...
{ "name": "John Smith", "href": "http://localhost/api/persons/1/" },
{ "name": "Mark Henry", "href": "http://localhost/api/persons/2/" },
{ "name": "Bruce Wayne", "href": "http://localhost/api/persons/3/" },
{ "name": "Karl Lewis", "href": "http://localhost/api/persons/100/" }
"next": "http://localhost/api/persons/?startlat=10&endlat=15&startlng=30&endlng=60&page=2"
This way, i am giving everything, to present data as,
Karl Lewis
Next Page
It's ok to provide shorthand URIs in your JSON responses if you provide some templating system. Like giving a base URI as something like{id}/ and then providing IDs. Then with python you can just do a format call on the string. You don't ever want to make the programmer actually look at and understand the meaning of the URIs, which isn't necessary when you use templates.
You might want to take a look at pre-existing REST middleware. I know they saved me a lot of time. I'm using And a snippet of the
json_achievement_resource = Collection(
queryset = Achievement.objects.all(),
permitted_methods = ('GET',),
responder = JSONResponder(paginate_by = 10)
urlpatterns += patterns('',
url(r'^api/ach(?:ievement)?/(.*?)/json$', json_achievement_resource),