I have a QML QuickControls 2 application with a Video component/control. I want to create a C++ callback to handle each frame in the video. The C++ callback function will process each frame, ie, find the edges in the image/frame and return that edge image for the UI to display.
How can I hook all this up? Ie, somehow tell the QML to call a c++ callback on each frame?
Video {
id: video
fillMode: VideoOutput.PreserveAspectFit
anchors.fill : parent
source: "file:///D:/cards.mp4"
muted: true
focus: true
Keys.onSpacePressed: video.playbackState == MediaPlayer.PlayingState ? video.pause() : video.play()
Keys.onLeftPressed: video.seek(video.position - 5000)
Keys.onRightPressed: video.seek(video.position + 5000)
My callback class, not sure if correct:
class ImageProcessor : public QObject
explicit ImageProcessor(QObject *parent = nullptr);
Q_INVOKABLE void processImage(QString va);
public slots:
You can create a VideoOutput from the video:
Rectangle {
width: 800
height: 600
color: "black"
MediaPlayer {
id: player
source: "file://video.webm"
autoPlay: true
VideoOutput {
id: videoOutput
source: player
anchors.fill: parent
You can add filters to the VideoOutput. For example here a faceRecognitionFilter:
VideoOutput {
filters: [ faceRecognitionFilter ]
In the C++ implemtation of the filter you can reach the frame:
QVideoFrame FaceRecogFilterRunnable::run(QVideoFrame *input, const QVideoSurfaceFormat &surfaceFormat, RunFlags flags)
// Convert the input into a suitable OpenCV image format, then run e.g. cv::CascadeClassifier,
// and finally store the list of rectangles into a QObject exposing a 'rects' property.
return *input;
You can collect some info here:
I need to write a GrabWindow, so I derived my class GrabWindow from QQuickWindow:
#include <QtQuickWidgets/QtQuickWidgets>
#include <QString>
class GrabWindow : public QQuickWindow {
explicit GrabWindow(QQuickWindow *parent = nullptr);
public slots:
void capture(QString const &path);
// .CPP
#include "grab_window.h"
#include <QImage>
GrabWindow::GrabWindow(QQuickWindow *parent) : QQuickWindow(parent) {
void GrabWindow::capture(const QString &path) {
QImage img = this->grabWindow();
After I registered it in QML: qmlRegisterType<GrabWindow>("myapp", 1, 0, "GrabWindow");
And after I defined my window in QML:
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.3
import myapp 1.0
GrabWindow {
id : translationWindow
width : 1024
height : 768
color: "transparent"
visibility: "FullScreen"
visible: true;
signal capture(string path)
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: translationWindow.capture("/home/user/saveTest.jpg")
But it doesn't show on start (I know it's transparent, I mean the grab window doesn't start to show). If instead of GrabWindow I use Window or ApplicationWindow then all works perfectly I am seeing a transparent full-screen window.
What's wrong?
Your GrabWindow is not shown because when you are setting the visible property it's not same as when you use Window's visible property.
Yours is just the visible property of QWindow.
Window does not directly instantiate QQuickWindow, it instantiates a private Qt class QQuickWindowImpl which overrides the visible property with a custom one.
It seems to delay the actual call of the QWindow::setVisible at a later time.
As such, I don't think QQuickWindow is meant to be inherited from. You could try doing visible = true in your Component.onCompleted but I'm not sure it will resolve your problem.
What I would advise you instead is not subclassing QQuickWindow but just creating a new type and pass it the existing Window.
Possible API could be :
Window {
id: myWindow
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: WindowGrabber.grab(myWindow, path) //singleton type
Window {
id: myWindow
WindowGrabber { // regular type
id: windowGrabber
window: myWindow
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: windowGrabber.grab(path) // you could even add a path property in WindowGrabber and not have it as a function parameter if that makes sense for your use case
I came across QFontMetrics?
This gives the height and width of the present font.
I need to run my application with full screen mode on on different monitors for which I am using Scale class. http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-scale.html
That returns the height and width of the current screen.
Is there a way to use QFontMetrics or anything else to change the font size according to the monitor size?
id: head
visible: true
width: Screen.width
height: Screen.height
title: "Novus Pilot"
property var id: 0;
id: draw_on_qimage
anchors.fill: parent
parent: image
scaleX: head.width / 640
scaleY: head.height / 480
Draw_on_qimage is a cpp class.
