OpenCascade generate a tree view of information inside a step file - c++

In order to read all shapes within my step file, I have succeed to extract all shapes using STEPControl_reader.
Now I want to find a way (OCAF/XDE ?) to extract a tree view containing which shape is contained by another one.
Could anyone give some pointers to examples extracting those informations in step file using OCAF or XDE.
I have a difficulty to understand the official document because it has a lack of examples.
By using the Mayo project:
You can use the XdeDocumentItem::XdeDocumentItem(...) constructor and recursively creating the nodes.
XdeDocumentItem::XdeDocumentItem(const Handle_TDocStd_Document &doc)
: m_cafDoc(doc),
The method rebuildAssemblyTree is like that:
for (const TDF_Label& rootLabel : this->topLevelFreeShapes())
this->deepBuildAssemblyTree(0, rootLabel);

You may use class XCAFPrs_DocumentExplorer for stack-alike traverse within OCCT 7.4.0+, and the following code snippet (based on XDisplay Draw Harness command) for traverse with recursive function calls:
//! Handle document root shapes.
int traverseDocument (const Handle(TDocStd_Document)& theDoc)
TDF_LabelSequence aLabels;
XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::ShapeTool (theDoc->Main())->GetFreeShapes (aLabels);
for (TDF_LabelSequence::Iterator aLabIter (myLabels); aLabIter.More(); aLabIter.Next())
const TDF_Label& aLabel = aLabIter.Value();
if (traverseLabel (aLabel, "", TopLoc_Location()) == 1)
return 1;
return 0;
//! Handle single label.
int traverseLabel (const TDF_Label& theLabel,
const TCollection_AsciiString& theNamePrefix,
const TopLoc_Location& theLoc)
TCollection_AsciiString aName;
Handle(TDataStd_Name) aNodeName;
if (theLabel.FindAttribute (TDataStd_Name::GetID(), aNodeName))
aName = aNodeName->Get(); // instance name
if (aName.IsEmpty())
TDF_Label aRefLabel;
if (XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetReferredShape (theLabel, aRefLabel)
&& aRefLabel.FindAttribute (TDataStd_Name::GetID(), aNodeName))
aName = aNodeName->Get(); // product name
aName = theNamePrefix + aName;
TDF_Label aRefLabel = theLabel;
XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetReferredShape (theLabel, aRefLabel);
if (XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::IsAssembly (aRefLabel))
aName += "/";
const TopLoc_Location aLoc = theLoc * XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetLocation (theLabel);
for (TDF_ChildIterator aChildIter (aRefLabel); aChildIter.More(); aChildIter.Next())
if (traverseLabel (aChildIter.Value(), aName, aLoc) == 1)
return 1;
return 0;
std::cout << aName << " ";
return 0;


how to check if personID is in my_customers (see my example)

In C++, the interface for this file says
*If no soup left returns OUT_OF_SOUP
* If personID not found in my_customers AND numbBowlsSoupLeft>0 then give this person a bowl of soup (return BOWL_OF_SOUP)
* and record it by creating new customer struct using personID, numbBowlsSoup=1 and adding this struct to my_customers, be sure to decrement numbBowlsSoupLeft.
for my implementation, I'm trying to put
int Soupline::getSoup(int personID) {
if (numBowlsSoupLeft == 0) {
return OUT_OF_SOUP;
if (!(personID : my_customers) && numbBowlsSoupLeft > 0) {
But that second if statement is giving me syntax errros, I just want to know how to check to see if the personID is IN my_customers?
my_customers was created in the soupline interface using:
std::vector<customer> my_customers; // keeps track of customers
First you want to use find() to search a vector.
Second, please handle the case if numbBowlsSoupLeft < 0, because that can be a huge source of problem.
Third, your syntax error is the (personID : my_customers), the : is for iteration.
int Soupline::getSoup(int personID) {
if (numBowlsSoupLeft <= 0) { // handles negative numBowlsSoupLeft
return OUT_OF_SOUP;
bool found_customer = false;
for (auto c : my_customers) {
if (personID == c.person_id()) { // This is my guess on how the id is stored in customer class
// Logic to process soup for customer
found_customer = true;
if (!found_customer) {
// Logic to process non-customer asking for soup?
Sorry i dunno what is the return integer is supposed to be, so it is not defined in my code example.

