if condition to folder branch in Jenkinsfile - if-statement

I have branch folder "feature-set" under this folder there's multibranch
I need to run the below script in my Jenkinsfile with a condition if this build runs from any branches under the "feature-set" folder like "feature-set/" then run the script
the script is:
sh """
if [ ${env.BRANCH_NAME} = "feature-set*" ]
echo ${env.BRANCH_NAME}
branchName='${env.BRANCH_NAME}' | cut -d'\\/' -f 2
echo \$branchName
npm install
ng build --aot --output-hashing none --sourcemap=false
the current output doesn't get the condition:
[ feature-set/swat5 = feature-set* ]
any help?

I would re-write this to be primarily Jenkins/Groovy syntax and only go to shell when required.
Based on the info you provided I assume your env.BRANCH_NAME always looks like `feature-set/
// Echo first so we can see value if condition fails
// startsWith better than contains() based on current usecase
if ( (env.BRANCH_NAME).startsWith('feature-set') ) {
// Split branch string into list based on delimiter
List<String> parts = (env.BRANCH_NAME).tokenize('/')
* Grab everything minus the first part
* This handles branches that include additional '/' characters
* e.g. 'feature-set/feat/my-feat'
branchName = parts[1..-1].join('/')
sh('npm install && ng build --aot --output-hashing none --sourcemap=false')

This seems to be more on shell side. Since you are planning to use shell if condition the below worked for me.
$ if [[ ${BRANCH_NAME} = feature-set* ]]; then echo "Success"; fi
Remove the quotes and add an additional "[]" at the start and end respectively.
The additional "[]" works as regex


How can I auto-format Rust (and C++) code on commit automatically?

I would like to automatically format the code when I do commit using rustfmt the same way as I did it before for clang-format -i. I.e. format only the lines of code which has been updated in the commit without touching other code. How to do it?
It might be done using git pre-commit hook in the following way:
Add file pre-commit to the folder .githooks in your repo with the following text:
exe=$(which rustfmt)
if [ -n "$exe" ]
# field separator to the new line
for line in $(git status -s)
# if added or modified
if [[ $line == A* || $line == M* ]]
# check file extension
if [[ $line == *.rs ]]
# format file
rustfmt $(pwd)/${line:3}
# add changes
git add $(pwd)/${line:3}
echo "rustfmt was not found"
Run in your repo folder:
chmod +x .githooks/pre-commit
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
To make it work for clang-format you need to replace rustfmt with clang-format -i and do corresponding modifications in the check for file extension (cpp\h\hpp\etc).

I use perl in a bash script that pipes to a regular expression. How do I also set a variable in the piped stream?

I have created a bash script that runs on several machines that contain different git local repositories. It tests many conditions and tells me if the repository has uncommitted files, untracked files, and one test in particular tells me that the local is ahead or behind the remote by the number of commits. The problem with the script is that it doesn't return or set an 'ok' flag which I use to echo the "ok" message if everything is in sync. So, I get the message that it's ahead or behind, but then get the "ok" message. Here is the portion of the script that does the ahead or behind, and I can't see how to get it to set an ok = false somehow.
git fetch>/dev/null && git branch -v |
perl -wlne'
print "$ENV{reponame} [$1] --> $3 $2"
if /^..(\S+)\s+([a-f0-9]+)\s+(\[(?:ahead|behind)\s+\d+\])/
' |
while IFS= read -r MOD; do
printf ' %s\n' "$MOD" # Replace with code that uses $MOD
if $ok; then
echo " OK --> $reponame [$br] $rev"
I copied this from another script and don't really understand the IFS = read -r MOD; section that I thought might set the flag, but it doesn't occur.
This is the output I get:
bin [develop] --> [behind 1] 026e1ad
OK --> bin [develop] 026e1ad
OK --> notes [develop] 4cd077f
OK --> indecks [develop] e6b4293
OK --> queue [develop] 5469679
OK --> frameworks [master] 05fedb6
OK --> dashboard [isolate] f8b1101
OK --> nodejs [develop] 5af2ea7
OK --> perl-forth [master] 45cc837
OK --> blog [master] c19edfd
Note that for bin I get:
bin [develop] --> [behind 1] 026e1ad
OK --> bin [develop] 026e1ad
I'd rather not get that OK after the behind 1! Another script checks for any non-OK in the left column and sends me an email.
With the perl and all the piping, how could I set the ok variable before it prints?
In most shell implementations, all processes in a pipeline are run in a subshell. In this case, you're running a while loop at the end of a pipeline, so it (and it alone) is in the subshell. Whether you set ok to false or not, it has no effect on the if block because that's run the main shell, which doesn't inherit variables from the subshell.
zsh and AT&T ksh (but not other ksh implementations) execute the last command in the main shell and not a subshell. POSIX permits either behavior, but the bash behavior is far more common among shells.
The easiest way to handle this is to run the entire command you're interested in in a subshell:
git fetch>/dev/null && git branch -v |
perl -wlne'
print "$ENV{reponame} [$1] --> $3 $2"
if /^..(\S+)\s+([a-f0-9]+)\s+(\[(?:ahead|behind)\s+\d+\])/
' |
(while IFS= read -r MOD; do
printf ' %s\n' "$MOD" # Replace with code that uses $MOD
if $ok; then
echo " OK --> $reponame [$br] $rev"
This puts both parts using the ok variable in the same subshell, so you can modify it and it will have an effect.