The easiest way is to set QFont as Q_PROPERTY of your item so you can set it from QML:
#ifndef DRAWITEM_H
#define DRAWITEM_H
#include <QPainter>
#include <QQuickPaintedItem>
class DrawItem : public QQuickPaintedItem
Q_PROPERTY(QFont font READ font WRITE setFont NOTIFY fontChanged)
DrawItem(QQuickItem *parent = Q_NULLPTR):QQuickPaintedItem(parent){}
void paint(QPainter *painter){
painter->drawText(boundingRect(), "Hello");
QFont font() const{
return mFont;
void setFont(const QFont &font){
if(mFont == font)
mFont = font;
emit fontChanged();
void fontChanged();
QFont mFont;
#endif // DRAWITEM_H
To set its size we use the pointSize property of QFont:
id: draw_on_qimage
anchors.fill: parent
font.pointSize: some_function(head.width, head.height)
transform: Scale {
xScale: head.width / 640
yScale: head.height / 480
Where some_function is the function that establishes the relationship between the font size and the size of the window.
I've got class that inherits from QQuickItem and inside I'm operating on its width height properties. I'm also exposing my own properties.
class MyQQuickItem : public QQuickItem
Q_PROPERTY(QUrl source MEMBER m_source NOTIFY sourceChanged)
explicit MyQQuickItem(QQuickItem *a_parent = Q_NULLPTR);
void sourceChanged(const QUrl a_source);
QUrl m_source;
In qml:
width: parent.width / 2
height: parent.height
source: "someSource"
console.log("component onCompleted");
When sourceChanged is emmited I'm working on width height properties, but with the first emit they are not initialized yet, and Component.onCompleted is called after my NOTIFY signal.
I can check if component is ready before getting width and height by calling isComponentComplete and execute my code when it is, but I can't find out when it happens and the initial value of source is skipped when it is not.
Of course I could create slot 'itemReady' and call it from Component.onCompleted, but I have many QMLs using my class and I will create more in the future, so I don't want to make copy-paste job.
I also do not want to set the source in Component.onCompleted.
Connecting to widthChanged, and heightChanged signals isn't also good idea, because I'm resizing my item very frequently, and I don't want to execute my code then.
Is there any way to get completed signal from C++?
I did as #Mitch said - overriten componentComplete method and inside, called it's base class equavilent. isComponentComplete() returns true, but I'm still getting 0 from width() and height() methods:
void MyQQuickItem::componentComplete()
qDebug() << "c++: oncompleted, width,height: " << width() << height(); //gives 0,0
Actually I figured out that Component.onCompleted in QML prints 0's too:
width: parent.width / 2
height: parent.height
source: "someSource"
console.log("component onCompleted width, height: ", width, height); //it gives 0 too
#derM Component.onCompleted is not emmited by QQuickItem::componentComplete() directly, because it prints its log after the qDebug in c++ above.
So, although it is ready, properties are not initialized.
Finally I've solved it. The Window was guilty, because it uses contentItem as the parent of his childrens, and in MyQQuickItem Component.onCompleted width and height of contentItem(his parent) are 0.
When I do so:
id: wnd
width: 640
height: 480
console.log("Window completed: ", this, width, height);
console.log("windowContentItem: ", contentItem, width, height);
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
console.log("MyQQuickItem completed: ", this, width, height);
console.log("MyQQuickItem parent: ", parent, parent.width, parent.height);
It prints:
qml: Window completed: QQuickWindowQmlImpl(0x345b5eb4d0) 640 480
qml: windowContentItem: QQuickRootItem(0x345e2cdec0) 640 480
qml: MyQQuickItem completed: MyQQuickItem(0x345b5b99e0) 0 0
qml: MyQQuickItem parent: QQuickRootItem(0x345e2cdec0) 0 0
So MyQQuickItem parent is Window's contentItem. When I replace
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
width: wnd.width
height: wnd.height
It works perfectly, and in my void MyQQuickItem::componentComplete() I've got width and height initialized as expected.
One thing that I do not understand is why in Window onCompleted, contentItem size is correct, but in MyQQuickItem onCompleted the size is 0,0. If anyone could explain it to me, I would be grateful :P
Qt code uses componentComplete() like so:
void QQuickControl::componentComplete()
// ...