std::map pass by reference Pointer to Object

I'm coding a plugin for XPLANE10 which gets a MSG from ROS.
My IDE is QTcreator 4.1.0 based QT 5.7.0 for Ubuntu 64 Bit. I would like to use C++11 Standards
My code explained
The main initializes ROS and creates a map -> container.
ROS spins in a loop till my GUI sends a MSG where my AirPlane should fly.
The MSG contains 3 floats(phi, theta, psi) where "phi" is the AirPlane ID, theta contains the ID for my ETA(Estimated Time of Arrival)
and psi contains the ID for my pose All of the IDs are saved in the ParameterServer(lookuptable).
So at the beginning i look up the activeAirplanes which returns a vector . I would like to store them in a map where the key is the AirCraft ID and the second param is an instance of the Object.
So i have initialized the for example(looked in container while debugging):
[0] first = 1 // Airplane ID1
[0] second = new CObject(freq)
[1] first = 2 // Airplane ID2
[1] second = new CObject(freq)
If i get a MSG from GUI
phi = 1
ROS will callback
MSG(....std::map<i32, CObject> &container)
// if phi is 1 so use the mapkey 1 and trigger the method do_stuff from CObject
do_stuff(phi, theta, psi,freq)
I would like to call the in a function from main
int getPlanes(std::map<i32,CObject>& container)
First Question:
How do i pass the container to my callback?
Second Question:
How do i parallelize do_stuff() so my callback will return to main and i'm able to command more aircrafts while the others are calculated?
Third Question:
How would be the correct syntax for getPlanes to pass the container by reference so getPlanes() can edit it?
Fourth Question:
Is there a difference between
std::map<i32,CObject*> map
std::map<i32,CObject>* map
std::map<i32,CObject*>::iterator it=container->begin();
std::map<i32,CObject*>::iterator* it=container->begin();
If yes, what do i want ? #4Solved
// I have to edit stuff 'cause of some restrictions in my company.
#include "Header.h"
int main()
f64 freq = 10;
std::map<i32, CObject>* container;
std::map<i32,CObject>::iterator* it=container->begin();
// ROS
int rosargc = 0;
char** rosargv = NULL;
ros::init(rosargc, rosargv, "MainNode");//), ros::init_options::AnonymousName);
printf("Ros has already been initialized.....\n");
ros::NodeHandle* mainNodeHandle=new ros::NodeHandle;
ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(2);
ParameterServer * ptrParam= new ParameterServer(mainNodeHandle);
ros::Subscriber airSub=mainNodeHandle->subscribe<own_msgs::ownStruct>("/MSG",
std::vector<i32> activePlanes;
i32 retVal=0;
retVal += ptrParam-> ParameterServer::getActiveAirplanesFromServer(activePlanes);
if (retVal == 0 && activePlanes.size()>0)
for (u32 j =0; j <activePlanes.size(); j++)
container->insert (std::pair<i32,CObject> (activePlanes[j] , new CObject(freq)));
while (ros::ok())
spinner.start(); //spinnt sehr viel :-)
ros::waitForShutdown ();
int retval = 1;
return retval;
void MSG(const own_msgs::ownStruct<std::allocator<void> >::ConstPtr &guiMSG,
f64 freq,
std::map<i32, CObject> &container)
if ((guiMSG->phi != 0) && (guiMSG->theta != 0) && (guiMSG->psi != 0))
std::string alpha = std::to_string(guiMSG->phi)+std::to_string(guiMSG->theta)+to_string(guiMSG->psi);>phi) -> do_stuff(guiMSG->phi,guiMSG->theta,guiMSG->psi, freq);
std::cout<<" Did not receive anything\n"<<endl;
void do_stuff(...)
//copy the IDs to private Member of this single Object
//setROS() for this single Object
//callback the current AC pose via ID from XPLANE
//callback the wished AC pose via ID from ParamServer
// do some calculations for optimum flight path
// publish the Route to XPlane
Problem is i get it to compile now and if debug it and set a breakpoint at :
void MSG(const own_msgs::ownStruct<std::allocator<void> >::ConstPtr &guiMSG,f64 freq,std::map<i32, CObject*> &container)
The Container remains empty.
So i read some stuff about pointers and i saw my errors..
I confused * and &
if i want to pass the adress of a variable i have to write like
int main()
int a = 0;
cout<<a<<endl; // Output: 2
void AddTwo(int* a)