Regex in Windows Batch to automate Docker run

I am trying to automate the process of sending my temporary Amazon AWS keys as environment variables to a Docker image using Windows. I have a file, credentials.txt that contains my AWS credentials (the 3 ids are always the same, but the string values change regularly). I am using Windows command prompt.
(includes 2 empty lines at end) credentials.txt:
aws_access_key_id = STR/+ing1
aws_secret_access_key = STR/+ing2
aws_session_token = STR/+ing3
Desired output:
I need to issue the following command in order to run a Docker image (substituting the strings with the actual strings):
docker run -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=STR/+ing1 -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=STR/+ing2 -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=STR/+ing3 my-aws-container
My idea is to try to use regex on credentials.txt to convert it to:
SET aws_access_key_id=STR/+ing1
SET aws_secret_access_key=STR/+ing2
SET aws_session_token=STR/+ing3
And then run:
docker run -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=%aws_access_key_id% -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=%aws_secret_access_key% -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=%aws_session_token% my-aws-container
Does anyone have any advice on how to achieve this?
You can parse your credentials.txt with a for /f loop to set the variables (effectively removing the spaces):
for /f "tokens=1,3" %%a in ('type credentials.txt ^| find "="') do set "%%a=%%b"
and then run the last code line from your question:
docker run -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=%aws_access_key_id% -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=%aws_secret_access_key% -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=%aws_session_token% my-aws-container
Note: the values should not contain spaces or commas.
I've had a go in python that seems to work. Someone else may have a better answer.
I create the python file:
import re
import os
myfile = 'C:/fullpath/credentials'
with open(myfile,'r') as f:
mystr = f.read()
vals = re.findall('=[\s]*([^\n]+)',mystr)
environment_vars = ''.join([' -e ' + k + '=' + v for k,v in zip(keys,vals)])
cmd = 'docker run'+environment_vars+' my-aws-container'
Then from command prompt I run:
python docker_run.py
This succeeds in running docker
(note: I tried using exec() in the final line rather than os.system(), but got the error "SyntaxError: invalid syntax")

How to add the tags automatically before started the build creation?

I have setup the build and release definitions for my web application in VSTS. Whenever I commit the code then automatically start the build process, after build succeed I manually add the tags like shown in below figure.
But I want to add the build tags before started the build creation only. So, how can I add the tags automatically before started the build creation?
It seems you are using CI build, so if you want to add tags automatically, you can use pre-push hook in local git repo.
Or if it’s ok for you to add tags after build, you can set in build definition. In Get sources step -> show Advanced settings -> select Always for Tag sources -> specify Tag format -> save.
A sample example for pre-push hook (.git/hooks/pre-push), to add a tag with increment of tag version and the version format is major.minor, the number is not bigger then 9:
for tag in $(git tag)
IFS=. read -r major minor <<< "$tag"
if [ $((major-temp1)) > 0 ]
elif [ $major == $temp1 ]
if [ $((minor-temp2)) > 0 ]
if [ $temp2 != 9 ]
git tag -a $nexttag -m $nexttag

