how to get id from Url in python django last v? - django

I want to get the id from url in Django for a python programming language but I face the problem page no found. I want the code for this in the last version in Django because I have it please help me

What I would recommend you to follow the tutorial in the official Django web page.
You will learn Django urls, models and views basics there.
The answer to your question you can find on the 3rd page of the tutorial:


How can i Add captcha to my Html form using Django

I have already made a website with Django but unable to add captcha with Django and link it with html template
As the others stated, I don't know what you tried so far, but there are some packages already implemented for a captcha with django.
Follow the link below and choose a package which suits your needs. If there's a problem with one of the packages you can't solve after you read the documentation, you can come back here and ask again.
Django captcha packages.

Django vs Django-CMS -business compare site

I've developing in django for the past few months and I find it extremely great.
My next project is a price-comparing site for local businesses - where each user can add business and comment on each.
The admin of the site won't be a programmer, but with basic knowledge in web and python.
Should I stick to the old familiar django or should I try it out?
Thanks :)
django CMS is built on top of Django and meant to be integrated into existing Django applications or extended with new ones. So your question is flawed.
So instead ask yourself if you need CMS functionality (pages managed by your admins). It sounds like your main app (the compare bit) is better handled by a Django application, but maybe you want the site admin to be able to easily edit the About Us page etc, this is where django CMS could come in handy.

Django Image Upload

I am trying to upload an image using a form with Django. First off, I don't know if I should be doing this with django or a combination of jQuery and Django. Second, I am looking for a simple tutorial using 1.7 and can't seem to find one. Is there something like this for version 1.7. I'm just looking for something super simple and then I can expand from there.
Code from your link should work perfectly in django 1.7.
The linked tutorial will work for Django 1.7, along with pretty much any tutorial. The one thing you're going to run into that's different in 1.7 is that the migrations are built into Django now instead of using a 3rd Party App called South.
You definitely should be using django forms to upload the image, it's really simple once you get the hang of it - it's just like another field. You definitely should not use a combination of JQuery and Django.
If Django can't do what you're wanting to accomplish, take a look at Django Crispy Forms. I would suggest getting an understanding of just using Django image uploading first through, regardless.
Hope this helps. Also take a look at the Official Documentation of file uploads, if you haven't already.

Adding a blog to my Django website

I have created a website using Django 1.4.3. I'd now like to add a simple blog to it. I'm thinking a good way to do this would be to add a new blogging app to my existing Django project? Are there any simple Django blog apps that I could "drop in" to my existing project to achieve this?
Also, I have an existing blog on Posterous that I have exported (a set of folders and a wordpress_export_1.xml file.)
It would be great if I could somehow import this into my new Django based blog.
django-basic-apps (formerly django-basic-blog) has a blog app (and included apps to help said blog app) that might be what you're looking for.
Or you can try . It is a free courses by Kenneth Love.

Django: Is there a django blog or cms engine that have all wordpress features?

as it says, I want django cms engine that have the capabilities of wordpress.
I wanna build something like network but want it in python/django base.
Django is a framework, so it would be a bit more involved than wordpress for the most part to make something like tutsplus out of the box.
Check out (I dig pinax) or
But you might also want to dig deeper into django based CMSs (via other posts) like:
Django CMS which is the best?
Integrate existing blog code into Django-CMS?
more detailed list of Django based CMSs here:
Hope that helps.
I have experience with django-cms and I found it very well documented and easy to start with. I still have to figure out good way of putting forms into it.