Odd icon in Sublime Text 3 - django

I'm working in Django in ST3. This doesn't used to happen but now whenever I create a new app using ./manage.py startapp userx I get a weird icon in ST3 that I can't open. Has anyone seen this before?

That icon is an indication that the folder in question is a link; or more specifically that Sublime thinks that the folder is identical to another folder that it's already seen in the project.
This determination is made via use of low level file system meta information, such as inode information on Linux, etc. It has been known to go wrong in the past for some network file systems that provide inaccurate meta information. Additionally, there is currently no way to disable this behaviour in Sublime should this occur.
Folders that are marked as links are marked while Sublime is crawling the project folders to discover the contents for use in the side bar, for indexing, and so on. The reason for the detection is to stop a runaway index in cases where a folder might be a link to somewhere above itself in the hierarchy, which would result in an infinite number of files being found.
If you right click on a folder that's a link, the context menu will show a Reveal Link Source command that will show you what folder Sublime thinks that folder is linked to.


How do I turn my C++ code into a .app file? [duplicate]

I am building a C++ OpenGL card game in Xcode 4.3.3, with the intention of running it on both 64-bit and 32-bit Macs, which is not my problem. My problem is that I have reached a point in the development of the program where I would like to test that it works on a different 32-bit Mac (mine is 64-bit) without having to install Xcode. This, obviously, requires me exporting it as an .app. I can find and run the exported Unix Executable File from my project, after some cd'ing, through Terminal, but that is undesirable for me and the intended audience of the program. I have trawled the google and Stack Overflow, looking for anything to help me, but all the things mentioning Archiving seem to have been unsuccessful with my particular project, and I think that's because it's a C++ command line tool project. So, can someone please help me export my project as a .app?
Thanks in advance.
The simplest way of doing this would be to create a Cocoa project, go to 'build phases' and remove all the objective-c frameworks from the 'link with libraries' build phase, remove any objective-c files added by the template (app delegate, etc.) and then replace main.c with your main.cpp file.
There's nothing really special about a Cocoa project except for the fact that it links against Cocoa and calls NSApplicationMain() from its main() function.
There are also a bunch of .plist entries used by Cocoa which you'll no longer need. But they won't affect the way OS X treats your application.
I'm searching for an XCode Settings solution but here's my current way to create an app:
You have to take your binary file (let say myapp) and put it in "MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS/myapp" then it can now be launched as a .app. That's a trick.
Just go to the targets folder in the file navigator on the left, and there will be an executable listed there. Left click on that executable and click "show in finder". (I'm describing from memory so I may have the exact details wrong.) The file path is ridiculously long (there is an arbitrary alphanumerical pathname involved, I have no idea why), so you probably won't be able to find it with the command line.
If you want you can change the extension of the file from nothing to ".app", it shouldn't affect the nature of the file at all. Also if you want a custom icon, you can "get info" on it in the finder, then click on the icon in the info window, and use Cmd-V to paste it in (obviously you have to have your icon copied to the clipboard). There is also a way to do this inside of Xcode, but I don't remember it.

How to generate .ipa from .app file in Xcode 9

I am using Xcode 9. I did archive the build and got in to archive window/organiser window. From there we usually export the build. But due to some reason I cant do that.
On the prior version of Xcode, we can get into package contents and generate .ipa from .app with the help of iTunes. But now they have removed that option. Can someone help me to generate .ipa from the .app file that we have generated?
The earlier way of dragging and dropping the app file to iTunes does not work anymore.
So we can use the organizer to create .ipa file in Xcode 9.
Create an archive of your project.
Then in organizer window select the archive and click on the export option.
Then select a method of distribution in next dialog box(I had
selected development distribution).
Then the archive is prepared and development distribution options are presented. You can select any App thinning option or leave it as none and select or deselect other options and then click Next.
Then you will be prompted to select the appropriate development certificate and mobile provisioning profiles. After selecting, click Next.
Then archive will be built for distribution and you will be asked to review your applications .ipa content.
If everything is alright, click on the Export option in the dialog box.
You will be presented with another dialog box for entering the export name and location.
Enter the export folder name and select a location and then click on Export. Your .ipa file will be exported to the location which you had selected.
For more information/help regarding this way of .ipa file generation, refer to https://wiki.genexus.com/commwiki/servlet/wiki?34616,HowTo%3A+Create+an+.ipa+file+from+XCode
Also this link should help -- How to create .ipa file using Xcode?
From the other answer I see you can generate the .ipa file fine and the issue seems to be that you can't drag and drop your file anywhere as Apple have removed the applications page from iTunes.
From doing a little of my own research I think the current best solution (although I have not tried this myself yet) is to download iTunes 12.6.3 where the applications option is still available.
Please see the following link for a guide on how to do this: https://www.macworld.com/article/3230135/software-entertainment/how-to-install-itunes-1263-and-replace-itunes-127.html
The only downside I can see is that it is no longer in support as Apple only provide support for the latest version of iTunes (12.7 at the time of writing). However I guess that's exactly what stack overflow is for!
Let me know how it goes!
Just to let you know I've now downloaded iTunes 12.6.3 myself and I have my apps option back! Hopefully that helps you and you can then just follow the process you used to carry out. I have also found another post similar to yours with alternative solutions too:
With Apps option removed from latest iTunes 12.7.... , how to install adhoc IPA?