You can do something similar, replacing resizeContent() with your function that works on the width and height. Assuming that function is also called whenever source changes, you'd need the isComponentComplete() check. With this approach, you shouldn't have any issues.
You can inherit QQmlParserStatus and implement componentComplete().
class MyQQuickItem : public QQuickItem, public QQmlParserStatus
Q_PROPERTY(QUrl source MEMBER m_source NOTIFY sourceChanged)
explicit MyQQuickItem(QQuickItem *a_parent = Q_NULLPTR);
void classBegin();
void componentComplete();
void sourceChanged(const QUrl a_source);
QUrl m_source;
componentComplete() will be called automatically by the QML-engine.
I have a problem with QQuickView instantiating components from C++... Here is my code:
Class definition (vviewerqml.h):
class VViewerQml : public QObject
explicit VViewerQml(QSettings &systemSettings, QObject *parent = 0);
protected slots:
void onViewStatusChanged(QQuickView::Status status);
QString _qmlFolder;
QQuickView _view;
Class implementation (vviewerqml.cpp):
#include "vviewerqml.h"
VViewerQml::VViewerQml(QSettings &systemSettings, QObject *parent) :
// Initialize viewer reading from settings file
_qmlFolder = "/my/path/to/qml/files";
// Initialize the source
connect(&_view, SIGNAL(statusChanged(QQuickView::Status)),
this, SLOT(onViewStatusChanged(QQuickView::Status)));
// Show the viewer
// Close the viewer
void VViewerQml::onViewStatusChanged(QQuickView::Status status)
if(status == QQuickView::Ready)
QQmlComponent *c =
new QQmlComponent(_view.engine(),
QQuickItem *i = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(c->create());
QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(i, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
Here is my Main.qml:
import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
width: 1024
height: 768
color: "#000000"
Text {
x: 0
y: 0
color: "#ffffff"
text: "Main page"
And here is my TextLegacy.qml:
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
Rectangle {
x: 0
y: 0
width: 100
height: 50
color: "#ff0000"
My code works fine until the load of Main.qml: the QML viewer opens on the screen and I can read the text "Main page" (white on black) on my screen... But unluckily I am not able to load the TextLegacy.qml... if I put a breakpoint in onViewStatusChanged function, the execution reaches that point... no visible errors are shown in the debug console... but I am not able to see on the screen the red rectangle provided by TextLegacy.qml...
What am I missing? Can somebody give some help?
Ok, I found the solution on my own: I have confused setParent with setParentItem... The correct code is:
void VViewerQml::onViewStatusChanged(QQuickView::Status status)
if(status == QQuickView::Ready)
QQmlComponent *c = new QQmlComponent(_view.engine(),
QQuickItem *i = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(c->create());
QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(i, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
Actually i->setParent(this); defines the parent of i as a QObject (for deleting purposes, for example) while i->setParentItem(_view.rootObject()); actually adds the object to the scene, as a child of the scene root object.
I'm new to Qt, and from what I've read on qt-project.org and other places; QtQuick seems like an attractive option because of its ability to work on both pointer and touch based devices. My problem is getting it to work well with c++.
I decided to write a variant of Conway's Game of Life as a next step after "Hello World". I am thoroughly mystified as to how to get the "board" -- a [height][width][bytes-per-pixel] array of char -- integrated into the scene graph.
Basically, the process is that the "LifeBoard" iterates through its rules and updates the char*/image. I've got this simple QML:
ApplicationWindow {
id: life_app_window
visible: true
title: qsTr("Life")
menuBar: MenuBar {
Menu {
title: qsTr("File")
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Quit")
onTriggered: Qt.quit();
toolBar: ToolBar {
id: lifeToolBar;
ToolButton {
id: toolButtonQuit
text: qsTr("Quit")
onClicked: Qt.quit()
ToolButton {
id: toolButtonStop
text: qsTr("Stop")
enabled: false
ToolButton {
id: toolButtonStart
text: qsTr("Start")
enabled: true
//onClicked: //Start life.
ToolButton {
id: toolButtonReset
text: qsTr("Stop")
// onClicked: //Reset life.
Flow {
id: flow1
anchors.fill: parent
statusBar: StatusBar {
enabled: false
Text {
// Get me from number of iterations
text: qsTr("Iterations.")