Rapidjson returning reference to Document Value

I'm having some trouble with the following method and I need some help trying to figure out what I am doing wrong.
I want to return a reference to a Value in a document. I am passing the Document from outside the function so that when I read a json file into it I don't "lose it".
const rapidjson::Value& CTestManager::GetOperations(rapidjson::Document& document)
const Value Null(kObjectType);
if (m_Tests.empty())
return Null;
if (m_current > m_Tests.size() - 1)
return Null;
Test& the_test = m_Tests[m_current];
CMyFile fp(the_test.file.c_str()); // non-Windows use "r"
if (!fp.is_open())
return Null;
u32 operations_count = 0;
CFileBuffer json(fp);
FileReadStream is(fp.native_handle(), json, json.size());
if (document.ParseInsitu<kParseCommentsFlag>(json).HasParseError())
if (!document.IsObject())
auto tests = document.FindMember("td_tests");
if (tests != document.MemberEnd())
for (SizeType i = 0; i < tests->value.Size(); i++)
const Value& test = tests->value[i];
if (test["id"].GetInt() ==
auto it = test.FindMember("operations");
if (it != test.MemberEnd())
//return it->value; is this legitimate?
return test["operations"];
return Null;
return Null;
Which I am calling like this:
Document document;
auto operations = TestManager().GetOperations(document);
When I inspect the value of test["operations"] inside the function I can see everything I would expect (debug code removed from the abode code).
When I inspect the returned value outside the function I can see that it's an array (which I expect). the member count int the array is correct as well, but when print it out, I only see garbage instead.
When I "print" the Value to a string inside the methods, I get what I expect (i.e. a well formated json), but when I do it outside all keys show up as "IIIIIIII" and values that aren't strings show up correctly.
rapidjson::StringBuffer strbuf2;
rapidjson::PrettyWriter<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer2(strbuf2);
As this didn't work I decided to change the method to receive a Value as a parameter and do a deep copy into it like this
u32 CTestManager::GetOperationsEx(rapidjson::Document& document, rapidjson::Value& operations)
if (document.ParseInsitu<kParseCommentsFlag>(json).HasParseError())
if (!document.IsObject())
auto tests = document.FindMember("tests");
if (tests != document.MemberEnd())
for (SizeType i = 0; i < tests->value.Size(); i++)
const Value& test = tests->value[i];
if (test["id"].GetInt() ==
const Value& opv = test["operations"];
Document::AllocatorType& allocator = document.GetAllocator();
operations.CopyFrom(opv, allocator); //would Swap work?
return operations.Size();
return 0;
Which I'm calling like this:
Document document;
Value operations(kObjectType);
u32 count = TestManager().GetOperationsEx(document, operations);
But... I get same thing!!!!
I know that it's going to be something silly but I can't put my hands on it!
Any ideas?
The problem in this case lies with the use of ParseInSitu. When any of the GetOperations exist the CFileBuffer loses scope and is cleaned up. Because the json is being parsed in-situ when the buffer to the file goes, so goes the data.

C++ How to use less conditional statements?