How to move fossil repository subdirectory tree (to elsewhere within same repository, retaining tree levels)

I have a directory with multiple levels of subdirectories inside a fossil checkout, that I want to move to another location in a different subdirectory and retain the multiple-level directory structure.
For instance, to move a1 into a2 below, to go from having (handwritten like an abbreviated find command output):
I want fossil mv --hard a1 a2 to result in:
Just like the normal unix mv command would result in. Ideally with the history of the mv kept so it can be merged into another branch with any changes to files and more-files intact; as I could just fossil remove the files then re-add them as fresh files, but this is an uglier solution than I'd like.
fossil mv command (in v1.33 on Linux) loses the multiple levels and I end up with all files from lower level subdirectories moved into the top level directory of the new location.
One solution was to write a script to move each directoy individually, a level at a time, so it retained the structure. I would like to suggest this functionality to the fossil developer(s). I may post the script (below, with another dependency script included below that) to my github (user jgbreezer) sometime, but for now, this script (which I called fossilmvtree). It ignores files in the checkout not in fossil and will leave the old files/dirs where there are any (I don't believe it deletes them):
# $1=source tree
# $2=dest. dir
# supports fossil mv options
# moves single source tree as-is to under/new dest.dir (not reducing dir levels to flat structure under dest dir)
usage () {
cat >&2 <<EOF
Usage: fossilmvtree [-x|--exclude= exclude_dirname] source dest"
-x option may be specified multiple times; do not specify full paths, just last
(filename/aka basename) of a directory to exclude from the move.
Command-line arguments are always included.
while [ -z "${1##-*}" ]
case "$1" in
if [[ "${1#--exclude=}" == "$1" ]]
# separate arg, '--exclude=' not used
excinfo="$excinfo $arg"
# pruning is efficient
exclude="$exclude -type d -name '${arg//\'/\\\'}' -prune -o"
fossilopts="$fossilopts $1 $2"; shift;;
fossilopts="$fossilopts $1";;
echo "excluding paths: $excinfo"
echo "fossil mv options: $fossilopts"
[ $# -eq 2 ] || { usage; exit 1; }
mv="$(which fossilmvrev 2>/dev/null)" || { usage; echo "error:Missing fossilmvrev" >&2; exit 1; }
srcdir="$(basename "$src")"
if [ -f "$dst" ]
# move src to new subdir of dst; otherwise we're renaming and moving
[ -d "$dst" ] || { echo "error:Destination '$dst' exists but is not a directory" >&2; exit 1; }
#could set safe PATH (-execdir is cautious of relative/empty paths in $PATH but fossil binary might not be in std.location): PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
eval find "$src" $exclude -type d -printf '%P\\n' | {
while read -r dir
[ -z "$dir" ] || [[ "$src/$dir" == "$dst/$dir" ]] && continue
echo "fossil mv $src/$dir/* $dst/$dir/"
mkdir -p "$dst/$dir" || exit 1
find "$src/$dir" -maxdepth 1 \! -type d -exec "$mv" $fossilopts "$dst/$dir" '{}' +
rmdir "$src/$dir" # tidy up, as we only moved the files above (fossil doesn't really manage dirs)
# if rmdir fails due to remaining files, let user manage that (rmdir will complain to stderr if so) -
# likely to be unversioned files they might have forgotten about, shouldn't delete without user's knowledge.
It was only really tested once or twice on my specific fossil checkout, though written ready to be a re-usable script; please check the diffs (suggest do a clean checkout somewhere else and run it on that, then diff against your regular one using "diff -qr" or something before committing to check it behaved itself).
Careful if using the -x/exclude option, I wasn't sure that worked properly.
It depends on fossilmvrev script:
# switch order of move arguments around to work with find -exec ... +
while [ -z "${1##-*}" ]
case "$1" in
--case-sensitive) opts="$opts $1 $2"; shift 2;;
*) opts="$opts $1"; shift;;
fossil mv $opts "$#" $destdir
I think there is a much simpler solution
(this is under Windows but similarly for Linux)
md a2\a1
fossil mv a1 a2/a1 --hard