I want to image to come from a class with a api kinda like this:
class Life {
QImage getImage() {}
// Or
char* getPixels(int h, int w, QImage::Format_ARGB8888) {}
I have no clue, and hours wading through tutorials did not help. How does one link a char* image in c++ to a ??? in QML so that the QML can start/stop the "Life" loop and so that the "Life" loop and update the char array and notify QML to redraw it?
Note: I've looked at subclassing QQuickImageProvider based on the info here. The problem with this approach is that I cannot see how to let c++ "drive" the on screen image. I wish to pass control from QML to c++ and let c++ tell QML when to update the display with the changed image. Is there a solution with this approach? Or another approach entirely.
First way to do that would be creating a Rectangle for each game pixel in QML, which might be fancy for a 8x8 board, but not for a 100x100 board, since you need to write the QML code manually for each pixel.
Thus I'd go for images created in C++ and exposed to QML. You call them via an image provider to allow asynchronous loading. Let Life do the logic only.
The image is called from QML like this:
Image {
id: board
source: "image://gameoflife/board"
height: 400
width: 400
Now gameoflife is the name of the image provider and board the so-called id you can use later.
Register gameoflife in you main.cpp
LifeImageProvider *lifeIP = new LifeImageProvider(life);
engine.addImageProvider("gameoflife", lifeIP);
where engine is your main QQmlApplicationEngine and life an instance of your Life game engine.
LifeImageProvider is your class to create pixeldata. Starts somehow like
class LifeImageProvider : public QQuickImageProvider
LifeImageProvider(Life *myLifeEngine);
QPixmap requestPixmap(const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize &requestedSize);
Life *myLifeEngine_;
The important method is requestPixmap, which is called from QML. You need to implement it.
To refresh the game board when Life sends a stateChanged() signal, expose life as a global object to QML:
context->setContextProperty("life", &life);
You can bind the signal to QML
Image {
id: board
source: "image://gameoflife/board"
height: 400
width: 400
Connections {
target: life
onStateChanged: {
board.source = "image://gameoflife/board?" + Math.random()
// change URL to refresh image. Add random URL part to avoid caching
Just for fun, and at the risk of downvotes for a completely tangential answer, here's a GameOfLife implemented entirely in QML, just put it in a .qml file and run it with qmlscene. Works on Qt 5.3.0, and runs surprisingly (to me) fast on an old Core 2 Duo lappy. I'm sure it'll never be as fast/efficient as a C++ QQuickImageProvider based solution though, but it does make the point it's possible to do quite a lot in QML without resorting to C++.
import QtQuick 2.2
Rectangle {
id: main
width: 640
height: 640
color: '#000088'
Timer {
interval: 1000/60
running: true
repeat: true
onTriggered: {advance();display();}
Component {
id: cellComponent
Rectangle {
objectName: 'cell'
property int row: 0
property int col: 0
x: main.width/2+width*col
y: main.height/2+height*row
width: 5
height: 5
radius: 2
smooth: true
color: '#ffcc00'
property var cells: null
Component.onCompleted: {
cells=[[-1, 0],[-1, 1],[ 0,-1],[ 0, 0],[ 1, 0]];
function display() {
// Just completely regenerate display field each frame
// TODO: might be nicer to do differential updates, would allow birth/death animations
// Nuke all previously displayed cells
for (var i=0;i<children.length;i++) {
if (children[i].objectName=='cell') {
// Show current set of cells
for (var i=0;i<cells.length;i++) {
var c=cellComponent.createObject(
function advance() {
// Build a hash of the currently alive cells and a neighbour count (includes self)
var a=new Object;
var n=new Object;
for (var i=0;i<cells.length;i++) {
var p=cells[i]
var r=p[0];
var c=p[1];
if (!(r in a)) a[r]=new Object;
for (var dr=r-1;dr<=r+1;dr++) {
for (var dc=c-1;dc<=c+1;dc++) {
if (!(dr in n)) n[dr]=new Object;
if (!(dc in n[dr])) n[dr][dc]=0;
// For all live cells, assess viability
var kill=[];
var stay=[];
for (var r in a) {
for (var c in a[r]) {
if (n[r][c]-1<2 || n[r][c]-1>3)
// For neighbours of live cells, assess potential for births
var born=[];
for (var r in n) {
for (var c in n[r]) {
if (!((r in a) && (c in a[r]))) {
if (n[r][c]==3)
And for a pure QML version using GLSL (via a recursive QML ShaderEffect) to compute the Game of Life rules on GPU see here.