Qt application: Failed to load platform plugin “windows”

I've seen lots of threads scattered about the internet about this particular error message. All that I have seen have answers that seem to presuppose that the user has heard of something called Qt and wants to do something with Qt. I got this message while running TeXworks. TeXworks worked perfectly for me for years until someone being paid to do some maintenance on my computer decided to delete all my files and then recite boilerplate notices to me in a robot voice.
I have never heard of anything called Qt in any other connection and I have no interest in anything called Qt. I am trying to get TeXworks to function the way it always did. Is it possible to give an answer to the question of what to do about this that does not presuppose that I came to this with some interest in, and knowledge of, something called Qt?
First, detect what .dll files are missing. Download and run Dependency Walker. Open (or drag on the main window) application's .exe file. In the first level of the dependency tree there will be shown .dll files of the application
A .dll with the yellow question mark icon is missing. You should either copy all missing .dll files into the application folder or add the folder with .dll files into the PATH environment variable.

Sitecore 7.2 Command Configuration

I'm trying to get a command working in a new instance of Sitecore 7.2. The command that I've added lives in a different assembly than the main project for this web application. I've added the full path to the file for the command, along with the name of the compiled assembly in the App_Config/Commands.config file.
In Sitecore, I've added the command template under the branches/user defined folder and entered the command name from Commands.config, in the Command field. I've then added the command as an insert option on the appropriate item in Sitecore.
When I log on as an admin and click the command link under the Home tab in the top menu, nothing happens. No error is generated and the pop-up window does not appear - just nothing.
Having configured commands many times before in earlier versions of Sitecore, I can't think of what I'm missing... The only difference this time is that the file for the command is located in a different assembly. Am I missing a step somewhere that is needed, in order for this to work? Did something change in Sitecore 7.2?
It looks like there was an error in the reference to the namespace. Once I updated that, the code ran. The frustrating thing was that Sitecore wasn't generating an error. It just wasn't responding, at all.
I had a similar situation the other day. I had a Visual Studio solution with just one Class Library project and one C# class in the project. I wrote some code in that class, built the solution and moved the DLL into my Sitecore website's bin folder. I tried running the feature in Sitecore and nothing happened. I confirmed I was referencing the DLL appropriately. I then used the debugger in my Visual Studio to attach to my process and sure enough, the method parameters that Sitecore was supposed to set in my method signature were not getting set.
After trying a lot of different things, I decided to add a Web Application to my solution. I then moved the code from the Class Library to the Web Application and updated Sitecore to reference the Web Application DLL instead of the Class Library DLL. All of the sudden, my method parameters were set and the rest of my code worked as expected!
So my suggestion is: if you have the code the in a Class Library right now, move it to a Web Application project and see if that helps.

Can I disable precompilation for a particular folder?

I have some .cshtml templates I'm using to render to PDFs.
When I deploy to production they get precompiled and contain the text "This is a marker file generated by the precompilation tool, and should not be deleted!" Is there a way to tell ASP.NET not to precompile a particular subfolder? I thought maybe I could do this in web.config, but I can't find it.
I know this is 2 years old but recently I stumbled on the same problem, but since I needed the view for both MVC and e-mail I couldn't simply change the extension of the file.
Searching for solutions I found this documentation on aspnet_compiler and the -u options, that stands for Updatable, which keeps the original file intact after compilation.
In order to achieve the desired behavior I configured my publish profile as follow:
On Settings tab of Publish dialog expand the File Publish Options and check Precompile during publishing.
Click the Configure link after the checkbox and check Allow precompiled site to be updatable
Before jumping in this solution you should read carefully about the implications of this option. In the link I provided there is a Precompilation Decision Matrix to help on your decision.
I couldn't stop the views from being compiled, even by setting the build action to 'none' and turning on copy to output directory.
I ended up changing the extensions of my files to .prod, setting the content type as 'content', and setting them to open with the HTML editor in Visual Studio to get everything working the way I wanted.