For my assignment, I'm storing user login infos. I'm taking in a string which is the command. The command can be create, login, remove, etc. There are 10 total options, i.e 10 different strings possible. Can anyone explain a more efficient way to write this instead of 10 if and else if statements? Basically how should I format/structure things besides using a bunch of if (string == "one"), else if (string == "two"). Thank you
I expect that your lecturer would like you to extract function to another re-usable function:
string action;
command = CreateAction(action);
Ofcourse, inside you CreateAction class you still need to have the conditionals that determine which commands need to be created.
AbstractCommand CreateAction(action)
if (action == "login")
return LoginCommand();
else if (action == "remove")
return RemoveCommand();
..... etc etc
And if you really want to get rid of all the conditionals than you can create some self-registering commands but that involves a lot more code and classes......
You should look up things like Command Pattern and Factory Pattern
You can use function pointers and a lookup table.
typedef void (*Function_Pointer)(void);
void Create(void);
void Login(void);
void Remove(void);
struct Function_Option_Entry
const char * option_text;
Function_Pointer p_function;
Function_Option_Entry option_table[] =
{"one", Create},
{"two", Login},
{"three", Remove},
const unsigned int option_table_size =
sizeof(option_table) / sizeof(option_table[0]);
std::string option_text;
for (i = 0; i < option_table_size; ++i)
if (option_text == option_table[i].option_text)
Use a switch, and a simple hash-function.
You need to use a hash-function, because C and C++ only allow switching on integral values.
template<size_t N> constexpr char myhash(const char &x[N]) { return x[0] ^ (x[1]+63); }
char myhash(const string& x) { return x.size() ? x[0] ^ (x[1]+63) : 0; }
switch(myhash(s)) {
case myhash("one"):
if(s != "one") goto nomatch;
// do things
case myhash("two"):
if(s != "two") goto nomatch;
// do things
// No match
Slight adjustments are needed if you are not using std::string.
I would recommend you to create a function for every specific string. For example, if you receive a string "create" you will call function doCreate(), if you receive a string "login" then you call function doLogin()
The only restriction on these function is that all of them must have the same signature. In an example above it was smh like this:
typedef void (*func_t) ();
The idea is to create a std::map from strings to these functions. So you wouldn't have to write 10 if's or so because you will be able to simple choose the right function from the map by the name of a specific string name. Let me explain it by the means of a small example:
typedef void (*func_t) ();
void doCreate()
std::cout << "Create function called!\n";
void doLogin()
std::cout << "Login function called!\n";
std::map<std::string, func_t> functionMap;
void initMap()
functionMap["create"] = doCreate;
functionMap["login"] = doLogin;
int main()
std::string str = "login";
functionMap[str](); // will call doLogin()
str = "create";
functionMap[str](); // will call doCreate()
std::string userStr;
// let's now assume that we also can receive a string not from our set of functions
std::cin >> userStr;
if (functionMap.count(userStr))
functionMap[str](); // now we call doCreate() or doLogin()
std::cout << "Unknown command\n";
return 0;
I hope it will help you in someway=)
You can use a map which does the comparison for you.
Something like this:
Initialise map:
std::map<std::string, std::function<void(std::string&)>> map;
map["login"] = std::bind(&Class::DoLogin, this, std::placeholders::_1);
map["create"] = std::bind(&Class::DoCreate, this, std::placeholders::_1);
Receive message:;
void Class::DoLogin(const std::string& data)
// do login
Maybe you can create a std::map<std::string, int> and use map lookups to get the code of the command that was passed - you can later switch on that number. Or create an enum Command and have a std::map<std::string, Command> and use the switch.
enum Command
std::map<std::string, Command> commandNameToCode;
// fill the map with appropriate values
commandNameToCode["create"] = Command::CREATE;
// somehow get command name from user and store in the below variable (not shown)
std::string input;
// check if the command is in the map and if so, act accordingly
if(commandNameToCode.find(input) != commandNameToCode.end())
case CREATE:
// handle create

Clang Tool: rewrite ObjCMessageExpr

I want to rewrite all messages in my code,
I need replace only selectors, but I need be able to replace nested expressions
f. e. :
[super foo:[someInstance someMessage:#""] foo2:[someInstance someMessage2]];
I tried do it with clang::Rewriter replaceText and just generate new string,
but there is a problem: It would not be work if I change selectors length, because I replace nested messages with those old positions.
So, I assumed that I need to use clang::Rewriter ReplaceStmt(originalStatement, newStatement);
I am using RecursiveASTVisitor to visit all messages, and I want to copy those messages objects, and replace selectors:
How can I do that?
I tried use ObjCMessageExpr::Create but there is so meny args, I don't know how to get ASTContext &Context and ArrayRef<SourceLocation> SeLocs and Expr *Receiver parameters from the original message.
What is the proper way to replace selectors in nested messages using clang tool (clang tooling interface)?
Should I use ReplaceStmtWithStmt callback and ASTMatchFinder ?
I am using following function to rewrite text in file:
void ReplaceText(SourceLocation start, unsigned originalLength, StringRef string) {
m_rewriter.ReplaceText(start, originalLength, string);
And I want to replace all messageExpr in code with new selector f.e:
how it was:
[object someMessage:[object2 someMessage:obj3 calculate:obj4]];
how it should be:
[object newSelector:[object2 newSelector:obj3 newSelector:obj4]];
I am using ReqoursiveASTVisitor:
bool VisitStmt(Stmt *statement) {
if (ObjCMessageExpr *messageExpr = dyn_cast<ObjCMessageExpr>(statement)) {
return true;
I created method for generating new message expr string:
string StringFromObjCMessageExpr(ObjCMessageExpr& messageExpression) {
std::ostringstream stringStream;
const string selectorString = messageExpression.getSelector().getAsString();
cout << selectorString << endl;
vector<string> methodParts;
split(selectorString, ParametersDelimiter, methodParts);
stringStream << "[" ;
const string receiver = GetStringFromLocations(m_compiler, messageExpression.getReceiverRange().getBegin(), messageExpression.getSelectorStartLoc());
stringStream << receiver;
clang::ObjCMessageExpr::arg_iterator argIterator = messageExpression.arg_begin();
for (vector<string>::const_iterator partsIterator = methodParts.begin();
partsIterator != methodParts.end();
++partsIterator) {
stringStream << "newSelector";
if (messageExpression.getNumArgs() != 0) {
const clang::Stmt *argument = *argIterator;
stringStream << ":" << GetStatementString(*argument) << " ";
stringStream << "]";
return stringStream.str();
void ReplaceMessage(ObjCMessageExpr& messageExpression) {
SourceLocation locStart = messageExpression.getLocStart();
SourceLocation locEnd = messageExpression.getLocEnd();
string newExpr = StringFromObjCMessageExpr(messageExpression);
const int exprStringLegth = m_rewriter.getRangeSize(SourceRange(locStart, locEnd));
ReplaceText(locStart, exprStringLegth, newExpr);
The problem occurs when I try to replace nested messages, like that:
[simpleClass doSomeActionWithString:string3 andAnotherString:string4];
[simpleClass doSomeActionWithString:str andAnotherString:str2];
[simpleClass doSomeActionWithString:#"" andAnotherString:#"asdasdsad"];
[simpleClass setSimpleClassZAZAZAZAZAZAZAZA:[simpleClass getSimpleClassZAZAZAZAZAZAZAZA]];
the result is:
[simpleClass newSelector:string3 newSelector:string4 ];
[simpleClass newSelector:str newSelector:str2 ];
[simpleClass newSelector:#"" newSelector:#"asdasdsad" ];
[simpleClass newSelector:[simpleClass getSimp[simpleClass newSelector]];
because messageExpression has "old" value of getLocStart(); and getLocEnd(); How can I fix it?
You can rewrite selector name by replacing only continuous parts of selector name. For example, replace only underlined parts
[object someMessage:[object2 someMessage:obj3 calculate:obj4]];
^~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~
To achieve this you require only
number of selector parts - ObjCMessageExpr::getNumSelectorLocs()
their locations - ObjCMessageExpr::getSelectorLoc(index)
their lengths - ObjCMessageExpr::getSelector().getNameForSlot(index).size().
Overall, you can rewrite ObjCMessageExpr with the following RecursiveASTVisitor:
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
#include "clang/Rewrite/Core/Rewriter.h"
namespace clang_tooling
using clang::SourceLocation;
class RewritingVisitor : public clang::ASTConsumer,
public clang::RecursiveASTVisitor<RewritingVisitor>
// You can obtain SourceManager and LangOptions from CompilerInstance when
// you are creating visitor (which is also ASTConsumer) in
// clang::ASTFrontendAction::CreateASTConsumer.
RewritingVisitor(clang::SourceManager &sourceManager,
const clang::LangOptions &langOptions)
: _sourceManager(sourceManager), _rewriter(sourceManager, langOptions)
virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext &context)
bool VisitObjCMessageExpr(clang::ObjCMessageExpr *messageExpr)
if (_sourceManager.isInMainFile(messageExpr->getLocStart()))
clang::Selector selector = messageExpr->getSelector();
for (unsigned i = 0, end = messageExpr->getNumSelectorLocs();
i < end; ++i)
SourceLocation selectorLoc = messageExpr->getSelectorLoc(i);
return Base::VisitObjCMessageExpr(messageExpr);
typedef clang::RecursiveASTVisitor<RewritingVisitor> Base;
clang::SourceManager &_sourceManager;
clang::Rewriter _rewriter;
} // end namespace clang_tooling